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Good ol' fashion Magical High school RPing. 

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Krazy Kaori

PostPosted: Wed Mar 29, 2006 1:06 pm
Kai sighed softly and ran his hand through his hair again before turning to face her. "I never said I trusted you," he started bluntly. "You just got me curious by mentioning me and my sister were wherever you supposedly went. So naturally that made me want to know what you saw. I never said I believed what you're saying either." He scowled slightly as he looked at the ground. "Truth broke her?" he repeated quietly. Everything this girl said had him more confused. Just what the hell was she talking about?  
PostPosted: Wed Mar 29, 2006 1:13 pm
Misa smiled."We did not go anywhere....It was a vision ..I am talking about...About the prophcy..thoses twins you saw with Kaori..was not a ghost it was fate..."Misa explained. "And you sould trust me..I might be what you have left besides Lighttt..Kaori..Nice girl but evil too..I might as well suggest you keep her demon side to not go out...If you have anything to hide from her tell her now before she finds out herself.."Misa signs still belling rubbing the squirell and then look up at Kai and she glared as if to studying him. "Also...Nah..I can't"  


Krazy Kaori

PostPosted: Wed Mar 29, 2006 1:18 pm
Kai growled again. What right did Misa have to talk about Kaori like that? She didn't even know her! "I can't keep her demon side from coming out because she is fully a demon. It's always out!" He paused and frowned slightly. "Unless you mean... when she gets really pissed at something?" Kai shook his head roughly. "No, Kaori is not evil and I'm not hiding anything from her. I told her everything when we met and she forgave me already!" Then he paused, meeting her glare silently. "...what?" he asked after a moment. She'd done it again! Started speaking and then decided not to. Kai growled to himself in annoyance.  
PostPosted: Wed Mar 29, 2006 1:25 pm
"Its not going to happen any soon, though.."Misa said. Misa stood. "You wanna do something instead of talking about this?"Misa sked ingnoring every question Rai asked. Misa went around the tree she was sitting at. "Wheeee..."Misa said giggling. "You some tough guy....Not nice at all to some people and always want information once someone says something intresting....What else....You bearly have any fun...and just because you are a demon does not mean you cannot have fun..What else...oh yeah really grumpy..Ok I have to admit..You are a little nice.."  


Krazy Kaori

PostPosted: Wed Mar 29, 2006 1:30 pm
Kai glared at her again. "Who said it was going to happen at all?" he muttered bad temperdly as he crossed his arms over his chest again. This girl was.. rather infuriating. He breathed out slowly, trying not to let his anger get the best of him as he heard her rambling on. "I never said I couldn't have fun just because I'm a demon," he snapped as he closed his eyes in silent fury. All that she was saying though, were just toned down copies of insults he'd already gotten throughout his life. Kai had to admit he was a bit startled by her last comment though.  
PostPosted: Wed Mar 29, 2006 1:36 pm
Misa seemed worried about Kai..."You need to have fun now..Stop worring about what I said..Come on..Do you want to have fun..? Or Dou you want to know more about my vision? "Misa frowned as she said that last question. "I guess it is your choice...Or.. we could go swimming..I wonder how my powers work in water..? Or we could go off campus with Kaori and Lighttt? You are going to do something fun like it or not..at least fun to me.." Misa winked when she said "At least fun to me".  


Krazy Kaori

PostPosted: Wed Mar 29, 2006 1:40 pm
Kai watched her expression carefully. Was that.. worry? He frowned again despite this. "I don't want to do anything right now," he muttered as he walked towards the nearest tree and hoped into its branches. There he perched, looking down at her. "I don't like swimming, I don't like social events." He stared blankly when she winked, confused by her action. "What was that for?" he snapped, clenching and relaxing his fists slowly as he spoke. He really needed a stress reliever.  
PostPosted: Wed Mar 29, 2006 1:42 pm
"I don't know...Just having fun.."Misa said giggling and spinning around. "Refreshing..You know..you very...never mind..you might get angry." Misa giggled again. She looked up at Kai. "How is it up there? " Misa made an ice chair and sat in it.  


Krazy Kaori

PostPosted: Wed Mar 29, 2006 1:45 pm
Kai scowled down at her. Again! She'd done it again! Stopping after beginning to say something! He ground his teeth together as he tried to calm himself. "Very what?" he hissed, fangs bared now. Both his fists clenched tightly as he glared at her, eyes narrowed and glowing a faint blue. Unlike Kaori's, his glowed blue when he was angry, due to his ice demon heritage. He ignored her question as he growled softly in his throat.  
PostPosted: Wed Mar 29, 2006 1:46 pm
"Well?" Kujiro waited, and yet instead of receiving Yusake's rebuttal, it was his woman who spoke. His dark eyes shifted to her direction as she walked along the side. Though he did watch her for a time, it was only brief. He quickly reverted back to watching Yusake, rather uninterested in what she had to say. Of course, ever since Yusake's arrival his already lackluster interest in the others around had become mostly inexistent. "Stay the f#$k out of this!" Yusake suddenly shouted, shaking his fist toward Reaper, before returning his own attention to his older brother. "And you!" he pointed the metal made finger straight in Kujiro's direction. "Who the hell do you think you..." but he was quickly interrupted. "...I am your brother, Yusake. I understand you better then any of these peons. I understand you more then even you yourself understand. You do not even fully know or understand the very people closest to you, do you?" his stare seemed no less cold then before, which still unnerved Yusake slightly. Though, he was no less irritated and rather infuriated with this man who claimed to be his older sibling.

"And what the hell is that supposed to mean?!" he shouted at Kujiro. "Take her for example..." he glanced toward Reaper, which of course caused Yusake to look in her direction as well. "...how much do you actually know about her, Yusake? Do you know what she is? What she -really- is? Do you know how old she is? Or perhaps how many men she has been with in her life? Do you know why neither her or the boy she protects look nothing alike? You cannot trust her Yusake, you cannot trust anyone you've associated with. Not the paled freak you befriended as a child, and most certainly not that confounded old merchant you work for!" his face contorted in somewhat of a scowl, probably the most emotion he has shown since appearing. "S-Shut up! Shut the hell up!" Yusake shook his head quickly, shouting at the top of his lungs. "What the hell do you know?! I've been with them, been close to them, I KNOW them! You don't know a thing about me! You come around here now and think I'm gonna listen to you just 'cause you can act tough around everyone? You think I'm gonna take your word for anything?! I dunno what you're sellin' but I'm not buyin'!" he shouted back to Kujiro, pointing straight at him again.

As bad as that line may have been, it was still Yusake's honest words. How could he not trust those closest to him, the very people who have been like the family he himself did not have? "Simple child..." Kujiro muttered under his breath, closing his eyes with a sigh. His eyes quickly opened again, and he spread his arms to either side of him. "Don't you see that you live in ignorance, Yusake?! It is unnecessary that you know so little of the truth, you need not be like the rest of these cretins! You have a gift given to you by the two bloodlines which have created your very being! Mother may have rejected her heritage but father -embraced- it! You are -above- them! Beyond each and every one of them! The Light and the Dark of divine bloodlines that took part in the creation of the Serenian belong to the two of us. You need only to learn, to take in the teachings of our ancestry. To cast ASIDE these creatures!" he had grown louder then before, Kujiro was showing a deeper sense of passion with his words the more he spoke. His hand swept sideways through the air quickly at the word 'aside' to demonstrate through hand gesture his meaning, and just how meaningless those around truly were to him.

Then came a pulse which struck his mind for a brief instant. Kujiro's right eye twitched visibly at the annoyance. He turned toward the man responsible, looking to him. Kujiro did not glare, however...rather, he just stared at him, almost the way one simply stares ahead. "Hmph...how many simple distractions will I have to endure?" he said to himself alone, though. Quite honestly, Tatsu was not worth regarding toward, or speaking to, in his mind. "I've heard enough of this crap!" Yusake's voice erupted in the courtyard, as did the rushing sound of air which came from his most familiar of moves. His right arm was held back, a series of compartments having lifted and opened around it to draw in the air around. At the same time, white threads of flame like energy surged over the metal parts of his body to his arm, swirling up it toward the fist. The well known 'Buster Shot' interrupted any of the talking that would resume. Kujiro's head alone turned as Yusake flew toward him about half a foot or so off of the ground. And as quickly as he began the attack, it ended in a loud boom of an explosion. The dirt and grass surrounding Kujiro flew from all sides as Yusake reached him.

Dust lifted from the ground and rushed out in a thick cloud past Kujiro's position, as well as exploding all around, covering the two for a moment. The dirt began to slowly clear up, the silhouettes of both men appearing close together, one low to the ground in an almost kneeled position, while the other had his hand extended. The figures became more and more visible as the short time passed in silence. Eventually, the dust began to settle, Yusake's metal arm appearing from it as the extended arm. Soon came the rest as well, Kujiro's form appearing as the man low to the ground, his head slightly lowered and both eyes closed. But...then came Yusake's face, and the pained expression in his eyes. When the dust completely cleared, it revealed Kujiro at Yusake's right side. His right hand was against Yusake's stomach. He shook lightly, his metal arm then began to give, slowly falling to its side as Kujiro raised to his feet. "Pathetic..." he spoke in an audible, calm yet cold voice. He removed his hand from Yusake's body, allowing the young man to slowly fall to his knees, then onto his side. Although he was breathing, Yusake was clearly in pain and shock by what had happened, almost not even aware of it. "If you will not understand through words..." he turned to face Reaper.

"...then I will have to show you the necessity of your gift's true potential." his head lifted slightly, eyes growing cold again, fierce. "If I must show you the way through the sacrifice of every last individual in this courtyard..." the loose strands of his hair slowly began to move as if pushed by the air. The same effect began to take place around the loose ends of his clothes, as a very faint distortion formed in the air, and the slight sense of energy emitting from him could be felt. "...then so be it!" Kujiro's eyes suddenly widened. The air directly around him became harsh, distorting in a violent manner. His hair all at once lifted up then dropped, as if a sudden burst of air rushed upward for only a moment. The ground and dirt around him separated outward, creating a ring like cloud of dust that was about knee height to him spread out from his position, the grass being pushed by the same current of air. Before long, he began to move from Yusake toward the others. He wasn't directing his eyes or his path toward anyone specifically, simply in the general direction of Scytheress, those she held back, Reaper, and the others in his way. In his eyes was a different expression then a moment ago. It was not of anger, not of the cold carelessness from before but...of a zealousness, an obsession to accomplish his task.  



PostPosted: Wed Mar 29, 2006 1:51 pm
Misa giggled once again.."See your intrested and now you might be bugging me about what I was about to say."Misa said smugly. Misa signs. "You know...I am very bored...Nothing to talk about...Holding your fists together to stop getting angry is pathtec....I took therpy..Don't ask why to control my feelings you should do the same.." Misa giggled once again.  
PostPosted: Wed Mar 29, 2006 2:04 pm
Kai glared at her and scurried a bit higher into the tree. A loud explosion had distracted him and he climbed up to see better. Sheilding his eyes from the sun, he saw in the distance a man slowly walking towards the other group of people. He scowled, seeing Kaori was still there but then sighed. "She can take care of herself," he muttered to himself. "If she needs help, she'll call to me."

Once that had been confirmed, he glanced back down towards Misa, the blue intensity of his eyes increasing. "Therapy is for idiots who can't handle things themselves," Kai snapped angrily. "I am controlling myself. It's obvious since I haven't killed you yet!" His hands had been grapsing the branch he sat on, knuckles turning white from the pressure of his grip. Then, with a loud crack, the wood splintered in his hands. Kai quickly leapt to a different branch, letting the previous one crash to the ground. He bit a long splinter that had stabbed into his palm and pulled it out, next spitting it aside. "You don't have the right to judge me," he growled, fangs bared. "You don't even know me. It's been less than a day!" His tail thrashed around angrily, thumping loudly against the tree's trunk each time it hit.

Krazy Kaori


PostPosted: Wed Mar 29, 2006 2:13 pm
Misa giggled. "You are funny.."Misa said. "Be a comdeian....." Misa started cracking up...She stopped and sighs.. "So, how was life before here?"Misa asked...Misa stood around and then she just moved place to place then to the tree and sat down and looked up at Kai.  
PostPosted: Wed Mar 29, 2006 2:15 pm
" Father..where are you? I know you could beat both of them...father please come..." Gordon said to himself before coughing again and spitting up more blood on the ground. His head hit the ground softly as his eyes opened up a bit.  


Profitable Capitalist


PostPosted: Wed Mar 29, 2006 2:19 pm
Reaper had glanced back at Yusake when he yelled at her face blank with no surprise that he had yelled at her in such a manner. She half expected it so she wasn't going to let it surprise her in any fashion or form. Slowly her attention turning back to kujiro before she felt herself froze. Her right fist clentching tightly causing the metal of the gauntlet to slid against one another roughly. Eyes narrowed upon the man wondering how much about her the man truely knew. This wasn't good yes she has hidden a big thing about herself from Yusake. But, she waiting till later on down the line to tell him anything about it. Besides, she knew just as little about Yusake as he knew of her. He had never asked her anything about herself just like she hadn't with him. So it was both their faults on their parts for not asking about each others history.

This was going to be the downfall she just knew it was. It was just like Reaper to repeat her old mistakes so many damn times. Don't lose it Yusake....don't lose it. Reaper thought to herself as the man continued on with Yusake. Her eyes averted to Jacob whom also was now upon his feet with his own pair of gauntlets on. The boy looked to be holding back just as much Reaper was. Reaper had hope the boy would've gotten out of here when he had the chance. But, Reaper was his teacher after all so it was no surprise that he had gained her stubborness. True..she was not what she appeared to be and she was a creature of sorts. But, the man didn't have to speak about it so openly.

So, bluntly as if she was a piece of garbage on the side of the road. Her head whipped towards Yusake as he charged towards his brother. s**t! Immediately Reaper charged up her magic her hands held out before her as a glyph appeared beneath her feet. Across from her so many yards away she could see her brother doing exactly the same. He new the procedure and was ready to act upon it. The wind bursted around the two as their magic came fully charged. As the glyph then started to vanish beneath her feet Reaper pushed off charging towards Kujiro. Her gauntlets giving off an eerie blood red aura. The claws of her gauntlets had actually extended out become longer and sharper more deadly. She pushed off the ground in a jump bringing the claws of her right gauntlet downwards with full speed. Coming down at him from above.

As she was charging Jacob had finished his own magic charged. His arms whipped around as the air around him started to lose temperature a icy mist forming lightly. Ice shards formed into long stakes and like a fleet of arrows they all launched towards Kujiro. Following right behind them Jacob followed his gauntlets giving off an eerie blue aura that left a trail of blue streaks when they moved.  
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