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Attack of the Imon Goto Page: 1 2 3 [>] [»|]

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PostPosted: Tue Aug 04, 2009 1:36 am
What happened?

It is strange how humanity always strives to cure illness, yet the virus' always seem to come back, worse then before. It is unfortunate that our race may never truly eradicate all virus', they will always return, stronger then ever.

It has finally happened, the epidemic that everyone feared, the human race has been wiped out. Well not entirely. When the virus struck, many died, all research into it's cure seemed to fail, it was as if the virus was designed specifically to destroy humans, nothing else was effected.

There did come an answer, though rather insane in it's self, if the virus attacks humans, then what if we were no longer human?

While there was much objection, there seemed no other option, and so a new virus was engineered. Just as infective as the first, but not fatal, instead it changed us. While it did not effect an other species, it drew from them, mixing our genetics making us part animal, and stopping the virus, but at what cost.


It has been 300 years since the virus struck, centuries since the change went through humanity. The world as we knew it has long since fallen, little remains of the technology of the humans, what is left is now considered magic.

While the towns still seem to exist, many are ruins and most of the people have taken to a more agricultural existence. The great nations are little more then ghost lands, those that still survive exist where populations were never that high, and the virus didn't kill as fast.

There are still a few humans left, most holding to the old ways, the magic. They are known as the 'Imon' or immune as they were originally called. They are outcast and generally looked down upon since they were not accepted by the 'first breath'

The virus, chanced living humans into part animal, but their reproductive abilities remained the same, at birth they are still human. The culture of the world now leans towards the giving of the 'first breath,' infecting the infant with the virus, and giving them form as a true being.

Most species that were mixed with human genes are domestic, only in rare occurrences were there exotic breeds and as such most creatures now resemble cats, dogs and farm animals. When the 'first breath' is given, the particular genetics is transferred into the infant. As such a Feline and a Canine could be parents to a Bovine, if a Bovine gave the 'first breath.'


The country that was once Australia is the location for this RP, the people have advanced towards early medieval technology. There are rumors of Imon living in the inner deserts, protected by the ancient powers, who have begun raiding farms on the outer boarder of the scrub-lands, stealing food and people to take back to their 'magical' cities.

All characters are to be farmers or helpers in these outskirts, preferably from the same town, who are working to build some form of defense against these attacks, or even create a pack of warriors to strike back.


Also, I do prefer a degree of literate skill for this RP, I don't need paragraphs but at least 2 to 3 sentences a post, more are always welcome.

Oh, and I'm running this plot, so most NPC characters will be controlled by me, character's family aside.  
PostPosted: Tue Aug 04, 2009 1:40 am

Template PM Me an application!
Gaia Name:
Character Name: ((Try for classical style surname eg. Smith's-son, George's-son, of Rosewood, or some specific name due to a previous exploit eg. stronghammer))
Character Cross-Species: ((Remember it should be domestic animals, no elephants etc. Native Australian animals accepted))
Appearance: (Picture or a decent description)

Characters Accepted:

Gaia Name: LoganDell
Character Name: David Smith's-son
Age: 21
Character Cross-Species: Great Dane (Mother- Great Dane, Father- Dingo)
Location: Bouldercome Smithy
Job: Smith's son/apprentice
Born as the smiths son has its advantages, decent income, well taught and well known, but's also hard work. The natural slim frame of his cross-species is offset by years of hard work and routine. While he may not hold the best position within the town his father's work is paramount to their existence.
Thin black fur coats his form, a small patch of white adorning his chest the only offset. His form is still lean due to his breed but years of hard labor has toned it finely and often belies his gentler nature. His face, while mostly canine, still holds sway with deep brown eyes and a steady frown of concentration.
His 12 year old sister, a dingo cross-specie, was taken in a raid only months ago, as such David is a key voice towards the town striking back at the Imon.

Gaia Name: Demon Eyes Zero
Character Name: Howel Longarms
Character Cross-Species:Dingo (Mother and Father both Dingo)
Location: Shack along the water outside Bouldercome
Job: Fisherman
Background: He was orphaned at a fairly young age. For most of his life he drifted around the village living with one family than another. As such he became a sort of jack-of-all trades. When he was 16 he built a small shack along the water and decided to start life as a fisherman.
Appearance: He's fairly tall, around 6'5 and very long and skinny. Life on the move toned his muscles so that despite appearing almost frail he is still fairly strong. His fur is grey with hints of a rust color. His eyes are light blue almost appearing silver. It is very rare to see Howel without a dreamy look in his eyes and smile on his face.
Other: Howel is generally a laid back happy guy. He hates the Imon for messing with the town who he considers his family but doesn't see what he could do to help.

Gaia Name: FiliaFlammae
Character Name: Anastasia Swift
Age: 13
Character Cross-Species: Red-necked Wallaby (Mother - Domestic Pig; Father - unknown)
Location: Varies. Generally underneath porches, in abandoned buildings, or makeshift shelters. Currently in Bouldercome
Job: None
Background: She and her mother lived in another town for most of her life, but since barely escaping a raid on her hometown four years ago, Ana has become a real street urchin. Her lonely life has made her tough, stealthy, and quite fast, but underneath that mask she's actually rather sensitive.
Appearance: Small, wiry frame, save for the powerful wallaby legs. Her large, grey eyes are hard, but still carry a sense of that youthful innocence.
Other: She hasn't been here long, and it is uncertain how many even know of her presence.

Gaia Name: Jackal McFluffybutt
Character Name: Kyle Baker
Character Cross-Species: Dingo (both parents Dingo)
Location: Bouldercome Bakery
Job: Baker
Background: He's been a baker all his life, And although Kyle enjoys Baking and even took over his parents shop, he's been itching to do something more. His younger brother is often around, and very content with staying at the bakery, learning a lot from his older brother and his retired parents. Although peeved at the Imon, Kyle doesn't feel like he is able to do much about them, nor does he think they're all completely "evil"
Appearance: He looks like a regular dingo, mid length orange-brown fur and short messy black head fur. His eyes however are a combination of to colors, his left being green, and his right being brown. This has been that way since birth, and although he gets glares or stares of wonderment, he's learned to live with it.
Other: Due to his itch for something "more" Kyle has been practicing swordplay, however he's still novice and expectantly clumsy at it.
He has also suffered from migraines most of his life.  



PostPosted: Tue Aug 04, 2009 2:24 am
[ Ill pm it later.]  
PostPosted: Wed Aug 05, 2009 8:38 pm
(so when this startin up)  



PostPosted: Thu Aug 06, 2009 4:14 am
Demon Eyes Zero
(so when this startin up)

((I'm looking for a team of at least 4 people, but if not we'll have to start after a week or two.))  
PostPosted: Fri Aug 14, 2009 7:16 pm
((Have I been accepted?))  

Jackal McFluffybutt


PostPosted: Sat Aug 15, 2009 3:08 pm
((okay guys and girls, this RP is almost ready to begin, unfortunately I'm a little limited on net time for about a week so we'll need to hold off until then. Any more applications feel free to send them in and we'll begin this in a week!))  
PostPosted: Tue Aug 25, 2009 2:33 am
((Alright boys and girls, let's get this thing started...
We will be posting in an order established by the first round of posts. after that you must wait your turn before posting again, with exception of NPC character posts I'll be making))


Early in the evening upon the weeks end, lights began to gather around the school hall. There was a small deal of grumbling and hustling before torches inside were lit and people began to take their place within the hall. Standing upon a raised platform was Mitch Wise, town elder, his old grey paw raised towards the crowd before him, "Alright, let's settle down now, we've much to discuss!" he spoke clearly over the noise, drawing the gathered into silence.

With a smile he sat slowly into the seat upon the stage, relaxing a little before beginning, "Everyone is here that wants to be here, let's start," he began, opening a tattered old ledger upon the table before him, "Now, first order of business is the tax collection...."

And so began the seasonal town meeting, many trivial issues were discussed before they opened the floor for new business, leading to recent events...

((This opens the way for anyone who is attending the meeting to begin, the most recent events within the township to be discussed is the Imon threat and the appearance of a wandering child that has been seen around town, choose which ever you wish..))  



PostPosted: Tue Aug 25, 2009 6:07 am
Howel played with the stra hat in his hands. The town meetings where usually so boring but today he simply could not wait. Tonight they would have to discuss the Imon, and he really wished to see what would be done about them. There was also the matter with the wondering child. He had not personally seen the child, having spent most of his time in his hut trying to fix it up, but he truly felt for the child. It reminded him of his life wandering from house to house that he had only fairly recently left.

With a sigh he placed his hat on his head and raised his hand. "What about the wandering child? Isnt someone going to take her in?" He dropped his hand, the Imon could wait this was more important.

(the child would be Anastasia than? or no)  
PostPosted: Wed Aug 26, 2009 2:05 am

Mitch turned slowly towards the raised hand, leaning forwards slightly to hear what was said, "Wondering mild..?" he questioned at first before a townsman closer repeated the words, "Oh! Wandering child, yes!" he reiterated, "So it's true that a young girl has been moving around the town of late? Well, we helped the last urchin that wandered through, anyone know if she would he around here, we should talk to her in person is possible.." he called towards the crowd.

There was a murmur along the group as people looked around but none had seen the girl of late, and certainly none had spoken to her enough to mention the meeting....

(Yeah, it's Anastasia)  


Jackal McFluffybutt

PostPosted: Wed Aug 26, 2009 7:47 pm
Kyle Baker loved town meetings. Not because he attended any, he let his parents do that. But because no one was around. He remembered attending one of them when he was younger, and immediately begged for mom to take him back to the shop just because it was sooooo boooring! He looked over his shoulder. The dingo wasn't completely alone, his younger brother sat down at the work bench, needing some dough in his hands happily. "You having fun?" he asked the eight year old cub.
"yep yep!" he replied happily
"good, i'm going to go back for a bit, call me if any customers come in, okay?" he said, getting an energetic "yessir!" in return. retreating to the back of the shop, he spotted his old wooden sword and the dummy he practiced on. He gave a couple swings to the dummy before closing his eyes and try to concentrate on what a real warrior would do.  
PostPosted: Sat Aug 29, 2009 3:06 pm
A pair of shining eyes peered intently from the darkness of the alley. Dead ahead, on the other side of the avenue, was the storefront of the town bakery. As the light of day faded into evening, the interior of the shop grew steadily more visible through the window. And if those eyes peered hard enough, the very loaves of bread could be seen on the shelves...or was it just the imagination?

Ana was internally debating with herself. It would be safer to approach the shop under cover of night, which would be coming soon. Yet she should probably scope out the building first, find a hole in the wall or an unattended window, and for that she needed daylight, and it was slipping away fast. Should she try to dash across the street, take a more circuitous route and approach from behind, or just wait until nightfall?

A hungry, audible complaint from her aching belly was enough to convince the wallaby-girl which option to take. Before she could think about delaying any more, she moved quickly across the open space and slipped into the shadows alongside the shop. Thank heavens the streets were vacant right now. (In the back of her mind she wondered why....Was there a town meeting or something?) She pressed herself up against the wall, minimizing her silhouette, and began to sidle along the side of the building. With luck there would be another window, or perhaps a section of damaged wall.  



PostPosted: Sun Aug 30, 2009 12:54 am

After a lengthy discussion amongst the townsfolk it soon came to be realized that the girl was not going to appear tonight, and as this sentiment moved back to the elder he sighed, "Well, without this girl herself, we must simply assume her designs, what do people know of her?" he asked simply towards the crowd. A few residents spoke out of missing sheets, a bare fruit tree or two and some pies vanishing from windowsills, drawing a general opinion of a hungry traveler stealing to live.

Waving his greyed paw for silence Mitch spoke once more, "So no-one has lost anything of great value?" he asked slowly, "Only living essentials have been taken correct?" he continued, "Then the girl is not a threat to us, though perhaps we should offer her a little hospitality rather then leaving it open to loose things we may rather keep," he stated towards the crowd.

"So you're to have us take her in like the last wanderer through this town?" called an older townsfolk, his paw motioning towards Howel as he spoke, See if we can't do better then the last one," the man continued, raising a small chuckle from the crowd.

Holding his paw up for silence once more Mitch replied, "Perhaps that would be a good path, that is, if anyone would like to take in another runaway?"  
PostPosted: Sun Aug 30, 2009 1:39 am

Rather edgy through the entire meeting, David looked in shock at his father as the man raised his paw, "We have a spare room, since Kelly isn't at home anymore," called the old man, much to David's shock.

"We have a spare room because your daughter was taken! How can you speak like she simply left home to explore the world!?" barked David, "You think she gone for good don't you? Too afraid to look for her, to help her!" he accused, storming at his father angrily.

A dark glare from the old blacksmith stopped his son in his tracks, "I know well why that room is empty boy, you need not remind me of that loss," he replied slowly, "But a room is a room and it isn't doing anyone good left bare," he continued slowly.

Slightly subdued David growled under his breath, "And when she comes back, the room will be hers, occupant or no," he replied angrily, before turning towards the elder instead, "But then why are we bothering with all this trivial matter anyway?! Our town was attacked, our relatives taken and what do we do? Ignore it? Pretend it didn't happen? Why? Because you're all too afraid to take on the Imon!" he cried towards the crowd, "You've told me to wait for the meeting, to take up the discussion here, well I'm not interested in discussing it, I'm going to get my sister back even if I must attack the beasts alone!"  



PostPosted: Sun Aug 30, 2009 6:14 am
Howel sighed than laughed as they mentioned him. He thought he had turned out ok. After fixing the straw hat atop his head one last time he stood, but was stopped by David's suddenly very enthused speech.

Howel watched as the Great Dane challeneged his father than spoke to the town. Slowly the dingo made his way towards David. He had only stayed a short time with his family but he could still remeber David's sisters face. He put a hand on his shoulder, a reserved look on his face. "David...please you must calm down. I feel the same as you my friend, but charging ahead with anger and revenge in your heart is doomed for disaster. Please calm down and come up with a plan of action first" He spoke so that only the two of them would be able to hear. Talking infront of a crowd was never his thing but to a friend and person he looked up to almost like an older brother, it came easy.

Howel let his hand slide away resting the other on his hat. "We'll get her back David...We'll get her back" He gave him a reasuring smile than made his way past him to leave the meeting. With the matters he wished to discuss allready done he didnt have much of a cause to stay any longer.  
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