I Have one question, how do rich people get are items not founded in stores?
Those items are new and have a unknown location i just want to know how to get them for myself ( NO DONATIONS).
People like me? WELL most of them come from R.I.Gs, wich are random item generators. Go to the market, and search, "rig". Plus if an item is over 999,999 gold, it has no marketplace average. And I have found that it may or may not effect your searches. Plus a lot of the time, if you dont type in youur searches exactly how they are spelled, you can get nothing, or something totally unrelated. Plus things are going to get harder for noobs, newbs, newbies, and n00bs, because of the massive inflation. The price on the Steel Plated Ninja Band has gone up 2,000,000 in the past 3-4 months. Happy searching!