So about six days ago, Markiplier uploaded a video about Youtube. He talks about the changes that have made on Youtube and his perspective about it all.

I'd like to bring this up because I feel like I am the only one (right now) who agrees with him and that we need to make a difference in Youtube.

I absolutely HATE (and these are my thoughts, not Mark's) that it's more like a business now, though it has to be, because Mark, and other Youtubers have earned paychecks from these guys. So for them to give money out to Youtubers, they have to make money. Which is all their fault. If they never paid people for getting a certain amount of views or likes on their videos, then this would have never happened. Though I bet their initial thought was that no one would EVER make a million views on one video. Who could ever do such a thing?

Well next thing you knew, so many people have earned followers, like Markiplier, so almost every video posted, they earn over a million views, sometimes in less than a day. They have to earn a paycheck because that's what Youtube promised. (Unless I'm completely wrong and that's not how it went, I don't know, though I'm pretty sure this is the way it was).

I'm watching so many reaction videos to his "Youtube Has Changed" and so far three people agree..

Well I've only seen three reaction videos. (Which isn't a lot). Though 3 out of 3 people agree with Mark. Which is 100%. That says a lot.

I personally agree too, which makes 4 people that I know that agrees. I would like to see if there's a way we can bring back the goodness to Youtube.

I mean seriously, watch the Youtube Rewinds, and Youtuber's Reacts. There's plenty of moments where a Youtuber will explain how it has changed without saying, it has changed. Youtube Rewinds, IT SHOWS the changes! I seriously went through every video, wrote down every Youtuber in each video, and tallied up how many times I've seen someone I knew in each video. Of coarse Pewdiepie was in all of them. Or at least I think he was.. more than likely. By 2015, I knew no one except like a few people. It's crazy. It really is.

I've obviously am doing my research on the changes of Youtube, and it's absolutely ridiculous of me, although, I honestly think that if Youtube is changing, it will eventually be like Cartoon Network nowadays, and all it does is brainwash you into stupidity. Disney is that bad too. TV has become depressing and all about the news and politics. Youtube has seriously been my getaway, and if it changes too, then we (as a whole), will think this post is stupid and why would I think of it in the first place?

I'm simply pouring out my heart and soul right now about this and if I sound absolutely ridiculous, go ahead and tell me, but back it up! Make sure I know that I'm stupid, because if all you're going to say is that I am absolutely out of my mind, then bye. (This paragraph was mean, I'm not going to apologize either, I'm just preventing the exact thing Markiplier wants stopped too, which is negativity). (Which may seem I'm being negative too, though honestly, it's more preventative and being blunt on saying, don't post negatively about me (or anyone else), just mention how you feel without being rude (negative).

It all seriously boils down to the negativity on Youtube, the business, how bigger Youtubers need to stay on schedule or else they won't get paid, how smaller Youtubers can't build their reputation because of the system pointing out popular trends and popular Youtubers. Advertisements are annoying too, but they earn money for Youtube, to pay people like Mark. It's a vicious circle that we need to get out of without throwing away Mark's paycheck and everyone else's, even for new people.

So there you have it. My thoughts. My feels. If I'm wrong, I'm wrong. If you agree, say why (please). I'm just tearing away at these thoughts and I'm not getting anywhere to make things better. That's my goal. I may have to make personal changes too, to help. Maybe start making vlogs myself.