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The Story...

The Lylat System is known for its famed Starfox. Stories of their exploits and adventures are not only marked in the solar system's historical texts, but also on the scars on the planet terrains and the fields of debris and destroyed armadas drifting in space left after their battles. Fox and company were called heroes, saviors, and they were recognized everywhere they went. Fox and Krstal married and began working on creating a family of their own. Slippy and Amanda soon followed their trail. Falco became the new head of Star Fox and coxed Katt into joining as well. General Hare was given the reigns and worked closely with Dash Bowmen to ease the tension between Corneria and the residents of Panacea, New Venom. Peace seemed certain.

However, Dash Bowman went insane with power. Within only six years, he was already mobilizing to strike the Lylate System again. And again, the Star Fox team, now even large and stronger than before, stepped between the planet Venom and universal domination. The struggle was long and hard. Both sides took heavy tolls from the numerous battles. Even with the help of the elite mercenary squadron, Star Fox, it seemed that the war was going to drag on for ages. And then forces of the Lylat system began to falter. Elite Anglar squadrons who survived the Anglar Wars joined in the fray tilting the war in favor of Venom. Outnumbered by bioweapons and well seasoned squads of fighters, it seemed the Lylat System had no chance of surviving another war.

At the Second Battle for Corneria, considered to be the decisive final battle of the war, outnumbered 1000 to one, the Cornerian fleet made their stand. Only after a few hours of intense battling, it looked like the end. To everyone's surprise, Star Wolf stepped in being followed by a number of other mercenary squadrons who had decided to mix it up and turned the tables on Venom and it's armies. More intense fighting raged. In the battling, Panther took a hit which cost him right eye. The flagship that Peppy was on also took a missile to the bridge. The day was saved, and amazingly the war. Venom, had put everything into that strike. Dash, himself, flew in that sortie and was shot down when the Star Wolf lead reinforcements showed up.

Peace finally seemed certain for generations to come after The Final Flight, the battle between Dash and his army from Panacea, and the combined force of Star Fox, the Cornerian forces And Star Wolf.

Now, twenty years later, all the original members of the the two teams have retired and except for Falco who, again, now takes the lead of Star Fox, and Katt, who flies solo. Wolf had bitterly buried his rivalry with Fox by the latter's request so he could raise his and Krystal's son, Marcus, who would latter became the new head of Star Fox, a young blue wolf who's skill mimics that of his father. At the head of Star Wolf is a mysterious young ave who is rumored to have been raised and trained by Lord O'Donnell.

Now, the ave is posing a problem to the Lylat System, like the previous leader of the Star Wolf team. He was reported leaving the scene of at a Military Weapons Facility from the Sector-X. He and his team's whereabouts are completely unknown.... Sightings of the Wolfen Terror, Star Wolf's own version of the Great Fox, are plenty, what wouldn't be with a $5000 reward for reliable information. The bounty on the members head is tremendous, save for one, a young shewolf, who, under no circumstances, is to be harmed.

It has been three years since the the trail of Star Wolf went cold. Many of the mercenary group that were on the team's trail have given up, but the rising prices on their bounty has gotten some to try to pick it up. Why are they so important? What have they done that could ruin their reputation so quickly. Why won't anyone say anything more than the price on their head? And who is the mysterious girl and why is she so important.

You're a mercenary, right?
-Maybe you want some money. This is a great way for you to get noticed. Bringing in the great StarWolf team. Or perhaps your curious. Then sign on and take up this mission. Hunt Star Wolf Down. Get Paid!

-You look upset. Maybe you know of the StarWolf members and you want to know why they're being hunted by the Cornerian forces. Follow their trail, meet up with them. Give them a hand. Find out the Truth.

Attention, Soldier!
-All you need to know is StarWolf has something Corneria wants. If you find them, take them in, or take them out. Leave the wolf girl alive. We needed her.

So what's your path. Are you a friend? A Foe? Or do you have your own Agenda?

To be honest this is a universe RP. While still being true to of the Starfox realm, you are not just confined to be a pilot or a mercenary. A master thief, a club owner, a local vigilante or maybe even a gang leader, Movie star, a sports star, gambler, resort owner, it is up to you.

I am even allowing for the expansion of the RP to include other star systems and universes. So just know when you join you have many options laid out for you.


This Guild is a Free Style RP based in a single universe. While I consider my story the center point of the Main roleplay, it doesn't have to be that way for you. Either follow in or create you're own agenda. It's your life. Do what you want with it.

I'm not going to make thing hard. I just want to see you're regular replaying skill. Make a post and send it to me, Revan Maxwell, DJ_Takuya, Summyr, or Solid Snake in the Box. You will get the final okay from me, in which case I will then invite you to guild.

Please don't be discouraged by the requirement. I realize not everyone can right a novel like post, and I'm not saying you have to. I'm just looking for people who can RP clearly and efficiently.