Shienar is one of the Borderlands and as such has a martial culture. Shienar borders Arafel to the west and the Spine of the World, with the Niamh passes, on its eastern border. Malkier lays to the north of Shienar once more now that the Blight has receded. To the south, the land is unclaimed.

As Shienar is far north, it can be very cold, enough to freeze the sap in trees and cause them to burst. The land is very hills.

The capital city of Shienar is Fal Moran but there are other main cities such as Fal Dara (where Lord Agelmar resides), Fal Sion, Fal Eisen, Mos Shirare, Camron Caan, Medo, and Ankor Dail.