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Good ol' fashion Magical High school RPing. 

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PostPosted: Sun Apr 09, 2006 3:01 pm
"Yes..." Kujiro's eyes narrowed as Chryos passed him and moved into the air. "Run, flee away from the fight and the loss of your own life..." he, however, did not continue the pursuit as Chryos anticipated. Yes, the tentacle like shadows did begin to follow Chryos, as the substance would not be stopped by itself. So of course it went through the other shadow, yet Kujiro would not continue his attack on him. Instead, he turned them directly for Erika instead. Her waves did not hit him either, as the shadow which was around him in a circle had taken the force of her waves, stopping them. "...witness the result of your inaction and hesitation..." he turned toward Erika's direction as the tendrils rushed her. At the same time, the tendrils attacking Reaper would make their move. But not all of them would try to tear through her wall. Instead, only one of them did so, while the others rushed under the wall, under the ground, then came from below her to wrap themselves around her legs and begin to pull her in. "...witness as the life of these...weeds...is strangled out of their pitiful shells." he slightly raised his right hand, only to thrust it downward.

From it came the small, black sphere he used to capture the dust like particles of Chryos recent attempt to freeze him. The small, black sphere of shadow dipped into the ground as if it held no substance. Once it entered the ground, it burst into many strands of black, slithering, slug like forms which carried pits and particles of the frozen substance. They squirmed about and over the gathering metal, freezing it to the point of becoming brittle and shattering before it had the chance to leave. With the shadows which moved through solid matter as easily as water moved through water, it should be no surprise that he was aware of what may be happening beneath him. Erika's attack had been thwarted before it even had the chance to be ready. The tentacles Reaper expected to go through the wall now were coming from under her to drown her in shadow just as it had done with Jacob and Scytheress. Both women probably had not expected this outcome in the least, and by being caught off guard, were probably in a most vulnerable position. Kujiro's eyes were, once again, cold to the death he expected would soon surround him. The black that consumed his eyes was decreasing as well, seeping from the whites and receding back into his irises.

Of course, there were others in the area who could fight, others who could defend themselves or those involved. The situation had started grim, and grown more and more desperate as the movements and attacks of each going after Kujiro had failed, even when used to overwhelm him. And just then, in the moment that would seem to be Reaper's end, and the beginning to Erika's, a loud shout came from behind Kujiro. As he turned to the left, the hard sting of cold metal could be felt as Yusake's metal fist collided with his left cheek. His head was quickly pushed far to his right, body leaning toward the same direction as the hard, right hook connected. Dust was quickly pushed away from him by the sheer force of Yusake's punch, delivered with the aid of the gathered air pressure commonly found when he uses his 'Buster Shot' attack. The tentacles attacking both Reaper and Erika wavered, cringing away as if in pain. Small particles of the shadow began to pick away from the larger tentacles, as well as the shadow covering over both Jacob and Scytheress, fading into the air as they separated. A mixed expression of anger and elation could be seen in Yusake's face as the hit struck him, seemingly unexpected by Kujiro.

But in a very short time, Yusake's expression turned to surprise as his fist began to meet resistance. Kujiro still stood his ground, eyes closed as his head pushed against Yusake's fist after it stopped. Yusake could be seen visibly pushing back, and yet still his hand was being forced away, when Kujiro's eyes then suddenly shot open. "Was that supposed to impress me?" he glared straight at Yusake, who's eyes widened as they met so close with his older brother's. Kujiro's hand suddenly gripped the metal wrist of his brother's. He turned so that his right shoulder faced Yusake, moving closer to him as he pulled his brother's arm. As Yusake was forced in toward Kujiro, Kujiro's right elbow thrust into his collarbone on the right most side around his neck. An expression of pain immediately could be seen over Yusake's face he was hit. Kujiro then lowered his form, turning his back to Yusake as he moved under the metal arm to his side. All the while, his hand was still in contact with Yusake's metal arm, pulling him forward slightly in the process. When Kujiro turned around again and was facing Yusake, his right hand was moved against Yusake's abdomen. With Yusake being bent over this hand, Kujiro thrust upward, sending a distorted wave around his immediate space, showing the power in which he pushed Yusake, who then launched into the air.

Once he had done this, Kujiro stood up, leaning back slightly. He turned away, taking two slow steps forward before bracing himself. As Yusake neared the ground again, falling, he turned back around. As he turned, he thrust his knee upward, so that Yusake would land full force into Kujiro's knee with his stomach. The younger man's eyes widened as his breath escaped him. Droplets of blood slowly trickled from his mouth as he cringed, then fell off of Kujiro's knee to the ground. Kujiro looked down at his brother, who's eyes were wide and glazed over. "This...is not even worth the effort..." his eyes closed when he spoke. The shadows which had began to dissipate, now simply dissolved away. That which consumed Jacob and Scytheress was now gone, leaving them in the process. "Even now you have yet to understand. Do you even know what the point of this was?" he looked into Yusake's eyes, his own eyes seemingly as emotionless as Yusake's were right now. "But you will learn..." his voice softened, becoming almost a whisper. "...and eventually you will understand the truth which alludes you..." he tilted his head for a moment, then squatted down next to his brother.

Kujiro spoke, yet his words might as well not have been there. Only his lips moved, and only Yusake would hear them. A very slight twitch could be seen around Yusake's eyes as he heard his brother speak, yet he clearly didn't understand. With what strength he had left, Yusake reached out with his metal hand, reached out toward Kujiro. "Remember that, Yusake..." but instead of reaching back, Kujiro merely stood up and stared at his brother. "...remember it well, because I have no time to teach you lessons which will not be learned properly." he stepped over Yusake and walked. It was not long after that Yusake's arm fell to the side, as did his head. Though he was still breathing, the light trickles of blood from his mouth and glazed over eyes could hardly mean anything hopeful or good. "You are most fortunate..." Kujiro's voice came to Reaper as he passed her. "...that I have grown tired of this pathetic situation." yet, he did not even spare a glance to her, she was not worth it to the cold, dark eyed older brother of Yusake. However, his eyes did swiftly move to notice Rivera, of whom seemed to show interest in him.

But his eyes did not watch her for long, only long enough to show that he noticed her...and perhaps that was the best he was ever willing to give most others. Kujiro continued forward, taking his eyes from the girl to the entrance/exit in front of him. There was another man there, standing there, perhaps having just entered. The other man was shorter then Kujiro, probably almost six feet, yet shy of it by two or more inches. His skin was dark, a similar if not slightly darker shade then Kujiro and Yusake's. His hair was also black, though much longer, being tied in a single braid that reached slightly passed the small of his back. Though, stranger still was the all white suit the man wore that had a turtle neck like collar covering his neck. Not to mention the ethereal like eyes of blue that he watched Kujiro approach with. He was also most definitely younger, having a thinner, more lithe frame and much more youthful expression in the smile on his face. Some may know the man, a certain Tallan Marikai Drachorsa. The very moment Kujiro reached the man, he stopped, to the side and slightly ahead of him. His head quickly turned in Tallan's direction, his eyes narrowing in a glare directed to the other man.

However, Tallan only smiled in his most pleasant manner, not unlike the way he always smiled to others. The eyes met exactly with one another's, Tallan smiling, and Kujiro glaring. They simply stared, no words exchanging...just the gaze in their eyes to one another. More then a full minute had passed before they did anything, in fact. And that one thing they each did, was continue on their way. Tallan's eyes closed as he smiled more brightly to Kujiro, where as Kujiro's eyes narrowed further, just before the two of them continued. Tallan walked ahead, further into the courtyard and into the scene as Kujiro left, leaving his injured brother and the others behind to deal with themselves.  
PostPosted: Sun Apr 09, 2006 3:23 pm
Odin walked out into the courtyard, taking a deep breath. He then smiled and looked around thinking, I'm really here... my parents actually let me enroll here...god I'm lucky.
He then proceaded to walk down a path, glancing around to see who he could meet. A little way down the path, he came across what appeared to be a fight of some sort, and stopped to watch, interested to see what kinds of people attended the school and what sort of powers they may posses.  



Sparkly Lunatic

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PostPosted: Sun Apr 09, 2006 4:50 pm
Rivera glanced sideways, her icy blue eyes streaked with white lightning. There was another there to watch the fight...no big deal. People here were very similar... not that they were beasts as the man had said, but that they were alike. When there was a fight, they crowded around to watch the outcome. Fights attracted them, watching people suffer livened them... no, not her. She watched not for enjoyment, but to learn how to fight, and to get to know the attacks of others better. Rivera glanced back and continued to watch.

((Ooo... short post >.> I feel lazy today))  
PostPosted: Sun Apr 09, 2006 9:33 pm
Reaper's eyes narrowed while watching a single tenticle moved in to break through her sheild while the others dispersed before her. Not exactly what she had planned but she could still attempt to make her plan work none the less. There was a shattering like one would hear with glass as that single trendle broke through her shield. Her finger hooked around the invisible string to pull it back. But, that was when the shadows had come out of the ground immediately taking hold of her. Using her own spell to trap her inside the shield as it filled up with shadows. She felt herself begin to get pulled in her hands releasing the strings reshaping new ones to plant against the shadows from below. Before the spell good be completed she felt something change in the spell and a yell. Which brought her attention up to Kojiro watching as Yusake strike him. The wavering in the tenticles gave her enough time to start escaping from their hold. Pulling away from them she took several steps away from the shadows watching the way they had responded when Kojiro was struck.

Her mind immediately shifted elsewhere spinning around on the balls of her feet. The tendrils of shadows passing through Jacob had cringed and faded away as well. The shadow that was once consuming him vanished which allowed the boy to finally fall. He fell quickly and hard to the ground with a thud. Seeing how Yusake was up and obviously ready to fight she took the time to focus her attention to Jacob dashing over to him. During the way there Reaper had shifted back to her disguise of that of a seventeen year old girl. Sliding down upon her knees Reaper bent over Jacob sliding one arm beneath him while the other went over him. Flipping him over onto his back picking him up lightly in her arms. It seemed Jacob had finally lost conscious wether it was before or during the fall was unknown. Laying the boy down she removed the purple shall which left only a short black top like that women wore to excerise in over her torso. She tore at the shawl taring it into long rags which she then used to wrap around the varies wounds the shadows had made. At least she could slow down the blood flow by tying the bandages on.

These would only work for so long though she had to get him to the hospital. By the looks of his stained clothing and the soil in which he had been stuck standing over he had lost lots. Meaning they would have to transfer more blood into his body so his body wouldn't shut down. When she came down to the knee she winced while slowly pulling back the tares of his pants lightly ripping them. The sight was rather gruesome it was obvious the knee cap was broken. To tell the truth she was uncertain wether or not to tie a bandage around it afraid that it may harm the already broken bone into worse condition. Deciding to leave it along at the moment she went to the gauntlet which was punctured and removed it. A flood of blood poured out of the gauntlet once it was removed quickly wrapping the tared shawl around the hole in the forearm. Reaper happened to glance back towards the brother only to watch as Yusake got struck once more.

She cringed a bit it looked like the entire move hurt. Reaper went back to Jacob's knee and carefully wrapped the rag around it. With all the wounds bandaged she slipped her arm along his back and the other gently along the hook of his knees. Lifting him up in her arms climbing up to her own two feet. It was about this time when Kojiro was passing her causing her to twitch slightly as he spoke. Choosing not to respond to him in any form or fashion. She had been given a chance to help her brother and she was going to take it while it lasted. Glancing over at Yusake as he laid upon the ground. To tell the truth she wasn't that worried about the man he was too bloody stubborn to give out so easily. And at the moment she did have to focus her attention upon Jacob. She stared at Yusake for a few minutes before a black plate formed before her. One in which she stepped through with her brother which would take them directly to the school hospital. It would closed shut behind her with a snap.



PostPosted: Sun Apr 09, 2006 10:27 pm
(( Sorry wrong courtyard))  
PostPosted: Mon Apr 10, 2006 8:48 am
Scytheress had been on the verge of screaming as her own life force was being sucked out of her by Kujiro, but just as she took a deep breath the shadows began to slither off of her. The darkness peeled back from her face and ceased playing in her hair, slipped from her shoulders inb their decent back to the ground from which they'd sprung. Though nowwithout the shadows' support Scytheress found herself falling forward on her knees with her head bent listlessly forward. However Scytheress was far from out of energy, she just.. needed a moment to settle her thoughts. One of these days she'd confront Kujiro on her own but that would be a day far, far off.

With her hands fisting against the ground the Fox stood just in time to see Kujiro begin to walk off an some other man arrive. This man's smile was quite bothersome to the current atmosphere. But then again Scy was becoming accustomed to odd characters about Ria. She turned from the darker skinned lad to Yusake on the ground. Scytheress smirked and brushed her hand across her cheek. So there was one Serenian Scy might be able to kill yet.

"Scytheress what are you thinking!? you can't kill Yusake his attempt on Kujiro saved us!"

Scytheress visibly cringed as Rem took up her ever valiant cry in sympathies with the fallen. The Fox'seye twitched as she stopped her planned procession to Yusake's side to deal with the idiot inside her head. Rem suggested several reasons to not further bring harm to the boy but her counterpart would have none of it. With an indignant sigh Rem lashed out, ripping Scytheress from her position as commander of the body andimplicating herself there instead. The figures face lit up in a sudden smile as she jumped, the silky tail behind her wagging insatiably from the joy of being in control again. If Scytheress had a chance of being in power again she would have killed herself for the giggle that Rem emitted from the host body.

"See now Scythey, we can help. You're too mean sometimes."

"Do you forget what they've done to us? What Kujiro JUST did?? Rem how can you be so naive as to just let this creature get away from us? He-"

"Who said he's getting away from us?"

Rem walked over to Yusake's side andknelt down, gently brushing the boy's dark hair from his face. She coo'd softly and shot two of her wings from her back to fold over them. Where Scytheress's wings were destructive, Rem's were protective and healing. So instead of having her hand melt away when she grabbed a feather instead it glowed softly and she placed the black feather on Yusake's chest in hopes that it would work. If it did, the feather would burst into tiny shimmering particles and dive down through Yusake's skin to work as hyperactive bloodcells and mend his inner wounds, including the possible broken ribs he'd suffered.

"C'mon Yusake get better. Rem has questions for you!"

Rem smiled brightly while inside her Scytheress cupped her head in her hands and wanted to cry.  


Dangerous Lover


PostPosted: Mon Apr 10, 2006 2:52 pm
"...crazy bastards...Hey, Tallan!"

Chryos smirked, his external guard seeming to lower, and the energy around him immediately wavering, and sucking back into his body. He shrugged lightly, a few bones in his back popping and his muscles losing some of their tension, his now buffed athletic look becoming wirey once again.

He pulled the headband from his arm and replaced it, the "eye" seeming to calm itself once more and go back into hiding. Chry looked to the others, shaking his head slightly and looking back on the situation...

"Geez...what a bunch of idiots...if we'd have just worked together that guy wouldn't have been so tough...didn't even look like he was trying...oh well..."

The entire fight had been playing itself over and over in his mind in the few short seconds it took him to walk over to where Tallan stood now and hold out a hand in greeting, a wide smile crossing his face...

"How's it going man, I haven't seen you in ages!"  
PostPosted: Tue Apr 11, 2006 4:38 pm
Rivera blinked, and began to walk away. Let them take care of what they can. This was not healing that she needed to perform. Her eyes were on the man that she heard was called... Kujiro. Slowly and silently, with her aura completely invisible in the twelfth plane, she followed the man as he left. Her presence was erased off the face of the universe as she walked. Except for the fact that she was visible, there was nothing else to prove that she existed, not even friction or air drags, the flow of wind... nothing.

The taste of his powers were still fresh on her tongue. She had breathed the air of his fight and savored every bittersweet tang of it. It was easy for her to follow him without sight, and she did walke with her eyes closed. Not wanting to see the staring that came with her right dragon's eye, or those that accompanied her boyish clothes. True, many of them couldn't tell whether she was male or female, but often, she grew impatient with their jeering and staring. It was one way to control herself. She was here to observe and recover, not to invoke her bloodlust.  


Sparkly Lunatic

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PostPosted: Tue Apr 11, 2006 4:56 pm
The man in white neither gave a glance to Chryos, nor did he extend his own hand. Rather, he walked completely passed him, his eyes set on the fallen young man further ahead. "Hmm...I am afraid I have no idea as to who you are." was the only thing Tallan said as he passed Chryos' side. His pair of ethereal like blue eyes were locked on Yusake alone...and yet, even though he seemed not in the least interested in Chryos, the man of ice may have heard...or felt, the slightest of things. A small, low spoken series of incomprehensible whispers, or perhaps a slightly off feeling of sorts. Yusake, in the meantime, seemed barely aware of his surroundings. His head slowly turned from right to left as he watched Reaper, or rather, watched her leave. His eyes were barely able to keep open, a pained look in his face as it contorted and a little more blood trickled from his mouth. It was a most fortunate thing that he was still alive, and even more fortunate that the other young woman had come to a more sensible note and was now about to help him. Yusake shook slightly in pain as he felt the parts within him slowly organize themselves back to shape, cuts sealing and bones mending...it was an uncomfortable experience.

"Hmhmhm...very good, my dear...but..." it was Tallan who once again spoke. His words came from Yusake's side, his eyes set upon Scytheress. "...would it not be prudent that we deliver this young man to the nearby hospital? As capable as you...may be...one cannot be..." his smile slightly broadened, his eyes tracing down to Yusake's nearly blank face, and a pair of glazed over eyes looking back at him. "...too careful." when Yusake looked up toward Tallan, a quick flash came through his mind. For the briefest moment, he saw the figure of his brother standing with Tallan, the two of them having stared between one another for what could have been forever. Yusake had seen it, though very blurred, he recognized the white this man wore. Then, in an instant, Kujiro appeared, his eyes staring straight into Yusake's. This was the memory of the brief moment when Kujiro spoke to Yusake after beating him. The look in his dark eyes, it chilled Yusake to the bone. It would be the last thing Yusake remembered though, before his head slowly turned off to the side, and his eyes closed. "Hmm...indeed, perhaps it would be best if you were to...help him further..." Tallan commented, looking toward the young woman again.  
PostPosted: Tue Apr 11, 2006 4:58 pm
Jesse finds a bench and sits there. He's tired of this. Nobody talks to him. It's too much like his life at the NNHQ and everywhere else in Gaia.
How did the other people get so popular here? And why is it that he always gets ignored? It makes him want to just quit school and go back to working for the Club Σ again.  



Sparkly Lunatic

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PostPosted: Tue Apr 11, 2006 5:12 pm
Rivera's eyes were still closed but she lifted her face slightly, facing him as she would with her eyes open, the emotionless features reading him over and over with her other senses. Yes, this was the power that he held, and she had tasted before. He was strong... and a somewhat interesting find in this place. She would see how he deals with his powers and how he fights with them. Now that she has seen his style, she was devising counters for them so she could use them quickly if she ever came across a similar situation. This... Kujiro... was that his name? He was one in a million fighters.

Kairen hummed in warning. The chain felt the shift in power, and anticipated an attack. Rivera already felt this slight tension as he turned his head. Kairyu was ready at her back and her hands were hooked onto her pockets, ready at her side. Kairen was ever faithful, and clung to her, swaying back and forth like a fearful snake. Rivera herself had never changed. The water that yeilds all and of herself, yields nothing. She anticipated, but felt absolutely no change. If he attacks, let it be and she will counter it.  
PostPosted: Tue Apr 11, 2006 9:29 pm
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Sparkly Lunatic

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PostPosted: Tue Apr 11, 2006 9:36 pm
A new voice reached her, speaking to itself. Her minds split to keep track of both of them. Sensing the person's aura, she could feel an air of disposition of resentment, lonliness and longing... Poor idiot. One gets nowhere with longing, they only get anywhere with work towards it. A closer examination brought her to realize that this was the same man she lent her towel to at the hotsprings.

She sent him a greeting in the form of a small statick jolt. It would remind him of her for a split moment. This would be her hello.  
PostPosted: Tue Apr 11, 2006 9:45 pm
Jasper fled the greenhouse to the courtyard. She'd be in trouble when he finally found her. He was pretty wet.

She sat on a bench, long hair swinging in its loose plait. Pale eyes swept the courtyard. Jas began to relax as there was no sign of the man she's soaked.

With breathing returning to normal, her mind was also beginning to click.


That's why she was feeling so full. So alive. There was a thunderstom coming. For a storm sprite, this was a big deal. She'd be able to change, too, into her full-sprite form. Small, agile. She always felt most secure, when she took the shape of a winged fairy.

With energetic jumps she positioned herself at the top of the fountain. Hair was flowing loose; elastic lost. Lightening flashed in her darkening eyes. The slim, beautiful figure was watching the sky expectantly.

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