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*RP-101 - The what, where, and how of role-play in a forum** Goto Page: 1 2 3 [>] [»|]

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PostPosted: Mon Dec 24, 2007 10:15 am
RP 101

I. The Four Permanent Laws

A. Never post another player's reaction without their prior consent!
B. Your character is not perfect!
C. The RP Moderator (GM) is always right!
D. Have fun!

II. Optional Rules - Set by the person running the RP.

A. Character Creation

1. The four statistics

a. Strength
b. Coordination
c. Cunning
d. Looks

2. Special Abilities

3. Technology

B. How to fight effectively

1. Combat Posing
2. How to resolve attacks
3. Magic

III. Matters of Style

A. Consistency
B. It Depends On Your Point of View

1. Third Person
2. First Person

C. Don't Get Tense!

1. Past Tense
2. Present Tense

D. Listen To Your Grammar!

1. Normal grammar vs. txt spk lolcopter

E. I'm Blowing (Thought) Bubbles!

1. When to use 'Document' or 'Ornate'
2. When to use 'Say'
3. When to use 'Think'  
PostPosted: Mon Dec 24, 2007 10:23 am
I. The Four Permanent Laws

Welcome to RP 101, I'll be your instructor for today. I wrote this up to share my experience with RP in a forum board format versus a MUCK or other live-time environment. RP on a forum board is definitely very different from just about any other version of RP you may have done in the past. To help simplify, I tried to boil down the most important aspects into the following four 'laws'.

A. Never post another player's action without their prior consent!

Seems simple doesn't it? Unfortunately, I've seen too many people (known in general as 'power gamers') who feel that they can tell everyone else how they react to what they do. This also ties into the second law stated below. All you need to do when you post is to post what you do, nothing else. Let the other player decide how to respond, or even if to respond (if there is that option).

Example of bad RP: Bob's Post - Bob swings at Sally, cutting through her armor and severing a tendon causing her to drop her sword and grab her arm in pain. Bob then pushes her out of the way and runs for the door.

Example of good RP: Bob's Post - Bob swings his knife at Sally, trying to disarm her. Sally's Post - Sally tries to move to grab Bob's arm, but in doing so exposes her arm too long. Bob's knife cutting into her arm, causing her arm to go numb. Dropping her sword, Sally staggers to the side, holding her arm to stop the bleeding.

Did you see the difference there? In the second post, Sally did mention Bob's knife... but didn't put the action in 'Bob's mouth', so to speak. He had already said he was trying to incapacitate her, so the logical extension was that the knife cut her. Remember, logical extension based on previously stated actions is good, outright telling someone they are hurt/killed is bad.

B. Your character is not perfect!

As I said above, this law ties in with the previous one. No matter how you envisioned your character, they simply are not the best at everything. Sorry about that. If your character was the absolute best, then there would be no point in playing against them. No one could ever win a contest against them, resist their will, or have a chance in Hades. RP has to be fun for everyone, or no one will play. Give your character flaws, give everyone else a chance to succeed against them (or with them). 'Violations' of this law tend to happen most commonly in combat... where someone will always dodge, or will always hit, or will always succeed at some task.

Example of bad RP: Bob and Sally square off again. No matter how many times Bob attacks, Sally never gets hit. She dodges all the time because 'She's a Mistress of Blades and has perfect agility and speed'. Bob, on the other hand, takes the occasional hit as would really happen in combat.

Example of good RP: When Bob and Sally square off, both take hits and misses. Eventually it is determined that Bob is rendered unconcious first, but Sally is a hurting unit due to the fight. Fortunately for her, she had more training and was quicker on her feet.

Just remember, even a Master will get hit or fail at a task. That's reality, and it makes for a better story!

C. The RP Moderator (or GM) is always right!

Another common sense law here. The RP moderator is here to make sure that no one abuses the RP forums, not to make your life miserable. They will read through all the RP posts to make sure no one is power gaming, that all the posts conform to the rules set forth by the person 'hosting' the RP, and to also make sure that no posts that are against Gaia Online's ToS or the charter for this Guild are made. Their moderation powers will be limited to the RP forum and the sub-forums found there. Remember, they're here to make things as fun as possible for everyone.

D. Have fun!

This is probably the most important law of them all. If you're not having fun, you're doing it wrong!  



PostPosted: Mon Dec 24, 2007 10:28 am
II. Optional Rules

These are rules that are set in place by the person 'hosting' the RP. They would be ways to keep everything consistent within a RP framework, and to keep things at a level where everyone is comfortable. You should generate a set of statistics for your various fursonas and send them to the RP Moderator. They will then send you back a listing to add to your fursona post so that others can reference the stats as needed.

A. Character Creation

Obviously, these rules cover how a character is made. Once you have generated your statistics, you should send them to the RP Moderator for approval. This is just to make sure everyone is following the rules and is giving everyone a chance. No super/ninja/wizard/priest/thief/godlings-on-the-half-shell who can beat anything allowed.

1. The Four Statistics
The statistics will be based on a 1-10 scale, with 1 being the lowest and 10 being the highest. Average people will have a total of 20 points, giving them an average of '5' in every statistic. For our purposes, however, everyone will have 25 to put into their statistics. This reflects that most people in a RP are 'better than average'. Once approved by the RP Moderator, you should list your statistics in your fursona description, but instead of using the numeric value you should use the chart below.

1-3: Below Average
4-7: Average
8-10: Above Average

The RP Moderator will have the numeric values, so will be able to judge any ties that are affected by statistics. If you think your character should start with more than 25 points, you can request of the RP Moderator to see if they will grant you more points. There are, however, no guarantees that you will be given more points as balance is essential.

a. Strength - This one is obvious. It is simply a measure of how much you can lift, push, and carry. A Strength of 1 is a baby, a Strength of 10 is Mr. or Ms. Universe.

b. Coordination - This is a rating of your ability to balance and manipulate objects. A Coordination of 1 is a newborn, a Coordination of 10 can repair a Swiss Watch while balancing on a stack of tennis balls.

c. Cunning - This is your intelligence and wit. A Cunning of 1 is a simpleton, a Cunning of 10 combines the best of Einstein and the perfect spy.

d. Looks - Another obvious statistic. It is, quite simply, how good you look. A Looks of 1 is absolutely hideous, a Looks of 10 would make Helen of Troy look plain.

2. Special Abilities
It will be up to the person who is 'hosting' the RP if special abilities will be able to be used. Special abilities would be anything that is not available in the 'real world', such as magic and mind powers. Flight (if your fursona is of a species that normally has wings) typically will be allowed, but can be disallowed by the RP host.

3. Technology
The RP host can set the technology level for their RP. If it is supposed to be a medieval RP, and somebody wants to go tromping through in a Gundam... well, that tends to break the mood! Just pay attention to what the RP host requests, and stay within those limits. If you don't like the limits, don't play in the RP.

B. How to fight effectively.

1. Combat Posing
When you are posing your combat, always remember to stop your pose 'mid-swing' as it were. Never pose the connection, that is the job of the other person in the RP. It's bad form, and makes the game less enjoyable for everyone else. Let me show you some good combat poses:

Faolan growls at Bob, anger flashing in his eyes. Leaping forward, Faolan swings at Bob's neck with his sword hoping to kill the black hearted warrior with one shot.

Sally, sensing danger, spins and throws her dagger at the sound.

The toughs were, well, tough... but Bill was confident he could take them. Waiting for their motion, Bill swung a high kick right at the leader's head.

Always give the other person a place to react, and remember law number one: Never post another character's reaction without their prior consent.

2. How To Resolve Attacks
The RP Moderator should create a subforum for attack threads. In those threads, simply post something along the lines of 'Bob's attack on Sue' and use the 'Roll dice' action on your post. This will give you a number which you can then go back to your post in the original RP thread and enter in. If the RP Moderator has given you any bonuses for a particular type of fighting, be sure to note them and give the total score. The defender, before they make their response post, would then go to the same thread and put something like 'Sue parrying Bob's attack' and also use the 'Roll Dice' action. Whoever has the higher score wins, and the defender would post their success or defeat, with the appropriate action.

3. Magic
Magic should follow the same rules as combat. The RP host will determine the base 'magic resistance', or the number over which someone must roll to affect someone with magic. If there is no number, then everyone is always affected. Attack spells like a 'fireball' or other such should be treated exactly like combat, and thus should have a chance to be dodged.  
PostPosted: Mon Dec 24, 2007 10:39 am
III. Matters of Style

These are recommendations on writing for a forum RP. They are in no way rules, nor are they to be put downs. They are merely offered as a method to help everything flow.

A. Consistency
This is simply the act of keeping things the same as everything else. Don't change tenses in the middle of a RP, don't change point of view in the middle of a RP, try and use the same point of view and tense as everyone else. It makes for easier reading for everyone. Remember that a forum RP is like reading a book, it has to flow smoothly and abrupt changes can really jar the other readers.

B. It Depends On Your Point Of View.
Point of view (or PoV) is a very important part of writing a story. The two main PoVs are: 'first person', which is the 'I did this' way of writing; and 'third person', which is the 'Bob went here' style of writing.

1. Third Person - I mention third person first due to the fact that it is the most common form of writing, and (in my opinion) the form best suited to forum RP. In this form, the readers are observing the action and thus can see it from their own character's PoV as well as the PoV of an outsider. It's also easier for the reader to keep the characters separate in the third person.

2. First Person - First person is not a bad writing style, but does not lend itself well to forum RP. If everyone is using 'I'm doing this or that', it's sometimes hard for the other readers to separate who is doing what. Furthermore, first person puts the reader in the seat of the character speaking... which may not be their own character! Yes, first person is good for a sense of the immediate, but that can really jar a reader if one is not careful.

C. Don't Get Tense!
Tense in writing is the timeframe.. is it happening in the 'now' or the 'then'.

1. Past Tense - Past tense happens in the 'then', and is the most common form of fiction writing. It's easier on the reader due to the fact that past tense lends itself well to the third person PoV. Since forum RPs lack the quick back and forth that MU* or other chat-type environments have, it is closer to a work of fiction and thus better suited for past tense. So it could be recommended to post such like: Bob ran down the street; Sue ate her burger; Will fell down asleep due to exhaustion. Remember, it has to flow to be a comfortable read.

2. Present Tense - Present tense happens in the 'now', and is more common in journals and diaries. It also lends itself more to the first person PoV, as it matches the sense of the immediate. In fiction, however, it can be very jarring if not handled properly. That's why it doesn't really lend itself to forum RP but does lend itself to MU* and chat-style RP.

D. Listen To Your Grammar!
Grammar is the nuts and bolts of writing, the structure and spelling of a sentence. Without it, language falls apart.

1. Normal Grammar vs. txt spk lolcopter - Text speech is very common on the internet nowadays, and there is nothing wrong with it in general. For forum RP and fiction, however, it is best not used. The main reason being that if someone is not very familiar with it, they won't understand what is being said... which can very much cause problems. Also, when someone is reading many posts in 'normal english' and then they run across '1337 h4x0r spk' it will kick them right out of the world made in their head by the posts. This is something to be avoided at all cost. Does that mean to not use 'txt spk'? No, just use it sparingly and more as a speech quirk of your fursona.

E. I'm Blowing (Thought) Bubbles!
When you are posting your fursona's actions, you will notice options on how to display the text you've typed. Below are some thoughts on when to use the various bubbles.

1. When to use 'Document' or 'Ornate' - Use these two when your post is mostly action with very little thought or speech. The RP host should also use these to set the 'stage' for the players, describing the room and other environmental items.

2. When to use 'Say' - This one should be used when your post is mostly (or totally) speech. If you do have some action going on, make sure to use your quotes to indicate where the fursona is speaking.

3. When to use 'Think' - This one should be used when your post is mostly your own internal thoughts, or if you have telepathy what you are projecting. As a backup, you should italicise your thought-speech in any post, just to differentiate it from normal speech.

As a side note, one thing that may come up is someone wanting to post a chat on here as part of the RP. That can be acceptable if it is changed to be consistant with the other posts. This would be considered 'prior consent' with the other individual(s), provided they okayed the posting in the thread. Also, if there are any yiffy parts, remember you can't post those! Instead use something like a '~fade to black~' then open again after they're done and back to normal. If something important happened during that part, have one of the characters mention something like 'do you remember when you said...'. That way we don't violate the ToS, and everything gets put where it needs to be put.

Finally, I'd like to offer my (celticwolf72) services if you want help in any of the writing of posts, etc.. I'll warn you, I'll be both better and worse than your English teacher. Worse, because I don't spare people's feelins when I'm critiquing. Better, because I'm not as strict as an English teacher. As a writer I've learned where, and how, to break the English language effectively. smile

I hope you've at least read through, if not enjoyed, the guide. If you have any questions, feel free to PM me.  



PostPosted: Mon Mar 10, 2008 11:37 pm
-> moved from the rp sub forum to here in hopes people will actually read this  
PostPosted: Tue Mar 11, 2008 10:55 am
I read it.....well most of it, but it was basically what I already knew.  

DJ Cheshire Raver


PostPosted: Tue Mar 11, 2008 4:16 pm
meh i'm mainly calling attention to it because i'm tired of cleaning up posts from users i will not name.  
PostPosted: Sun Apr 13, 2008 4:19 pm
wow so much rules just for a RPing O_O  


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PostPosted: Mon Apr 21, 2008 4:43 pm
wow so much rules just for a RPing O_O

they aren't really solid rules, so much as a guide to "proper" rp, unfortunately they need to be posted like this because a lot of people put time and effort into making in depth rp's just to have people come in and post things like:
*stabs u with his sword killing u in 1 hit*

the basic gist of these isn't to tell someone how to run their own rp, but to tell someone how to behave in someone else's.  
PostPosted: Tue May 13, 2008 2:43 am
i need some answers for some stuff like:
whats a fursona and what if this is not a fighting RP but just a "live day by day" RP?  



PostPosted: Fri May 16, 2008 4:06 pm
i need some answers for some stuff like:
whats a fursona and what if this is not a fighting RP but just a "live day by day" RP?

fursona its who you are when you are in anthro(aka your fur form) its like the difference between Alex and Ghallan

User Image

User Image  
PostPosted: Fri May 16, 2008 4:20 pm
be both basily act the same tho other then what there body make the do like howl or clean my self or play the game hump the couch lol  



PostPosted: Mon Jul 07, 2008 7:07 pm
Ok this is a guide to RPing i got from someone in another guild i own:
this is something i found that tells about the different types of roleplays, most of these are illegal, but some are tolerated. :3
Amp, Our rules for combat, etc.
What AMP is all about
The Anti Munch Project is all about role-play awareness. With the onset of poorly skilled role-players growing larger all the time, we need this thread to show them where they are going wrong. AMP lists first the types of role-player, and then the various types of Muncher/Godmoder/Godmodder.

Types of Role Players

n00b: This type of roleplayer is so disgraceful that they don't even deserve to be bolded in this list of roleplayer types. They are the epitome of stupidity. When you see one, you should either simply ignore them, or find some way to make your computer explode so you don't have to be sucked into the vortex of their stupidity. To be perfectly frank, all n00bs should be forced by Moderators to wear something to identify them. But as that can not be done, here are some ways to tell them apart from other roleplayers. They can not type. They use text speak and other shorthand forms of typing. And they absolutely refuse to refer to logic when referring to roleplaying situations. I would say that they are almost as intelligent as a dolphin, but that would be mean to the dolphins.

An example of a n00b post. >.>

Random n00b I found who is worthless

u think ur better than me? *punchs u*

Newbie: A Newbie is a roleplayer who is just starting out his text based roleplaying career here on Gaia. Someone who does not know how to roleplay, but is striving to better their roleplaying. Sometimes they are confused with n00bs, but there is a big difference. Newbs are generally intelligent, or at least trying to become better. Their description is smaller because they actually deserve respect as they care enough to really try.

Egotists: Theese people are at first sight, good rp'ers. but after watching them role play for a time, you will come to notice that no one ever seems to be able to prove them wrong. And not because they are necessarily smarter than anyone around, but because they are to stubborn and bullheaded to realise that they have been makng any mistakes. Theese roleplayers are merely a singl step above n00bs.

Literates: These roleplayers deserve the upmost regard, and the greatest respect from everyone. Meeting one should be considered a blessing. Roleplaying with a literate is what makes rolaplaying actually woorth your time.

ninja Possibly more to come.

Anti-Munchers Project

User ImageAimbotters User Image

An aimbotter is a role player who has ridiculously unrealistic accuracy and unsurprisingly never misses (or almost never.) This is not only limited to firearms but also to any projectile such as mystically throwing a shard of metal into someones ear lobe from a few hundred metres off.

Billy: My two pet huming birds fly around me.

Ben: From a hundred metres away I shoot behind my back with a 9mm pistol and one of the hummingbirds heads fly off, I then spin around a peg my gun directly into the other bird.

User ImageGodmodersUser Image

The most annoying role playing crime, the player who thinks he is a God, he either never takes a hit, or when he does takes zero damage. They also tend to incoparate many other AMP violating things, which is just modey.

Billy: I slash at your neck with my battle axe.

Ben: The axe breaks in half on my seemingly normal neck. And I do not receive a scratch.

User ImageIDKFA-ers User Image

IDKFA- ers are basically spys, with totally unrealistic gadgets or items on their body or person, which are also unrelated to the character, such as a laser pen on Solid Snake. Or James Bond and a condom.

Billy: I raise a gun to your forehead.

Ben: I tap my watch and it turns into a magnet which pulls your gun right out of your hand before a laser cannon emerges from my sunglasses along with two tactical nukes.

User ImageTwinks User Image

Sometimes allowed in certain RPs. If the RP isn't specifically about invincible deities and such, a simple rule is that if the strengths aren't counterbalanced with relatively equivalent weaknesses (or if the reasoning behind the phenomenal cosmic powers isn't eloquently and appropriately explained), you're dealing with a Twink.

Billy: Having knocked you down, I give you my hand to help you to your feet.

Ben: My skin turns you to stone.

User ImageMin-Maxers User Image

Basically the same as a twink but tends to incoporate many more powers as opposed to the twinks token super unstoppable power, and also has usually one (sometimes more) token weakness.

Billy: After you beating me to a pulp with your super magic armour I ask you what weakness's it has.

Ben: Uhh, if you hit both armpits at the same time with a wet towel.

User ImageMiss Cleos User Image

Using out of character knowledge in a role play, sons of bitches. Theese are especially frowned upon.

Billy: (( My character is secretly a fire mage even though he shows no sign of it in his appearance. ))

Ben: Turns on a high pressured hose. "Die you fire b***h!"

User ImageMcFlys User Image

Mcfly as in the movie back to the future! That should explain itself XD

Billy: Now that your force field is down I can run inside your base!

Ben: Um.... um.... there is also a super secret second force field that is twice as strong as the last one! I didn't say anthing about it before or even mention anything like it because it was so secret, not because I just made it up!

User ImageHi-Jackers User Image

They interfere with things that only the creator of the thread should be capable of usually to do with the environment, for instance self destructing a base, only the leader should have such permission and codes. Tis a no no.

Billy: "My bar has been sieged by evil ninjas!"

Ben: Presses a self destruct button that I always knew was hidden under the painting of an orange.

Billy: ((There is no self destruct button!!))

User ImagePuppetmastersUser Image

Dictating what another persons character does or how they react, extremely irritating.

Billy: I walk into the room and sit down at the bar.

Ben: I smash you in the head with a bottle and you run screaming from the room before falling down the stairs and killing yourself.

User ImageDaydreamersUser Image

Billy: I sit down under a tree.

Ben: I sit next to Billy under a tree. My knee scuffed jeans gently padded down on the lofty grass at the bottom of the old oak tree, whose barks was a very light brown. My beige shirt which had a faint rip at the bottom left corner gently swayed in the breeze of a north easterly wind. This reminded me of how when I we were young boys we used to play together. Oh, those were the days, we never had a care in the world, except for when Bradley got the chicken pox and we thought we would turn into chickens! Oh how red my face was when I realised that we wouldn't after all.

Overly long posts about nothing. That have no reason to be that long.

User ImageProsecutors User Image

Basically the largest idiot in a place, who accuses others of breaking AMP rules when they are. Guilty.

Billy: I slash at you as hard as I can with my sword.

Ben: I catch your sword and snap it in half before punching you in the face causing your nose to bleed.

Billy: ((You can't just catch my sword and make me bleed like that!))

Ben: ((Yes I can! You can't swing a sword without moving foward and everbody knows that I'm uber strong and can snap swords, so you were always going to get punched, and if you think you could have moved that quickly you would be godmodding! n00b!! ))

User ImageShoe elves User Image

A form of puppet mastery that usually involves the lack of another characters role players presence, it is not a very common problem. And usually only a bit of a joke.

Billy: ((I have to go eat dinner. See you guys later!))

Ben: Notcing that Billy stopped moving I walk up to him and shave off both his eyebrows before taking off his clothes and taking numerous photos which I send to playgirl.

User ImageRevisionists User Image

Someone who's alters and RP to suit their needs, usually when they don't like the RP itself.

Billy: Considering this is a Medieval RP, I take my time as my illiterate and somewhat retarded peasant, wandering around te town boredly.

Ben: Not particuarly liking the looks of this RP, I decide to spice things up a bit by deploying my Iron Maiden robots, giant metal skull crushing machines of doom, which incinerate all in their path!

Billy: (( This is a MEDIEVAL RP! ))

Ben: (( Not any more b***h. ))

User ImageSpeedhackers User Image

Someone who does far to much in a single post, most in fight posts should only consist of a couple seconds. Otherwise its almost verging into puppet mastery with the lack of the other characters reaction.

Billy: I shoot at you twice with still six bullets remaining in my gun.

Ben: I jump behind a table to escape your shots, and then I get back up and calmly make a cup of tea before walking up to you and slapping you in the face.

User ImageOxymoron's User Image

A character that is basically the opposite of itself, and therefore extremely unlikely to exist. Such as a pacifist preist warlord. They just don't make sense.

Billy: In this roleplay based in 1840, Texas, I am a cowboy.

Ben: I am a young boy who was trained in Tibet in the ancient art of Kung Jujitsu and also how to shoot every kind of gun there is. And I ride up to you on a motorbike.

User ImageBaghdad Bobbits User Image

Puppet masters and aimbotters combine to form an instakill style of role play.

Billy: I look up at the stars.

Ben: I run up to you and grab your hand pulling you over before stabbing you several times in the spine with a large fork.

User ImageHives User Image

So named after such things as the xenomorphs from Aliens, the Klendathu bugs from Star ship Troopers, and the teeming hoards they generally are. These hoards are always fearless, will battle until dead, and quite often have some excessive weapons and/or armour. Basically, it's the guys who have too many NPCs.

Billy: I wait in the meadow for my opponent to arrive.

Ben: I see Billy and then whistle and seven thousand of my super ninja warriors appear from the shadows to kill you.

User ImageGaseous Snakes User Image

A character that apparently was everywhere in the past and did everything possible that could benefit themselves.

Billy: I run through the forest, weaving and cutting through trees.

Ben: You fall down a pit I dug earlier knowing exactly where you would run.

User ImageZoicite User Image

The people who alter their character as needed for the situation.

Billy: After revealing your true vampire form I stab at your heart with a wooden stake.

Ben: The stake hits a my chest and splinters because I am also a robot!

User ImageNIMBY User Image

The people who quite readily attack others' threads, but then stop all attacks on their own thread.

Billy: "You burnt down my bar now its time for you to pay!"

Ben: My hundred auto turrects activate, as well as a magical pulse that paralyses all living things. As you stand in the middle of a highly dangerous mine field.


Ben: -Deletes post-

User ImageTrinity User Image

The knowledge downloaders, the omniscience wizards. Those people who never learnt anything but know everything.

Billy: After a life being brought up hunting with my father I can use a knife and shoot quite well.

Ben: Growing up alone I became tough. Now I know twenty martial arts and how to fly a helicopter even though your the first person I've ever met.

User ImageQuakers User Image

Remember the gun room from the Matrix, its like that. But in someones pocket.

Billy: At the sight of the full moon I turn into a werewolf and charge at you howling for blood.

Ben: Even though I was swimming and in just a towel, I pull a gun loaded with a silver bullet out from undre my towel and shoot at your chest.

User ImageGhosts User Image

Those characters which mysteriously appear in different areas with no explanation due to poor writing.

Billy: Sitting on the roof as everyone else sits inside I sigh thinking about my dead father.

Ben: I hear Billy sigh and ask him if he is alright and pat him on the back.

Billy: ((Dude you were just inside. A whole storey was blocking us. ))

User ImageAuto-Hitters User Image

Aimbotter and puppet master mixed to make a person who tells you how he hit you and how his hit connected, it is sometimes allowed.

Billy: I take a swing at you with a bat.

Ben: I grab the bat from your hands, spin around and smash your knee caps backwards.

There you go
User Image
and there you have it. razz
PostPosted: Tue Jul 15, 2008 5:42 am
I've thought about this for a while, and...

Shouldn't this be in the RP forum, instead of the other sticky in there?  


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