Posted: Mon Mar 30, 2009 6:54 pm
Alright guys, I'm a new member and love to rp. But the main problem is, I tried looking for a specific elemental magic place to rp that's pretty normal enough such as a academy + no the sticky is unofficial meaning the owner of the sticky is like dead +
Futhermore, In the sub-forum clubs,partys and dance. Is it a place to be a waiter, a maid or working as an employee rp? I'm trying to look through everything but nothing really suits me or meets most of my requirements.
Of course i like to post a thread in the request form but i wasnt to sure about 1x1 only i was more into a request to find a freaken populated thread for me to rp.
P.S. I hope this isnt in the wrong spot....
Posted: Mon Mar 30, 2009 11:03 pm
Unfortunately certain zones have fallen prey to dead mods or few users...
I encourage you to start an RP(that way its sure to meet your standards), or look and start one in one of the more highly trafficked areas... The slave forum, the romance forum and the creature forums are the fastest moving, last I checked. The nice thing about most of these topics is that they can cross cover role plays...
And yeah, the party/club/dance one can be that way. I'm sure someone needs something like that. =/