To the south of the city, on the very edge of town a huge metal building lies. On this building an old rickety sign hangs above a gaping whole, a large metallic door is laying on its side, almost blocking the hole, the hole seems to lead into the building, this sign is worn, words are barely discernible on it, saying Pikachu Zap Co.

To the right of the doors is another sign, just as worn, made of metal on it in faded letters reads, We'll bring you your electricity! Through all natural ways 10x as productive as any other source.

Something fluttering to the side of the door catches your eye, it's a couple strands of red torn tape, condemned, it reads. As you look inside you hear the calls of pokemon, an occasional flash here and there shows you moving figures that you can't quite make out in the shadows.

To the left of the building seems to be a smaller building, this one wooden and less threatening looking, a sign above the intact door reads storage. Plenty of windows on this building, only covered in grime to where you can't see in. As you move on from the windows a shadow shifts and your eyes snap back, nothings moved and everything's still the same.