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PostPosted: Wed May 04, 2011 9:10 pm
PostPosted: Wed May 04, 2011 9:11 pm
User ImageDestiny Olivia Cooper

¦¦Before you get to know me, consider these facts¦¦
I prefer being called Just Destiny, please not Olivia or Olive
Age is just a number, but if you must to know 17
It's not the people I know, but the grade I'm in 12th

¦¦Don't judge me becuase of my personals¦¦
I recieve presents on March 29
The clique I rule Art
Everyone's the same, but I'm unique I love to laugh and smile, just really enjoy life as it's here. But mostly keep to myself, expecially my problems and feelings. They're called "my problems" for a reason. Other than that I'm very observant with others, but quickly judge people sometimes. I truely hate human stupidity though. I'm also extremely unorganized.
A deeper insight to my life I grew up under my father's colorful wings. The first time I watched him paint, I remember thinking, "Thats what I wanna do." He taught me everything he knew about art. In my first year of high school, I couldn't get this one way of art, so I quit for the longest time. Then after just a year I returned. But in that year I had traveled to a few other cliques. None fit me as perfectly as art did though.

As for my family, My mom was never really happy that I picked up on art and wanted me to go into computers to make a ton of money. She also didn't like that my personality wasn't on the girly side. There's always paint on my clothes somewhere. My dad gave up on his art dreams before I reached high school. After talks with my mom, he's been trying to get me away from it too. But I refuse. My brother is actually probably the most technologically advanced in my family really. But really, the only one who understands me is my baby: Jewel. Don't worry, I've never been pregnant or with a boy before. Jewel is my calico kitty, she's only three years old.

At school I'm just the art girl, invisible to most (and thats a good thing). I encourage everyone in my clique to do their best, I even offer after school help for those who would like to learn to paint, sketch, sculpt, ect. I try so hard to stay out of the other clique's way...but sometimes its too hard to ignore.

¦¦These dirty little secrets of mine¦¦
Ink that stains my skin A tiny teal heart (about the size of my thumb nail) behind my right ear.
Needles that peirce my body Three ear piercings
Gender that peeks my interest boys

¦¦Since you can't keep your eyes off of me¦¦
These pretty gems of mine hazel
It's as natural as the earth brown
I stand with elegance 5'6"

¦¦Personal things I forgot to mention¦¦
Items I can't live without, so I brought with me I just brought a few books, my canvases, my paints, my sketchbook, all my drawing pencils, pens, and markers, some clay, my kitty: Jewel (of course, her stuff), my ipod and speakers, and my Dslite. A few pictures of family and friends too.
People and things I miss My friends, teachers, and art studio
My darkest secret I was adopted when I was seven.

¦¦Things that will blow your mind¦¦
You wont find me in room number 3
The one color of the rainbow that I just love Baby Blue
I must be crazy, but I think I'm being controlled by Bloodylilrose  



PostPosted: Wed May 04, 2011 9:18 pm
User ImageEthan Reese Taylor

¦¦Before you get to know me, consider these facts¦¦
I prefer being called Just Ethan...but some call me Eathy, please dont call me that.
Age is just a number, but if you must to know 18
It's not the people I know, but the grade I'm in 12th grade

¦¦Don't judge me because of my personals¦¦
I receive presents on January 5th
The clique I rule Dare devil
Everyone's the same, but I'm unique Around people I know I talk a lot. I seem like I'm some sort of dumb a** who doesn't know what he's talking about. But if you get to know me I am actually very smart and deeper than you think. I have a wall up though that keeps my true fealings away from everyone else. So not to many people know what I really act like. But who knows, maybe people can get past my little bubble. Around adults though I am quiet. I hate being questioned by them so I always keep to myself a lot when I'm around them.
A deeper insight to my life You may think you got me thought out. But thats not entirely true. People think I am part of a poor family where my father died and my mother takes care of me as if I'm a rat who lives under her basement. Well your wrong. I was born into a rich family with a mother and father who loved me. Truth is my mother died and ever sense then I had a dead beet dad. He tried to do everything a father should do sense she died when I turned 10, but he just didn't ever have a chance from the start. So I lived my life the way I wanted to. I started training in a gym when I turned 13. I never was good at weights but my strong suit was speed. A guy showed me free running and I was a natural sense the start. By the time I was 15 I was scaling rooftops and running around like a maniac as if I knew it for years. I loved what I did and it was easilly shown.

People also think sense I just hang out with the popular crew they got me figured out. I'm not like that, truth is I hate what they do and don't act like they think I am. Just get to know me and you'll see I'm not like the jackass popular dare devil leader they think I am.

¦¦These dirty little secrets of mine¦¦
Ink that stains my skin nothing for not at least
Needles that pierce my body I have snake bite's piercings and a tongue piercing.
Gender that peeks my interest Girls...duh!

¦¦Since you can't keep your eyes off of me¦¦
These pretty gems of mine green
It's as natural as the earth Black
I stand with elegance 5"11'

¦¦Personal things I forgot to mention¦¦
Items I can't live without, so I brought with me An i pod, a duffel bag of stuff that shows my true feelings for everything I am. I keep that as if its a treasure chest. A backpack full of food and other things I keep just in-case. Other than that you will just have to find out (don't worry no weapons or phones!)
People and things I miss being able to do my parcore stuff. That I might not be able to talk to a certain someone.
My darkest secret that I like some girl who's in this place (Will be reviled later on.)

¦¦Things that will blow your mind¦¦
You wont find me in room number 4
The one color of the rainbow that I just love darkpurple
I must be crazy, but I think I'm being controlled by mistadeath  
PostPosted: Wed May 04, 2011 10:17 pm
User ImageAzia Marie Beckett

¦¦Before you get to know me, consider these facts¦¦
I prefer being called Azzy, since some people have trouble pronouncing her first name they usually end up calling her this (her name is pronounced "ah-zee-uh").
Age is just a number, but if you must to know Seventeen
It's not the people I know, but the grade I'm in 11th

¦¦Don't judge me becuase of my personals¦¦
I recieve presents on December 12, 1993
The clique I rule The Gamers
Everyone's the same, but I'm unique Azia treats everything as a game: the only thing that matters is winning, and she doesn't seem to mind what happens in the process. She is very self-reliant and doesn't like to bother others for help. Azia also doesn't like others seeing her as weak, which also adds to her unwillingness to not get help. She doesn't like being bothered, especially when busy. She won't hesitate to tell you what she thinks, and she's very outspoken. Azia's also very sarcastic, and, most of the time, doesn't think before she speaks.
A deeper insight to my life Azia was put up for adoption right when she was born. because her real parents couldn't afford a child. Azia doesn't mind that she doesn't know who her parents are. She figures that if they didn't care to get to know who she is, then she wouldn't bother trying to find out who they are. She was adopted from the orphanage she stayed at when she was 9, and her adopted parents felt bad for her. They felt so bad for her, they spoiled her with designer products and the like, and got her anything she wanted. Since this was a sharp contrast to what she had been used to, she abused it at first. Then, as she started going to school, she realized that having a lot of money didn't get you happiness. Or friends, for that matter. So she began to lay off the expensive things. She thought less and less on what she wore, and relaxed around people. Soon enough, she had made friends, and they had introduced her to gaming. After GameBoys and the like, she was completely hooked. She begged her parents to buy her the games she wanted (since adopting her, they began to spoil her less as her "demand" decreased) and immersed herself in the gamers' culture. With gaming, she felt at home. Eventually, through battles and experience, she became the so-called "leader" of the Gamers at her school.
And then, the Clique Wars began. Azia unlocked the Gamers Club room to find all of their equipment had been smashed by some jocks, and then all hell broke loose around the school. And of course, the school system took care of it by isolating the cliques' leaders and sending them to reform school. Which places Azia as one of the prime suspects in the cause of these wars between the groups at the school. And one could garuntee that she's in no way happy about it, especially the fact that she has to go to school with the Jock leader, who she has a self-proclaimed "vendetta" with them for destroying the Gamers' equipment and, in her opinion, starting it all.

¦¦These dirty little secrets of mine¦¦
Ink that stains my skin A small Persona symbol a bit lower than the the inside of her elbow
Needles that peirce my body Ears (once)
Gender that peeks my interest Boys

¦¦Since you can't keep your eyes off of me¦¦
These pretty gems of mine Bluish gray
It's as natural as the earth Blonde
I stand with elegance 5'8

¦¦Personal things I forgot to mention¦¦
Items I can't live without, so I brought with me Her DSi, her iPod, and her PSP.
People and things I miss The security of her own bedroom. Azia hates being out of her element.
My darkest secret Azia doesn't want the school to know that she was adopted. She doesn't want everyone to think that she's extremely spoiled and babied, and takes advantage of everyone, and especially doesn't want people thinking that her parents used money to get her as the leader of the gamers' clique. She also used to pickpocket people in the streets when she was in the orphanage, and sometimes the habit returns, usually in the form of borrowing something small and not returning it - petty things. Most of the time, in her mindset, it's just to see if she can pull it off.

¦¦Things that will blow your mind¦¦
You wont find me in room number8
The one color of the rainbow that I just love Firebrick
I must be crazy, but I think I'm being controlled by ravensluckyshadow  



PostPosted: Thu May 05, 2011 11:31 am
User ImageRyke Tynan Hadrian

¦¦Before you get to know me, consider these facts¦¦
I prefer being called Just Ryke...
Age is just a number, but if you must to know 18
It's not the people I know, but the grade I'm in Senior, I'm on top of the food-chain.

¦¦Don't judge me becuase of my personals¦¦
I recieve presents on December twenty-seventh
The clique I rule ScrEMO, a.k.a the rockers
Everyone's the same, but I'm unique He can be cold and indifferent but call him the wrong thing or correct him and he will get angry really fast sometimes even violent. Though, he is sometimes gentle despite his being an a** and rude to most people.
A deeper insight to my life Ryke was always different growing up. He wore dark colours and loved to place scary things in his room. Rat skulls, tufts of cat fur, bird skeletons, metal spikes...you name it he had it. In middle school the odd collecting stopped and the animal parts were replaced by metal human skulls and more spikes, though, those were placed as accessories on his body rather then a decoration in his room. When he hit high school, the collecting was picked up again but this time it was guitars and weapons. Anything from an axe to an Axe Handle guitar could be found inside his small loft of a room, and sometimes he carried a pocket knife onto his school campus and scared the popular girls with it.

¦¦These dirty little secrets of mine¦¦
Ink that stains my skin He has 'Nero' tattooed across the backs of his shoulders as well as the eyes of Ra on both of his clavicles. His right arm as a sleeve.
Needles that peirce my body Two eyebrow piercings mark his right eyebrow and his left one has an anti-eyebrow piercing. He also has a lip ring and several piercing and safety pins in his ears.
Gender that peeks my interest The girls!

¦¦Since you can't keep your eyes off of me¦¦
These pretty gems of mine A deep green with yellow edges.
It's as natural as the earth Jet black
I stand with elegance six feet, six inches

¦¦Personal things I forgot to mention¦¦
Items I can't live without, so I brought with me His acoustic guitar (just a hobby), his iPod!!, his many notepads, a string (a joke amongst his friends), and a stuffed cat.
People and things I miss His cat Lillica and his weapons...
My darkest secret He's stabbed someone before, and he liked someone of a clique he hates. Also, he isn't a virgin.

¦¦Things that will blow your mind¦¦
You won't find me in room number 2
The one color of the rainbow that I just love silver
I must be crazy, but I think I'm being controlled by Leifka  
PostPosted: Thu May 05, 2011 11:49 am
User ImageRiku Daichi Voltaire

¦¦Before you get to know me, consider these facts¦¦
I prefer being called Riku, normally. His English name is Terrance, shortened into Terra sometimes. Dai, if they're close. Volt, if they're closer. He only lets his closest friends or family members, like his younger sister, call him Rikkun.
Age is just a number, but if you must to know Eighteen
It's not the people I know, but the grade I'm in 12th

¦¦Don't judge me becuase of my personals¦¦
I recieve presents on June 21st
The clique I rule Smart Kids
Everyone's the same, but I'm unique Outwardly Riku appears to be quiet and calm, his emotions kept hidden beneath an impassive face. He only ever lets his emotions run free when he's alone. He has no known fears but rarely shows any sort of disdain for those around him. He's loyal, yes, but he also fights for what he believes in. And yes, despite being such a nerd, Riku can actually fight. Mostly, he's an easy going person. He's rather laid back and he doesn't really care about what happens to him, just as long as it doesn't hurt him, or anyone else he considers important enough to him. He's usually a kind, gentle person, somewhat compassionate and understanding, and he rarely has a temper, but push the right buttons and he can turn into a cold, sarcastic, blunt person whose words can cut deep and hurt badly.
A deeper insight to my life Riku was born in a multi-ethnic family. His father was Italian, his mother Japanese/Korean, so he and his little sister, Cho, were a mix of both. His father was a successful business man, and his mother a model, so much was expected of him, the eldest child and to-be heir of the family business. Of course, his parents wanted the very best education for their children, so that they would be smarter and better than any other kid, even though all they wanted was to be normal, just like everyone else. They didn't want special treatment, but it wasn't like they could defy their parents wishes. Riku was put under the care of many different tutors; self-defense, language, art, history, anything that you would, and wouldn't, normally learn in a normal school. Not so much attention was focused on Cho, so at least she got to live in peace much more than her older brother. This was why Riku grew up to be such a nerd. A very physically strong nerd.

When he was fifteen, he decided that he had enough of home-schooling. The lessons were starting to repeat themselves, and he demanded his parents to let him give normal schooling a try; so that he would be able to learn something new. He managed to coax them into letting him go to a normal school, and he immediately liked what he found. He didn't want to go back to home-schooling, so he struck up a deal with his parents. His former tutors would teach his younger sister, and as long as Riku got top grades in a normal school, his parents would let him stay. Because of this deal, he worked to keep his position as number one of the school, at least, in grades, which eventually led him to become the leader of the "Intelligent group" of the school.

And then the Clique War began. Of course, Riku had nothing to do with it at first. Why would he? It wasn't like he had anything against anyone else. He just wanted to stay away from the imprisoning studies at home. But then, someone over-stepped the line when they entered the group's room and destroyed the books. That got him mad, and it's nearly impossible to make him mad. He went and confronted the Punks about it. 'Course, he had nothing against their leader; they were somewhat friends, you could say. But he wouldn't tolerate the fact that their members had ransacked his clique's room. He fought, but it was purely self defense. He couldn't say the same for the rest of his clique, but afterwards, he took the blame, since he was their "leader". Of course, the school sent him to reform school, and while his parents don't know about this yet, since they're out of town, and will be for a long while, he knows it won't last. Now Riku's one of the prime suspects about starting the wars, but he knows that someone else was behind it. He just doesn't know who it is, yet.

¦¦These dirty little secrets of mine¦¦
Ink that stains my skin Chained wings that stretch from shoulder-blades to hips
Needles that peirce my body Left ear
Gender that peeks my interest Both

¦¦Since you can't keep your eyes off of me¦¦
These pretty gems of mine Onyx
It's as natural as the earth Actually raven black-ish gold, but it's dyed dark blonde
I stand with elegance 6'1"

¦¦Personal things I forgot to mention¦¦
Items I can't live without, so I brought with me I-pod, a couple of books, notebook, sketchpad, and lots of stationary. Cho gave him her PSP just for luck, but he's never used it. Especially not when she has Wand of Fortune permanently stuck there...Persona, though, he can stand. He just doesn't use it, and it's still buried in the bottom of his bag. Maybe he could use it as a peace offering?...He also has an extra pair of reading glasses. For some reason, he's wearing them permanently nowadays, even though he'd be perfectly fine without them, or he could just wear contact lenses...
People and things I miss the freedom, not being able to go out to the lake
My darkest secret claustrophobia and vertigo.

¦¦Things that will blow your mind¦¦
You wont find me in room number 5
The one color of the rainbow that I just love Dark khaki
I must be crazy, but I think I'm being controlled by Hunter Crawl  



PostPosted: Thu May 05, 2011 4:27 pm
User ImageIndigo Lynn Brighton

¦¦Before you get to know me, consider these facts¦¦
I prefer being called Indie
Age is just a number, but if you must to know 18
It's not the people I know, but the grade I'm in 12th

¦¦Don't judge me becuase of my personals¦¦
I recieve presents on June 21
The clique I rule music
Everyone's the same, but I'm unique To the people in my clique, and a few of the arts and jocks, I'm pretty cool. I'm intensely loyal to my friends, but seriously, don't tick me off, especially those gamers. "hell hath no fury like a woman scorned" and all that. I can be stubborn, strong-willed, and obstinate. I wont ruin your reputation, i don't really care about that kind of stuff, but i've been known to throw a few punches. anyway, that whole music thing has some of its own baggage, so i'm pretty passionate, and have very strong emotions, but at the same time, they can change at the drop of the hat
A deeper insight to my life Oh jeez, where to start? Well, I demonstrated my mad music skills at a pretty young age-we were at church of all places and started singing along with the choir like i'd been training for it all my life. i was three at the time. the first time i saw a live band, i had to get my hands on one of those instruments. my parents enrolled me in lessons, and it seemed there was nothing i couldn't play. i put three consecutive music teachers to shame, finally they found some retired music professor from Juliard, and he put me on par with some of the greatest symphonies in the world. however, being the obstinate teenager i was, i had no wish to go on tour and have no life of my own, so i badgered my parents into letting me go to a normal high school, in exchange for occasional performances with local and visiting groups. i figured it was a fair trade. as soon as i hit high school, i was already a minor celebrity, and the rest of the music kids and music teachers fell in love with me. by eleventh grade, i was head of the clique. naturally, when the big break out happened, and the band room was destroyed. i had a rather unseemly fit and starting seeking vengeance on any gamer i could get my hands on, which landed me in this damn rehab center

¦¦These dirty little secrets of mine¦¦
Ink that stains my skin heehee, well, there's a tribal band on my back, that curls over my shoulder blade. its all black, very lacy and intricate
Needles that peirce my body two in my ears, as well as a bellybutton ring. all are silver, with rubies
Gender that peeks my interest boys

¦¦Since you can't keep your eyes off of me¦¦
These pretty gems of mine green to grey, they change, depending on my mood
It's as natural as the earth dark red, with bits of brown and black
I stand with elegance 5'10"

¦¦Personal things I forgot to mention¦¦
Items I can't live without, so I brought with me My cello. it was the first instrument i played, and my ipod. no day passed without music!
People and things I miss playing with the band every day, that cute guy from the trumpet section, my cellphone, hanging out with the people i actually like
My darkest secret That tattoo? nobody knows except my best friend, who i got it with. don't worry it was legal-18th birthday pressie to me

¦¦Things that will blow your mind¦¦
You wont find me in room number dark green, sorry i forgot the room number
The one color of the rainbow that I just love indigo, duh
I must be crazy, but I think I'm being controlled by spiderwolf13  
PostPosted: Thu May 05, 2011 4:35 pm
User ImageJessica Taylor Raynols

¦¦Before you get to know me, consider these facts¦¦
I prefer being called Jess
Age is just a number, but if you must to know 17
It's not the people I know, but the grade I'm in 11th

¦¦Don't judge me becuase of my personals¦¦
I recieve presents on October 13th
The clique I rule popular crowd
Everyone's the same, but I'm unique Usually, around boys, I'm a total tease. Seriously, I flirt with them all, whether it to be for my own fun, or just to get my way, I do it, flirting just comes natural to me. I can also get giggly. It goes with the flirting, I just know how to work people. That, and I love laughing, it's just more fun this way. And I love having fun, trust me. I can get protective, and when in a bad mood, I can be a total b***h. Seriously. I wouldn't mess with me, I'm a vindictive girl.

A deeper insight to my life My life has been, bland, to say the least. My mom is never at home, always off screwing some other guy who is probably married, and my dad is always working, not even caring, if he knows, about what I, or his wife do. Freedom for me. We aren't like oh my gosh crap loads of money rich, but we live in the nicest neighborhood in town, have one of the bigger houses in it, and I have a kick butt car. I'm spoiled too by the way, I get everything and anything I want. I grew up with nannies that didn't care what I did, and now parents that are never there, so I don't deal with authority well. Basically, in short, I'm a spoiled little princess, my mom is a whore, and my dad doesn't care. I guess people would love to have my life, and others might think that I'm all "Oh, I wish I had the love of my parents." Seriously, no, I could care less. I only care about what pertains to me.

¦¦These dirty little secrets of mine¦¦
Ink that stains my skin tramp stamp, right hip, left shoulder, left hip. I told you, I do what I want.
Needles that pierce my body Ears, three times, tongue, and belly button
Gender that peeks my interest boys, boys, boys(:

¦¦Since you can't keep your eyes off of me¦¦
These pretty gems of mine brown
It's as natural as the earth peroxide blonde
I stand with elegance 5'9"

¦¦Personal things I forgot to mention¦¦
Items I can't live without, so I brought with me make up, iTouch, iPad(Be Jelly), I wish my phone, but they took that, camera, expensive clothes and bags and accessories.
People and things I miss My phone, my bed, my house, my money.
My darkest secret I really hate myself sometimes, but with my life, I deal with it, then I look at the expensive stuff I have, and I'm all better again(:

¦¦Things that will blow your mind¦¦
You wont find me in room number 6
The one color of the rainbow that I just love lust
I must be crazy, but I think I'm being controlled by xXHiddenXTearsXx  


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