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PostPosted: Mon Apr 25, 2011 12:59 pm
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xxxxxxxxxxxxxLet's make the rain pour down on e v e r y t h i n g

            Age: seventeen
            Gender: male, baka
            my role Must I tell you again? I am the freaking dragon of the zodiac, but don't go blabbing about it to everything
            My song: Starry Starry Night // Don McLean
            Seiyuu: Takahiro Sakurai
            Love them: Jun has a liking for books; often he will read whole volumes of classic novels in only one week. He loves to wake up early, not for reasons such as wanting to greet the new day, or even to spend some time alone, but because of the solitude. To him, the morning has its own freshness that can not be achieved any other time. Along with his reading, he has a like and talent for music. While he is not much of a performer, when alone he is almost always either strumming notes on his guitar or keyboard. Since he is with the God most of the time, his music is often saved for her as a technique to calm her down.
            Burn them all: Jun hates his father with a passion, somehow believing that he is the reason that his mother died so young. It is also the reason that he refuses to mention that he was named after him. He cannot stand reading mangas, finding it to be for the lazy people who cannot even read a real book. Some will say though that he has an aversion to fun, often choosing to go for things that are more practical. This is the reason why he hates when people tell him that he should be more spontaneous and that he should try to lighten up and take some chances.

xxxxxDear Diary...
      Seventeen years ago, Jun was born into one of the more distant branches of the Sohma family. His father was a rather arrogant man with big dreams to become one of Japan's best doctors. Except there was one thing that he did not expect, his short time girlfriend Emiko became pregnant after they had slept together only once. Junasaki wanted her to get an abortion, but being pro-life Emiko refused and begged from help from the Sohma family.

      The heads of the family gave Junasaki an ultimatum, marry the girl and keep his reckless behavior a secret from the public, or become disinherited and have to drop out of school, get a job, and be forced to watch his dreams fall to pieces. The young man married Emiko in a small ceremony, but it was a loveless marriage. He never wanted a family and often slept around, leaving his young wife at the estate alone. She was determined to raise her child in a happy family so that he would be loved.

      The curse came in effect though. Emiko went into labor early and delivered a small, purple haired baby. Wanting her husband to be happy, she named him after him; Jun as a first name and Kai as a middle name, after a Japanese legend. Even though her child was cursed, she fell in love with him from first glance, even though she could not hold him without him transforming into a seahorse (the current dragon form). Junasaki on the other hand, was disgusted by his son, wondering how his life could be ruined because of this child. Who would want to be seen with a man with a cursed child? He eventually left the family when the baby was only weeks old left the family, not without withdrawing all of his savings from the bank though so he would not be poor, causing the Sohmas to demand that there be no communication with him and Junasaki being disowned from the family.

      Emiko raised Jun off of the main Sohma estate, choosing to still live on the property but to have her own home, and doted on her son, loving everything about him and Jun loved his mother. He would work hard in school to bring home the best grades in class, make hand made cards for no reason. It was his mother's hands that he loved the most though. Whenever he did anything good, she would caress his face with her soft hands and tell him that he had done a job well done. His Mama's hands had special warmth to them that made up for the fact that he could not hug her for comfort thanks to the curse. She was proud of him, even when he got into a fight in school after some kids made fun of his purple hair, calling him a freak (often the tormenters became the victims when Jun’s temper got the best of them and they got their noses broken). She would simply look over this and tell him that all was fine.

      Tragedy struck though when he was only ten. When he came home from school, he noticed all of the heads of the Sohma family waiting for him at their home. They said that they were taking him to the main Sohma estate to live with the God, and that he was to be her play mate and friend. At first he had thought it to be a joke and looked for his mother, only to discover that all of her belonging were gone and his were packed. Later, he learned that Emiko was offered a large sum of money to leave the estate and let her son be the God's friend.

      Feeling like he was sold, Jun at first did not like the God, he in fact hated her with an extreme passion. yet he liked that she agreed with him for his anger at his father and now mother, and his attitude towards those who teased him and as he grew up he let himself only be by the god's side and is exceptionally protective of her. Sometimes he is known to sleep next to her in bed when she is in pain, not in a dirty way but to comfort her, even in his current age.

xxxxxSo I'm a bit...
      Jun Sohma is a rather straight forward and standoffish person. He hates his first name with a passion, mostly because he was named after his father, Junasaki, and when people comment that he was named after his father, he will often say that he was named after some sort of literary character. Even though he says that looks do not matter to him he is very proud of his good looks and likes to keep his hair long and washes it with herbal soap and conditioner. When people comment on the fact that he has purple hair (dyed black) and purple eyes, he will almost automatically assume that they are giving him a hard time and will cut them down.

      As the dragon of the zodiac, Jun is very bright, a borderline genius with an exceptional amount of musical talent. This often causes him to be short with people who are not as bright as him; sometimes he will even leave the room if he is too frustrated. This is one of the reasons everyone figures that he left high school and went to be home schooled. At only seventeen, he is in his senior year of high school. His relationships with others are strained, except for the few people he is kind to, the God of the zodiac being one of the people he has respect for above all others.

The sweet far thingxxx
PostPosted: Mon Apr 25, 2011 3:41 pm
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xxxxxxxxxxxxxLet's make the rain pour down on e v e r y t h i n g

            Age: Seventeen
            Gender: female
            my role I'm the God, for now anyway.
            My song: Sweet Romance // Gojou Mayumi
            Seiyuu: Luka Megurine
            Love them: Chiharu has a love for sweet things. Most of the time it is the only thing that she can keep down in her stomach, other foods usually being thrown up. She has a small love for reading, though she is not able to read as fast as Jun, though her love for them usually limits out Science Fiction and Mystery novels. Chiharu also likes rainy days, despite how depressing most might find it. Somehow, she finds it quite comforting, the rain sometimes being the only thing able to get her to sleep on most days.
            Burn them all: Chiharu has a very strong dislike towards liars, which was rooted from the belief that most of those whom she called "friends" would spout lies about how much they actually cared about her. She also has a hatred towards outsiders, believing that they don't belong within her family, that the zodiacs were meant to stay alone and to only keep each other company. Chiharu hates being pitied, wishing that people would treat her differently and as an equal.

xxxxxDear Diary...
      Chiharu was born among the tears of other Zodiac members. They told her they had cried when she was born because their God had finally come to them, Chiharu believed it was because they shared her deep sorrow. Her father had died of cancer of the throat while she was still in the womb, so Chiharu never got the chance to meet him, the father that was looking forward to her birth so very much. He was a kindly man and when he died, it felt as if a part of the Sohma home was missing.

      After Chiharu was born it was revealed that she was the God of the Zodiac, cursed to die at a young age. Or in other words, cursed to suffer her short life. With this information, something inside Chiharu's mother snapped. From the depression of her husbands death and the role her daughter was given as God of the zodiac, she just couldn't take the stress anymore. Chiharu's mother stopped moving one day. She never left her room let alone her bed, she wouldn't eat or drink unless it was forced down her throat, and all day she just stared out the window, her eyes dark and devoid of life. Chiharu however, remained a happy girl, always full of life for she decided she would continue to live on for as far as she could. She succeeded in all her grades and was a top student, loved by everyone and with boys always chasing at her heels. But without her mother, the only parent she had left, Chiharu felt empty inside.

      One day, as Chiharu was visiting her mother, she pleaded for her mother to come back to her, to be the person she once was. Chiharu's mother remained silent for a few moments, until she finally spoke. "It's all your fault he's dead," she whispered with tears flowing down her eyes. "It's all your fault!" Chiharu's mother sprung toward her, her hands clinging around Chiharu's throat. As the breath began to leave Chiharu's body, maids came to her aid, pulling her mother off of her. Due to this event, she sent her mother off to an insane asylum and Chiharu forever withdrew herself from the world.

      After that, Chiharu's personality changed drastically, especially when she began to get sickly for long periods of time. As the periods began to get worse, so did her mental state. She became cold and uncaring, even hateful. Her once kind gestures, became cruel and she distinguished herself as better than others. She would throw dishes or purposefully hurt others. She seemed like an entirely different person. There was a part of her that remained intact however, only revealing itself to those she felt very close to. Chiharu began to prefer solitude, finding it better then the pitiful or hateful looks people gave her. Lately though, she has been getting sicker and sicker and so she fears the worst is soon to come.

xxxxxSo I'm a bit...
      Chiharu is cold and unforgiving. She gives off the impression that she doesn't care, which tends to piss most people off. She can be easily angered, and can turn violent without intending to. Her cruel demeaner causes to hurt others intentionally most of the time, though it is mostly out of the fear that they are becoming too close to her. Chiharu is brutally truthful, except when it comes to herself, and dislikes liars. Due to her violent nature, she lashes out at people and can hurt them without noticing, such as a slap in the face or pulling of the others hair.

      Even though Chiharu does not attend a regular high school, thanks to homeschooling and self-teaching, she is very intelligent. To show for this, she has a whole study in which she spends most of her time with, whether it's reading or just wasting her days away. She is much like a child, throwing a tantrum if things do not go her way or being inconsiderate to those around her. She is very sensitive and her feelings are hurt easily, though she may not show it. Even though Chiharu is cruel and hurtful, there is a part of her that is kind and caring, though she only chooses to reveal it with her closest relatives. There is a rarity of people in whom Chiharu is close to, never really having full trust in most people. One of them is the dragon of the Zodiac, Jun Sohma.

ll Vintage Nerd llxxx


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PostPosted: Mon Apr 25, 2011 3:49 pm
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xxxxxxxxxxxxxLet's make the rain pour down on e v e r y t h i n g

            Age: 16
            Gender: Male
            my roleI am the rat of the Zodiac, but that is only a small part of who I am…
            My song: Gotta Be Somebody // Nickelback
            Seiyuu: Okamoto Nobuhiko
            Love them: Playing the Cello, listening to music, day dreaming
            Burn them all: Loud people, being alone, the dark

xxxxxDear Diary...
      Sora was born 16 years ago to a young inexperienced couple who had been seeing each other against their parents wishes. His father, Keichi Sohma, was a studying to become a lawyer at university when he first meet a foreign student by the name of Erin Carter. Over the years the two grew very close and soon announced their engagement. Within their first year of marital bliss Erin announced that she was pregnant.
      Of course like most expecting parents, the two were rather nervous, but they done everything they could of their own backs. Both of them were very proud and never sought the help of their relatives, who seemed against their relationship. But, they were happy because they had each other.

      Sora was born prematurely on a cold December morning, complications had arisen during the birth leading to Erin losing a lot of blood, which meant she needed blood transfusions, but they were not at hand because it had been a home birth. The proud mother had not even been able to hold her precious child before the blessing of eternal sleep took her…
      Keichi had taken the infant in his arms and wiped the blood from his tiny body, a crown of blond hair circled Sora’s head, reminding the man of his wife ‘I promise that I will always be there for you’ He gave the name Sora meaning sky, because that is where Erin now is, watching over them…

      As the years passed by, Sora grew up to become a truly beautiful boy. His feminine features means that others sometimes call him bishonen or bishi… a nick name that annoys him at times. (the later more so) Sora started playing the cello at the age of 5, he believes that music is the best way to express yourself when you are down or happy. He is very talented and can often be found performing in the park for others to hear. He also dabbles in the piano and viola.

      Sora and his father both live outside the Sohma estate (much to the families dismay) Every so often the quiet boy visit’s the main branch, but he finds the place rather saddening and sometimes scary. Their home is simple and can be located a few miles out of town. Keichi is not always pleased when other members come over, preferring that he and Sora have a normal existence…though that is never going to be easy.

      Sora has always been very bright and smart and easily completes any tasks set. He likes to get things down efficiently, while not dampening the end result. He says its thanks to his fathers and mothers ‘smartness’ that he is the way he is. He aims to become a music teacher when he is older and so has his eyes set on the Musical University in Tokyo.

xxxxxSo I'm a bit...
      Sora is very laid back and gentle natured, preferring not to be centre of attention due to his shy nature. But, because of his musical abilities, level of smartness, and incredibly gorgeous looks, he often finds himself surrounded by his fellow students. Sora is very well spoken and polite, he tends to try and not argue with anyone though sometimes that is impossible.
      Sora keeps his hair cut short thinking that will help those who meet him the first time, realise that he is not a girl…though sometimes the odd person would still think that. Sora tends to spend his free time learning new songs, reading, studying, daydreaming, sleeping and cooking. He lives to please his father and would hate anyone who ever hurt him.

PostPosted: Mon Apr 25, 2011 4:45 pm
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xxxxxGintoki "Gin" Shimura Sohma
xxxxxxxxxxxxxLet's make the rain pour down on e v e r y t h i n g

            Age: Nineteen
            Gender: Male
            my roleIn this cruel cruel world I am the proud, and majestic horse.
            My song: Now I Want you Gone // Portal
            Seiyuu: Daisuke Ono

            Love them: Strawberries, Working, and Woman
            Burn them all: Being Lazy, My Landlord, Some of the Family just some

xxxxxDear Diary...
      Like some other people in the family I was born into a different family before I came to the Sohma House. My original parents said that I was special in a way. They say that when I was born I looked sort of like a foal in a way. And I believed them after looking at a picture of me as a child but more to the point. My life was pretty normal for a time, normal life, normal parents, but that was until I turned 10 that most things changed for me.

      It was on my tenth birthday that when my mother kissed my I turned into a young foal with a silver coat. I didn't know what was going on and neither did everybody else at the party so it was a complete mess after wards. It was after that time the relationship between me and my parents changed completely. They started to reject me a bit more but at the same time they cared for me more such as trying to get help for it which I thought was kind of annoying because are there any other children in the world that can turn into a horse?! I don't think so! It was after I turned about 14 that I was sent to another house to live. My Mom and Dad said that it was a place for sepcial people like me. It was the very first encounter of the Shoma House. Sure people there were like me but I never fit in so after a few years I own a place in the city nearby. I visit to check up on everybody once in a while but most of the time I'm busy carrying off odd-jobs for people I don't even know. They call me Odd-Jobs Gin which is kinda funny.

xxxxxSo I'm a bit...
      People say I'm a bit oblivious to some things. Despite being the horse one of those things I can be a bit oblivious to is when a girl is trying to flirt with me. Now don't get me wrong but I hate that cause sometimes it drives them off a lot. And me with this whole curse thing doesn't exactly help with the process. I mean come on is a 19 year old like me meant to suffer like this. Another thing about me is that I'm a kicker at a party always the one to break the ice if things get a bit hairy but that's just apart of me you know and well I kinda like it. Did I mention I sometimes do commando in public if I need to? The final and best thing I love about me is that I am determined. I may look like the kind of person who slacks off when I have the time but I don't so don't make first assumptions a**hat. If I'm not too lazy I'll be doing Odd-Jobs of my own or visiting the old family house where I should be but I'm not cause you can't keep a race horse down and in this time life is blazing past everybody.



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Desirable Sex Symbol

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PostPosted: Tue Apr 26, 2011 8:32 am
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xxxxxxxxxxxxxLet's make the rain pour down on e v e r y t h i n g

            Age: 28
            Gender: Female
            my roleI'm the lovely Snake!
            My song: I Fjol Sa // Gjallarhorn
            Seiyuu: Yukari Fukui
            Love them: Designing clothes, sake, afternoon naps
            Burn them all: Cold weather, ugly clothes, rudeness

xxxxxDear Diary...
      Kotone was born out of an affair between a Sohma woman from a distant branch of the family and a businessman her mother never named. Growing up in the Sohma household was not pleasant. Everyone looked down on her and her mother because of the circumstances of her birth. Despite that, she remained cheerful and did her best to keep her mother happy. They lived in relative peace in their house on the Sohma estate until something shattered that.

      In middle school, Kotone started noticing boys and they started noticing her. With her personality and good looks, she attracted few admirers. But when one decided to hug her, however, he was left with a black snake wrapped around his arm. Needless to say, he freaked and ran off once he flung her off his arm. Her mother reacted pretty much the same, and basically told her to get lost. Kotone moved into the main house and her mother moved out of the country. Apparently, moving to another town just wasn't far enough from her once-beloved daughter.

      But Kotone kept going. She made the best of each day and mostly kept to herself around boys. She took up sewing, finding that she had a talent for designing clothes. By the time she was in high school, she was in drama club and made all the costumes for their plays. This was where she met Toriyama Ichiro, her first love, and eventual fiance. They hit it off instantly. They spent almost all of their time together, and reveled in every second of it. After they graduated, they went to the same college, got engaged and started living together. Eventually, she was ready to reveal the curse to him...then found out he wasn't any different from her mother or the boy in middle school.

      He left without a word, and Kotone was left alone again. To make matters worse, she discovered she was pregnant. She returned to the Sohma estate and begged them to help her care for the unborn child(since she didn't have enough money of her own), and they reluctantly agreed. But the baby didn't make it. She had a miscarriage. Kotone went a little crazy after this, locking herself away in her house on the estate for months. By the time she returned to the outside world, she'd changed in more ways than one.
      After that, she set up her own clothes shop, and became something of a workaholic...and an alcholic.

xxxxxSo I'm a bit...
      Kotone is friendly, but that doesn't mean she won't hold a grudge. She'll hate anyone's guts for eternity if they did something that warranted it. She tries to think about the positive things in every situation, though she remains perfectly aware of the negatives.

La Reine Rose Noirexxx
PostPosted: Tue Apr 26, 2011 8:39 am
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xxxxxxxxxxxxxLet's make the rain pour down on e v e r y t h i n g

            Age: We are seventeen.
            Gender: Aiko is a female, and Hiro is a male.
            My role: "Well, I'm the puppy! And Hiro is the kitty cat!" "Oh, shut up, Aiko..."
            My song: Someone In The Dark // Michael Jackson - Aiko
            The Good Life // Three Days Grace - Hiro
            Seiyuu: Kanon Wakeshima - Aiko
            Naoya/Kazuya Sakamoto - Hiro
            Love them:Aiko- "So many things to choose from! The top three, though, would have to be sweets, music, and my family!"
            Hiro- "Uhm, some not so great things, martial arts, and my sister..."

            Burn them all: Aiko- "I don't really want to burn anything... But I don't like mean people, being mean to people, or people not liking me."
            Hiro- "The filthy God, the god damn Rat, and anyone who trys to hurt my sister."

xxxxxDear Diary...
      There was once a girl named felicity Dawson. She was an eighteen year old foreign exchange student from America. While here, she met and fell in love with a young Sohma boy, Kenji. Right before she left to go back home, Felicity sprung the new that she was pregnant. The boy, madly in love as well, begged for his family to allow her to stay on the Estate with him, for she was shamed out of her family back in America. They allowed it, and the two got married as soon after.

      On the day her twins were born, Felicity Sohma took her last breath. She didn't make it out of birthing two twins. She never got to hold them. She never even knew they were twins. Kenji did not take this very well. He left his children in the care of the maids, and was gone for a good year, drinking away his pain. When he returned, Aiko and Hiro were two happy little babies. He wanted to bad to embrace them, and raise them, but the maids would only allow him to pick up his son. "Why can't I hold my daughter?" he demanded of them. But they didn't have to tell him. He figured it out on his own. His daughter, along with his son, were cursed. His son, the Cat, no doubt. He was only upset for a moment, but then he accepted it. He loved his daughter, but it was soon found that he didn't love his son just as much.

      As they grew up, AIko and Hiro were the best of friends. And they still are. But while Aiko got to shopping with the maids, and got to go on trips, Hiro always had to stay on the Estate. He was not allowed to leave. He had to practice his martial arts, or his piano. He was given chores and work to do. Aiko, age ten, didn't like seeing her brother suffer while she got to go have fun. So one day, when her father told her they were going to go to the park, she refused to go unless Hiro went. "Now, you know he can't do that sweetie." Kenji would say, and she would with retort with a "Why not?" and cling to her twin. After days of this, her father gave in, and Hiro was no longer exiled to the Estate.

      When the two were fifteen, they both went to public school. Hiro loved it because it wasn't the Estate, and he could make friends and have a fresh start there. Aiko loved it because of all the people and all of the friends she made. All of their life, they had been use to their father drinking. But one day, the two came home from a soccer game. They lived on the Estate, but in a seperate house. So no one knew that Kenji had been drinking all day. Their father came up to Aiko, and held her face in his hands. "You look so much like your mother." he told her, and kissed her forehead. He reeked of alcohol. He made both of them drink whiskey, and threatened to hit them if they did not. Aiko was very scared, but Hiro was calm, waiting for the right moment to take down his father. It wasn't until his fathers hand slapped his sister's face that he attacked. After this, their father was kicked out, disowned, and they moved into the main estate home.

      Hiro has never recovered from tasting the alcohol, while Aiko has, and is slowly falling for it. His sister has no idea, and he fears the day that he is found out.

xxxxxSo I'm a bit...
      Aikodi is one of the most happy, optimistic people you will ever meet. She is always putting a smile on people's faces. The girl loves to help others, and hates to see people hurt or in trouble. She would do anything she could to help someone. She is a very loyal person, and you can trust her with any secret. Aiko is very talkative, and almost never stops. She is very frank, but doens't mean it in a mean way. The girl is as innocent as innocent can get. She doesn't use bad words, and blushes at erotic scenes in movies and books. She isn't the brightest girl, but she still gets good grades in school. Aiko can be very stubborn, and, if need be, very mean. Thought she would rather have someone else do the 'mean' part. Aiko doesn't take getting bullied very well. She cries easily, and is constantly reminded of that fact because of the God. The blonde is very loveable, and loves everybody. What's on the inside is the only thing that matters to Aiko.

      Hiroshi is almsot the exact opposite of his sister. He is the debbie downer, pesimistic type. He would rather fight someone than talk out a problem. He is not very good with words. Hiro seems to stumble when he talks, so usually just doesn't talk. He hasn't told anyone, but he believes he is dyslexic. He doesn't do great in school, and the Sohma heads threaten him constantly that they will home school him if he doesn't keep his grades up. Hiro is always getting in trouble for back talking or pulling some prank. He is trying to get attention, but won't admit it. He hates being exiled from the family. The reason why he loves his sister so much is because she loves him for him. Deep down, Hiro is a very funny guy, who loves to just kcik back and hang. His friends at school get to see that side of him. The family does not. They see some troubled teen who doesn't deserve anything but the worst. Hiro, like his father, has recently turned to the bottle for his troubles.

Princess of Melodiesxxx


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PostPosted: Wed Apr 27, 2011 4:02 pm
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xxxxxxxxxxxxxLet's make the rain pour down on e v e r y t h i n g

            Age: Fourteen
            Gender: Male
            my roleThe Rabbit
            My song: Onna Onna Danjo // The Vocaloids
            Seiyuu: Miyu Irino
            Love them: Sweets, people, and cute outfits
            Burn them all: Blood, bitter things, and mud

xxxxxDear Diary...
      Aoi was born in a small town of Japan. His mother, Saiyuki and his father, Akira, loved each other very much, at least until Aoi was born. It was a dreary June day, the thirteenth, and the rain was pouring down. "Its a boy!" The doctor exclaimed. After he had been washed, the doctor handed Aoi to his father first. "Hunny, he's beautiful." Akira said to Saiyuki. "I want to call him Aoi! Lets call him Aoi, Dear." She said, reaching for him. Smiling, Akira handed Aoi to her. To Saiyuki's surprise and distress, Aoi immediately had turned into a small bunny, with white fur. Crying out, Saiyuki tried to shove him back into Akira's arms, but Akira had already run out of the room. He had enough of that when he was younger, watching is twin grow old without having her other half. She had been unhappy and alone. The doctor gently took Aoi out of Saiyuki's hands and after a few minutes, he turned back into a sleeping newborn child. "Keep him here for a while and then I will send someone for him." Saiyuki said, a little bit before she passed into a slumber. Three days later, a butler from the Sohma main house came to pick up the baby. Ever since that day, the butler known as, Haichi took care of little Aoi. When Aoi got older, about when he was five, the zodiac and the adults of the Sohma house came to see him. "He's certainly hyperactive isn't he?" they would always whisper. When Aoi turned ten, it was decided that he would have to live in the Sohma house, in his respective room. That same year, after Aoi had moved all of his stuff into his respective room, Haichi died of a random heart attack. He had no records of heart conditions in his family and he was quite healthy. Aoi went on, like it hadn't had happened. Now he's a ninth grader in high school.

xxxxxSo I'm a bit...
      Childish. I'm a little small for my age so I'm always acting like I'm five, because that's how old I look. Although I make look and act cute, I like to pull pranks on my family and also make fun of them. I always have a smile on my face, which hides the dark dreary turmoil within. Whenever I'm alone, my smile comes off and I allow myself to relax into a calm, more mature state which actually makes me look older. Sometimes, I may act extremely blonde and have people repeat themselves four or five times before I actually get what they are trying to say. I'm actually pretty smart but at times things absolutely baffle me.

PostPosted: Thu Apr 28, 2011 1:38 pm
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xxxxxKiba Nao Sohma
xxxxxxxxxxxxxLet's make the rain pour down on e v e r y t h i n g

            Age: 16
            Gender: Male
            my roleThe well balanced Monkey
            My song: Bird and the Worm // Owl City
            Seiyuu: My voice..
            Love them: My bird, Books, soft fabric
            Burn them all: The dark, dogs, and crowds

xxxxxDear Diary...
      Kiba was born to a mother who followed her husband quitely and a father who belived only the strong made it in the world, hint the name Kiba. Kiba's father wanted his son to be a man amoung men, a leader of everything that defined being a 'guy'. Kiba however was far from this even at a young age. He prefered music over sports and learned the violen, he dressed in ribbons and preffered his hair to have a little length. His mother was entertained by this but his father hated it with a passion. It wasn't that he feared Kiba being gay, it was all about the presentation, how things looked. He was a big bussiness man and being a sohma helped but who would like a frail, crossdresssing nothing like Kiba? He had to do something to shape his kid up before the world chewed him up and spit him out.

      He forced the boy into sports and a certion dres-style, only allowing him to do things he approved of. This however only made Kiba not wanna come home and sneak the things he wanted. He started spending alot more time at the sohma estate and even has a room there where he keeps his extra clothes and a pet bird that he can often be found talking too.

      His father is still trying to force a bussiness life-style on him and his mother is now pregnant again, Kiba can hardly stand to be home at all and sometimes stays away for days on end. His father is okay with him staying t the estate; His thinking behind this is if anyone can tease his son into being straight and proper like a real man its the Sohma Goddess.

xxxxxSo I'm a bit...
      Kiba is very quite and preffers the world of fansty (books) to the real life around him. He stays in his room mostly wheither it be his sohma room or his home room. He avoids conversation and prefers only to speak to his bird whos never objected to his way of life. He also has a awful case of OCD which is why he wears the eye patch. Nothing is wrong with his eye except the color so he prefers one covered in order to not look like a raindow freak. He hates things in his room to be touched so he prefers if the maids leave the cleaning there to him. He likes his clthes to match and irons everything. The reason behind his strict OCD is because its the only thing in his life he has complete control over. He understand his parents love him and thats why they push him so hard but he'd rather avoid said love.



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PostPosted: Tue May 03, 2011 10:47 am
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xxxxxAva Lee Thompson
xxxxxxxxxxxxxLet's make the rain pour down on e v e r y t h i n g

            Age: 17
            Gender: female
            my roleOnigiri, but I belive thats a Goose in America? Like duck duck GOOSE!
            My song: Californa Girls // Katy Perry
            Seiyuu: -----------
            Love them: Bubbles, sweets, and kimonos!
            Burn them all: Spicy stuff, rude people, and pervs!

xxxxxDear Diary...
      Ava was born to a easy going american family. Shes considered a very average girl living a very average life. She makes good grades and dates hot boys. Her family made average money, enough to be happy and prosper. Ava was excited to live everyday the way she lived the one before, not much thought put into something bad happening. Luckily nothing ever did happen until she was sixteen and it still wasn't that bad.

      Her parents hit a hard spot, her father got fired so her parents decided to kill two birds with one stone. They sent her to stay with a uncle who had moved to Japan some time back to live with his new japanese wife. They would allow her to have a culture filled summer vaction and be able to spend a little less money over the summer until a new job could be aquired.

xxxxxSo I'm a bit...
      Ava is a bubble full of energy and voice. Shes always excited to get her hands into somethin new. Shes excited about her vacation because she considers japan to be one of the most creative places. The at, the taste, the buildings. Shes very excited about seeing her uncle and nothing can get her spirits down. Shes very good about seeing the silver lining and is always looking for ways to get around the bad. She thinks being upset is a waste of her day and does nothing to help her. Shes also excited to meet some cute japanese boys and is a closet anime fan.

PostPosted: Sat May 07, 2011 4:46 pm
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xxxxxxxxxxxxxLet's make the rain pour down on e v e r y t h i n g

            Age: seventeen
            Gender: female, if that weren't obvious enough
            my role is the sheep
            My song: Last Night, Good Night //Hatsune Miku
            Seiyuu: Hatsune Miku
            Love them: solitude, fluffy things, tea
            Burn them all: egomaniacs, stormy nights, too much heat

xxxxxDear Diary...
      Mintaka, or Mina as some people call her, is an only child. This is because her mother never got the chance to have other children. Her father was not of the Sohma line when he married her mother, and thus didn't know of the curse until the day Mintaka was born. Poof, his little girl was now a lamb with blue-hued wool. He didn't freak out, or hate his daughter, he merely packed his things and left one night without any word. He felt he just couldn't live in that world, where people turned into animals, and chose to go away and forget it. Her mother though, didn't understand this, and grew some resentment for her husband. Mina grew up with the same resentment, compliments of her mother telling her that men were not to be trusted, and that her father was irresponsible and horrible.

      Mina's dislike of males grew when she reached school, and the boys would pick on her for her blue hair. The girls sometimes did the same, but mostly they stayed away from her out of fear. Mintaka and her mother lived on the main estate grounds, and so Mina grew up with the other zodiacs living there, and they were the only other children she really trusted. When she reached middle school age, she got into gardening, and her view of the world changed a little. She saw beauty in plenty of things, even in the normal people at her school, who sometimes still avoided or picked on her. She just learned to ignore it all, and focus on her garden at home.

      Her relationship with the God is neither good nor bad, but simply passive. Mina is polite to Chiharu, and respectful of the God's wishes. She isn't as close to Chiharu like Jun is, but she tries to be a calm presence when the young God is in a bad mood. She does not retort when Chiharu yells at her, or lashes out, she just stays silent and waits. Patience is a virtue, as her mother always said, and patience is something Mina has lots of.

xxxxxSo I'm a bit...
      Mintaka is a bit of a recluse, preferring to be on her own most of the time, though she doesn't mind the company of her family. She's not too trusting of strangers, least of all males, and chooses not to meet new people most of the time. She doesn't like hassle, or drama, but instead very much likes things that are simple. Like sitting on a porch in the sun, instead of off to the beach with a bunch of people. When someone compliments her, she always blushes, and falls into silence. She can't stand to see someone misusing power, objects, or people, wishing that the whole world knew how to better treat everything around them. When given a gift, she will cherish it forever, and always handle it with the utmost care.

Cadenza of the Heartxxx


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PostPosted: Mon May 09, 2011 10:43 am
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xxxxxxxxxxxxxLet's make the rain pour down on e v e r y t h i n g

            Age: Seventeen
            Gender: Female
            My role: An onigiri in a basket
            My song: Manatsu no Photograph // Azusa
            Seiyuu: Yuki Matsuoka
            Love them: Sewing, Sweets, Stories
            Burn them all: Being alone (sometimes), Her memories of being bullied, Sadness

xxxxxDear Diary...
      Kumiko was born into the hands of her loving parents, Sachiko and Haruto. Her mother, Sachiko, worked as a Clothing Designer and her father, Haruto, worked as a Pastry Chef. While she was growing, her mother and father would tell her her stories that would fascinate her, one of her favorites was the story of the "Chinese Zodiac". Though at school, some of the kids had teased her about that silly story that she liked and some of the girls were jealous about her being popular in class. So one day, she was dragged out to the girl's bathroom and then that's when they locked the door and had brought out a pair of scissors. Kumiko struggled to get out of there, but she was then pinned to the wall as the girls' then became to cut her long, beautiful orange hair. Then the next day, she had came to school with hiding her true fear with a smile. Covered in small bandages on her face, people began to question her about why she had short hair and what had happened. She would simply reply in a cheerful voice saying, "I just wanted to see what my hair looks like when I cut it". Kumiko's parents began to worry about their child, thinking that she was being bullied by the other girls in her class. They happened to then catch the girls then bullying Kumiko, as the girls were harshly punished about bullying another classmate.

      Though as time went by after that incident, another situation started occurring in Kumiko's life. Her mother began to develop chest pains and had been in and out of hospitals. Then her mother's life came to a end, when she developed a massive heart attack and as she was rushed to the hospital it was too late. Kumiko spent restless days in her room filled with sadness and her father, Haruto, then broke her silence with giving her a piece of advice. "No matter what hardships we face, you have to stand back up. No matter what sad experiences we have in life, you must push them back with the happiest memories you can make" Haruto said clearly to his daughter, as she then gave a sudden tight hug and started to cry. Kumiko had began to follow her father's advice from that day forward. She believed that who ever had such a life like hers filled with sorrow, they have to be brought back by the warmth and comfort of family and friends.

      Kumiko and her father then moved to Sakura, Japan, to turn over a new leaf and make new memories. Though her father one day, got an acceptance to travel overseas to work with other Pastry chefs. Kumiko was happy for her father and told him that he should go, since she believed that the sweets that he makes will put a smile to everyone's face. Haruto promised that he'll visit Kumiko from time to time, call her, and send some money for her to take care of herself and the house, as he then left on his journey overseas. She wanted to try getting a small job, so that she won't have to put her father in a burden situation. She took a part-time job, as a waitress at a cafe called "Amaterasu's Dreams" though she's studying to one day become a Clothing Designer like her mother. Now little does she knows is that her favorite childhood story, "The Chinese Zodiac", has actually taken control over a well-known family in Sakura, Japan....

xxxxxSo I'm a bit...
      Kumiko is known to be very enthusiastic when it comes to sewing and designing clothes. She thinks that when she puts her mind into something, it can be done. Around her neighborhood, she is known to be a motherly figure to the children but she has her childlike side to her as well. Kumiko cares deeply for others around her, if their sad she'll be their shoulder to cry on and comforting them. Also she can be somewhat of a klutz, even sometimes tripping over her own two feet or thin air.

Zy Xandraxxx
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