energy is every were and it flows to every one.every one is constantly in a give and take of energy.a good example of this is, when your at a concert the band that is playing gives some energy and music to the crowd and it makes the crowd more pumped up and more loud. when the crowd is more loud and pumped more energy is being released in to the air. the band ,even with out realizing it, will take in some of the energy and play there music even better then when they first started. energy is fluid and flows in rhythm to the universal tides shifting between spirit and that of matter. sun, moon, seasons of summer and fall. you can feel the changes in the summer and fall from day time to night. when it becomes night it is easier to feel the presents of spirits. the cycles of the moon effects this as well. energy is also built up on walls and items. one way you can demonstrate this by stepping in to your room and take notice of how if feels, when you step in and leave. you will find that your room feels different then the hall or that of the living room. emotions are different from room to room and house to house. we are sensitive to the energy shifts and the emotions left behind. energy shifts and the spirit realm may become farther or closer away. it is always over lapped in a not stable way, but not intertwined completely. the points of energy shifts ( to me) are in fall and spring around the equinoxes. when it becomes fall and winter the spirit realm is close and at its highest. spring and summer the physical realm is at its highest. this can effect us in ways. as for me i do not feel good in summers but in winters i am at a better stabled self. this may be different for some. but never the less we all are both spirit and matter. the chakras are points were the bridge , or the between, of the spirit realm and physical realm. these points are said to be in an alinement with your back bone, or the spine. some other chakura points are also in the legs and arms but generally there are 7 major points that run along with your back. but keep in mind that every one look different and so the exact placement of the other chakras differ between person to person. this is not unnormal and should not be viewed as such. the other chakras are like blood vessels.

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