i need your opinion to help me decide what my main secondary should be.
i constantly tranisition from dual wielded pistols -most asp and pythons-...
but i have no class with a luancher -i dont count strela-3 as a launcher cause it only takes down aircraft-
which pistol should i stick with:
m1911:kinda crappy but it looks cool
asp:i love them but only attachment is dual-wield
makarov:i liked this gun when i first started...
python:i like this because its a revolver
cz75:i've used it once on full-auto and it sucked balls....
or maybe a launcher or special wep.
m76 law:good in the default class but only 1 shot...
rpg:epic but i think its kinda at a disadvantage because it isnt anti aircraft usuable -unless u r rly accurate...-
china lake:I HATE NOOBTUBES! and i still like the thumper from mw2 because of the faster reload but the pump-action looks kewl
crossbow: i think this is at a disadvantage due to two shots only -without scavenger/pro-version- and no attackments
ballistic knife:knife spammers return from the dead! but besides kinda of like a secondary tomahawk -which i kinda find pointless unless for fun XD-

So plz tell me and p.s. the hs-10 is actually not the bad with dual-wield
Try it xD