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The Verse

PostPosted: Fri Mar 03, 2006 8:04 pm
Despite Raven's appearance, he was rather spry. The second Solumone's blast hit him, his body seems to emit a faint 'zzt' sound and he grimaces, pushing against it mightily for a good few moments before he grunts and it indeed pushed, but remains on his knees for a good minute or so while fighting it. He growls loudly and starts trying to stand up before he is indeed pushed onto the ground. He gives himself a minute to catch his breath, and quietly stands up. "How very damned annoying." he says simply, brushing off his coat and cricking a joint or two. He shrugs softly and is about to move forward onto the bench when he catches Scy's comment. He growls softly, lifting his head to her and glaring. "I'd gladly slice you up, Miss Scytheress, and at the moment I -quite- doubt it would be with a scalpel." he hisses a bit, then shakes his head and walks forward gruffly, sitting down in the bench with a bit of a 'hurmpf' and closing his eyes. How very much he felt like just shooting the damned woman from the air..He shook it off, and returned to his normal, quiet smiling self. No good would come from murdering someone today, except more blood on his coat. Damn thing was already going to take a month to wash properly.  
PostPosted: Fri Mar 03, 2006 8:26 pm
Gun? There was a gun pointed at his head?! You'd swear he never noticed...maybe he didn't. He was just...staring at the table which Scytheress had leaped from...urr, knocked from. Why was he so intently staring at the damned thing? Well, because it was cut in down nearly in half! He watched as it fell to the ground, a majority of two cases of bullets both slicing open and, as if small disturbing the smallest of dragons in each, began lightning, bursting, then exploding. This, of course, created a chain reaction which lead to them setting off the other bullets, which inevitably caused the cases to explode, which then set fire to the table, and now we have a little broken table on fire and small popping explosions coming from it. "Bother..." Solumone sighed softly as he looked at his product now aflame, not even attentive enough to have caught the wallet which was thrown to him, so that bounced off...and happened to land too near the open flame...ooops.

Solumone wasn't able to notice when the money caught fire, and pretty much burst into flame as well. "I...worked hard on those..." another sigh as another large pop came, and well, melted table, burning leather, and various other components mostly up in smock. Solumone tapped the cane down again, the fire almost instantly being smothered out to leave but the charred, black remains of the ground and whatever else was in the fire. He then glanced up to Scytheress...just...looked at her for a bit. "I don't think that was really necessary...bother..." another sigh as he once again turned to Dante. "I'm sorry...were you saying something? Eh...it looks like this is going to take another day to produce...a little more if I'm out of wax like I think I am..." he glances sideways, pale gray eyes watching the disaster zone. He seemed a little...off now, just not all together after seeing his work destroyed.  


Dante Tony Redgrave

PostPosted: Fri Mar 03, 2006 8:39 pm
Dante watched the bullets go off, and his money errupt in flames. It didnt bother him that the money went out that much, what bothered him was the fact that his bullets that he'd PAID for, had gone up in flames, so he was out almost 500,000 dollars right on the spot, and no ammo...he'd taken out the money hed saved just for the rounds, and now had none left.. Gripping his gun tightly, his sighed, placing the slide against his head as he fought back utter rage and endangerment of those nearby. "Just....go. No more smiles....no more laughter...no more business propsitions...just leave right now...before I get REALLY pissed. I've had enough of your games...and enough of your pride....now leave before I do something to you that would even make the Devil cry..." His words were cold as ice, and VERY honest.  
PostPosted: Fri Mar 03, 2006 10:05 pm
That broke it. Raven's patience had -snapped- the mere second the bullets had started exploding, and such -agonizing- noise had begun to rip through his mind. He grabbed the bench so hard with his left hand the bench snapped under his fingers, leaving a very cleanly broken dent. He stood up slowly and methodically, and turned. He was going to kill something, and he was going to ensure it was -very- messy and -very- bloody and very- And thats when Dante screamed. Had the bullets been painful to him, this was like agony incarnate. He put his hands to his ears and growled softly. A migraine to Dr. Raven was like his brain had been doused in every pain inducing substance known to man and divine, and then beat to pulp. His eyes narrowed, and the rose color glowed faintly. As the scream stopped and Dante's voice broke forth, shattered and faint, Dr. Raven lifted his left hand.

He put his palm out flat, and a small bit of the flesh seemed to melt off and drip onto the ground in tan color liquid, leaving a large, dark, circular hole in his hand. From it, a loud screeching bang echoed and what appeared to be a very large bullet shot forth, slamming into the charred remains of the work and blowing it into the air, and leaving a nice dent to pursue in the ground as well. "Shut up. It was your winged b***h's work that did it, so you have little to blame but her. Why don't you leave him and I out of your little tantrum, you loud mouthed little fool, and deal with the problem at the source." he hissed, the undertone to his normal speech coming forth roughly now. It was revealed it was not voices underneath his words, but faint hums and the soft sound of machinery and a strange, almost computerish echo of his words.

He lowered his hand and the flesh seemed to regrow over the hole in it, just in time for the side of his right leg to seem to slide out. Or rather, a large, rectangular portion of it shot out, and ripped through his pant leg. It was an odd thing, to see the flesh colored rubber-ish part of it and then underneath a lot of gunsteel gray metal, and contained within this odd case was a large katana, that seemed to shoot out into Raven's hand and he gripped it like a dagger for a moment as the panel slid back into his leg. "Or perhaps I should shut both of you up and get back to me reading, hm?" he said sarcastically, turning the weapon right-side up and gripping it, then grabbing the middle of the sheath and lifting it forth. The blade was made of shining, gray metal and specked with old blood, the entire thing longer then his leg and obviously compressed through some manner. It looked plain, with a white handle, circular hand-guard and black cloth around the white, but the blood coating most of it made it look sinister, somehow.  

The Verse


Dangerous Lover

PostPosted: Sat Mar 04, 2006 8:00 am
All Scytheress could do was start to giggle when she saw the small explosions begin in the fire that she had indeed caused herself. Now you would think the Fox-Elf would apologize and feel sorry for destorying Solumone's work and Dante's money, and yet... all she said was 'pretty fireworks'. Something that made the woman laugh even more was the sheer anger that issued forth from Dante there after. Men were so...predictable! Scytheress's ears flattened back against her head as the breath taking scream ripped across the courtyard and nearly knocked her from the air. The pitch and compression of Dante's voice compacted on her mind, leaving quite an imprint in the form of a strong headache. Scytheress hated headaches... The woman return with a low frustrated growl and descended the few feet to stand firmly on the ground, only to jump back when the flames exploded again but in a much larger plume this time.

The doctor's newly revealed aggressions if nothing else made Scytheress happier. Turns out the aging one wasn't so frail after all but in fact metallic instead. The auto-parts reminded her a bit of a boy she'd met long ago here, and within the woman the Elf spirit let out a sigh of worry for the last time she'd seen Yusake had been under not to great circumstances. In fact she'd started stalking other people who knew him in half-hopes of finding the kid; one such unfortunate being Maru... THe Elf's train of thought ran on like this, reminiscent and catching the Fox's intense curiosity as to the states of certain individuals now. Where Scytheress had just about been ready to launch into a full fight she was now turning around with her index finger to her lips, off to search for others.

Even as gears clicked and metal components detached Scytheress continued to leave, uniterested in these events and more curious about ones else where. Only in mid-step she threw her arms in the air with a self-loathing growl and spun back to the three in the courtyard.

"Dammit Rem can't ya just stay quiet when your in there? Just- what? No you freaking pansy we're not going to find that damned of a man who didn't even like you.... Oh geeze ya can't be serious?? I am NOT doing that! Just shut-up! Stop talking and go back to sleep like a good little Elf... So what if I never gave you a moment's peace when you were in control? I'm not an Elf who's supposed to be all la-de-da good girl!....Are you done yet?...Stop lecturing me on my etiquette(sp?) and go back to sleep!...Why you little..."

As Scytheress argued quite animatedly with herself she sat down, cross-legged and drapped her wings out to the sides. The Elven side, better known as Rem, knew all the ways to side-track or annoy her counterpart, and right now Rem didn't feel like getting involved with freaky scientists, mind crushing power-riders, or gun-toting demons. In retalitation against the Elf Scytheress actually brought her own arm to her mouth and bit down hard on the wrist to get her to finally shut up. Then once satisfied with the returned silence and slight headache Scytheress got back up and brushed herself off, her malicious grin returning to her lips.

"Ok who was it that wanted their a** kicked again?"  
PostPosted: Sat Mar 04, 2006 2:17 pm
Solumone watched Dante's show of anger, stared at him when he screamed throughout the entire courtyard. However, he wasn't as bothered by it as the other two seemed to have been. Rather, he just stared, almost somberly, as he waited for it to pass. He even stood his ground with Dante's words, of which didn't move Solumone even a single inch. "Now now, such anger is uncalled for. Your money has not gone to waste, and I would hate to have to put you through the hassle of charging you a second time for a product destroyed outside of your own means. I can simply replace...them..." it was his attempt at getting a word in edge wise, which didn't entirely work. He cleared his throat a little, the pale grays of his eyes staring straight into the fierce, enraged eyes of the man before him...with a smile. "Leave? No, I have no reason to leave what so ever, nor do I have to. It is my every right to stay, just as it is your every right to threaten me. But do not think those threats will cause me to move simply because you made them, young man." and with a tilted head, he gave a slight nod and a bright smile.

Ah, but all the lovely peace couldn't hold up forever, not with three certifiable types around here...and Solumone. Those ever calm eyes direct themselves to Raven, who was quite blunt, but refreshingly so...to Solumone at least. But still, fighting was never something he purposely involved himself with, this instance was no different. "Now now gentlemen...ahem...madam..." now that Scytheress was done with her conversation and again back to her mischievious self, Solumone had to include her into things. He lightly waved both hands, one toward Raven and the other toward Scytheress, in a dismissive fashion. "Such disputes yield little reward, and are best resolved peacefully. Can we not preserve our need for violence for other, more constructive things? Perhaps confide in a friend? A little training never hurt anyone, right? Hmm...friends...why does that...? Oh!" he snapped his fingers with his left hand, pointing at Scytheress.

"That reminds, Maru was -just- asking about you dear. You two haven't been in each other's company in quite some time. And such a shame, you both seemed to hit it off so very well." he snaps his fingers again, pointing at Raven. "You have yet to state your name within my presence, and I feel it best to know, if not simply out of personal curiosity." snaps his fingers again! This time he points straight at Dante's face. "And I never did answer your question the other day, did I? If I recall...you talked about how badly you wished to protect this girl...Joy was it? And how much she needs you to be there for her, I believe you said. I don't quite remember what I said but I do know I didn't have the chance to answer your questions. I would be happy to discuss things, because it really, truly is such a wonderful thing when a man proclaims how fiercely he will protect another woman." he smiled oh so brightly, as it did bring him joy to know Dante would protect Joy. And now that he has addressed his concerns and questions and what not, the ball was in...well, everyone else's court!  



PostPosted: Sat Mar 04, 2006 3:24 pm
*a little late continuation of the Lucky food week smile *

Cadmus sighed as the cooking event was now over and he had an abundece of meat left over. He studied the left over meat and examined the bones.
This meet can be made into jerky and the bones into china as well as a nice sword." he smiled as he gathered the left overs and muttered a slight dragoon spell to make is load lighter.
I shall let the meet dry in my corridor." he spoke aloud as he determined where to dry the meat.
I do wish that I hadn't had that confrontation with Nemai and ..." he didn't finish his sentece fearing that saying it would make him seek her out, "Maybe I shall pay her a visit when the jerky drys, she would enjoy having some of the meat." he smiled as he left the courtyard and headed to his room.
PostPosted: Sat Mar 04, 2006 3:55 pm
He half fell out of the crevis he was hiding in. His ears rang and his head throbbed from Dante's roar. He clasped his hand over his ears and colapsed to the ground. When it ended his breathing became heavy and laboured. As soon as he regained his breathe he stood up and brushed dirt off his jacket lightly.

Knowing these people the little amount he did, he assumed that they would see him now if they hadn't already. He sat down on the ground, allowing his head to roll forward. His hair slipped forward and covered his closed eyes. Slidding his right hand into his jacket he drew out a small cloth and wiped off his cross necklace then the two red studs in his left ear. He slipped it back into the pocket inside his jacket that he had pulled it from then rested his hands on the ground behind him.

The sheathe of his rapier was just barely visable over his left hip. His jacket hid most of it. The sheathe blened into the soft black leather like it was made for it because it was. Pander had had the sheathe custom made to match the jacket. The sword was then custom made from a material he didn't know the name of. The hilt and blade were a solid piece so he never worried about it coming apart since it wouldn't. The hilt was the same dull black as the sheathe and blended in just as nicely.

Excuse me sir but, I agree with this man here.

He pointed deftly towards Solumone as he spoke to Dante.

You have no right to tell us to leave. I don't think you own this courtyard. We can stay here if we please and we can leave when and how we wish. Now I implore you, please don't yell like that again. I think it is safe to assume that an outbust like that hurt everyone's ears. Am I right?  


Dante Tony Redgrave

PostPosted: Sat Mar 04, 2006 6:34 pm
Dante simply laughed. Thats all he could do. It was an evil and sadistic laugh that filled the ears of the others as his head shot back, his glasses falling from his face and his cat-like eyes looking around swiftly. He stood slowly, turning to Solumone as he spoke, his voice low and sadistic. "You just don't get it...it's YOUR foolishness that caused her attack. What made you think she would attack you? You were simply in the way of two people about to rip eachother apart, and then you attacked her? For being such a slick merchant, you haven't the first idea of ettiquet of others engagements..." He pulled his sword from his back, his eyes watching Scy and Dr. Raven.... looked like the fun was about to start. "Now merchant... make good on your offer, and on your life. i suggest you leave before the battle starts, because It's gonna be one hell of a party.' He crouched slightly, hearing the little voice of a guy behind him. He turned, laughing at the kid as he shook his head. "You're free to speak, but I'm free to not give a s**t, so why not run along before you run your outh to the wrong people. You don't know who any of us are...." His Reiatsu suddenly flared, pressing back everyone around mentally as he held his sword, ready to attack the Doctor, or Scy. "...And I wouldnt want you to get in the way." Dante turned back, suddenly passing Solumone with the feeling of a plauge about to sweep over the patrons of the courtyard as he looked at both fighters, turning his back to the and bending his arm so the tip of the blade dug into the ground., getting into his usual stance, yet the form he used was highly unusually to those that didn't know him. Feeling his compuser come back over his crazed grin, he listened to Scy's words, almost screaming. "Looks like me and the good doctor are, Baby! So bring it on!"  
PostPosted: Sat Mar 04, 2006 6:47 pm
Dr. Raven grinned. Madly. That was all he could do, really. The sheer overwhelming entertainment of the entire situation was welling up quite nicely on him. Solumone's comments were taken with an even wider grin by the good Doctor. He tilted his head a bit and considered, the questioned asked of him wasn't too hard a one in his normal mindset, but in his current rage-fueled one it took a second. His name?..Oh yes. "The name, good sir, is Doctor Raven Ezikiel Vanzer." he said quickly, then watched. First the person walking over and giving Dante a quick tongue-lashing, which caused a grin to form once more. Dr. Raven waitd a bit as Dante spoke, then gaze a psychotic grin that mirror Dante's own, his right hand tightening on his katana as he did. "Just what I was hoping you would say, boy!" he said with a deranged snicker, then tossed the katana suddenly up onto the air, it spun a bit and wind-milled down, where Raven caught it, oddly, with his teeth. The blade was now held sideways in his mouth, which still oddly held a dark grin.

His left arm proceeded to bend and twist a few times, and various slots of it shot out, each holding parts of what looked like a gun. They spun and click, and eventully the gun has been put back together. Large, charcoal black and with a slightly long clip, Raven reached over with his right hand and took it, put it in his left and pulled the katana from his mouth once more. The process would have been odd had he not held it like that, it seemed. He twisted his arm a bit, so that the katana was held like a dagger, and the back rested against the outside of his arm. "Ladies and loudmouths first." he said, giving an almost polite bow and sweeping the hand that held his gun.  

The Verse


Dangerous Lover

PostPosted: Sat Mar 04, 2006 8:15 pm
Scytheress's eyes sparkled at the mention of Maru's name, or well, Rem's eyes did, giving the blood red orbs a yellow hint for a split moment before the Fox rounghly bit her own arm again to quell the surge of emotion. Oh yes, Rem had quite an infatuation with Maru but nothing more. She, like Scy, belonged to a different man. Though now that certain man was getting set up to recieve the a**-kicking of a life time, but.. there was one more interuption. Scytheress twisted her upper half to bend down and look beneath her wing back at the man who had managed to allude her senses. Quite a man of silence it seemed, well until he talked.

"Oh bloody... Does no one want ta fight around here? And you, boy, whatever your name is...Well what is your name? I've never seen you around here before."

Trust Scytheress to always be sidetracked when her curiosity got the best of her. Despite Dante call to have her commence the battle against himself and the doctor she turned completely and walked, or more like stalked, over to Pander. The woman crouched just in front of him, sitting back on her heels and pulling her knees to her chest to be bound within her left arm. Her right index finger found its way out to Pander's nose to poke it gently.

So who are you? No doubt a new student. I'd thought as much. Why come here and get involved with us peoples? Dangerous. By the way I'm Scytheress, resident angel of death, pleasure ta meet cha."

Scytheress was about to extend her hand in greeting, and then undoubtably maim the poor man, but Dr. Raven's words reached her pointed ears first. Seems she was up to bat whether she wanted to be or not. After all ladies do have priority over lowly men and being the gentlewoman that she was, Scythe would have to oblige the natural order. The Fox stood and turned on her heel, her tail brushing softly along Pander's cheek as she began to walk back toward Dante and the others.

"Well, what game would you little boys like to play?"  
PostPosted: Sun Mar 05, 2006 11:11 am
Solumone shook his head, snickering at Dante's words. "Hmhmhm, I did nothing to force her hand, young man. She threatened me in a most uncalled for manner, so I gave her a little push. Now she is a big girl, she doesn't need your protection from a little tap on the nose. Perhaps if she simply turned the other chick, you would not be the proud owner of charred remains." he chuckled oh so happily while he looked toward Scytheress, who could probably hear him too. "As for ettiquet in the ways of engagement, well..." he turned his head back to Dante, eyes meeting the slayer's own. "...you seem to forget that I am...but a humble merchant." oh the smile, so bright it was. How many times has Dante heard that line, probably has lost count in fact. "I am not one to follow the code of honor among blade and bullet, but that of legitimate business and mutual gain through agreement, trust, and contract. And I abide by such agreements whole heartedly. I had delivered today and by God, I would deliver it, regardless of the circumstances." he nodded to Dante, assuring...someone of what he said (As if Dante was ever assured in trusting Solumone).

He tossed his straightened cane into the air with a spin, catching it, then pionting at Dante with a smirk. "The world itself could be ending and Solumone Graves would still deliver!" he then flicked his wrist, twirling the cane rapidly. His hand didn't even seem to be touching the cane as it spin, then struck the ground once more. Solumone leaned on it slightly, placing his other hand very lightly over his heart. "After all, one never knows how close the end might be, no?" his eyes never left Dante's. He looked at the other man with an arched brow, deliberately lowering his tone so that Dante would probably be the only one to hear...had it not been for the girl coming closer, the young man telling Dante to back down, and who knows what means of hearing the good doctor further off had. He couldn't help but sigh when he thought of this, because who knew what questions would arise.

Solumone, however, knew how to handle such questions, so it didn't bother him...not that anything ever did. But just then, it hit him, the name of the still unknown man and he turned with a look of surprise. "Vanzer? -The- Doctor Vanzer? Why, surely you cannot mean you are the same genetical specialists." he was quite astounded by the name. Still with a curious look spread across his face, he approached Raven. "Hmhm...if it were any otherh name I would accuse you of lying, because no man in their right mind would claim the name that the highest scientific boards claim is a madman." with a bright smile and a laugh, he extended his hand out, whether or not the other man would take it. "Your last book on theoretical mutation and its affects when tested and intermixed with Chrono Digacentricate radiation was quite fascinating, though I have a few questions regarding the source as to how some of those experiments your writings claim to have performed. As several are indeed questionable in the eyes of "Ethical" science, if you follow my meaning." he smirked at the doctor, raising an eyebrow...and seemingly forgotten the fight entirely.  



PostPosted: Sun Mar 05, 2006 2:08 pm
He stood up, his body seemed to pull itself up of its own volition. His arms hung limply at his sides, gently pushing back the edges of his jacket. Placing his left hand on the hilt of his rapier, he bowed elegantly, his other hand sweeping to brush the ground.

My name is Pander Lunatik. Lady Scytheress, you are correct. It's actually my first day here. I thought I would stand in and watch. If it wasn't for that man's roar, I would have continued to be hidden in the crevice.

He opened his eyes and looked to Dante. The yellow orbs glowed with the light of what seemed to be revenge or hatred. His right hand slid to the hilt of his rapier, gently gliding it out of its sheath. He was never one to be ordered about, and his next words showed it.

You're right; I don't know who any of you are. I don't run my mouth to the wrong people, nor do I get in the way. If you wish me to leave, then fight me for it.

He extended the rapier in front of him, taking up a fencing stance. A small smile spread across his face. Light shone off the blade, illuminating his face in a disturbing manner. His face was like stone as he stared over at Dante. Motioning slightly with his left hand, he beckoned Dante to try something.

((Props to Amethyst for typing this post))  
PostPosted: Sun Mar 05, 2006 6:40 pm
Dante stuck his sword arm out, spinning slowly around in a 360 degree rotation. He laughed, calling out a wild roar of upbeatness as he spoke. "Whoooo! This is what the good Doctor Raven and This dear dear boy dont understand. I LIVE FOR THIS! I LIVE TO FIGHT AND I LIVE TO KILL!" He heard Scytheress, and decided to take matters into his hands. "I'm not one for dancing, but I've alwyas been a fan of...." He moved, his speed almost like that of his words. his sword was half dug into the ground, a spray of sparks and dirt filling the air behind his blade as he came with an upswing towards Pander's lower right waistside to his upper left shoulder blade. This mighty swing was fast, too fast and too demanding for Pander to have time to fix his own blade to defend as Dante almost cleared the space between them as his sentence left, Ebony filling his left hand as he fired behind him, two incrdibly aimed shots at each Scytheress and Dr. Raven. "...PARTYING!"
It looked like this party wouldn't be one to miss... a four way free-for-all...  

Dante Tony Redgrave

The Verse

PostPosted: Sun Mar 05, 2006 7:20 pm
Turning to Solumone with a sudden calm smile, Dr. Raven says "Oh? You've heard of me then?" with an air of..sudden happiness? Indeed, it seemed the mere mention of his works or himself, personally, had ebbed his mood into something much calmer. "I am indeed Dr. Vanzer." he says, then chuckles. "The highest boards? My good man, those gaggle of puppets are no more scientists then that Dante fellow. Mindless puppets controlled by public opinion of what science should be!" he declares loudly, shaking his head in disgust. "Oh? That book? Ah..Yes, I wrote that while I was still testing that theory and meant it to be more of a journal then anything. Really, I think that particular brand of radiation applied to the type of mutations I was testing at the time was a tad extreme. Perhaps something a little less spastic in it's levels." he says, tilting his head a bit and shrugging. He grins a bit and nods "Of course, good sir. I would be glad to answer any questions you have about my experiments." and then chuckles. "Ethical science is a false word. Science is Science. If I slice open ten people to further my 'science', I am no worse then a person who studies a corpse under a microscope. We have different measures, but we all work to the same goal: Betterment of humanity." he says, smiling softly.

Then of course, comes Dante's words. He shakes his head and smiles. "Do excuse me. I have to go kill that boy and his bothersome mouth." he says, turning to Dante. He does so, just as the bullet is shot at him. He sighes and slides a bit to the side, the bullet doing little more then leaving a large hole in the labcoat. Dr. Raven looks at it and shakes his head. "This one was my favorite labcoat! Have you no respect for people's private property?" he says, shaking his head. He twists the katana again, this time holding it like a dagger, only twisted diagonally. His eyes began to search over Dante's frame until he found his target. He tossed the katana again, catching it with his teeth once more and point it sideways, then tossed the gun into his right and leaned down, then shot forward. The blade was aimed at Dante's shoulder now, quite capable of slicing into it, and furter annoyance in the form of a pair of bullets flying from Untruth at Dante's back were added.  
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