I'm currently a student studying at the Victorian College of the Arts in Australia which is currently at risk of being swallowed up by a neighbouring university. Already, its course structure has already started to change from what it was well renowned for; specialisation in performance. It would be a real shame if the college shut down as it is probably one of Australia's finest arts institutions and of course, it's course is one of a kind. If we lose this fight, the college will lose it's heritage and what it stands for to a generalist degree with no specialisation until you reach a Masters degree (what that other university will introduce).

Surfacing negativity about this merge:
1) It will take a longer time to graduate with this new generalist degree. We don't all have that much money to spend on education.

2) There is no specialisation. This means musicians, dancers, film students etc will end up having to learn about things completely irrelevant to their course EG) musicians learning about dance and dancers learning about fine art.

3) Everyone should have the right to choose where they want to study and what they are studying. This new degree is not what the students of the VCA came there for.

To find out more:

If you have some spare time on your hands, it would help us greatly if you would kindly sign this petition: SAVE THE VCA!