Gaia Name: Avatar Aeon
Name: Cain West
Age: 21
Sex: Male
Species: Sorcerer/Werewolf
Appearance: Human Form Werewolf Form
Personality: Energetic, friendly, compassionate, aggressive, hot headed, blunt.
Bio: Cain was once an excellent soldier, rising through the ranks like there was a fire burning underneath his rear end. He was chosen to go through one of the Z-Gates because humanity would need protection should the need arise, and because he was one of the best. Upon arriving on the world, he discovered that there had been a mistake. There was no receiving Z-Gate, which was supposed to be impossible. Also, according to first assessment, the world did not possess intelligent life. Now Cain and the rest of the humans that have been sent here are trapped on a hostile world.

It was about four nights since arriving on the strange world that Cain had a run in with one of the native creatures. A child was stolen from the camp during the night and taken into the woods. Cain and a few others chased after the creature, finally finding it. What they saw made their blood freeze in their veins and their hearts stop. The child was held in the hand of a creature resembling a werewolf. Reacting on instinct, they attacked the creature. Several of the men with Cain were savagely murdered, but somehow Cain had managed to drive it off. Though, not before it had bitten his shoulder. Cain and the child survived the ordeal.

Cain was celebrated as a hero, but it was obvious that the world they were on was a deadly place, full of creatures the likes of which should never be found.
Powers & Costs: ● Magic: Cain can control the energy around himself to do his bidding. To use his magic, simply needs to concentrate on the desired effects. ○ The cost of his is magic is that it requires energy from his body. The more he uses, the more tired he becomes.
● Super Strength & Agility: Cain possesses immense strength and agility. ○ Like is magic, this power requires his energy to maintain.
● Transformation: Cain can transform at will into his werewolf form. This increases his powers greatly. He also gains the natural abilities of the werewolf. ○ In this form, Cain is more prone to his primal natural. He is aggressive, angry, has bloodthirst. He is at risk of losing his humanity and turning against his friends. The cost of this power is his energy, though the only time the cost comes into action is when the transformation is in progress.
● Telepathy: Cain can speak with his mind, along with being able to read the thoughts and memories of others. ○ Strain is pushed against Cain's mind when he does this, prolonged use of this power can result in him passing out.
Weapons: Valor Destiny Cannon-A cannon made and used through magic. It unleashes a horrible attack, requires sunlight to power up and recharge.
Weaknesses: Cain is prone to anger because of the beast the resides in him. He is likely to go berserk if injured in his transformed state. Magic affects him, along with the elements.
Alignment: Good

Gaia Name: Ivory Bloodrose
Name: Amy Lin
Age: 19
Sex: Female
Species: Human
Appearance:User Image
Personality: Shy, Quiet, Kind, Innocent, Determined, curious minded
Bio: Amy loves to read and she tries her best to be a perfect person. She remembers coming to this planet and how vicious it was. Her family was already gone back at home planet. After losing her parents, she became more and more quiet and lived with the people who took her in. In return, she would teach and watch their children. Although it was dangerous to go out alone and explore the new planet in her free time, Annabell did anyway but didn't wonder too far. She has her suspicions with Cain but at the same time since he was bitten on the shoulder when he had returned that night with the child. But back at the home planet, Amy had liked Cain but kept her distance from being so shy.
Powers & Costs: Has no power
Weapons: None
Weaknesses: Easily fooled into things
Alignment: Good