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Good ol' fashion Magical High school RPing. 

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The Razz

Anxious Noob

PostPosted: Fri Sep 15, 2006 6:37 pm
Rayna laughed hard at Hikaru's imitation of the large man, clutching her sides and trying to catch her breath. "Oh, you should've been there!" she exclaimed, leaning on her and breathing heavily. "He actually chased after me...but since he weighed a lot, and me being a bit quicker than him, I got away." she sighed, sitting up straight once more. "Oh! This is the facial expression he had nearly the whole time I wrestled with him, too." she added. She then furrowed her eyebrows as much as she could, scrunching up her face and glaring at Hikaru through the slits of her eyes. She bared her teeth, tensing up her shoulders and breathing heavily through her nose, pretending like she was the man trying to get her arm down to the table. It was quite a funny site.

After a few moments of this, she stopped, laughing harder than she had before. Rayna nearly fell into the water, but she barely kept her balance, and leaned the other direction. Then, after her laughter died down, she smiled broadly at her dear friend, listening to her intently. "No problem. Of course you can!" she cried, jumping up to her feet, dragging Hikaru up with her. "You're Hikaru Yuki! And you know all those guys are a bunch of pansies!" she muttered the last part, grinning devilishly. "And-"

"What are you two yelling about at this time of night?" a familiar, male voice asked. Rayna whirled around to see Charlie standing there, hands on his sides as he gave the two a curious look. Her smile immediately waned. "Nothing. Just encouraging Hiko." she answered cooly. Charlie didn't reply at first. He and Rayna just stared at each other. Clearly, there was a bit of tension between the two. Rayna then turned to Hikaru, smiling. "You can do it, Hikaru. You can be so much better than all them!" she told her, taking Hikaru's hands in her own excitedly, shaking them.
PostPosted: Fri Sep 15, 2006 6:44 pm
Hikaru continued laughing along with Rayna as she did her imitation of the big burly man, her sides starting to ache from the strain of so much laughter in such a short period of time. It seemed like Rayna's pep talk had made all the difference in the world, as her previous worries had all but melted away in the face of her friend's warm words of encouragement. She smiled brightly throughout it all, nodding vigorously as Rayna cheered her on.

When Charlie arrived, Hikaru smiled at him, giving her typical big cheerful wave. When she noticed Rayna's expression and the silence between them, she quieted down, not following up with her usual loud and happy greeting. Before she had a chance to say anything, though, she was swept up in Rayna's handshake, momentarily distracted.

"H-hi, Charlie!" was all she managed to get out in the midst of all the confusion. She hoped nothing was wrong between the two - they'd always made such a nice couple. She quietly glanced from one to the other as she waited for a response from one of them.  


The Razz

Anxious Noob

PostPosted: Fri Sep 15, 2006 6:53 pm
Charlie blinked, looking somewhat surprised at Hikaru's greeting. He then smiled softly, nodding. "Heya, Hikaru." he replied. Rayna looked back over to Charlie, her expression turning to nearly nothing. She blinked at him, dropping Hikaru's hand. "What are you doing out here?" she asked him curiously. Charlie's eyes went from Hikaru to Rayna. He opened his mouth to answer, but closed it again, as if choosing not to say what he was going to say. He looked down to the ground, trying to think of some good reason for being outside. Really, he was looking for Rayna. He wanted to apologize for avoiding her lately, and wanted to compliment her on her new look. But right now, he wasn't sure if it was the greatest time to do that.

"I...nothin'." he muttered, shrugging his shoulders. He mentally scolded himself for saying something so stupid. Rayna arched a brow, not looking too convinced. "Nothing." she repeated, sounding as if she had expected to hear him say something else. Charlie looked back up to Rayna, nodding. "Yeah. So what were you and Rayna talking about?" Charlie immediately asked Hikaru, trying to change the subject.
PostPosted: Fri Sep 15, 2006 6:59 pm
Hikaru gave a sort of glum half-smile at Charlie's question, now fully secure in her assumption that something wasn't going well for the usually happy couple. Deciding she wasn't going to let him sidetrack her and avoid saying whatever needed to be said, Hikaru brought the subject back around to where she thought it should be heading.

"Actually, we were talking about you!" she said, grinning and looking Charlie right back in the eye. "Rayna was saying how she hadn't seen you around much lately, and was wondering what you were up to. I was telling her how I think you two should go out to dinner sometime! Y'know, just the two of you." She paused at this point, winking a little. "And I could watch Andi for you, so you wouldn't have anything to worry about while you're out!"

It was a risky move, but Hikaru was always an upfront sort of person, and she hated seeing her friends fighting with each other. In this case, she didn't really feel too bad about breaking the ice for the two of them. The way she figured, it would just be even more awkward if neither of them talked about whatever was up.  


The Razz

Anxious Noob

PostPosted: Fri Sep 15, 2006 7:10 pm
Rayna gave Hikaru a puzzled look when she started saying this to Charlie. What was she trying to pull? She opened her mouth, ready to speak, when she saw Hikaru wink. She immediately closed her mouth, blinking. 'Oh. She's trying to get us to not fight.' she thought, looking back over to Charlie. He looked a bit confused. "You were?" he asked, glancing at Rayna. She glanced to Hikaru, and then looked back at Charlie, nodding. "Uh, yeah. Can't we have a discussion about you?" she asked, placing a hand on her hip. Charlie looked a bit more puzzled. "Well...I guess you can..." he muttered, looking down.

"You sure you wouldn't be silent the whole time on the date?" he then asked. Rayna immediately raised her eyebrows, now placing her hands on both of her hips. "Me be silent? You're the one who's been avoiding me!" she accused. Charlie furrowed his eyebrows. "With every right to. And you can't say you haven't been avoiding me, either." he retorted. Rayna crossed her arms, giving him a cold stare. "Only because you are." she said hotly. Charlie gave her an angry look. "God damnit, Rayna, you're stubborn as hell." he told her.

"I'm not stubborn!" she said rather, well, stubbornly. Charlie scoffed, rolling his eyes. "You're being stubborn now." he told her. "Am NOT." Rayna said rather loudly, dropping her arms and letting her hands clench into fists. Charlie sighed, running a hand through his hair. "Damnit, and to think I came here to tell you that you looked great with your new damn look." he said, looking up to the sky and shaking his head. Razz turned her head away, crossing her arms again. "Oh yeah? Well, I- wait...you like how I look?" she asked, turning back towards him. He nodded, looking down to his feet. Rayna was silent for a few moments, and stared at him.

"Y...yeah, you look stunning...right Hikaru?" Charlie asked, glancing over at the girl.
PostPosted: Fri Sep 15, 2006 7:19 pm
Hikaru was just about to initiate emergency panic mode procedures when Charlie managed to find the right thing to say to temporarily diffuse the situation. This was just long enough for her to jump in and help steer the discussion in a more positive direction, and she certainly was not planning to miss this opportunity.

"Yeah! She looks great!" she said, nodding vigorously in response to Charlie's question. "See, Rayna? He came all the way here to tell you how nice you look!" By this point, she was standing over next to Charlie, elbowing him playfully in the side. "You big sweetheart, you!" She looked back to Rayna hopefully, wondering if her little gambit was going to pay off in the end.  


The Razz

Anxious Noob

PostPosted: Fri Sep 15, 2006 7:27 pm
Rayna dropped her arms once more, holding her hands behind her back as she looked down to her shoes. "Yeah...I guess it was sweet..." she muttered. Charlie smiled a little, glancing over at Hikaru. He muttered a 'Thank you' to her, winking. He then looked back over to Rayna, taking a step towards her. "U-uh, Rayna...you really do look beautiful..." he said quietly. Rayna blushed a bright pink, glancing up. He took another step towards her, now right in front of her. "Thanks...you really think so?" she asked, looking up to Charlie, surprised to see him so close to her. He nodded, tilting her chin up with his hand.

"Yeah, I do." he whispered, lowering his head and placing his lips on hers. Rayna was surprised at first, turning a beat red, like she always did when he kissed her, or did anything intimate or romantic. But she soon returned the kiss, slowly closing her eyes. They stayed that way for a few moments, before Charlie pulled away, grinning. "Sooo, you forgive me?" he asked, smirking. Rayna, who still had her eyes closed, nodded, smiling dreamily. "Yeah, I- OH. Hikaru!" she said suddenly, opening her eyes and looking quite flustered that her friend had witnessed the scene. "I, uhh, forgot you were there." she said, laughing quite nervously, scratching the back of her head. Charlie turned around to Hikaru, laughing. "See Rayna turn into a tomato?" he asked her, earning a sharp jab in the side. He jerked, edging away from Rayna as she grinned triumphantly. "Yeah, shut up." she said jokingly, pointing at him.
PostPosted: Fri Sep 15, 2006 7:32 pm
"It's okay!" Hikaru said, smiling widely at the two and waving a hand, winking again in a gesture of 'you're welcome' simultaneously to both of them. "You two just pretend I'm not even here." She laughed a little at this, standing up from her place at the fountain and nodding happily in turn at each of her friends. "Glad we got that little misunderstanding worked out!" she said happily. "...Whatever it was!" she added a few moments later as a sort of embarrassed afterthought.

Stretching her arms above her head, Hikaru made a show of acting all tired and worn out so she could give the two a chance to be alone for a little while and make up with each other properly. "Well, I'm pretty tired..." she said, forcing a large yawn. "Think I'm gonna head to bed now. Don't you two stay out too late, now," she said with a small laugh and another wink before turning and heading off toward the dorms. She turned briefly to look behind her and give one last wave before she went home for the night.  


The Razz

Anxious Noob

PostPosted: Fri Sep 15, 2006 7:45 pm
Rayna blinked, surprised that Hikaru was acting so tired. Wasn't she just a big, giant bubble of energy not a minute ago? She shrugged, laughing a bit nervously again. "Okay, goodnight, Hiko." she called, waving. Charlie nodded to her, waving as well as his other hand grabbed Rayna's. "Night, Hikaru. Sleep well. And we won't!" he called, grinning broadly. Once he saw she was out of sight, he turned to Rayna, bringing her hand up to his chest. "Rayna...I'm sorry. I've been so stupid about this whole thing with Andi-"

"Don't worry about it. I've been too stubborn lately. I should be the one to apologize." she replied, shaking her head. Charlie grinned, letting their hands drop, but didn't let go. "Been too stubborn lately?" he joked, getting a soft punch in the arm from Rayna. "Don't make fun of me when I'm apologizing." she kidded, sticking her tongue out. He immediately snatched her tongue, watching her squirm. "Leh goh!" she said, giving him a mock glare. He grinned, shaking his head. "You have to give me a kiss." he replied. Rayna sighed, averting her eyes. "Fihn." she sighed, slumping her shoulders. Charlie chuckled. "Don't sound too excited." he said sarcastically, letting go of her tongue. Rayna smiled, standing on the tips of her toes and placing a kiss on his lips, caressing his cheek. She then went to pull away, but he kept his lips firmly on hers, wrapping his arms around her waist. Rayna smiled, trying to pull away. Finally, Charlie pulled his head back.

"You're impossible." Rayna said, pushing his chest. Charlie smiled, keeping his arms around her waist. "You love me for it." he told her. Rayna's smiled waned once more, but stayed on her face. "Love..." she whispered, leaning her head against his chest. For a while, she said nothing. Finally, she spoke. "Charlie...do you love me?" she asked, closing her eyes. Charlie blinked at the question, thinking about it. It was a very good question- Love was a very serious and complicated thing when it wanted to be. Charlie gave it much thought for a long time. Finally, he looked down at her, smiling softly. "Yes, with all my heart. I love you...Rayna?" he asked, looking down to her face.

She had fallen asleep. Charlie blinked. 'How could she fall asleep...?' he wondered, shaking his head. He then reached down, lifting Rayna up so that he could pick her up bridal style. He then walked down the path, towards the directions of the dorms.
PostPosted: Sat Sep 16, 2006 9:38 am
(to Sexy Suki)
MOrrigna looked at her smiling slighlty, "youd be the cleverest out of all off us then" she looked up at the sky again, "i gave up on what you wanted a long time ago, i always just got hurt, and i dont want to go through it again, even though i pratcially am." she looked down at something on the grass, "but ill find your perfect man, im good at things like that, i really do believe im a relative of cupid." she laughed a litte and looked back up the stars.  



PostPosted: Tue Sep 19, 2006 6:43 pm
Cid walked through the courtyard holding his chest, it felt broken, though no pain came to him. It had been a long day and he needed rest but his body was restless. The moon was no where to be seen and the harvest had come and gone for the carpathians so he wouldnt have to drink for awhile. His head ached aswell, a carpathian felt sorrow somewhere, the one he could never find. It shared its sorrow with him and he didnt want it. "Damn my wretched bread," he said lowly as he collapsed next to a tree. The air reeked of blood, and he couldnt get it from his nostrils.  
PostPosted: Tue Sep 19, 2006 9:37 pm
Cid regained his consciousness and left the courtyard. It was late and cold so he became the raven he usually did when he was leaving. He flew higher and higher into the night sky as if seeking the moon itself. To touch the stars with his black wings, he headed for baron his home town or living one anyway. Cid never looked back to ria for he hadnt seen what he came to see, so he would return once again shortly. Only to seee his other half once more.  


Vice Captain

Spoopy Elder

PostPosted: Wed Sep 20, 2006 1:16 pm
Yuki entered the courtyard, having just left the library. She'd done nothing there except sit against a wall, hidden away in a back corner with a book strewn across her lap. She didn't even know what the title of it had been. The girl sighed, black triangular tipped tail tightly around her waist. Her silver hair fell around her shoulders like a blanket, bangs hiding her icy blue eyes since she was staring at the ground. Then she looked up, just for a quick second, and made her way to a tree. There she plopped down at the base, her knees drawn to her chest with her arms wrapped around and holding them in place. She set her face against her knees, huddling there in complete silence.  
PostPosted: Wed Sep 20, 2006 4:28 pm
A soft sigh escaped Snow's tender lips. "Why didn't you tell me that I had a brother? I think I deserve to know. You know that I had gone my whole life without a friend in the world! And then I come to this blasted school and I meet Surion..." She looked over at him and smiled softly. She then looked back over at Kiko with a peircing gaze. "...and I met my brother! Not to mention, nearly killing him! I thought he was a stalker! Why was my memory erased?" Snow's anger built up in her quickly. She had never been so angry before. Well... actually... just angry at Kiko.

Kiko looked up, a surprised look on his face. He had never seen Snow so worked up about anything. She was quite passionate about this. "Well... I... Uh..." A sigh erupted from Kiko. He looked down at his fluffy hands and then slouched.  

Snow Lea Makatu

Satsubatsu Kira

PostPosted: Fri Sep 22, 2006 6:18 pm
Ren walked onto the courtyard grounds and looked about. It was one of the very few days of the year he adorned formal clothes. His clothes consisted of black slacks, a fancy black leather belt, a black silk shirt, and to top it off, a black silk tie. His hair was neatly combed, for once, and he wore a new pair of black leather shoes.

It was his birthday today and so far none of his friends had even come to find him. He dragged himself over to the fountain and sat down against it and looked up at the afternoon sky. Stars had already started to appear, which in some way made him happy. He sighed and shook his head slowly. "It's just another dull day I guess..."  
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