First and foremost, there will be under no circumstances, any racial, or other types of slurs, directed at any member of the guild. This is your only warning. If I catch anyone saying anything derogative, you will be banned immediately. NO exceptions!

Keep cussing and uses of other "nasty" words to a minimum. Not everyone wants to read someone that looks like it could be taken from a porn magazine. s**t, damn, hell, goddamn, are pretty much the only ones that are "minor" enough to be ok for young kids. Stick to those please.

For rping purposes, no godmoding, autohitting, etc. Only exception is if you have permission to do so by the rper.

While romance is encouraged, cybering is not. Just because you like your love/sex life to be public, doesnt mean I want to read it. And plus its breaking the Gaia TOS. Take it to MSN or Yahoo or somethin'. Myspace maybe?

Be respectful of all Crew, Vice, and of course, the Guild captain. If I hear of any disrespect, I will handle it myself, and that usually ends up in probation or banning.


First offense: You will receive a PM, telling you what you did wrong, and and that jazz. If it is minor, we will just give you a "slap on the hand".

Second Offense: Another PM will be issued. You will be "suspended" from the guild for a period ranging from a week, to a month. It depends on the offense.

Third Offense: You will be banned. Point blank period.