This thread is all about Bingo! I guess you already know what and how bingo is played, right? Okay, so I'm going to sell bingo cards. Don't worry, they're kind of cheap ("Kind of" I'm not promising cheaper cards, okay?) A bingo card is 100 gold per card.

But if you want a 50% off, here's how:

1. pirate If you are the VERY first person to PM me and you want a bingo card, you get a 50% off on your second purchase.

2. Or if I give you a "50% off" card. (Sometimes bingo cards come with "50% off" cards.


- No, I'm not a cheater. Why you ask am I saying this? It's because some complain saying that they didn't get their fair share. Well, too bad for them. Why would I post this just for fun? LOL...

- A purchase is a purchase! No refunds!

- Do not copy other gaians' cards. They purchased it fair and square! And you are just going to steal it? Fat chance!! Oh, and don't worry players! I'm going to keep a record, that way, I won't include the player who copied your card.

- Bingo Game starts every 2 weeks. The first bingo game will start next next week, so purchase now!!

- Bingo Game prize is: 5,000 gold

If you want to buy a card, just PM me, and I will start a trade.