Pirate Captain Sushi
I believe the jewish religion is the most strict.
It forces you to go through a bar-mitzvah or you're not technically a man, during which you have to study on an ancient language and read a chapter in a reallly really long book of symbols that resemble Pi. Also: no pork or shelfish.
Seriously, a religion without bacon and crab-meat!
Yeah but when you take into account on who whines the most... its the Christians... the b***h and moan about how God is great, they put god into everything.
BC, AD, Songs, the Pledge of Alligence... everything HAS to related to God or we're all going to hell... and if you dont believe, they apparently have the 'right' to drag you to FCA, and quote the bible... and say God waaaay to much to be heathly...