As you near graduation from the academy, you begin to think about just what squad you're wanting to join. On your way to your temporary residence after some training, you notice a sheet of paper pinned to a wall nearby. Out of curiosity, you approach it. It reads:
"Hey, there, fellow Shinigami. It looks like you've passed your training at the academy and you're looking to join a squad! Are you intelligent? Calculative? Research-oriented? Like using Bakudo? Then Twelfth Squad may be the squad for you! In addition to me looking out for profiles that might fit the squad, I want to see if you are wanting to join, yourself! There are a few rules, but that shouldn't slow the dedicated down!
(( Just hop on over to this thread and check it out! It will occasionally be updated with a new science "quiz", so new, yet-to-be accepted members need to check semi-frequently to make sure your answer is up-to-date! I will be updating this thread to inform everyone what spots are still open when necessary. ))
Open Seats:
- Second Seat (Lieutenant)
- Third Seat
- Fourth Seat
- Fifth Seat
- Sixth Seat
- Seventh Seat
- Eighth Seat
- Ninth Seat
- Tenth Seat
"Hey, there, fellow Shinigami. It looks like you've passed your training at the academy and you're looking to join a squad! Are you intelligent? Calculative? Research-oriented? Like using Bakudo? Then Twelfth Squad may be the squad for you! In addition to me looking out for profiles that might fit the squad, I want to see if you are wanting to join, yourself! There are a few rules, but that shouldn't slow the dedicated down!
(( Just hop on over to this thread and check it out! It will occasionally be updated with a new science "quiz", so new, yet-to-be accepted members need to check semi-frequently to make sure your answer is up-to-date! I will be updating this thread to inform everyone what spots are still open when necessary. ))
Open Seats:
- Second Seat (Lieutenant)
- Third Seat
- Fourth Seat
- Fifth Seat
- Sixth Seat
- Seventh Seat
- Eighth Seat
- Ninth Seat
- Tenth Seat