I am designing an Rp, but I need a little... no a lot of help with the system. It is Zombie rp with magic. (though I'm trying to keep it from being too powerful.) It is set in the near future.

Stat List:
Health: Pretty self explanatory
Strength: Improves power of melee weapons
Skill: Improves power of ranged weapons
Energy: Required for spells.

Spells(so far)
>Bolt: Drops a bolt of lightning on a target. Base Power: 4 Energy cost:1
>Ignite: Lanches a pea-sized fireball at the target Base Power: 4 Energy cost: 1
>Cool: launches a sphere of Ice at target Base power: 4 Energy cost: 1
>Magic bullet: Think 1st level magic missle but more powerful. Base power: 9 energy cost: 2
>Cauterize wounds: Do I need to explain? Energy cost: 1
>Inferno:A 60-foot long horizontal cylinder of fire. Base Power: 22 Energy cost:6
>Chill:Launches an Icicle at the foe. Base Power: 10 Energy cost:3
>Frost:Suddenly, flying shards of ice. everywhere. Base power:22 Energy cost:6

Current list of Zombie Types (There is one that Isn't on here... I'll add It when it shows up):
Creeper: Pretty standard.
Spitter: can spit poisonous (or Acidic) saliva from a considerable distance.
Stalker: a quiet, Fast zombie.
Berserker: It's Fast, It's strong, It's tough, and it has an animalistic intelligence. It's also been known to attack other zombies.
Hunter: A Zombie that retains the Knowledge it had in life, but not the personality. Very rare, Very dangerous.
Torch: Only created by necromancers. It is capable of Self Immolation, and fire does not harm it.

What I need:
Figure out how to allocate abilities
Suggestions for new spells/ Zombie types.