Posted: Wed Jan 26, 2011 1:52 pm
Ugh. -.- I've had it with today. I was just sitting in religious studies talking to my friend's Dan, Sophie and Eliza about the fact that Taylor Lautner had a monobrow in Eclipse (That movie sucks dead monkey fetus) and then my twilight obsessed friend Corin shouts out "YOU'RE ONLY SAYING THAT 'COS YOU FANCY EDWARD" from the other side of the f*cking room. It just so happens that my crushes name is Edward or "Ed" for short, and he was sitting next to Corin at the time. I then went bright red because he was staring at me and laughing, I now hate Twilight even more and as for Corin, well I'll stay friends with her because apart from the Twilight thing she's awsome, but I'm definately going to fill her bed with bees next time I go to her house. I'm in drama with Ed tommorrow, too. I hate drama as it is because I have confidence issuses but GOD I'M JUST GOING TO DIE! ahhhhhhhhhhhh T.T Thank's for listening to my PMS infested teenage ramblings. God this is awkward.
Posted: Wed Jul 13, 2011 1:57 am
Yes I hate twilight too with a burning passion as with most teen fiction novels ... though banging your head might cause some trauma eh no? xp