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Original Heckler

PostPosted: Wed Feb 02, 2011 6:25 pm

PostPosted: Wed Feb 02, 2011 7:08 pm

"What makes the monster, and what makes the man?"
User Image
A blue eyed boy
The clothes of the Gypsy King
The mask in white
"Wait until I've stolen your money to judge my intentions."
My name is...... Lucia Marcell
But you can call me... As a male, my name is Luce the Gypsy King
I am obviously a... Female
And I was born 17 years ago.
I am... The Leader In The Caravan
This is who I am Depending on who Lucia is at any given moment of time, she can be vastly different and incredibly complex. Get ready.

AS LUCIA: Lucia herself is much different then you would think she'd be, easpecially since she leades a band of gyspies who don't really care how they are percieved these days. She's incredibly fragile and insecure about a number of things, such as her gender and how women are mistreated which leads to a number of issues which she hides behind her mask and second indentity. However, at the same time though she prefers not to involve herself in conflict, or talk with anybody in the caravan except for the firebreather when she is not Luce for fear of her true identity being discovered, she can hold her own if she needs to. She'd defend her caravan to the end if such a need to so so would arise, and she's quite good at playing the damsel in distress. Not that she'd ever want to; Lucia is plenty smart despite her hangups, and knows her way around everything from a quick escape to the pressure points of the body.

AS LUCE: Luce is worlds different from Lucia; charming, clever and very expressive, many people regard Luce as an unintentional womanizer because yes, when Luce comes to town he really is just that smooth. As curious about others as others are of him, Luce has no issues with getting up close and personal with someone if he wants something from them, no matter if it be knowledge or money. Luce makes it a habit to know a little bit about everyone he comes into contact with even if it's just the simplest details, but rarely ever speaks about himself for fear someone will press too far and learn that Luce is really a girl. The Gypsy King additionally has not a single issue with getting into a fight, and he's very good at both retreating and standing his ground; he's usually a pretty easygoing guy with a streak of mischief, but should you endanger anyone in his caravan, watch out; he'll go from sweet to malicious in under a second.

In both instances Luce and Lucia have a fondness for children; both of her personalities are quite soft and gentle towards the younger and more impressionable crowd, making Luce almost like a brother, who all small individuals wait for excitedly every year. Lucia takes on a motherly figure in proetecting them, though she realizes there isn't much she can do for them when she isn't technically part of the town anymore.

Hitting rewind...Lucia was born in a very small Paris town where everybody knew everybody else; her mother was a painter and her father was a binder of biblical texts for the papacy, so he was rarely ever home since he spent much of his time at the church working for the priests and the head of the congregation, preserving the word of god for all eternity. Lucia herself was a well mannered child if not a bit rowdy; though she would always come back dirty with mud on her clothes and twigs in her hair from "adventuring", it didn't take much to clean her back up and like every christian she attended church on sundays. And every winter her father would come back for the celebration of the holidays with his family; however, when he did not come back one year, Lucia and her mother grew very concerned. Rumors flew through the town, until eventually the truth came to light; Lucia's father had discovered something about the papacy that had earned him a burning without proper rights or a fair burial. Furious at this, the then thirteen year old refused to attend church any longer; her mother despaired, for she knew the consequences of going against the emmisary of God.

They came to take her away one year later, at the age of fourteen; Lucia went kicking and screaming the whole way, and her mother, unable to do a thing to save her child, sat on the steps of the house and cried for hours. Without mercy, Lucia was thrown out of Paris and onto the streets of the world, alone and with nothing. She travelled alone for half of a year, stealing, begging, entertaining; whatever would help her survive. Until she was found by a wandering band of gypsies; they took her in, taught her the skills needed to mystify the commonwealth. The leader of the caravan became almost like a another father to her. And when he died, Lucia took up his mantle of the Gypsy King; cutting her then mile long hair short, she began her own band of rag tags, and now every summer she and her fellows come to Paris, to wreck havoc and chaos.

I really enjoy... Lucia is a typical gypsy, and as such she enjoys typical gypsy activities; among them are dancing, singing and counting money. Luce enjoys playing various musical instruments, counting money and causing general havoc for those around him; it's fun to mess with people. In the cases of both, they enjoy reading quite immensely as long as it isn't the bible.
Love it!
LUCE: His caravan, tricking people who don't deserve their money out of their funds, the smell of rain (though he prefers warm weather), getting into fights and brawls, chaos and mayhem, sharp swords and weaponry.
LUCIA: Her caravan, sweet foods, tricking people who don't deserve their money out of their funds, the smell of rain (though she prefers warm weather), seeing new places and travelling, music with a good tempo.

Eew, Nasty!
LUCE: Anyone who messes with his caravan, being touched without permission, the church and papacy, discrimination against gypsies, vegetables.
LUCIA: Anyone who messes with her caravan, the church and papacy, discrimination against gypsies, the color pink, thunderstorms, rich but undeserving people, perverts.

Turn it up!
Topsy Turvy // The Hunchback of Notre Dame (Clopin)
The Court of Miracles // The Hunchback of Notre Dame (Clopin)
If I had You // Adam Lambert
Gates of Dawn // Secret Garden

Sssh, don't tell! Well, there's always the fact that I'm a girl, pretending to be a boy...Oh, I also funnel half of the money I "earn" to my mother every first week of the summer celebration; she doesn't know it's me that gives it to her, though, since she probably thinks I'm dead now.
A little bit of light.. We'll just have to wait and see, won't we?
Am I forgetting something...? Lucia owns a white mink by the name of Culpo; she uses him to steal, as part of her shows and for many other activities, but Culpo is loyal to only Lucia and will bite even the other gypsies if they try to touch him. Only a very few select members of the caravan, such as the firebreather, know she is actually a girl.
My lord, god and master is Yoko_Matsubishi


Original Heckler


Original Heckler

PostPosted: Wed Feb 02, 2011 8:43 pm

Fate works in funny ways. Good thing we've got a sense of humor.
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The Mask Makes the Girl (Ivy)
But the Girl is Far More Interesting (Mika)

"We know we're pretty, but must you stare?"
Our names our...... Yvvone (left) and Mikaela (right) la'Roen
But you can call us... Ivy and Mika
We am obviously a... Female
And we were born 18 years ago.
We are... the Scammers In The Caravan
This is who we are Though twins, these two girls are quite different in personality. Ivy happens to be quite refined, even for a gypsy. She is well mannered and sweet, with a charming smile that could disarm any man. However, her mind is quite calculating and she is far more clever than one might assume. She does not care to be wrong, and is quite sensetive to appearances. One might even go as far as to call her vain. Even so, she's a loyal girl, and quite loves their leader for taking herself and and her sister into the Caravan. She has made many a friend here, and wishes to stay for as long as she can.

Mika, on the other hand, is much more impulsive than her sister. Where he sister is calculating, Mika wastes no time. She is detemined and free, preferring to act now and think later. Some think her reckless, but she merely lives for the moment. A beautiful girl, her confidence could almost be arrogance, and her love of competition lets her run with the big boys. Though Mika is a woman, she's tough as nails and never backs away from a fight. Her sister often chides her when she comes home with scapes and bruises. Her temper is something not to be messed with, either. But Mika is just as, if not more, loyal than her sister, and very protective. She would gladly fight off an army for their Leader.

The twins are very close to one another. It is not uncommon to see them conversing in hushed tones at fast paces, as they understand what the other is trying to say before they even need to complete the sentence. Rarely are they ever apart for more than a day, and if it should happen that they are seperate for longer, Ivy will become withdrawn and sad, while Mika will be anxious and distracted. the two work far better as a pair.

Hitting rewind...The girls were born in a small town in Russian. Their mother, who had died during childbirth, left their father no means tot ake care of twin girls, especially since he happened to be the feared leader of a local group of bandits. Suddenly having two girls thrust upon him, he raised them himself (with help from a midwife for the first year or two). The girls grew up around the burly, dangerous men of the band. And oddly enough, everyone loved them. Ivy was always the pretty one, charming and sweet. All the men (and the few women) all smiled everytime they saw her. And Mika had always been a tough one, happy and carefree, always running around. She made all the other bandits laugh and smile with her antics and larger than life attitude. By the time the girls were six, they were already helping out their father, pick-pocketing and scamming anyone and everyone out of their money.

However, when the girls were only fourteen, scandal broke. Little by little, money began disappearing from the bandits. A few gold pieces here, a handful of silver ones there. At first, they all assumed that they were being careless with their money. But, when the sums got larger, and the times got more frequent, they knew a thief was among the thieves. But everyone was tentative to blame the girls, even with everyone being a suspect. They were, after all, the daughters of their leader, and everyone still loved them. Until one night, however, when their father personally searched each and every tent, the money was found in theirs. How it got there and who the real pilfer was is still a mystery to them. But their father (he never believed it was them, either), was forced to send them away. The other bandits were both saddened and angered. They had trusted the girls, and they'd been betrayed.

Before they left, their father gave them a good sum of money, telling them to head for France, that they'd be safe there. So, after another year of traveling, the girls finally reached Paris. However, it was not what they were expecting. They were outcasts almost immediatly. When they were seventeen, though, they were saved. A kind man named Luce happened to be the leader of a Caravan. He kindly offered them a home, a family. They changed their last name, symbolizing their starting of a new life. And they've been with them ever since.

We really enjoy... Ivy: Pick-pocketing, painting, dancing, singing, scamming others.
Mika: Pick-pocketing, competing, dancing, creating chaos, scamming others.

Love it! Ivy: Sweets, being smarter than others, Mika, bright colors, handsome men.
Mika: Parties, Ivy, being stronger than others, loud music, strong men.

Eew, Nasty! Ivy: Being wrong, being seperated from Mika, being told what to do, mushrooms
Mika: Losing, being seperated from Ivy, losing her temper, fish

Turn it up! Raise Your Glass - Pink (Mika)
Love Save the Empty - Erin McCarly

Sssh, don't tell! Ivy: She has quite the fear of heights.
Mika: She is always afraid people will turn as her sister and she.

A little bit of light.. Ivy & Mika: My sister. (No one, as of yet)
Are we forgetting something...? Sometimes the girls were say things in Russian. Just little phrases or words. Because of their traveling, they are fluent in Russian, French, and English.
Our lord, god and master is Reku1495
PostPosted: Thu Feb 03, 2011 5:09 pm

"]"Once I think 'I like him', it's all over..."
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The Hidden Me...
Having the money's no fun...but if you take it from others, that's the closest thing to joy you'll ever get!
My name is...... Annabelle de Champchevrier
But you can call me... Annabelle La'Fleur, Anne, Annie, Belle~
I am obviously a... Female
And I was born 17 years ago.
I am... The Dancer In The Caravan
This is who I am Annabelle is a fun-loving girl who likes sneaking around. Rather mischevious and stubborn, she harbors a great love for dancing. She's rather good at getting other people's attention, or she can avoid crowds just fine. Annabelle can pretend to be a sweet angel when you meet, but behind your back she would slit your money bag and run...But Annabelle is rather loyal, and she will protect her friends to the best of her abilities. She's quite a trouble-maker, but she's also fleet-footed and runs very fast.
Hitting rewind...Annabelle was born in Paris, into the rich Champchevrier family. Her parents were concerned that their daugther should be 'perfect', so that she could marry into the royal family. All her parents cared about was raising their status, but Annabelle preferred riding horses and learning to dance rather than attend lessons on manners and being elegant. When she saw the festival of the gypsies, she became more interested in dancing and in the ways of the gypsy life.
When she announced to her family that she wanted to become a gypsy, they became furious and locked her in the upper floor of the house, confining her there and trying to stamp the 'right' idea into her head. Every day, Annabelle would climb out of the window and go exploring for the gypsies. When one her parents' servants caught her, he reported it to her father. Annabelle's father became angry, and he threw her out of the household, disclaiming her, and leaving her to fend for herself. Annabelle then joyfully went to find the gypsies. For several days, she stole from various people to live, and she slept on the streets. At first, she was troubled with stealing, but after a while she began to experience the joy of the thieves'. Every day was exciting to her, a new person to rob, another challenge. Sometimes she danced for others, and many children admired her. But the adults shunned her and turned their children away.

For a while, she wandered on her own, until she met the gypsies. Their leader, a man named Luce, accepted her in after she had told of her wanderings, and she has loved the caravan like a family. For the first time, she felt like this was a place where she belonged.

I really enjoy... Dancing, horse riding, stealing, charming others to her will, large crowds and excitement, and not having to act like 'a proper lady'.
Love it! Sweets (especially candy), animals, children who admire her, festivals, and anything in her range of 'exciting'
Eew, Nasty! Having to become a 'proper' lady, being confined, being told what to do, and cruelty to animals
Turn it up!【井の頭】カシオペイア-Hatsune Miku
Sssh, don't tell! She's rather afraid of spiders and snakes, and she has a fear of falling. She's also scared to meet her father again...
A little bit of light.. No one yet..
Am I forgetting something...? Maybe...
My lord, god and master is Iced_Chocolatte_Coffee


Original Heckler


Original Heckler

PostPosted: Thu Feb 03, 2011 6:25 pm

"It's killing time again. Cover your face and we'll pretend these killing lights can't kill us all again. It's time again. It's killing time..."
User Image
The girl you see by day and night has not a heart of gold.
Rather, she dons the cloak of night and wields a knife, so cold.

"Touch me and you lose a finger. Touch my violin and you die."
My name is...... Claire Meurtre.
But you can call me... Lapin, my stage name.
I am obviously a... female.
And I was born sixteen years ago.
I am... a violinist and singer In The Caravan.
This is who I am Behind the mask of innocence she wears upon the stage, Claire is a girl with a fiery passion and violent temper. In battle, she is fierce and akin to fire, with speed and agility her as her greatest allies. However, she will try to avoid fighting, and first uses cruel, cold logic and intimidation to get what she wants. She strikes an imposing figure, and her voice can seize the heart with terror. Her victims end up penniless; as a musician, this is basically the only pay she gets. Claire loves fire, and is often entranced by it. She is totally dedicated to her music, and practices for several hours a day. If you bother her while she's working, beware, for she will make you pay; you may lose a finger, an ear, or your tongue, and most likely your wallet as well. Claire is a loyal friend as well as a dangerous foe. For an ally, she can keep a secret, gather information, and give logical advice. When faced with an enemy, she can become anyone; she's excellent at bluffing and lying, and a deadly killer.
Some people believe that Claire is slightly unhinged. Since the death of her master, she has relished death, and thrives on watching the light leave people's eyes, watching them squirm in pain and struggle to cling to life before they slip into oblivion. There are those that call her insane. She admits this is certainly a possibility.

Hitting rewind...Claire was born and raised in a small town near Paris. She always loved music, and was given her first violin at age seven. Her parents were well off, so they paid for her lessons. However, this happy life ended when she was nine, when her parents both died in a wave of the Black Death, come back from the grave to haunt the village. Over half the townsfolk died, and Claire fled alone to Paris.
In the city, she joined the low ranks of society, and became a successful thief. As her name swept across the underground, she caught the attention of a man referred to as "le Fantôme," whose real name she never knew. He was an assassin in employ of the Church, and he took her as his apprentice. Claire learned about many poisons; how to grow them, how to concoct them, and how to most effectively use them. She learned how to move without being seen, and how to use fear to her advantage.
When she was thirteen, le Fantôme became gravely ill, and she knew he had been poisoned. Not knowing an antidote, she was forced to watch him die, slowly and painfully. Determined to take revenge, she swept through the city, using her connections to find out who had reason to cause her master harm, and who could have slipped him the poison. All the whispers lead her to the Church. Growing older, they had deemed him an expendable asset, and had decided to silence him before he could spill any of the secrets he had learned. Renouncing the Church and turning her back on God forever, becoming an atheist, Claire voluntarily left the city to join the gypsies. She is determined to take the Church down, and would gladly assassinate the pope himself.

I really enjoy... music, drawing, growing poisons, stealing, and murder.
Love it! The night, dark music, poison, fire, and death.
Eew, Nasty! Bright sunlight, people who interfere where they shouldn't, losing fights, mistakes, embarrassment, and ignorance.
Turn it up! Over Exposure--AFI
God Called in Sick Today--AFI
The Nephilim--AFI
Silver and Cold--AFI
Death of Seasons--AFI
The Great Disappointment--AFI
This Time Imperfect--AFI
Prelude 12/21 and Miss Murder--AFI
The Killing Lights--AFI
Kiss and Control--AFI
Darling, I Want to Destroy You--AFI
Van Nuys--Sixx: A.M.
Life is Beautiful--Sixx: A.M.
Heart Failure--Sixx: A.M.
Girl with Golden Eyes--Sixx: A.M.

Sssh, don't tell! Claire fears betrayal. She was given away by an amateur partner once, on a mission to assassinate a man who was spilling secrets of the Church's corruption, and was nearly killed before she escaped. But, more than that, Claire fears death; as an atheist, she believes in no afterlife, and does not want to have to face nonexistence.
A little bit of light.. No one yet.
Am I forgetting something...? She fights with a sword and a knife, and always carries several vials of poison in a leather pouch on her belt. She always wears the golden treble clef pendant her mother gave her a few days before she died.
My lord, god and master is Gylfie531.
PostPosted: Fri Feb 04, 2011 3:34 pm

No regrets cause I have nothing to lose
User Image
The planets revolve at my command
They call me the Magician of the Silver Sky (( Only without the ponytail and he wears black boots ))

I live my life as I choose.
My name is...... Josiah Axel Sajioni
But you can call me... Josh or Axel, my fans have shortened my title to either Silver or Sky
I am obviously a... male
And I was born 19 years ago.
I am... the Magician In The Caravan
This is who I am Axel is rather laid-back sometimes, but he's overall a hard worker and if he get's going, he won't stop until he finishes. Although he may appear uncaring and rude towards new acquaintances, which sometimes drive people away from him for appearing "arrogant," he's quite compassionate. Sometimes he shows a jocular side, cracking jokes at his sister's expense, occasionally causing her to get angry at him. He also tends to spout several one-liners during performances, poking fun at the situations and audiences around the party. He is unknowingly a charmer and his conversations with women can easily be mistaken by flirting. However, he seems unaware of this fact and is rather oblivious, dubbed "dense" by his female coworkers, to any potential lovers around him. Axel also has a cold side to him, wanting to be left alone most of the time. Before, his sister constantly tried to cheer him up whenever she can, but most of the time then, she tends to meet his outbursts of anger. He still misses his sister dearly, but he refuses to talk about her when he's around his new friends in the Cavern.
Hitting rewind...Growing up, Axel had always covered up for his mischievous sister. Thankfully her pranks had always been completely harmless until she decided her next prank was to denounce her belief. Knowing if she did announce it, she would be expelled from the church, Axel tried to convince her otherwise. But instead of listening to him, she went on and announced it, As predicted, the order for expulsion came around, and as Axel did for his sister's other pranks, he covered up for her; taking the expulsion in her place. Soon enough, there was a band of gypsies going around, and using his magic tricks, and a tad bit of his background history, he was accepted and became one of the prominent members of the Caravan.
I really enjoy... Inventing various magic tricks, practicing them, being left alone. Stargazing
Love it! Nighttime, winter, snow, happy audiences, when his new tricks come out perfectly
Eew, Nasty! Summer, heat, messed up tricks
Turn it up! Stray - Steve Conte (( OP to Wolf's Rain ))
Sssh, don't tell! He's a bit frightened at the idea of finding and meeting his sister again. Will she be happy with his new lifestyle?
A little bit of light.. It's a waste of time
Am I forgetting something...? He has various pets that appears in his performances; a wolf, a hawk, a black cat, and a rabbit. Don't ask too much about the last pet...
My lord, god and master is ll Yuna-Chan ll


Original Heckler


Original Heckler

PostPosted: Fri Feb 04, 2011 3:35 pm

PostPosted: Fri Feb 04, 2011 3:37 pm

Don't you wish that life came with a Erase Feature?
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Hello! How may I help you on this fine day?
My name is...... Satsuki Maiyu Sajioni
But you can call me... Maiyuyu! Don't ask me why, my friends call me that. My brother called me Mai
I am obviously a... Female
And I was born 17 years ago.
I am... the Magician's Little Sister In Town
This is who I am Satsuki was a hyperactive girl when she was young, pulling harmless pranks on unsuspecting people. The pranks that would get one upset and annoyed, but start laughing about it an hour later. Oh, and yes, I meant was because after a seemingly harmless prank she said, it ultimately led to her brother's expulsion. Now instead of her loud self, Satsuki became a kind and thoughtful girl. She frequently tries to help her brother when he is feeling angry and depressed whenever he couldn't think of anything new or his tricks did not work.. But even she had a limit, when her brother had teased her too much, she retaliated with either slapping or yelling, whichever seemed more appropriate for the situation. Satsuki now overall a kind and soft-spoken person. She's caring to everyone, gentle, and curious about matters that interest her, and strongly committed to her friends.

Hitting rewind...From as far as she can remember, Satsuki's older brother has always been there to cover her pranks. Until her latest prank of announcing her disbelief, she didn't know that the punishment would be that drastic. Well, she knew from her brother, but she didn't take him seriously. Now she wished she did. When her brother was taken out from her life, her personality took a major turn, most say for the better. Her parent's didn't bother to punish her for her latest prank, thinking that her brother's forced leaving was punishment enough. Now she helps around the generations old bakery, one day having to take it over to continue. She misses her brother dearly, and often wonders where he's gone. Her current interests lie with the travelling caravan, the Magician of the Silver Sky's tricks remind her so much of her brother...
I really enjoy... Baking! and daydreaming
Love it! Bunnies! Cinnamon, chocolate, my brother... I miss him...
Eew, Nasty! White Chocolate, caramel
Turn it up! Gravity (( ED to Wolf's Rain ))
Sssh, don't tell! I fear the worst for my brother, I haven't heard from him ever since his disappearance. What if he's.... dead?
A little bit of light.. the Magician of the Silver Sky~! (( She has no idea it's her brother ))
Am I forgetting something...? Forgetful, much?
My lord, god and master is ll Yuna-Chan ll


Original Heckler


Original Heckler

PostPosted: Fri Feb 11, 2011 9:01 am

Curiosity may have killed that cat but this cat has claws.
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My Personal Armor
What I'm a curious person so please enlighten me.
My name is...... Ezio Auditore De Venezia
But you can call me... Try anything else and we'll see.
I am obviously a... Male of Course
And I was born eighteen years ago.
I am... The son of the Pope In The Town
This is who I am Ezio tends to come off as two things most of the time one of them is the kind of "I see it. I like it. I want it." kind of person and the kind of "What does this do?" person. Meaning his two and possibly most dominant traits is that he's got a greedy side and curious side. Other traits Ezio shows is that Ezio is a very courageous man as he is willing to do what ever it will take no matter what. Ezioc is also a bit of a flirt which comes from a bit of his Italian traits (to be explained). Ezio is also very strong will having survived through many situations where most men would break to the point of insanity. And finally Ezio is the kind of pragmatist as he shows that he can have a good time when needed but get very serious when needed.
Hitting rewind...Ezio, despite being the son of the Pope himself, is not actually French but he is more Italian because of his mother. During the Pope conquest he had his eyes set on Italy. During his conquest he me a courtesan (fancy term for whore) whose name was Claudia Auditore. After the Pope's "Conquest" on Claudia it was then that Ezio was born but before he could meet his father the Pope left back for France. Not knowing of the identity of his father Ezio went about his life being given everything he wanted. This was because his mother Claudia was the head of the best Brothel. So for a time Ezio got anything that he wanted whether it be something small to something significant.
But it was the time Ezio's life turned around. At the age of 12, Claudia had become strikingly ill with the bubonic plaque and died of it even with leeches. Ezio was taken in by his step-father at the time whose name was Francesco. Unlike his mother Francesco was more of a strict man and did not tolerate for Ezio's greediness. Being a scholar Ezio was made to read books and other things which made him into the curious kind of person he is today. It was one day that Ezio received a letter from one of the old courtesans who used to care for Ezio when the brothel was running. In it were documents pertaining to who the identity of his true father was. Ezio was shocked and then decided to meet his father. It was then that Ezio moved to France where he met the Pope. He could not automatically meet the Pope so he decided to join the military at a young age so as to get close. After years of training Ezio was made into the pragmatist he is today and upon reaching a suitable title he met the Pope revealing his secret. And so because of this Ezio was taken in by the Pope at the age of 16 and is the official child of the Pope.

I really enjoy... Free-running, window-shopping for valuables, reading (surprisingly), and flirting with women.
Love it! My Italian Heritage, the fact I have money, and my collection of blades and weapons.
Eew, Nasty! My father at times, my curiosity sometimes, and spiders of any kind.
Turn it up! Bullet with Butterfly Wings-Smashing Pumpkins
Sssh, don't tell! Because of my Italian heritage I speak Italian and French.
A little bit of light.. It would be nice but I'm to busy.
Am I forgetting something...? I dislike spiders.
My lord, god and master is iSnakeeyes
PostPosted: Fri Feb 11, 2011 9:46 am

"May god have mercy on your tainted soul.."
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"Hrm...dirty, filthy gypsies.."
My name is...... Ancel Auben De Venezia
But you can call me... Father (both in the religious and parental sense)
I am obviously a... Male
And I was born 38 years ago.
I am... The Pope/Head of the Papacy In Town
This is who I am Ancel isn't actually all that complicated; while he puts on one face to the public, his inner side is much darker. To most of the public, Ancel is the perfect role model; he is kind and non judgemental to his citizens and is always willing to help them if they have strayed off of the path of God, no matter if it be confessionals or offering simple guidance. He appears warm and gentle, with good intentions to keep the populace safe, and the fact that he was a hero of conquest makes him all that more appealing as someone that can be relied upon to protect Paris from the evil influences of the outside world. He is the emissary between god and the rest of the world, and he follows the lord's every order unfalteringly. But the truth is, Ancel is actually very dark and twisted, haunted by past mistakes which he has allowed to eat away at his soul by reaching the point of near mental insanity. The major problem is that Ancel beleives what he is doing is right completely, though at one point he undeniably would have second guessed his actions, and attrinutes his acts of creulty and prejudice to god's will in a rather cowardly manner. Perhaps it is that he refuses to allow himself to admit that he is fascinated with the lifestyle that deviates from his restricted way of living, but either way, he's an extremely conflicted individual.
Hitting rewind...Born from the very start to be religious with a strict military father and a bible cradling mother, Ancel, at a very young age, had already wholly devoted himself to god, and was raised accordingly on the principles of good will, prayer and religion. Normally one would think this to make him soft but as his father was in charge when his mother was not teaching him Ancel also became quite adept with the sword, and was off conquering other lands in the name of god before he was even into his twenties. On a trip to Italy he met up with a beautiful courtesan by the name of Claudia, and, though many would not suspect it, he did in fact fall in love with her, concieving a son with her. However, Ancel was well aware that God could not allow such a thing when he had promised to devote himself to his heavanly lord, and so he could not take Claudia nor his soon to be son with him; he went back to Paris after taking much of the land he had set to take into control, not intending to see Claudia or his son ever again in his lifetime as punishment and retribution in service to God. In Paris he was regarded as a hero, and was made the head of the papacy, the Pope, in his early twenties. Once in power he began the process of expelling the gypsy like figures from Paris, for they reminded him far too much of Claudia, and things went completely out of control from there. Anbcel rather liked the power and influence he had over others, and unwittingly gave it access to corrupt his mind and intentions to the point where he had to have things his way or no way at all. Not that anyone knew different; in their eyes, the Pope was only doing what was right for others.

Things went on as such for a few more years, until, as per formalities, he took an audience with one of Paris' greatest and most talented soldiers, one who had conquered many lands in the name of God. The boy reveleaed himself to be the child who he had impregnated upon Claudia, and, not knowing what to do, as Ancel figured this was God giving him another chance to right his mistakes so many years ago he was more then happy to take the boy in, now legally his child.

I really enjoy... Other then his religious duties and his tendancy to kick out gypsies and rogues, Ancel is quite good at playing instruments.
Love it! His power and influence, his son (they are related, after all), things being in order, organization, cleanliness, God and anything religious.
Eew, Nasty! Gypsies, those who rebell against the church, his son (reminds him a bit too much of Claudia sometimes; it's complicated), anything which sins against the church.
Turn it up!
Anything involving the church, such as hyms and classical music, is fine by him.

Sssh, don't tell! Well, they won't be told; you'll have to find out on your own.
A little bit of light.. ...
Am I forgetting something...? He carries a corss with him at all times, and has a habit of rubbing it when distressed.
My lord, god and master is Yoko_Matsubishi


Original Heckler

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