Spyke: Who's IP?
Me: Guys, it's short for Infinite Possibilities...
Brian: But I thought "A Writer's Guild" was in there somewhere.
Me: Well that's sort of implied.
Brian: Your mom's implied!
Me: ...
Spyke: Ok, how about we do what we were originally going to do?
Brian: K!
Brian and Spyke:
Happy Anniversary,
Infinite Possibilities!
Infinite Possibilities!
Ritz: Bah humbug.
Brian: Ritz, you made it!
Ritz: Well yes, that would be why I'm standing here.
Me: Now go say it.
Ritz: Happy Anniversary... annoying little children who think they can write...
Spyke: O.O
Brian: O.O
Ritz: ... what?
*Waffles descends from the sky and slams Ritz with a giant hammer of justice*
Happy anniversary, guys! Here's to another year of writing goodness!