When you stay up doing stuff until really late..
Finally manage to go to sleep..
Then get woken up 2-4 hours later?! stressed
Yeah to put it simply I was woken up this morning..
Just to make god damn breakfast and coffee!! scream
Oh and not to mention I had to clean up the kitchen.. stare
For once I'd like to actually SLEEP in.. mad
I hate it when that happens..
I'm friggin tired.. emo
But I guess I'll go back to bed, now..
Or w/e.. ninja
Finally manage to go to sleep..
Then get woken up 2-4 hours later?! stressed
Yeah to put it simply I was woken up this morning..
Just to make god damn breakfast and coffee!! scream
Oh and not to mention I had to clean up the kitchen.. stare
For once I'd like to actually SLEEP in.. mad
I hate it when that happens..
I'm friggin tired.. emo
But I guess I'll go back to bed, now..
Or w/e.. ninja