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Krazy Kaori

PostPosted: Thu Mar 30, 2006 3:11 pm
Kaori frowned in anger as Gordon's voice interrupted her thoughts, still angry at him from earlier. She was about to yell back at him, but as he mentioned Kai, she froze. "Wh-what?" She leapt to her feet instantly. "Back at the playground?" She was about to start running, when she glanced back down towards William. He was still unconscious, but she quickly she decided he wouldn't be going anywhere soon. Besides, Julia was still on his motor thing. Kaori nodded towards Gordon, temporarily forgiving him for his earlier words. "Ok, let's go." She disregarded Misa now as well, not wishing to talk any longer. The urge to find her brother and make sure he was alright overruled her wonderings about what a model was.  
PostPosted: Thu Mar 30, 2006 3:12 pm
"Ah, Its nothing.."Misa replied and then turned her attention to the guy who he was sure talking about Lighttt. "What happen? " Misa was about to leave then turned back. She started sweating...and feeling hot.  



Profitable Capitalist

PostPosted: Thu Mar 30, 2006 3:25 pm
" Lets gi Gordon said running torwards the playground. He couldn't fly but he was running as fast as he could. HIs eyes widen. " Oh no Shepard! You used your Blue Fire blitz move! All your power.You might not have enough!" Gordon yelled trying to run faster.  
PostPosted: Thu Mar 30, 2006 3:29 pm
Kaori dashed beside him, glancing towards Kei as he soared along by her head. She smiled faintly, but then blinked at Gordon's words. "Wh-what?" she stammered, increasing her pace. She pulled her sword from the sheath, balancing it in one hand as she ran, so she'd be prepared for whatever they were met with. She chewed her lip slightly as she moved. Why was she helping this guy after he'd provoked her brother like that. She scowled and bowed her head slightly. Because I started helping earlier and now I have to finish, she thought in annoyance to herself as she kept going. She hadn't noticed Misa, since she'd left too quickly.  

Krazy Kaori


PostPosted: Thu Mar 30, 2006 3:33 pm
Misa followed but no to the playground, she stood and walked away in a brain controled way. Misa's crown fell down and she did not even turned back to get it...she walked off and no one knew where she was going..let's just say she was missing..  
PostPosted: Thu Mar 30, 2006 4:38 pm
OOC:O_O I think I missed a lot...

Alyssa watched as the others dashed off toward the playground as if there lives had depended upon it. Her brown eyes narrowed as she casually began following suit in no hurry to catch up with them. To Alyssa, this was all very amusing. Watching others try to show off their powers like Gods or Godesses, acting as if they knew everything already. Alyssa was not one to be cocky or outspoken, she knew her place and was perfectly fine with it.

She stretched lazily as her pace slowed to a casual walk, Alyssa didn't feel the need to help nor be there for "emotional support." Hell, she didn't even know why they were running.



PostPosted: Thu Mar 30, 2006 5:42 pm
Kujiro was now facing up to quite an attack. Chryos had formed his ice clones to surround him, the boy was throwing javelin like shards of ice, and above the woman poised to strike with the great claw that her gauntlet now formed. To most this would seem like a terrible predicament, an inescapable situation. However, that was hardly the case in Kujiro's mind, as once again he displayed his absolutely lackluster enthusiasm toward this battle. "Hmph..." was the only thing he uttered as he quickly made his move. He pushed himself somewhat off the ground, sideways, while spinning. His left foot landed first from the short leap, though instead of merely stopping, he continued to slide as if on ice. A trail of a liquid like black substance was formed as he slid toward the side, indicating the use of his shadow like power. As he neared two of the ice clones, his right foot extended over the ground, creating its own trail as he turned so his back was facing the clones. His body lowered until it was nearly completely on the ground, and he continued to slide. Kujiro passed between the two he was sliding toward, bringing his hand against the ground to come into contact with the shadow that was now binding with his own. Once he was cleared of that, he would turn once again, rising into a standing position.

Since Chryos, and most likely the others directly involving themselves in the fight, were keeping their attention on Kujiro they might have not noticed the sudden wave of distortion that formed over the two ice clones he passed. In a matter of seconds, one of them formed a wide crack up the back of its left leg that reached its neck, shattering it from that leg to the head. The other suddenly shattered at its mid section and fell apart almost immediately. Though, that wasn't a particular point of interest, just another mere precaution, and not so much the true beauty of his most simple escape maneuver. Having not directly defended or stopped any of the oncoming attacks, he allowed them all to collide upon one another. As Reaper would land into the center of the ice clones, she took upon the severe risk of their blades cutting her instead of Kujiro. Not only that, but her clawed attack had a good chance of destroying the ice clones in front of her when they were close enough, allowing Jacob's ice spears to impale her instead. Ah, but it was even worse then merely that. For at the same time this was happening, something possibly unnoticed was going on. The shadow which Kujiro had dipped his fingers through, still bound to his actual shadow, was on the move.

It had parted five ways, creating five thin streams that move in erratic patterns around Jacob, of all people. While his attention, and the attention of others, was diverted to the crash scene or Kujiro, the six shadows moved swiftly behind Jacob. Once there, the small streaming threads would launch from the ground in the form of thin, straight spikes that would ironically impale the one who attempted to impale Kujiro. One would go through his right forearm, another through his left shoulder, one through his right knee, one through the left side of the abdomen, and one through the left shin. They most certainly would not stop there though, they would continue to move, curving so as to change their trajectory to aim straight for Chryos. However, they would not be as nice, as one aimed for his eye, one for his throat, another for his right lung, another for his stomach, and the one for his heart. Kujiro, in the meantime, surveyed what was now left of the area and the people. "Hmph..." was the first sound that came out of him as he began to walk forward once again. "So, they have decided to leave..." he comments aloud, mostly to himself of course.

His eyes shift toward where his younger brother is, and where Tatsu is speaking to him. Of course, Yusake was unable to respond, he was barely even conscious. Kujiro showed no real feeling for his fallen sibling though, instead he merely shifted his eyes toward Scytheress. "...no matter, however. The next course of action is most obvious..." his eyes continued to wander as he walked, stopping on Julia now. "...I will just have to kill those that remain." the very point he finished that sentence, his pupils seemed to dilate heavily. The black soon consumed the entire iris of each eye, making pitch black circles where color should be. He still continued forward, the ice clones, Reaper, Jacob, and Chryos once again ignored for the time being. Not that it mattered, for if everything went exactly how intended, three of the annoyances within the courtyard would be taken down in one minor, swift movement.  
PostPosted: Thu Mar 30, 2006 7:00 pm
Reaper suspected as much when Kujiro would do something that would make their attacks back fire greatly. But, he had forgotten that though she was focused mostly on the attack another part was working upon another stragey. The left hand in which she currently wasn't using was gathering together her magic forming a flat plate sphere that was growing. The palm facing down towards the ground as she came nearer to the Mother Earth. The metal extended claws slicing instead through Kujiro but into the clones. Slicing through them like butter as she came in to land in a crouching position hand placed upon the ground. The black plate extended outswards beneath her the strands of the shadows wrapped around her and pulled her in hastly as the ice stakes came to stake her. Far used to the coldness of the shadows she was pulled in quickly as the first ice shard came missing her by several inches. Then the rest followed drawer closer and closer one even managed to brush just above her right ear as she disappeared into the black plate. The moment she was engulfed into the darkness it snapped shut.

Jacob had ceased his charge half way through it realizing that his ice stakes were going to impale his own sister. His hands stretched out frantically as he tried to gain power over his spell trying to move them off course. But with the speed in which the stakes move and how far they were traveling per second made it all but near impossible for him to do such. All he could do was watch in horror as they neared his sister it paralyzed him during those few short moments which seemed to pass him by like life times. Every single of his ice stakes miss the target but each of them had drawn closer to it before driving into the ground a few more yards off. A sigh of relief came from him feeling as if a huge weight was just lifted off his shoulders.

His fist clentched tightly his gaze raising from the stakes towards Kujiro. Going through the possibilities of what he could do to harm Kujiro but in truth it was all very limited. To attack far off with spells simply wasn't going to work especially if his sister and that Chyros continued to fight him as well. It would simple end the same way of their attacks being turned upon one another. So..if they were all going to fight him it would have to be up close in combat. Jacob lacked the full training in that area of hand to hand combat he wouldn't stand a chance. Which was partially why Jacob had first attempted to flee when Kujiro had his eyes set on him. So...there had to be another way to fight him.

But, that was all quickly cut off when a shiver ran up Jacob's spine. A shiver that caused him to blink and turned his head just enough to glance behind him. It didn't matter if he had attempted to move or not it was far too late for him to do anything as he glanced back. All Jacob really had time for was a simple gasp of shock and fear as the strands of shadows came to impale him. His cry of pain filled the courtyard as each one drove into him hastly and roughly. The gauntlets attached to his right arm gave a loud crack as the shadow shot straight through it.

The blood spilling out was gathering within the gauntlet like a pool. The shoulder blade cracked as the shadow impaled it-it also came striking through the collar bone. The arm immediately went numb from the struck before his attention was pulled off to the destruction of his right knee. It was that one that made him cry out the loudest his leg wanting to buckle by the force of the shadow still going through it kept him standing where he was. All Jacob could do was stand there stuck in his stance for the shadows were still connected to the ground where the source rested. His body shooked as blood ran down from the wounds dripping off him to the soil and staining his clothing.

The black plate reappeared a few feet away from where Reaper had sunked into it. Crawling back out in still perfect condition and unharmed but the sounds of her brothers cry drew her attention immediately. It felt as if part of her was shattered to pieces upon the sight of the boy being staked in five different places but was unable to fall. Her blood boiled with anger pushing off dashing towards her brother to aid him. One way to get rid of a shadow was to elimnate it with a bright light source. If she did it over where the source of the shadow was it should ultimaly force the shadow to distipate that or to move to the other side of Kujiro which should break the link.

Her gauntlets unlocked from around her hands dropping the ground as she neared the source of the shadow. Her eyes becoming enveloped in that eerie blue as the color of her skin begin to brighten to a warm whiteness. It spread up from the fingers tips up the arm spreading over her entire body. The feature characteristics used to normally describe a person seemed to be sweeped away by the whiteness. The long burnett hair shortened coming about to about jaw line and it a curl texture to it. Streaks of that blue ran through it the clothing on her seemed to be melted away. If you were to describe what was now there it would be like a shadowy figure in the dark. How you know what sex it is even though all you see is blackness. It was the same way with Reaper but with the whiteness.

She jumped from the ground smoothly and came landing directly upon the shadow. Her hands which now contained three fingers only the thumb, the two after had melded together to form one and the other after that did as well. Yes, Reaper wasn't human she was a different species all together but a powerful one. A light illuminated from the placement of her hands against the shadows. A shutter seemed to wave through the courtyard before it settled. The moment it settled the light exploded massively shredding off light in every direction in a great magnitude. A light meant for nothing but to the break the links of the shadows and to illuminate them from the source. In this case from Kujiro's shadow and control.



PostPosted: Thu Mar 30, 2006 7:38 pm
Where Jacob had lacked time to avoid the onslaught of shadows Chryos had plenty. As the spires shot out through the boy and up into the air he rocketted off towards Kujiro, swooping down and barrell rolling to avoid the shadow attacks. he took off in front of the man, his own eyes now completely white, the "eye of chryon" whirlling and flaming and a grin upon his face. This would be a battle that he could enjoy; there'd be no more holding back on his end.

Chryos took off like a bullet, flying out a good distance ahead of Kujiro, cutting back sharply and flying back in at such a speed that multiple sonic booms could be heard within mere feet of each other. just as he passed within the 15 foot range of Kujiro Chryos kicked hard off of the spire, aiming the giant hardened ice spike down at his opponent, and landing leisurely around 16 or 17 feet away. If it hit, which was most likely quite doubtful considering the opponent, it could literally split the man in half. If it missed, on its current course it would only slam into the ground, leaving a nice hole, but not going in anyone else's general direction.

The eerie part was the fact that this man seemed to control the shadows, a feat which he'd seen only once before in his lifetime, and not even to such an extent. Chryos began walking towards Kujiro, slowly and confidently, a fog settling in all around them and ice forming all over the ground. It kept spreading, filling around a 20 foot in diameter circle around them. For the other's it could be dangerous, seeing as it may create visibility problems for them, but for Chryos it gave him a way to sense attacks sooner. His own energy pulsed through said fog, acting like a near impossible number of nerve endings, each and every one sending a warning of the slightest sense of anything straight to his brain via the "eye."

"Kujiro Akimoto, as bored as I'm sure you are with this battle up to this point, I must do my best to make sure no harm comes to these people. He was only a f****** child for pete's sake...he didn't deserve that. YOU are NOT a GOD, no matter what's been programmed into your head...YOU CAN BE STOPPED...and WILL!!!"

Chryos's voice was never more serious than it was now, his very soul seeming to explode with power and justice. If this Kujiro really was of the serenian it may have some intrest to him, a spirit force of that nature. Every bone in his body popped every muscle flexed and relaxed. He was completely tense, completely aware, and full of such determination that his very death seemed inconsequencial at that moment...  
PostPosted: Thu Mar 30, 2006 8:23 pm
Scytheress remained an emotionless shell for her raging souls, her almost blank expression revealing nothing of the Fox's hatred or the Elf's fear and despair as she watched the execution of the attacks. She'd known from the start that this kind of uncoordinated effort would give no positive results, just as the battle against Citadel; no damage was done to the beast until Solumone gave orders for a collective strike. If Scytheress had even the slightest bit of confidence in herself to come up with a strategy she may have imparted it on the others but as it was her attention was taken not by Kujiro but by Rem. The Elf's incessant pleading was mind shattering and if it didn't stop soon Scytheress might find herself in an unwanted position at Kujiro's mercy.

Ironically it was a like scream that pulled the Fox from her internal argument and silenced the Elf. Jacob had become more a kabob now that five shadow skewers had been struck through his limbs. The cry was most certainly laced with pain but still Scytheress remained passive. She did not want to aide a possible enemy to a greater enemy yet. In this case Scytheress's enemy's enemy would not be her friend. As Chryos was still recovering from his attack and transfering to his new assault Scytheress's gaze was pulled back to Kujiro and found him once again with his eyes set on her. She really wished he'd stop doing that, especially now with those black eyes, it made Rem squirm and that in turn annoyed Scythe.

She had been about to speak when Reaper began to change into some kind of white creature, almost unbefitting the darkening atmosphere of the Courtyard. But it stumped Scy as to why she was doing this. Couldn't she tell he was a shadow manipulator not just a user? Casting light on darkness doesn't make it go away or even flinch when its fused with the energy of a controlling being. If anything Reaper had just set herself up to be ruthlessly murdered by the black tendrils she sought to destroy. That is if Scytheress continued to sit back and do nothing, which she had every intention of doing especially now since all light was snuffed out anyway. Chryos had created a fog which did not help them in the slightest, if anything it was another brash move made by the berserked. Now they'd all lost one of their primary senses, sight, and unless they were Foxes or the like as Scy was their sense of hearing would do them little good.

Scytheress let out an audible sigh, the first normal sound to pass her lips since Kujiro had entered the scene. For whatever stupid reason the Fox decided she'd lend a helping hand, maybe it was Chryos's outcry, but she'd not help not noticibly. Kujiro wasn't the only shadow weilder present. The Fox's own shadow began to distort, writhing almost as the fog settled in thick to conceal it. No energy was given off by this change to Scythe's benefit and suddenly streaks of her own shadow slithered between the blades of grass to Kujiro's shadow arts. The very moment they connected Kujiro would feel it, a foreign presence tampering with his attack, hindering it greatly as every molecule within the shadows he controlled was attatched to and restrained by small bits of Scytheress's own energy. Scythe could only hope Kujiro didn't quite know her 'scent' from the others and would leave her be.  


Dangerous Lover

Sousei Tatsu

PostPosted: Thu Mar 30, 2006 9:42 pm
Tatsu watched as Kujiro effortlessly took hold of the fight with only a few simple moves, and couldn't help but chuckle silently. These guys are getting pummeled by this one ma. It's as if the gods descended upon and anthill and declaired war on it! The battle was exciting Tatsu's tainted blood, the patterns that now covered his body shivering with delight. The air around him wavered and bent as Tatsu's true power he obtained from his Aura Infection began to rise. At first it was very subtle, almost completely unnoticable. From the center of Tatsu's scar on his neck began to spread 'nothing'. Slowly his flesh, bones, muscles, and blood began to vanish, leaving only a distorted black mass where the neck was.

This blackness spread upwards, covering the right half of his face, placing a illuminated white eye where his calm blue one once was. It also spread downwards, enveloped his right arm complete and traveling up his sword, replacing it with the 'nothing' as well. For now, this was all he could conjure from his parallel self, a reverse side of himself that dwells in the world opposite to our own. He would pull out more strength, but Aura Infection is not so easily mastered. It takes severe concentration to be able to fully control it, even to the point where Tatsu has managed to do so. If he were to pull out more strength, he would have to be in a much higher state of mental tension.

Tatsu's right arm was now completely weightless, not too mention his sword now held no mass either. Also, the 'nothing', or as Tatsu prefers to call it, the "Void", had traveled into his brain, fishing out the part of the brain that controls the functions to the right arm and removed the limiters on it. Since Tatsu's arm was no longer made of flesh and bone, there was no need to hold back from using the arm's 100% potential so that the arm would not be damaged.

The speed of Tatsu's arm was also multiplied by the power of the energy released by his Aura Infection, but such speeds were not something most beings could handle, not even some higher beings could hope to control Tatsu's right arm. This is the reasoning behind the Void taking Tatsu's eye. The Void had intensified Tatsu's right eye to see whatever lied before it, and also reached back into the optical center of the brain, enhancing his sight even more.

Now some might ask "How can this 'nothing' harm anyone?" Well, it doesn't really have it's own mass or form to call it's own. It acts as a rift, leading to the actual physical matter hidden deep within the Void, in a sort of artificial universe, created specifically to house the user of Void's body.

This power came with a price, though. Tatsu staggered a bit after conjuring the Void, the intense spiritual energy trying to force the very life out of him. You see, it takes a vast amount of life force to sustain 'nothing', and this constantly degrades Tatsu's health, shortening his lifespan, shattering his endurance and virtually erasing any trace of resistance to attacks. All he had now was the speed of his arm and his intensified strength. This didn't stop him from attacking head on, though.

Tatsu lunged forward at Kujiro, his speed as immense as the spiritual power that was constantly surging from his body. He had no plan of action, nor did he fully understand Kujiro's full power, but Tatsu had faith in his eye and his arm to be able to keep him out of harm's way. Tatsu reached Kujiro, his right eye glowing fiercely as he projected his thoughts as he had before. I love a good challenge. Tatsu let his arm fly, aiming for every vital spot his speed enhanced brain could think of: Neck, heart, lungs, kidneys, knees, forehead, stomach, liver, spinal column- Anything that, if destroyed, would kill the person. Tatsu aimed for all of it, and only hoped that they would hit.
PostPosted: Fri Mar 31, 2006 5:58 am
Julia had apparently been dozing off again as her other accomplices, being Kaori and Gordon, had run off in another direction towards the playground area. At the same time, Julia recognized the figure of Scytheress, a clearly omnipotent force, which Julia did not intend on being near. She was able to make out the workings of (more) ice things being thrown out in addition to some hellish looking shadow things, all of which qued her to take her leave. Abandoning the junked up motorcycle, Julia head toward the playground area where it seemed as though her aquaintences may require her assistance...  



PostPosted: Fri Mar 31, 2006 4:13 pm
[ Message temporarily off-line ]  
PostPosted: Fri Mar 31, 2006 7:11 pm
(( *Gasp* No one is paying attention to me character... O_O ))

After running around in circles, crawling all over the courtyard, and yelling at students about her sketchbook, Fuyumi finally decided, The sketchbook is definitely not here. Fuyumi sighed and rubbed her forehead before skipping off to the playground, hoping to find her sketchbook there.

(( Playground! Whoopee =D ))  



PostPosted: Fri Mar 31, 2006 7:30 pm
Chryos took off forward, then, just at the moment that the tentacles would make their first strike upon him he would vanish into the ice and mists.

"I served Cerus for two years during the war...if I recall correctly, Ceron was the tyrant...or so I was told at least when I went into battle...how foolish I was then to believe such things...but no longer..."

It was Chry's voice but it came not from a pair of visible lips. The sound was disembodied, almost seeming to float around Kujiro, rising up out of the ground and down from the sky simultaneously, like a straight mental tap, though it was far from.

"and your right you know, I don't know if the importance of the Serenian...to me they almost seem to have too much power. Mine comes from a direct pact with the Gods one would say...but the devil can tell you about that. It's strange...your bloodline exists to guard, whatever you protect...and myself...I exist to protect those child like beasts... You have power...they are pure, and untained by the madness that consumes all of you..."

When he finished speaking a sudden tremor of energy could be felt by all those around except for Kujiro, a warning of sorts from Chryos of what he was about to do. Taking not near the time to prepare this attack that Reaper had, Chryos was preparing his all the time he'd been speaking to Kujiro, from wherever he was. He rose from the ground to the nearly immediate right side of his opponent, flexing out his hands and releasing a sort of glittering precipitate from the fingertips of his gauntlets that would freeze anything they touched in a similar manner to that as before. Though his true attack was to come immediately after. Just after releasing the "glitter dust" he would take off again, moving free of the shadow technique that he was currently working up and releasing an attack that would astound many. Though it would be nearly invisible due to Reaper's own "solar flare" Numerous strings of light shot out from Chryos's body. His eyes, mouth, nostrils, ears, hands, feet and even his back shot off ribbons of bluish white light. Each aimed directly towards Kujiro. two at his feet, a pair for his arms, one around his throat, another around his eyes, and a final to close tightly around his nose. Upon meeting the correct target spines would shoot out of them immediately and grab on, releasing energy throughout the man's body in an attempt to rip it apart from the inside out. It was the same type of attack used by Jellyfish in the wild. When the tendrils are struck, inumerable microscopic spines all blast out and inject the target with venom, or in this case energy that would begin to freeze the cells, causing them to expand and eventually break their bonds and burst apart from each other...  
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