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^ The banner is secretly a passage way to the guild~

Greetings All,

Hogwarts is now hiring new professors for the upcoming year.
All professors will need to abide by a few simple rules, but that is to be expected, yeah?

* We ask that all professors be as active as they possibly can. We understand emergency and whatnot, but please be able to participate on a regular basis.
* Please be willing and able to post an assignment for your class each month. (More than that, if you're a really mean professor~ ) If you cannot post them yourself, do not fret, myself or the Vice Captain (L u c ii f e r_x) will help you out~
* Announce any points rewarded for assignments that are done correctly, and on the flip side, report assignments done poorly for removal of points.
* Please partake in school events.
* Be literate. (This goes for students as well.)

Now here are the positions that are still open:

Defense Against the Dark Arts
Muggle Studies
Care of Magical Creatures

Head of Houses


Our grading system is as follows:
O- outstanding
E- exceeds expectations
N- needs improvement
D- disgraceful
T- troll


All right!
Now that we have the professors out of the way, I can move on to the next part of our search.
If you're interested in being a student, we would love to hear from you.
When you click on the banner above join us, and after reviewing your profile we will accept you.

One last thing, fulfilling assignments is not mandatory, but it will earn you house points!

We hope to hear from you soon~

Demyx-Jane (Head of Hufflepuff House, Professor Lillian Weasley)