July 12, 2007

Dear father and mother,

Good day. I'm sure it isn't very comforting to receive this from me only now, nor am I expecting an enthusiastic response from the both of you, especially from father, after you've finished reading this but I thought that it would be inappropriate as your son to not even write back to the both of you after I've finally settled down.

I'm sure that father still alive and well? Or has he finally succumbed to cardiac arrest after I left without his consent? It would've been funny if he did.

Mother, please stop being such a devoted wife to that man. Especially now when you're being replaced by his paperwork and maybe come here and live with me. The dreary and lonely night skies of Hong Kong are not befitting for a woman like you, mother. I wish you could come here and spend your days in leisure other than spending it serving that horrible excuse for a father and husband.

    P.S. I don't intend to come home anytime soon so tell father that he can kiss his little puppet goodbye.