Welcome to the Manor. Come inside, get comfortable.


A small Rp group centering around the supernatural and preturnatural.

A lovely, multiple-storied manor located scenically in the hillsides.


Somewhere in ___ (I've forgotten). XD I'll find out in a bit.

The Manor's purpose is a place where the magically gifted, preturnaturally curse, or simply 'odd' can go to feel safe and at home. A boarding home, a shelter. It's a scenic and calm place to be, but serenity rarely lasts -- That is the premise of the Mythic Manor Rp.


TA Donations:
Ivy: 650
Obelisk: 1000 (900 of which goes to TA)
Kirwin: 150
Jayn: 200
Megan: 200
Jennifer: 1040
Ri: 3700; Emo Glasses!
Toen: 125
Rex: Nightmare Boots!
Claribel: Witch's Hat!
Jennifer: 2040; 90s gloves!
Subtotal: 5815
Reward Donations:
Ivy: 150
Ri: 200
Haru: 125
Jennifer: 125
Nion: 125
Jayn: 1475
Rex: 500
Subtotal: 2700

***The image formerly featured above was of the Hidcote Manor. The mini-banner is a small portion of that image.