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Reply [15]~ Stories ~
The Lives of Teenage RockStars/SuperHeroes! [Ch. 2]

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Which charactor are you most like?
  Emily Voitte- I'm a good liar & I can be a nerd
  Rosie- I ♥ to have fun!
  Saydie Jaysin- I'm a total prep but I still love rock!
  JaySay- Slamming on the drums makes me feel alive!
  Gregory Hiehts- Hmmm...silence is golden....
  Hawthorn- MMM! Sex, Love, & Rock-and-Roll!
  Devin Hiehts- Why do I have to be left out cause I'm young?
  Sin- b***h PLZ!
View Results


PostPosted: Tue Feb 03, 2009 7:38 am
Meet the kids (members of the famouse band, "Painting Neon" and the superhero group, "The Squad Squad")

Name: Emily Voitte
Band Name: "Rosie"
Hero Name: "The Mistress"
Being herself-
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At a gig-
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Saving her town-
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Name: Saydei Jaysin
Band Name: "JaySay"
Hero Name: "The Barbie"
Being herself-
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At a gig-
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Saving her town-
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Name: Gregory Hiehts
Band Name: "Hawthorn"
Hero Name: "That Boi"
Being himself-
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At a gig-
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Saving his town-
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Name: Devin Heihts
Band Name: "Sin"
Hero Name: "Shourtie"
Being himself-
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At a gig-
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Saving his town-
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The rock glamour and the super fame is all seperate. No one knows that Painting Neon is The Squad Squad and they are just teens that attend at Bay View High School which is the same highschool that has THE best football team which is the same team Devin plays on and Saydei cheers for as a cheerleader! Does any body know how rough life is for these four teens? Will thier secret stay safe within them or will the word spred around Bay Watch County?
PostPosted: Wed Feb 04, 2009 11:08 am
Chapter 1
The lights inhead made me eyes squint harder; the sterio viberated my feet; and my vocal choards were being pulled and released. I feel like we've been up here forever with the lights almost burning my face. My head slightly turns to see Hawthorn giving me a small reasuring smile and I give him a small smile back that said, "I can't wait to get off this stage, go home, and sleep like a baby till 2 in the afternoon". He looked out into the crowd and started sliding his long fingers across the neck of his guitar making electric sounds pour heavily into my ears. There was Painting Neon taking the stage by storm with our rock-and-roll.

My legs felt awfly wabbaly as I walked out from the van. The van was Painting Neon's van, not mine. I was just leaving it. Greg noticed my clutsy walk and ran to my side. He looked into my eyes with his warm green eyes and asked, "Can I walk you home?"
I nodded. But the nod felt like I thrashed my head like Sin and Hawthorn did when they played the guitar. It also felt like when I was fighting an alien and he whiped my head around.
"Gosh, I knew you were sick Emily and I should've cansled our gig and you sould've stayed home while we faught off those alien scums. I'm sorry Emmy," he whispered in a small, pleading voice.
"We're a team Greg. If you fight, I fight. If you go out and rock, I go out and rock. If you gave me amillion dollars...."
"I know for sure you wouldn't pay me back!" he chimmed in. We both broke out into a roaring laughter. Greg wrapped his arm around my waist and tried holding me up.
"You know I can walk on my own right?" I sighed.
"Well," he said, "I wanted to be a good friend and help you. Like you said, we're a team!"
"Yah, well team members don't wrap thier arms around other team members," I giggled.
He looked down at me and smiled. I tried to smile back but he kissed my cheek before I could.
"I called your mom before I walked with you," he pointed down the road to the headlights beaming through the night, "She's here. See yah." he hugged me and jogged off.
"Sweetie. Come in. Did you have fun?" my mother called from the car.
"Yes mother. I did. But, you know I'm still sick," I said as I popped open the passenger car door and hopped in.
"Yes. We'll get some meds on the way home sweetie."

"So, I saw Greg kiss you before I picked you up. Are you two dating?" my mom asked with a hot tone. My face flushed. Okay, I LOVE my mom and we tell each other everything and she knows all my friends. She is even friends with my friends! Even worse, Greg, Devin, and Saydie are like family to my real family! I mean, yah, Greg and Devin are already brothers, Saydie's an only child, and I have a big brother whos 18. Then, thier families are like my family's other family.
"No mom. He hugged me," I lied.
"Are you sure? Normaly you tell me eveything," she said as her eyes were locked on the dark road in head of us.
"Yes....well, no...well..." I studdered.
"Ah! I see whats going on. You don't want to tell me because we're all family and it's wierd because Greg is like a brother. Plus, he kissed you on the cheek, so you don't count it as a kiss," she guessed.
"You're an excelent guesser, you know that?" I sighed.
"Word for word?"
"Wow! I am! That's where you get it!"
"That's where you're wrong. This is why dad stopped playing cards with you and it's why I tell you things or else you might start guessing my life. Also, I am a terrible guesser, and I got brains from dad," I corrected.
"What brains? Your dad is dumber than a block of wood. You get all your witts from me. You get all that rocker, rebel, punk stuff from your s**t-for-brains father of yours. You know, when we were dating in highschool, he had over 10 bands and none were a success? He loved rock-and-roll and I liked it too. But, we were clean punks. We never did any drugs....but to be honest, we drank...ALOT!" she laughed. In her eyes, you could tell she was remembering her highschool years with my dad.
They have been dating since thier freshman year. They were best friends with Saydie's parents who were dating since they both were announced prom king and queen. That's how they met. Then, my mom met Greg and Devin's parents in collage. My mom hosted a reunion for Saydie's parents and Greg's 2 years after graduating. I was 3, Greg was 3, Saydie was 3, and Devin was 2. That's how we all met.
When Saydie turned 6, we made a band called The Kids of Bay View. Now, we were all 6, besides Devin, he wa 5, and we didn't sound real well, but people thought we were cute. After 6 years of practice, a game called Rock-Star came out. Saydie hugged the fake drums, Greg cuddled with the fake quitar, Devin strummed his fake guitar, and I held the microphone. It was a fake game of making a fake band and becoming fake stars and fake rocking. But, it was entertaining.
The next year came and we were all 13, except for Devin, he was 12, and all our dads pitched in and bought us REAL instuments. We went by the name of The Kids of Bay View until we weren't kids anymore. Then, we changed it to Rock-&-Roll Patroll. But, we didn't like it that much.
One day, Greg was spray painting a wall with neon colors. I joined him. Saydie grabbed the hotpink and joined us. And little Devin picked up a paint roller and rolled the wet neon spray paint around. We looked up at it in awe, then screamed at the same time, "PAINTING NEON!"
Since then, our band has been Painting Neon.
Now, the fighting aleins part is a HUGE secret. No one, not even our families do. Yes, they know about The Squad Squad, and I forgot how we got our name, but they don't its us. No body knows. They just look and see kids in suits and fighting aliens and scream, "HOLY JESUS, IT'S THE SQUAD SQUAD!"
I'm hoping our lives as rock-stars can stay a secret amoung our families and our superhero secret can remain ours.  



PostPosted: Thu Feb 05, 2009 3:41 pm
Chapter 2
I looked up from my salad, then down at my cell phonw which layed on my lap. As I glanced down at the text messages people were sending me, my dad kept on talking about his job. How lame! The phone sat there, cold between my fingers; frozen still in my right hand; silently sitting on my lap. It read the time '7: 04 pm/ July 2' in rainbow font and still.
Abruptly, it sprang to life as it viberated violently. I shot it a look, then checked the message.
alien scum @ bvhs! we need u! hurry!
I threw my legs around the chair and sprang up and yelled, "I'll be back soon! Gotta' bounce!" Then, I started jetting upstairs to grab my coat and flew downstairs.
"There will be no 'bouncing' during dinner! What has gotten in to you, Emily? You use to love hearing my stories!" my dad whyned.
"Dad, things changed," I said in a solemn tone. Alot has changed since I was 7. Alot. "It's really important, I must leave. I'm sorry but it's for," I paused, then jumped out the frount door, "FOR YOUR SAKE!" I yelled as I slammed the door.

The cool breeze tossed my hair back and the wind whispered in my cold ears. I knew I had to continue running, or else...
I saw The Barbie run up to me in her electic pink suit. She pressed the little head peice to her cheek and said, "She's here. Let's give her time to change into her suit."
I waved.
She cocked her hip and grumbled, "You're late!"
"As usual," I mumbled.
"Excuse me? Greg told me about the whole 'we're a team' thing, so pipe it missy and change into your suit. Now hurry, times waisting."
"Rawr," I said, "What's crawled into your suit and died?"
"My boyfriend is being harassed by an alien! It wants to eat him! That Boi want to blast it, but I say no. Shourtie wants to stab it, but I still say no! It's for Jason's protection!"
"Smart move tuts'," I sarcasticaly mumbled as I slipped on my helmet, gloves, and boots. The cool thing about these suits is that, after you slide those on, your suit will ooze from then and TA-DA! You're instantly covered. Then, all you have to do is tie on the over coat and BOOM! You look like a pro! I popped on my head peice and said into it, "Am I on?"
"On the battle field? NO! On time? DUBLE NO! Online? Yes," a voice barked. I could tell it was Shourtie's.
"Take it easy bro. She's always late!" That Boi reasoned.
We all burst into a roaring laughter.
"Alright, we're running to the sight right now!" The Barbie said into the peice. And we were gone.

Cameras flased and people screamed. All we could do was pose as the poparatzzie shoved microphones in our face and asked stupid questions. As we were living the fame for a couple minutes, circus freaks streamed into the crowd and started blasting guns. Some were jabbing daggers into others or pinning people down.
"Hello!" a voice said from on top of the school. Time stood still as I shifted over to see...it, "I am here to end The Squad Squad's victories and renoun them FINISHED! My name..." I was eager to know as sweat boiled down my face. "I am Fiasco!" Gasps erupted from the crowd.
Who is this loon and why is he after us? I thought.
"I'd love to stay and chat, but I must be heading home. But may I warn you," he grinned as he lept onto a dangling rope from a hovering helicopter, "I WILL BE BACK!" His 'minions' ran off into the shadows as the heli flew away.
"I'm going to find out who that Fiasco was and let him know that The Squad Squad is NO game," That Boi grawled.
"Right!" Shourtie agreed.
"NO, SHOURTIE!" we all said at the same time.
We walked away from him into the shadows to change back as Shourtie slowly slumped his shoulders, hung his head, and dragged his feet behind us.

"So, I was watching the news. Why'd you leave?" my dad asked.
"Um..." I studdered, "What are you talking about? I was on a walk."
"Then why'd you 'bounce' so fast and jet outta' here?" my mom asked.
Shoot. They both were on my back now.
"Because Saydie wanted to talk," I lied. Well, it's not technicaly a lie.
"Um-hm. Was it THAT important?" my mom asked.
I studered again, "Well...uh, yah. She needed help...with, uh, homework! And, uh, stuff!"
"Um-hm," my mom pondered.
"Very well then," my dad sighed.
I bolted up the stairs and shut my bedroom door behind me tight.  
PostPosted: Sat Feb 21, 2009 3:01 pm
Chapter 3
I got up on a Saturday feeling like I was rising up from the bottum of a pond. The bits of shattered sunlight illuminated half my room; the side I wasn't on. Good.
I sprang from my covers and stretched. Today was important. So improtant, I felt rushed! You see, at my high school, we have a Battle of The Bands. My school-mates have NO idea I am in Painting Neon. They know nothing! So, our band, Killing Silence, will play songs like "pros" and totally win "by chance". You may think, CHEATERS! But, they said strictly, ANY ONE CAN JOIN. Even pros? Why not!
Today is the day me and Killing Silence (a.k.a Painting Neon) are going to put together a song. The battle is in 2 months. As they say, the early bird gets the worm!
I slipped into my favorite pair of jeans and a long-sleeved striped pink and black shirt. My favorite song started playing on my iHome and I strarted dancing alittle as I did my make-up. There, the glasses sat. I have to wear them. However, they looked adorable on me!

"So, should it go like this?
May you, may you
Ask me, tell me
Why you love me,
Why you care,
sometimes I'm lost,
You're my light, light, light
Shinning in my heart, heart, heart
With a beet, beet, beet
I can find you
But can you find me?
" I asked nervously. My lyrics weren't the best, but they worked.
"I loved them!" Saydie squeeled.
"They'll work," Devan sighed.
"Awesome," Greg complemented with a great big smile.
"Now, that's just the chorus. How about the verses?" I asked confuzed.
"We know we'll find something!" Saydie said confidently to us with a fist held high. We all boasted into laughter. She was wrong, we all know we don't find a thing till we eat eachother alive until we get it. But, it was the best we could do!

As we all walked away from Greg's house, that same clown girl came back from "the dead". Great.
"Hi-yah guys!" she giggled, "Wanna follow me?"
"No thanks," Greg growled.
"Yah, what he said!" Saydie barked.
We all nodded.
"Fine then! Be that way! My master will kill you!" she screamed.
"Bring him," I snarled.
"Hit us with your best shot!" Devan yelled.
"Fine," she sighed. The girl pulled out a remote thing, "I guess I'll detonate a bomb planted in your high-school and make your city KA-BLOOIE!"
"You-" Greg blurted, "take me."  


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