Sex: Female

Age: 14

Height: 5'4"

Weight: 110

Description: Coco brown hair with blonde steaks. Light complection and eyes that like to change from blue to green.

Bio: I am a person whom pushes myself to do my best. When I feel embaresed too much my eyes like to shed tears even though i don't wish them to. I like to spar and battle for fun if anyone wishes to, I'm bored most the time I am not. Most people like to think I am wierd because i act different and believe in different things than them but, in my opinion, they are the wierd ones.

Talents: I am a very good fighter when need be and not just with a weapon. I am skilled in aura magic and use it as self defence. Also I am a good liar and am very persuasive.

Areas of Interest: As usual i like to perfect what i am good at so naturally i would like to improve my magic and fighting skills. Also I am a fanatic about dracology and other related studies.

Armament: The only weapon I physically own is my black aura sword. Other weapons I craft out of my aura when no other weapon is availible.