Welcome Guys and Girls to the newly re-opened Official Legend of Zelda Guild! We are Gaia's longest running Legend of Zelda Guild, having been opened all the way back in August 2004.

We took a hiatus a few years ago to cool off from Gaia, but now we're back and ready to be once again THE Number One Zelda hangout in Gaia. So come on in and join the conversation, or start one.

We offer tips and tricks, chatterbox forums, deep and intimate discussion, roleplay, a trading post and much much more.

There is no charge, all you have to do is hit that join button, and voila, once your request has been accepted, you're in and ready for your grand adventure in our humble abode.

But let's lay down some ground rules.

1) When joining, give some detail on why you want to join.
A simple two sentences will suffice. But please, don't give us anything like "Bcuz Z3lda r0x 1337".

If your request is denied, it would be because the request was deemed insufficient or illegible.
But that's ok. Try again, and give a better join request reason. You should be fine the first time around anyway.

If your request has been pending for more than two days, send Vice Captain Thak a message.

2) It should probably go without saying that you stick to the Gaian TOS when participating in the Guild. Keep it PG-13, keep it clean, and have fun.

3) A Moderator's word is final. If there are discussions or debates that are getting too heated and descending into petty namecalling or trolling, a Mod will step in and end it in whichever way they deem best.

With that in mind, respect the Captain and his Crew.
Respect each other. Be tolerant of one another and keep an open mind in any discussion you partake in.
Stay on topic for the most part. We do have Chatterbox threads for those who like to go off the beaten path.

Different boards will have different allowances for what is ok and what isn't, so be sure to check that out.

So with that said, come on in and enjoy some video games.
And as we used to have on here back in the day:

Dungeons, Bombs, Boomerangs, Keys and Magic Swords.
Welcome BACK! To The Official Legend of Zelda Guild!

Guild Captain

Fine Print: This Guild and it's members are in no way backed by Nintendo or it's subsidiaries. The usage of the word "Official" stems from this Guild being the first of it's kind back in 2004.
The Legend of Zelda and it's characters are trademarked by Nintendo and all usage in this Guild is done under fair-use and non-profit.