Story: The battle between angels and demons has gone on since the beginning of time. Lucifer wants to end this and he is sending out his greatest demons to go and kill all of the angels and to overthrow god. He has ripped a portal in hell to allow them out now all he has to do is summon them. Once summoned these demons will go to earth and recruit as many other demons as possible while Lucifer builds up his army down in hell. These demons will then destroy all angels on earth then go to heaven and finish the rest off. The time of the Demons are rising. Come and help conquer all of earth and to overthrow god himself.

{Character skeleton}
Looks in orignal form razz icture or description
Looks in true form:same as above
Weapons: Name and then picture or description

Go ahead and post your profiles down.

1.No godmoding
2.No killing other players unless its ok with them and me
3.Must be demon
4.No text talk
5.Try to keep writing as elegible as possible
6.And lastly have fun

the link is above and the other link is below. above goes to fantasy/medieval and below goes to rp for creatures.