Posted: Wed Oct 20, 2010 7:27 pm
Posted: Wed Oct 20, 2010 8:13 pm
The Branded"I don't know where we're going...but I hope we'll go far.." Witch of the Hour Nothing to Hide.... Rings for Magic".....Hello." My name is...... Shayanee (Shay ah nee) Trixt But you can call me... Shay I am obviously a... Female And I was born 18 years ago. This is me. Deal with it. Sharp tounged and witty, more often then being gentle and coddling like a mother Shayanee chooses to arm herself with clever verbal barbs and dripping amounts of sarcasm. The best way to describe her, actaully, is just like a teenager; she'd rather not have to deal with maturity and therefore sometimes acts out for shots of fear or adrenaline, but there are those rare times when she acts her now and adult age, and when doing so her concentration, foccus and desire to stay dedicated is unparalleled by anyone. Thouh Shayanee prefers to seem strong at all times, you can almost always count on her breaking down when her lover is mentioned, or her position as the minute is spoken of; besides darkness and day, not a single person wishes this war over more then she. Rewinding again.... Most of Shayanee's early life was controlled by the creator and her memories of it were consequently wiped, so untill her tenth year she doesn't remember much; after ten, Hourline officially recognized her as the Minute, the girl with the power of the dividing line between darkness and day, and though anyone she asked smiled and took care of her, bringing her into their home, behind these expressions was a seething cauldron of hatred. She didn't recognize this, how her life was always in danger from the civillians who despised her, untill she was very nearly smothered in her sleep by her current caregiver, a man who she'd thought understood her misery and position. Terrified, Shayanee ran from her house, where she met noon, the person she was destined to be with forever. It was love at first sight; he took her in, protected her, kept her safer then she'd ever been.
But one morning she awoke to find he was no longer there; their creator had distorted time, pushed him into it a vicious monster wrapped in chains. And she became the dividing line; wanting things to be how they once were, Shayanee travelled all across Hourline untill finding Darkness. She offered him her services, and became a secret part of the resistance, hoping for darkness and his day to reunite once more.
The role I play... The Minute Look what I can do! Shayanee's primary talent is magic; next to the creator she's the only one in all of Hourline who can do it. Which makes her pretty damn useful to Darkness and Day if they ever hope to reunite. Because Noon is her lover she can venture into his forest without being hurt. And she makes a pretty mean stew, too. I really enjoy... Practicing her magic, ripping things apart and putting them back together, and taking care of Noon since everyone else think he's a monster and won't lift a finger. Love it! Darkness, Day, Noon, learning new spells or secrets about Hourline, adrenaline, getting a spell right, beating the creator, the feel of steam, intelligent people, bravery, and dogs. Eew, Nasty! The creator, the war, not being able to see Noon as often as she used to, being judged because of gender, wimps, fakes, cats, overly sweet foods. Turn it up! Teenage Dream // Katy Perry Under the Radar // Abney Park Sssh, don't tell! That Darkness and Day will be apart forever because of her job as the minute; that the creator will win, and that Noon will never get to be human again. I can't go on without... Noon Am I forgetting something...? Has a pair of dobermans named Chase and Riddle. My lord, god and master is Yoko_Matsubishi"Never give up; even in the worst of storms, there will be a light to guide the way." Nothing but Sunshine... The dress The Necklace *Smiles* My name is...... Rebecca Frayme But you can call me... Becca, Fray (when under cover) I am obviously a... female And I was born 20 years ago. This is me. Deal with it. In many instances, Rebecca is the example of a man's perfect woman, beautiful, gentle, sweet and soft. She would never willingly say a distasteful thing to anyone, not even her most hated enemy, and much prefers to smile and say things will get better then to frown and lament her unfortunate situation; in fact, this bright outlook is what first caught her beloved's attention, but that is another story for another time. Normally well mannered and polite but incredibly passionate, when Rebecca believes in soemthing she will support it with all her might, and it is when others are insensitive or deliberatly terrible that her stronger, more stubborn fragments come to light; when someone says she cannot do something she will do all she can to prove them wrong, and displays the most ingenious shocks of skill. In other words, she's a princess that doesn't always need to be saved, and won't necessarilly stand for it, either. Rewinding again.... Read the storyline; you'll learn most everything you need to know. As of now, in her seperation the creator won't allow her to go any farther then mecha; under no dircumstances is she allowed to go anywhere near Stross, and certainly she can't go outside without a clockwork angel escort (not that she doesn't escape from them all the time). The role I play... Day Look what I can do! Though looking sweet and innocent, Rebecca is actually very good at disguise and lock picking; her necklace holds a variety of pins for it can be opened on a hinge, and so nobody recognizes her in case of their supporting the creator she's learned to dress as a man quite well. And not that you'd expect it, but she's pretty good with her fists when you press the wrong buttons... I really enjoy... Being as restricted as she is there's not much Rebecca can do in the first place; she plays numerous instruments including the violin and piano, and devours books by the hour. Lately it's become a hobby of her's as well to find out easier ways of escaping from her constant supervision. Love it! Sweet foods, animals, exploring, freedom, honest, individualistic people who think for themselves, music and reading. Eew, Nasty! The creator, clockwork angels, being away from Salem (darkness), blood, being helpless in any way, perverted, egotistical men, and the war. Turn it up! Pioneer to the Falls // Interpol Only the good die Young // Glee cover Sssh, don't tell! That the war won't end and people will continue to fight. She's also desperatly worried for darkness, and hopes he won't do anything too dangerous. I can't go on without... Darkness Am I forgetting something...? Is currently being pursued by a number of men; she has no intrest in any of them, but is simply too nice to tell them to leave her alone. My lord, god and master is Yoko_Matsubishi "Right and wrong are not what separate us and our enemies. It's our different standpoints, our perspectives that separate us." —Squall Leonhart (Final Fantasy VIII) Appearance Gunblades "...If you don't have anything important to say; leave me alone." My name is...... Salem Rios Fukigawa But you can call me... Squall when undercover I am obviously a... Boy And I was born 21 years ago. This is me. Deal with it. Salem is known as a "stoic lone wolf" by anyone that comes across him mainly he never shows his feelings to the point where he even comes off as cold to his allies. Others consider him difficult to deal with but greatly respect his natural talents. He's a born leader, but with his personality he often comes off as an awkward leader as often times others have to drag him out of his self-appointed isolation. Rewinding again.... I know what your going to say. "Oh you fell in love with her on first sight~ Oh how romantic!" Right? Wrong. That's what they want to think with their twisted story. Day had to spend a lot of energy to try to pursue a relationship with him, Darkness. It took a while, okay fine, years but eventually he was soon drawn towards her determination of dragging him out of his unsociableness. It was that decision that led him to step across the forbidden line between them, and a chain reaction began.
Within what seemed to be moments, they were soon separated, never to come close together. Soon he found himself eleven allies to rebel with him. As of now; he's planning to reunite forces with Day so they could both combat the leader, their creator. He doesn't know what is exactly driving him to rebel against their maker, but one things for sure; is that Day was the first person to ever bring himself out of his isolation. The role I play... Darkness Look what I can do! I guess you can say the best ability he has is to fight. When he isn't sparring or fighting with someone then he's mostly found tinkering around with his weapons. He also knows how to improvise well in battle. If he lost his weapon then he can easily use anything else in his grasp to fight. After all it's the steampunk era; it's not that hard to find a pole or a large gear dislodged from the violence of a battle. I really enjoy... Creating custom made weapons such as his gunblades (( using FFXIII version )) having seventeen in total. Sparring, the time he spends alone. Love it! Day, nighttime, shadows, generally being alone, discovering upgrades for his weapons/inventions, talkative people since that normally means that he doesn't have to say much of anything. Eew, Nasty!Light, although he did learn how to tolerate it for extended periods of time, the creator, when his own creations don't work. Turn it up! Magnet - Vocaloid Sssh, don't tell! If Day dies and the creator wins.. I can't go on without... Day Am I forgetting something...? Currently trying to create a pair of wings to easily battle the Clockwork Angels, but it's hard to make a pair that actually works. My lord, god and master is ll Yuna-Chan ll"Life is bigger then you, and you are not me...." Way back then.. Docile Favorite coat Gun (being held by Minute for now; 2nd down) *Snarls* My name is...... Everret Ash Nerve But you can call me... N/A I am obviously a... Male And I was born 19 years ago. This is me. Deal with it. The easiest way to describe Everret is by saying that his personality changes depending on who he's with these days; at one time he was always quiet, not speaking unless spoken to, but strong willed, clearly focused and good of heart. He was a person who'd never even once think of hurting someone unless they endangered the things, the people, most precious to him. But ever since his transformation, half of his mind belongs to the creator; because of this more then he'd like Everret is dangerous ot be around, snapping, growling, biting and threatening any and everything that steps inside his territory. Except for Shayanee; when she is around he pacifies almost immediatly, laying his head in her lap, almost purring. She reminds him of who he once was, and gives him hope for a happier future. Her guard whenever in range, should you even think to harm the Minute in the forest of Noon, don't expect to get off unscathed. Rewinding again.... Read the Minute's bio; you'll learn all the basics you need to know. The role I play... The monstrous Noon Look what I can do! Being what he is, Everret's power, strength and speed are off the charts; if let loose he could easilly level a whole town if he really wanted to. I really enjoy... He can't really do much, being chained to a certain radius; mostly he just sleeps. Love it! Shayanee, meat, warmth, people who know their limits, being left alone for the most part, and sleeping. Eew, Nasty! The creator, being touched, idiots, being a monster, killing, cold weather and people who make too much noise. Turn it up! Losing my Religion // Glee Cover Sssh, don't tell! That he'll kill someone and be unaware of it; that he won't be able to become human again. I can't go on without... The Minute Am I forgetting something...? The his creator made madness forces him to kill almost everything he can, Everret won't harm small creatures likes birds and rabbits willingly. My lord, god and master is Whitefiregirl
Posted: Thu Oct 21, 2010 10:35 am
The Humans“One day your life will flash before your eyes. Make sure its worth watching.” Smile for the camera! Fashion Sense Eye Patch Coming through! My name is...... Benevolence Croenn But you can call me... Ben I am obviously a... Female And I was born 22 years ago. This is me. Deal with it. Ben is good person, though it may not always show. Most of the time, one will se only a sarcstic spit-fire of a woman who doesn't seem to care about anyone but herself. But, really Ben is just honest. she doesn't like to lie, and always has an opinion on everything. She likes to joke around, and poke fun at others, but would never cross any lines. Upon closer inspection, one would see an extremely loyal person, who would protect her friends with her life. She's stubborn, sure, and little proud. But kind, in her own way. It takes awhile to figure Ben out, but once you do, you'll never regret it. Rewinding again.... Ben's life hasn't exactly been an easy one, but she doesn't mind a challenge. Her father was never part of the picture, having left her mother while she was pregnant at 17 When Ben was born, she was born permaturely. As a result, she was blind in her left eye. Even with the challenges ahead, her mother decided to keep her. It had been the two of them as long as she could remember. They never had a lot of money, living in a low-end apartment in a not-to-good neighborhood. Ben attended a lower-end public school until the 11th grade, when she finally dropped out. Her mother was already working two jobs to help them get by. Ben figured it was about time she stepped up to the plate and start making some more money.
Ben's mother had never been happy about the decision her daughter made, to drop out of high school. But, she couldn't argue with her. When Ben put her mind to it, her stubborness always won out. She never let anyone get in her way. So, for a couple years Ben worked odd-jobs, pulling in as much money as she could. Finally, they were able to afford a nicer apartment, in a nicer part of town. They moved that year, not wanting to waste a minute. Her mother soon got another job at a local chiropracter's as a secretary. Ben got a job as cashier at a local market. Things were finally looking up.
And then one day, 'poof!'. She was gone. Ben doesn't know where she is now, or how she got there. But that's not stopping her from finding out and firguring out a way to get back home. The role I play... Human 1 Look what I can do! Ben is pretty good with her hands. She's picked up a talent or two from her earlier life. She can pick a lock, and handle herself well in a brawl. She's not much of a builder, but can put things together well enough. Ben's also learned to cook for herself, too. I really enjoy... Watching the clouds, being with her mother, putting things together (especially when they work!), eating. Love it! Her mother, food, when things she builds work, card games Eew, Nasty! mushrooms, idiots, when people mess with her friends/loved ones, the cold Turn it up! Survivor - Destiny's Child Sssh, don't tell! Ben always worries about her mother. She's also got a fear of water. I can't go on without... N/A, for the moment Am I forgetting something...? Ben tries to live down her past, and make a better life for herself. But, as the old saying goes, old habbits die hard... My lord, god and master is Reku1495"I've heard that one before.."Keira 2 Her clothes in the Hourline"Hey there"My name is...... Keira Autumn ApplewhiteBut you can call me... Kiki, AutumnI am obviously a... FemaleAnd I was born Twenty years ago.This is me. Deal with it. A deep thinker with a big heart, Keira is all about love and acceptance. She's good-natured and understanding, some would describe her as 'soft'. She's not outspoken, but she's not quiet either, she talks just the right amount, saying only what she feels needs to be said. She doesn't believe in lying, and so will tell the truth no matter what, but has a way of wording certain things so they don't sound as awful. She gets to the point, but isn't blunt about it, adding onto the 'soft' thing that she has going on. Rewinding again.... Not much to say about Keira's past, it was all rather normal. She was an open child, who was good with paint, and took some out-of-school classes through her life. She was sort of shy, with people fawning over her because of her skill with the brush, and she felt like people only became friends with her because she was considered 'popular'. She did her best to take it in stride, but never felt like she had any real friends. Not until she met David. They were both at the bus stop one day, and he randomly struck up a conversation with her. He was three years older, and went to a different school. Well they kept in touch and saw each other often, and sooner or later they were a couple. They're now engaged to be married, but at the moment he's away on business and they haven't seen each other in a few months.The role I play... Human 3Look what I can do! She can cook, but isn't great at it, and can stitch tears up pretty well but has never made any clothing.I really enjoy... Painting and pianoLove it! Herbal tea, a good home-cooked meal, sitting by a fireplace in the winter.Eew, Nasty! Injustice, getting heat sickness in the summer, fast food.Turn it up! Yellow - ColdplaySssh, don't tell! The distance has put a strain on her relationship with her fiance. They talk, but he doesn't say much and she feels like he's keeping something from her, something important.I can't go on without... Her fiance, David.Am I forgetting something...? (Other, if any.)My lord, god and master is Cadenza of the Heart
Posted: Thu Oct 21, 2010 7:49 pm
The Hours (Day)"When all else fails, blow s**t up." Appearance Magnification goggles Baby 1 Baby 2 (13th down) *Rubs hands together* "Alrighty then..." My name is...... Maximil HighCress But you can call me... Max, or more officially, Rail Runner Max. I am obviously a... Male And I was born 22 years ago. This is me. Deal with it. Loud, brash and rarely one for deep thinking, Maximil's disregard for law and his bursting levels of confidence are all part of his formor...occupation (see below); he almost never plans ahead and takes things as they come. Incredibly charismatic, its been said that Maximil can charm teeth from a cog and work steam backwards; because of this he's got friends all over the places, and it can be very beneficial. Slippery and clever, it's usually hard to take his words at face value...but in times like these, Maximil is just the sort of person you'd want to have around. Rewinding again.... From the very start of things Maximil was a troublermaker; his father, who never remarried after Maximil's mother died in childbirth, was an early supporter of revolutionary tactics against the creator, openly opposing their maker's seperation of darkness and day through under the radar, clever means that could not be traced back to his person. "It's unfair", his father would always say. "Those two love each other, need each other so damn much; creator's a fool for keeping them apart." This prompted Maximil to oppose the creator as well, just a bit more, well......dangerously. It started small, looting crates, but eventually Maximil became known throughout the train system as rail runner Max; at first all prceeds went to his ailing father, who dissaproved but couldn't stop his son, but then when the war came about, when Darkness declared fighting against the creator, a trip to Mesh met him up with the beautiful Day.
Needless to say, he's now one of her most trusted hours. And actually, he rather likes being thought of in a semi positive light for once. The role I play... Hour one, under Day. Formor Train looter and rail pirate. Look what I can do! Being who he is, there's nobody who understands train mechanics and the railway system better then Maximil, with the exception of it's maker, maybe. This can be useful for both Day and Darkness when they're trying to communicate with each other for very short spans of time, as though it says they cannot cross any borders, the loophole is that the train, not they, are moving. He's fast, light on his feet, great with a gun, and very charming, too; could probably get a clockwork angel drunk if he really wanted to... I really enjoy... At one time it was looting trains and picking up women. Now it's, well, looting trains and picking up women...but for different reasons. Love it! His father, gambling, alcohol, pretty woman, card games, treasure, successful loots, Day, Darkness (he respects him), fixing up, tearing down and working on machines, and weapon upgrades. Eew, Nasty! Nosy people, the law, the creator, Darkness (hates that he gets all of Day's attention), Weaklings, being asked too many questions, being told what to do without a good reason, messing up on a looting. Turn it up! I'm on a Roll // Destinee and Paris Sssh, don't tell! He's got them, but he's not telling. I can't go on without... As of now, nobody Am I forgetting something...? Has a bad habit of flirting quite shamelessly with Day, even though he knows she and Darkness are in love. My lord, god and master is Whitefiregirl
Posted: Sun Oct 24, 2010 2:46 pm
The Hours (Darkness)"it is having such things to do which keeps us from doing things to ourselves." ~Charles Bukowski~maybe we'll see~1981 At her best Normal, everyday clothes The heart of the girl "Yes." My name is...... Tabitha Mika Kaur But you can call me... Tabby or Mika. In disguise its Mikel. I am obviously a... female And I was born nineteen years ago. This is me. Deal with it. Tabitha is reserved and quiet. She usually keeps to herself but oddly enough she likes to be near people. Though she is quiet and reserved, she is very friendly and a natural leader. She is brilliantly observant and analitical. She always has a plan for everything, almost every situation the group, or herself for that matter, could get into. She is honest and trust worthy, proving herself over and over again. She has a range of facial expressions and she uses them often. She is very expressive of her emotions, just not vocally. Rewinding again.... Tabitha has always been a quiet kid. Unlike most quiet and reserved kids, Tabby has never been shy or antisocial. She just never had much to say. Until she did have something to say, then every ear would be turned in her direction and every mouth would be silent. Her voice, strong but quiet, was always sure of its course, to the hearts and minds of those around her. People around her would praise her for her courage to stand up for what was right, even at the risk of her own life.
She isn't the smartest kid around, but she is smarter than average. She has a hobby of watching people and knowing what they'd do. She always seems to be at least one step ahead of anyone in any sort of confrontation and this ability has gotten her out of many sticky situtations. One of these 'situations' landed her in the arms of Squall, who she later learned was actually the 'Darkness' she'd heard so much about. (Not that she needed his help. She's willing to argue that she had the whole situation handled.) She feels indebt to him now and she serves as his tactical adviser and Hour eleven. The role I play... Hour 11 under Darkness. Trusty number eleven. Look what I can do! Play piano, think quick on her feet. I really enjoy... watching people, playing the piano Love it! Being around people, Peace and quiet, Darkness, Music or anything to fill the deathly silence Eew, Nasty! Complete Silence, Bright sunny days, the Creator, Heat Turn it up!Fight Inside- RED Sssh, don't tell! She doesn't want the war to end. She's afraid that the war will end badly and that Darkness and Day will no longer exist. I can't go on without... she liked Darkness but she knows how futile that is and has since given up. Now she likes no one. Am I forgetting something...? Tabitha is left handed. My lord, god and master is Krazy Michelle Ranak