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Randomly Gone Insane
Vice Captain

Romantic Raider

PostPosted: Tue Sep 22, 2009 8:57 pm

I do not own Gears of War or Gears of War 2. I own nothing of them. The only thing I do own is a COPY of Gears of War 2.
That's it.
So get off my back.
PostPosted: Tue Sep 22, 2009 9:10 pm
"For a time, the humans of Sera knew the illusion of peace. . . until Emergence Day. At that moment, our people broke free from our subterranean world, erupting into the domain of these ground walkers, and wiping out whole cities. We fought and killed the humans on their fine boulevards, in their homes, on their battlefields. And they fought back. In time, their valiant defense was crushed. With billions dead, humans denied their enemy control by destroying their own civilization. They launched devastating attacks on their own territory—sacrificing their own citizens—so that we could not possess it. Such is their loathing and fear of us. Understand what a world must do to survive—what humans must do, and what we must do. But survive we must. Now the humans’ long struggle against overwhelming odds approaches the final, desperate stand . . ."

"We could have cooperated with the ground walkers for our mutual salvation, but they are humans, and they only understand dominance and ownership. All that we have left is a war to the death. For all their so-called intelligence, humans are blind to the threat right before their eyes. We never stood a chance of enlisting their aid, so now we fight alone. And we will stand on their corpses to do so."

"The Humans of Sera built a glorious civilization, but Humans are not destined to create. They ultimately did what they do best. Destroy. But this was nothing, compared to a new threat, from below. An enemy that will force Humanity to take their last, inevitable steps, toward extinction."

"I'm pleased with our progress. I understand they have located another squad. Our strategy remains the same. Cut off the head of the snake and the body dies. We will win this war. It's only a matter of time."

"It began, as always, with the desire for power. A need to conquer, a hunger to consume. Inevitably, this led to conflict. Humanity fought an endless war against itself, until it was forced to unite against a power far greater than it had ever known. But even united, Humanity left only destruction in its wake. Despite their best efforts at survival, the Humans of Sera continue to march blindly to their imminent doom; unaware, that their misguided attempts at retaliation were only leading them ever closer to extinction. They had thought us crippled by their weapons of mass destruction. But to survive is to endure and prosper. And we have most certainly survived. Jacinto now stands as the last bastion for Humanity. A final, desperate defense in the face of impossible odds. In a way, I pity them. But Humanity, as always, brought this war upon itself."

"Your world can end in the blink of an eye. One event, one unexpected twist of fate... and suddenly the world as you knew... is gone. Forever. All that you held dear, all that you held close... is washed away in a sea of distant memory. Life... is cruel. Of this I have no doubt. But life continues on... with, or without you. One can only hope that one leaves behind a lasting legacy. But so often, the legacies we leave behind... are not the one we intended."

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Randomly Gone Insane
Vice Captain

Romantic Raider

Randomly Gone Insane
Vice Captain

Romantic Raider

PostPosted: Tue Sep 22, 2009 9:24 pm
Our History

Pendulum Wars
The Pendulum Wars were a 79 year-long conflict waged by the two superpowers of Sera, the Coalition of Ordered Governments and the Union of Independent Republics, for control of the planet's natural resources. Thousands of human lives were lost in the conflict and the environment was significantly damaged by devastating weapons. The Pendulum Wars ended shortly before the attack of the Locust Horde on Emergence Day.

Emergence Day
Emergence Day (abbreviated as E-Day) is the day that the Locust Horde emerged from the underground caverns of Sera and launched a full-fledged assault upon the human race, changing the course of Human history forever. In twenty four hours, the Locusts attacked every major city across Sera, and within days of the first Locust emergence the Global Communications Network had collapsed. The Locust had exterminated one quarter of the human population in a very genocidal fashion; making no discrimination between women, men and children alike. For the beleaguered human nations, only recent through with the 79-years-long Pendulum Wars, the attack was completely unexpected, and the recently victorious COG was unable to unite under Chairman Dalyell.

Fourteens years of war have passed since E-Day. Fourteen years have gone by since humans began fighting a losing battle against a seemingly unbeatable enemy. Fourteen years went by while countless lives have been lost forever. Fourteen years humans have struggled to survive as the Locust wipe them off Sera like dust.
Fourteen years of Hell.

Why fight when there is no hope..?
PostPosted: Tue Sep 22, 2009 9:28 pm
Our Enemy


The Locust Queen
The Locust Queen is the enigmatic leader of the Locust Horde. Though she is never present on the battlefield, she is possibly able to observe skirmishes with the COG and possibly even command the units of her army. It is unknown if she is a member of any known Locust races. Despite the fact that locust speech in general is deep and sometimes unclear, Queen Myrrah speaks perfectly, perhaps suggesting that she is more similar to a human, or is of a whole different species. It is possible she may be a more "pure" form of locust, and possibly the true genetic bridge that the scientists were apparently trying to achieve.

Skorges are High Priests of the Locust Horde. They are members of the Kantus caste of priests, sharing their tall, sinewy frame. It would seem the Lightmass Bomb exploding awoke the Rift Worms, which Skorges are capable of controlling with their screams. Due to the Rift Worm's immense power and how Skorges are in near-total control of the creature's actions, act like Generals at times. They wear specialized armor, studded with spikes. They also sport several dreadlocks that are attached to their helmet. In addition to standard Kantus priest combat equipment consisting of a Gorgon Pistol and Ink Grenades, they use a formidable staff with chainsaws at each end.

General RAAM
Looks like a bigger, slower boomer. Keeps a jagged sword and is strong enough to heft the giant Troika gun with his bare hands. They wear a huge, black coat and have a permanent snarling look about them. When they are encountered at night, they 'wears' a kryll shield that deflects small-arms projectiles but not torque bow arrows or grenade fragments.

Foot Soldiers

The most common enemy. Intelligent, humanoid creatures that flank, take cover and rush, and are able to wield weapons. Much stronger than wretches, and sometimes mount Troika guns. They wear body armor and a helmet, and if they are on a Troika, a pair of goggles. Their skin is white and pasty.

The same as a drone, but equipped with no body armor or helmet. Instead, they have rough, hard skin as defense from projectiles. They also specialize in grenades, so watch out.

The same as a drone, but equipped with goggles (not night-vision goggles, just goggles) and a lot weaker. They'll usually stay in a well-protected area or behind cover, where they can utilize their sniper rifle to problematic effect.

Theron Guards
High-ranking humanoid creatures that are tough as nails. Outfitted with the Locust's best weapons; manufactured or stolen, they can take a lot more of a beating than drones. They give orders with a hoarse, hissing voice that sounds like a snake. This can help when making tactical decisions as it is possible to hear what the Theron Guard intends to do. Theron Guards wear masks and long, black, trailing coats.

Flame Grenadier
A Flame Grenadier is a Locust Grenadier armed exclusively with the Scorcher Flamethrower. Flame Grenadiers are also equipped with a backpack fuel tank that significantly increases the fuel capacity of the Scorcher.

Giant humanoid creatures that are extremely strong and tough. They are
female and cannot be harmed with conventional firearms. Only the Hammer of Dawn LASER provides enough force to rip through their extremely tough armor and skin. That, or a fall from a fast-moving train car. A berserker charge can easily destroy anything in its way, including stone pillars and columns, walls, Locust soldiers and Gears. Once a berserker has been hit with the Hammer of Dawn LASER, small-arms fire will be able to damage it for a short period of time, especially while it is stunned (sort of dancing around).

The Kantus stand almost 7 feet in height and have leathery white flesh. Kantus are essentially Locust priests and are led by the Locust High Priests, Skorge. Kantus are often heard chanting, which is used to communicate with other locust, (Drones, Rock Worms and Tickers) often directing them to attack the enemies concentrating on him. Kantus can also manipulate their voices to very deadly effect, stunning and even knocking opposition down with their ear-piercing screams. Since Kantus can also revive their downed locust brethren with their chants, it is advised to kill the Kantus hanging back before wiping out the other locust. This can be quite difficult though, because the Kantus are surprisingly agile, frequently leaping out of the line of fire. As vicious as their masters, The Kantus' primary weapon is the Gorgon Burst Pistol and the Ink Grenade, which it wields with deadly precision.

Large, humanoid creatures with staggering defenses that can even protect them from a full burst of the Hammer of Dawn's LASER. Usually encountered in twos, they are slow, dull-witted and easy to flank, but wield the boomshot, an extremely lethal grenade launcher. Their skin is white and pasty, like those of drones. One and a half full blasts from the Hammer of Dawn, or very concentrated fire (around one and a half full magazines of the Lancer) on the head is enough to take one out.

Butcher Boomers
Much like the Boomer, they are large, slow and extremely tough. The only difference is they wield a large sword and more heavily armored, making them tougher to kill while their hacking and slashing Gears to bits.

The Grinder is a heavily armored Boomer wielding a Mulcher Chain Gun. Its armor includes a helmet which must be shot from a specific angle before a proper headshot can be made according to COG troops. It has also been reported that before firing they will yell out "Grind!" or anything along those lines as a signal to their comrades to get out of the way.

Small ape-like creatures. Easily killed alone, but usually make a co-ordinated rush with several other wretches to overrun Gears.

Lambent Wretches
The same as a regular wretch, but lambent (it glows in the dark). Hypothesized that this is due to direct Imulsion exposure. When they die, they will explode with great force, which is lethal when in swarms.


Colossal insectoids that sit in one spot and generally make life harder. They have the uncanny ability to jam radio transmissions and are able to spawn nemacyst. The only thing that can take one out is a blast and a half from the Hammer of Dawn. They cannot attack on their own but are always guarded by a large number of Locust; wretches, drones, sometimes even Theron Guards join the fight.

Nemacyst are living balls of explosive that kill by propelling themselves (at variable speeds) towards their targets in a mass kamikaze attack. They have tentacles on their undersides and fly to move. Nemacyst will frequently attempt to destroy King Raven helicopters by ramming right through them at very high speeds, which is why in some areas air support or pickup is unavailable. Nemacyst, like octopi, can release a sort of inky cloud into the air, blotting out the sky. The effect prevents any possibility of the Hammer of Dawn being used. When the player engages nemacyst in combat, they usually fly at far slower speeds than when attacking King Ravens to make it easier because of the possibility of endangering (more important) Locust soldiers. Nemacyst can simply be shot once or twice before they explode (die).

The kryll are small creatures that look like bats and come out at sunset. In the day, they sleep in the caves of The Hollows. They are carnivorous and devour anything which steps into the darkness of night in a piranha-like swarm. A few seconds in the dark is therefore enough to kill Locust soldiers and Gears. Kryll have a pronounced weakness to light, and can be burned to cinders with Ultra Violet light.

Huge arachnids that dig tunnels for Locust soldiers in order to aid attacks
and transportation. The only place they cannot dig up through is Jacinto
Plateau, which is on a huge slab of granite. In combat, corpsers are
deceptively fearsome but in reality easily beaten. Corpsers have large teeth and many eyes.

Flown by drone pilots (probably wearing goggles), reavers are large creatures that are able to fly, and are used in combat or transportation. They can be damaged by all weapons, but chain guns and Troikas are most effective. Reavers usually hold the pilot and one other 'passenger'; another drone or a Theron Guard. Reavers sometimes have mounted chin guns to assault with. In addition, the accuracy of the passenger is not affected by riding on a reaver, nor is it affected by being so far away. In fact, one might think a Theron Guard with a torque bow would preferably ride on a reaver to acquire a perfect shot.

Tickers (called so because they emit a 'ticking' sound, and explode like a time-bomb) are small creatures that the Locust use as mines, mainly against COG vehicles. However, they are also devastating to COG infantry, and are used in this way particularly by the Kantus, who summon them two at a time and use them as a last defense when under direct threat by COG units. They are quick moving and relatively difficult to detect despite the sounds they emit, making them dangerous and unpredictable adversaries, especially in large groups. Due to the gas released by tickers when about to explode, and the tanks mounted on their backs, it would seem that Imulsion is used to cause the explosions.

Brumaks are huge Monsters with extraordinarily thick hides. They often grow to 12 meters in height and tend to weigh around 10,000 kilograms (22,046lbs). They were apparently bred by the Locust Horde from smaller native apes and are lethal at close range. Their head-gear resembles the Corpser's helmet, but their bodies have more in common with humanoids than arachnids. Brumaks are capable of carrying a rocket launcher and a Gatling gun on their back, in addition to two high-caliber autocannon-like guns on the forearms; they have also been rumored to carry energy beam cannons to kill at a range. Their strength can be compared to a Corpser's.

A subspecies of Reaver or a new species all together. It looks like a Reaver but it has jaws like that of a Rhinoceros Beetle.

The Bloodmounts are usually kept in a cage until the riders choose them. They carry a single rider on its back for gun support. It has two legs which it uses as claws to attack the player, but it really walks on its hands and attacks with its shriveled feet. Once the passenger has been eliminated it will run at you and maul you. This also occurs if and when you cause enough damage to its head, where the Bloodmount will attempt to claw it's helmet off, sending the beast into a violent rage.  

Randomly Gone Insane
Vice Captain

Romantic Raider

Randomly Gone Insane
Vice Captain

Romantic Raider

PostPosted: Tue Sep 22, 2009 9:38 pm
Our Gears

The Gears
A Gear is an infantry soldier of the Coalition of Ordered Governments. Gears are highly trained and resilient soldiers, having been in a continuous state of war ever since the Pendulum Wars. As of the Locust-Human War, the Gears are the primary military opposition to the Locust Horde. Gears are organized into squads of four to six soldiers, as opposed to the swarm tactics employed by the Locust. Gears are usually marked by the Crimson Omen emblem.

Gear History
The Gears are the evolution of Pre-Pendulum Wars coalition. COG Gears have been present for 79 years, serving in two of Sera's most violent wars, the Pendulum Wars and the Locust-Human War. During the Pendulum Wars the Gears were supported by a highly modern and heavy mechanized Armed force. After the Emergence Day attack the standard Gear lost a majority of their support and equipment and had to rely on 15 year old equipment.

Gears are equipped with a range of protective armor, most notably the bullet-resistant cuirass and compatible apparatus-equipped helmet that provides protection from inhaled chemicals, blunt trauma, shrapnel, and low-caliber or poorly aimed bullets. However, the helmets offer no protection from a high-caliber Longshot round.

Most COG armor cuirasses have uniform blue or gray paint jobs and an imprinted Crimson Omen. The cuirasses also use a series of identification lights that glow blue for easy identification by allied units. All COG armor curiasses are fitted with back-mounted magnets for carrying equipment. COG armor may be power armor or semi-powered armor, as it is stated the armor uses servos to assist the user. COG armor cuirasses are in high demand; while most Gears use conventional models, older models have been issued to meet the demand.

Gears are typically armed with Lancer Assault Rifles, Bolo Grenades and Snub Pistols (as sidearms), but also use Gnasher Shotguns and Longshot Sniper Rifles.

Some Gear squads have access to bot units, but the high level of attrition the bot units have suffered combined with with the ongoing Locust-Human War have made replacement components for bot units to be an increasingly-uncommon commodity. Currently, only elite and high-level squads are entrusted with bot units, though many Gear units are alleged to make use of salvaged replacements when available.

Bot units used to be common, even expendable, equipment for Gear squads. Colonel Hoffman once stated "I can remember when these things came by the crate load." All bot units have a name, such as Frank, Bruce, or Jack.
PostPosted: Tue Sep 22, 2009 9:41 pm
Our Guide

Gearspedia is a good reference site to look back on for any questions related to the Gears of War story. It goes into more depth of individual characters, history, stories and many other things I cannot cover. I suggest going here before seeing me.

Randomly Gone Insane
Vice Captain

Romantic Raider

Randomly Gone Insane
Vice Captain

Romantic Raider

PostPosted: Tue Sep 22, 2009 9:42 pm

Safe to say we know them right?
If one is broken, I'll post them.
Until then, follow the standard.
PostPosted: Tue Sep 22, 2009 9:46 pm
Our Story

While many of the Gears have taken off for Landdown to the take the fight to the Locust, others were left behind to defend Jacinto. It is the last city of humanity and must not fall, no matter the cost. Too much is at stake within Jacinto. We lose Jacinto, we lose the war.

Randomly Gone Insane
Vice Captain

Romantic Raider

Randomly Gone Insane
Vice Captain

Romantic Raider

PostPosted: Tue Sep 22, 2009 9:48 pm
Character Layout

Every soldier is equipped with Gear armor (with the exception of a few people who's jobs may require them to wear something else*). You have a choice of wearing a helmet or not with your armor. Be warned though: helmeted warriors may have more protection and bonuses unhelmeted ones don't, but helmets make you an easy target for snipers to find with the glowing eyes. Choose wisely.

[b]Welcome to COG recruit.:[/b] Username.
[b]What's your name?:[/b] Character name (first and last)
[b]You're age, son?:[/b] Age
[b]Give us some backround on youself, kid.:[/b] History
[b]What's your favorite weapon?:[/b] Guns, weapons
[b]Got any special talents?:[/b] Abilities. (Are you agile? Got good hearing? Fast runner? You got a way with bombs?)
[b]Anything else, boy?:[/b] Extras.
[b]Oh yeah, say cheese! *mugshot taken*:[/b] Appearance
[b]*equipment is shoved into your hands* You want a helmet too?:[/b] Yes or No
[b]And you're assigned rank is:[/b] Rank

Welcome to the army, soldier.

*If you want your character to be in different armor, please talk to me first. This didn't actually happen in the game, but I don't want to be a total control freak. I'm open to new and different ideas, but some things may be shot down due to the limitations of this universe.  
PostPosted: Tue Sep 22, 2009 9:50 pm
Jacinto's Defenders

We are Alpha Squad.

Welcome to COG recruit.: Randomly Gone Insane
What's your name?: Soqed 'Doc' Hozi
You're age, son?: 22
Give us some backround on youself, kid.: Even through the war, Soqed was studying to become a doctor. She was only a few years from finishing her schooling until the Locust put to much pressure on humanity, cutting off Soqed's classes, and the hospital doctors were far to busy to finish her schooling. Despite this COG still took a special interest into Soqed seeing how she was always at the top of her classes. When they offered to enlist her as a medic, Soqed really had no choice but to accept. While she claims that this way she's living her dream, rumors suggest COG threatened her life if she dared to refuse.
What's your favorite weapon?: Being a medic, Soqed only carries a few guns on her to make more room for medical supplies. She carries two knives for close quarters combat, and a pair of semi-automatic pistols.
Got any special talents?: Soqed always seemed to have this draw on people. Though she completely denies it, something about her tends to make people like and protect her. This of course, always ends badly when the Locust spot her and realize she's a 'healer' of the humans and try to wipe her out. So what do the people do? Sacrifice themselves for her of course. Too bad it haunts Soqed's every waking moment.
Anything else, boy?: Because of all the problems Soqed's personality seems to cause with everyone killing themselves for her sake, she's grown to be.. distant. From everyone. Rumors also suggest she'll take the COG tags of those who have sacrificed themselves for herself and keeps them for herself, rather than handing them to COG.
Oh yeah, say cheese! *mugshot taken*: Soqed
*equipment is shoved into your hands* You want a helmet too?: No
And you're assigned rank is: Corporal

Welcome to COG recruit.: Randomly Gone Insane
What's your name?: James Madison
You're age, son?: 25
Give us some backround on youself, kid.: James lost his family on E-day. They were relaxing on a vacation close to one of the first holes to appear from the Locust. When James' parents and younger brother were killed before his eyes, his sense of humanity and sanity were lost.
What's your favorite weapon?: James as turned into what some could call a perfect soldier. He carries a shotgun for close combat, a sniper rifle for long distance targets, a pistol, and it's impossible to find him without a grenade.
Got any special talents?: You name it, James can fix and create it, blindfolded. Guns, cars, bombs. He can make anything you want. James once said to a superior officer when a bomb was requested, "What would you like, sir? Regular, medium, or extra strength? Oh and do mind, regular will make entire walls 'disappear.'"
Anything else, boy?: Families and deaths are touchy subjects for James. Just simply mentioning one of the two can cause a number of things to happen in James, making him a tad unpredictable.
Oh yeah, say cheese! *mugshot taken*: James
*equipment is shoved into your hands* You want a helmet too?: No
And you're assigned rank is: Sergeant

Welcome to COG recruit.: Zahzi
What's your name?: Steven Barker. Known to others as 'Naro'.
You're age, son?: 24
Give us some backround on youself, kid.: Steven Barker seems to have gone through life with little conflict, even with the chaos of the locusts. He and his younger sister lived alone as they were orphaned at a young age, and continued to live on the move. Five years ago, a large swarm of Locusts attacked where they were at the time. His sister was nowhere to be found...
Barker joined the cause shortly after that, seeing as that might be the best way to find out what happened to his sister.
The nickname 'Naro' came from an old mission where an entire contingent of Locust were annihilated when they were burned alive in the 'Narrow' Hotel. When the fire was extinguished, the word 'Naro' remained.
What's your favorite weapon?: Duel Flame-Throwers attached to the armor itself.
Got any special talents?: Barker seems to have an extremely high constitution, making him hard to harm at all...He also seems to never have a sense of fear...
Anything else, boy?: He carries a picture of a young woman with him everywhere. His background shines light on it being his younger sister.
Oh yeah, say cheese! *mugshot taken*: Overshot
*equipment is shoved into your hands* You want a helmet too?: N/A
And you're assigned rank is: Lieutenant

Welcome to COG recruit.: Zahzi
What's your name?: Frederick 'Ghost' Eyardovytch
You're age, son?: 38
Give us some backround on youself, kid.: Frederick was always good with a rifle from since he was a child. During the last stages of the pendulum wars, he was the sniper sent out for days waiting for just one target...With the Locust war, he goes for the larger kills...
The Nickname 'Ghost' comes from the fact that anyone who has been his enemy can never tell where the shots come from. When they try, they find that they were either too late, or dead wrong...
What's your favorite weapon?: Sniper Rifle and pistol.
Got any special talents?: Abilities. Lethal Accuracy.
Anything else, boy?: Seems to always know where the enemy comes from...
Oh yeah, say cheese! *mugshot taken*: Suit
*equipment is shoved into your hands* You want a helmet too?: Yes
And you're assigned rank is: Lieutenant Junior-Grade  

Randomly Gone Insane
Vice Captain

Romantic Raider

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