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PostPosted: Tue Jun 07, 2011 3:00 pm
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PostPosted: Tue Jun 07, 2011 3:03 pm
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xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx` Gilbert Amsel
xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx__________________but call me Gill~
xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx` exorcist
xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx__________________In case you haven't noticed, I am a male.
xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx__________________I am twenty seven years old!
xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx__________________I am asexual since my "accident" but why would you want to know that?
xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx__________________Do not tell anybody, but I have a crush on nobody.
xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx__________________My voice: Junichi Suwabe
xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx__________________My song: Get Down With the Sickness // Richard Cheese
xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx__________________I side with the order

xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx` I can be a bit...
On the outside, Gill appears to be a rather eccentric man, almost always wearing a smile that looks forced and often described as "creepy" by others. As a former artist, he has a cluttered mind and can be frustrated when things to not turn out the way that he had imagined in his head, this fact often occurring during a battle if he happens to be losing or feels as if his partner is not helping him "see" well enough. Thanks to his blindness, he is almost always being led by his little sister, Irmalinda, by her holding his hand. If anyone else tries to even get a hold of his hand though they might find a new enemy.

While he will act differently in front of most people, he is severely self-aware of his appearance and does not like his scarred face. While his hair is naturally a pale shade of blonde, his hair became a very premature gray after the attack during his twenty third year of life. If people ask him his age he will almost always reply with a crul joke said in his native language, German, about their way of speaking or even saying things like "is that how you speak to your elders Sonny?" to tease them. Gill never lets his bangs fall from his eyes where the worst of his scars are and he does not like it when people "stare" at the way he looks. Not wanting to be judged by his looks, he likes to dress strangely and instead of the black order uniform, he wears an old black trench coat and top hat that would normally be worn by men three times his age.

Even if he does not want to admit it, Gill is incredibly dependent on others for even the simplest tasks. Being lead around by his younger sister most of the time, he often just says that he lets her help him because she is his baby sister and only surviving member of his family. When other watch him and he is unaware that he is not alone, Gill often looks aloft and zombie like, being perceived by others as either pathetic or sad depended on how he had treated them before.

xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx` My past you ask?
To say that Gilbert had always been special and been a prized treasure to others would be a major understatement. He was the youngest son born to a German couple that desperately wanted a daughter and were instead, given six sons, all of which barley succeeded in school and all took simple jobs after they decided to leave home. After Gill was born his parents gave up on having their girl and put pretty much all of their energy into his education and making sure that he at least turned out better than his brothers. Coming from a decent family that was in good standing in their town, he did not have any problems getting an education and since his parents did not want him at the school house, which only taught basic reading and arithmetic, a tutor was hired. From the time he was five until he was ten his life revolved around the lessons and readings that his parents demanded he know along with the plans for his future they were making that included studying abroad, getting a nice wife one day, and eventually becoming a perfect German citizen.

Unfortunantly though, Gill did not fit into the slate that his parents made for him. He never learned any other languages besides his native German (he did not learn English until he joined the order), he had the musical talent of a caveman, as his teacher put it, and all of his math and science lessons seemed to slip from his mind. All that he was good at was reading books and drawing pictures. While he was exceptionally good at art, his parents said that it would never get him anywhere in life and that if he wanted to achieve more thna his brothers he would have to stick with his lessons. Around that time though, his mother was pregnant with her seventh child, sure that it would be another blonde haired boy. instead, it was a girl, red haired and lovely like his mother. when his sister was born, at first Gill was enviouse of the girl.

Who was this baby to take his place as the center of his parents' world? at first, he was sure that he was going to hate his new sister. he knew of his friends from around the neighborhood that little sister were supoosed to be annoying, ruin his stuff, and follow him everywhere. Gill was relieved though when his parents finally came to terms that he was not the prodigonial son they had hoped for and lightened up on his lessons, dropping his language lessons completly along with most of the mathematics. The only things he was forced to keep was his music, to his mother's wishes, and his daily readings. This left him with more spare time than he had in years and more time with Irmalinda, who he had given the nickname of Irma to. even though he did not expect it, his sister grew on him.

By the time that he was twenty, his brothers were all out of the house and Irma was ten, always following behind him and clinging to his side, begging for him to take her to his art exhibits with him and to let her pose so that he would paint. At the time, as a new and upcoming artist, Gill lived with his parents and was working to get his name across the countryside of Germany, often painting death portraits and rich people wanting their faces immortalized on a canvas. But with the times and with the photographic camera, a new invention, was his rival and he found himself unable to keep up with the industrial boom that was coming with the end of the nineteenth century. Finally, after years of trying to make it big with his art, and failing, Gill took his father's offer and began to work in the family business of being a watch maker.

At first he hated the very concept of making clocks. Gill hardly had a proper sense of time himself, often staying up late at nights and sleeping in until late in the morning. To him the work was menial but it paid the taxes and since he still lived with his family he kept most of his income saved aside for his future travels, hoping to save enough so that he could travel around Europe to paint, maybe even get himself a nice wife along the way. It was tragedy that stopped him though. A few days after his twenty third birthday a mysterious man left a pocket watch that he wanted fixed, one that would later become Gill's reason for being alive, Rienheit.

It was a normal Sunday when his world came tumbling down. After early morning church, his family being fever-ant Catholics, his brothers ad their family often came over the family home for dinner and drunks while Irma, at thirteen she was told to be too young to attend the drinking, stayed behind at their church for a youth meeting. Shortly after the sun went down, a strange man knocked at the door asking for "the innocence". Not understanding what was going on, one of the brothers laughed and said three man was a drunk and went to push the man to the streets. Within a split second the man was no longer human but took a form of an akuma. For Gill, time went by before his eyes as his family fell to the creature and what walked inside behind it was no other than a member of the noah family.

Paralyzed by fear, he was not in the right mind and the only reasonable thought in his head was that it was a robber. On impulse, he grabbed the golden pocket watch from earlier and immediately the innocence synchronized with him. All around him Gill saw what looked to be golden clocks form around him and the creature fell. What was left was the noah smirking, the last thing that he ever saw. With a surprise attack a hand was reached inside of his face and his eyes were ripped from their sockets around with most of the skin around his face. before passing out, Gill clenched the pocket watch and fell to the ground.

Hearing the commotion, neighbors found the family, officials saying that they were slaughtered by a band of thieves and that only their youngest son, Gilbert, survived the attack and was left in the car of his younger sister, blinded and with his mind broken. For months he was in a sea of his own depression, eating when Irma fed him, sleeping, staring into the darkness. Six months after the attack he was found by the order and was given an offer, become an exorcist within the order. With nothing left to live for, Gill took the offer.

xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx` Extra! Extra!
Unlike the innocence of other exorcists, Gill's ability to fight is a pure and somewhat strange variety that does not require combat and in many ways is quite the opposite. With his "weapon", an antique pocket watch, which he often refers to as Reinheit, his native language for purity. When Reinheit is activated, for Gill it appears that time had slowed for himself while to those around him he is moving unnaturally fast. it sets up a small time zone around his opponent where anything in it will recover and heal automatically, mostly just himself through or others in the way.

When invoked, Reinheit's face will emit a bright golden yellow light that will make transparent clock faces appear around him. Anything that is not covered by these "faces" will be temporarily safe from harm, not including akuma but Noah will not feel the immediate damage like the exorcists in battle. Eventually all damage the others suffered earlier will return, as well as wounds suffered during the time that he used his Innocence, the longest him being able to stop the process is twenty four hours at the most. It cannot bring the dead back to life, it can hold back mortal wounds though, often giving those hurt a little time to say goodbye if they desire.

His blindness is a large factor in his ability to fight. While it is a large disadvantage often having to be lead to the scene by a finder, almost always being Irmalinda, Gill claims that he can feel the flow of time around the akuma and that it is different from that of humans and noah. His way of purifying the souls and ultimately destroying the akuma is by taking the high risk and reaching his hands into the "heart" of the akuma and "purify it", reasons on how his innocence is still unknown and the unique style is on the list to be investigated by the science department at the order.

With his appearance though, ever since the accident that left him blind and severely scarred his face, Gill wearing his hair long and always makes sure that his bangs are covering his eyes, so that others cannot see how it appears that his eyes were ripped out of his face. While his eyes look normal beneath the scars they are glass and a gray color while naturally his eyes were green,

The sweet far thing

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xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx` Irmalinda Amsel
xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx__________________but call me Irma

xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx` finder
xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx__________________In case you haven't noticed, I am a female.
xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx__________________I am seventeen years old!
xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx__________________I am straight but why would you want to know that?
xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx__________________Do not tell anybody, but I have a crush on nobody why, am I blushing?
xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx__________________My voice: Chie Nakamura
xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx__________________My song: Morning Sky // Junko Minagawa
xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx__________________I side with the church due to her brother but personally she is neutral.

xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx` I can be a bit...
At a glance, Irma is a normal girl of her time, she is considered two things: cute, but stupid, a person least likly to become a finder withen the order. Even though she is not the brightest person that one would meet, she is not an idiot, just a bit dim witted, bordering on ignorance. Despite this though, she is an exceptionally sweet girl, trusting, putting others before herself constantly, the main person in her focus being her older brother. Because of this though, she is often walked upon and taken advantage of without her even knowing it.

Despite having more freedom than most girls in her time, Irma is a small town girl. In her future, she sees herself as a stay at home mother with a few kids and a husband, when in all reality her daydreams are useless because of her duty to the church. She has never seen herself as anything else and can get upset when people tell her that she is just wasting her time in having such childish dreams and that she should want more for herself.

While she is religious, growing up in a Catholic family in Germany, the church has somewhat skewed what she used to belive and part of her sees the 'sins" that she grew up being preached to such as "greed", "lust", "gluttony", "envy", "sloth", "pride", and "wrath", she now considering them to be suggestions. Being a rather girlish and typical seventeen year old girl she is almost always crushing on a different boy nearly every month. Due to her being raised in a good German family and sheltered has also softened her to a point where when on a mission, she does not like to go through the poor slums, remembering what her father used to say about "the poor have brought their squaller on themselves due to poor choices" and that "a true man makes himself".

Irma is a crybaby to the extreme and gets upset easily, mostly when her brother is around, because than when he comforts her he is still the big brother that she remembers from her childhood, not the man he has become. Overall, she is a pleasant young woman, a conservative dresser, kind, a blabber mouth, and kind,

xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx` My past you ask?
Irma is the younges child born the Amsel family and the daughter that her parents had desired. From the time she could walk her mother or whatever nanny had been hired would be correcting her on how to be a proper young woman. With the victorian era still going strong, she was expected to be like most women; to get ready for courtship and marriage and was groomed like a racehorse. In addition to being able to sing, play an instrument and speak a little english, the qualities a young Victorian gentlewoman needed, were to be innocent, virtuous, biddable, dutiful and be ignorant of intellectual opinion. All was expected of her except for the last demand. Bith her parents expected their daughter to have a good head on her shoulders and had gotten her the same education opportunites that Gilbert had gotten.

Unfortunantly though, she was worse in her subjects than Gill could ever dream of being and she showed no talent for music, art, nor even the love of reading. Even though she was not the vision of perfection, being far from it, her parents still doted on her and borline spoiled her rotton. Between Gilbert and them she was living a happy, yet extremely sheltered, life.

Growing up to a young teen, she was becoming the perfect woman of her era; whether married or single all Victorian women were expected to be weak and helpless, a fragile delicate flower incapable of making decisions beyond selecting the menu and ensuring her many children were taught moral values. A gentlewoman ensured that the home was a place of comfort for her husband and family from the stresses ofthe industrial era. Her life had already been planned out for her by society and she had no say against it, not knowing the world even outside of her home or her parents' social parties.

After the "robbery" that had killed her family and left her brother as a "cripple" as the goverment put it, Irma was the one left over her family's estae. Of course, she hardly had any clue of what she was doing and Gill; was of no help after the accident, her having to take care of him for the simplest of tasks such as feeding himself and getting dressed, After a few months she was running low on money and was having to face the options of institutionalizing her own brother or doing whatever it took to make money. As a servant she would make little to nothing and there were few options for women to work. Her last and best option was simple; prostitution.

At first she was disgusted with herself. At theirteen she already knew of her body and was aware of the "whores" that made mopney off of sin, as her church out it. Yet she needed the money. A young woman making five dollars a week in a store could make thirty five dollars in the same time as a prostitute. For some women prostitution led to a miserable life of venereal disease, drugs, and crime. Being aware of this, Irma had a neighbor watch over Gilbert as she traveled by foot two town over to sell her body over the course of a week so that she could make enough money to pay the rent.

Being scared, naive, and young, the first week was brutal on her and showed her the cruelty that some people had. After only three days of work Irma had been with six different men and the once innocent girl could no longer look herself in the mirror without feeling sick. She would write her brother and lie, saying that she was getting a loan from a family friend for the money she sent over. After two months of working the streets was when she was approuched by a man who claimed to be from the order and said he could help her. he was a young exorcist and was investigating the akuma that was plaughing the German countryside. After it was confirmed that Gill was able to train to become an exorcist, that same boy that had approuched her offered her a position to train to become a finder, she accepted with open arms.

Since joining the order, she has never told her older brother, nor anyone but the boy that found her of her life in the streets and acts as if it had never happened.

xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx` Extra! Extra!
Without her glasses. Shortly before the akuma attack that had killed her family and left her brother crippled, along with being taken by the order, Irma had poor eyesight as a child. While the doctors said that her eyesight would even out as she had gotten older she still had trouble reading and her parents were strict that their only daughter in a family with six others sons would have an education better than most girls in their town. So for her eleventh birthday, Gilbert had surprised her by taking her to Berlin to get a pair of eyeglasses fixed for her face.

She later found out that he had to sell eight of his paintings to get them for her, but Irma was amazing that she could see everything clear for the first time in years. Overjoyed, she had seen the way her brother had smiled when he saw how happy he had made her and it is the smile that she misses since he was blinded, knowing that the scary smile he shows is just a way of protecting himself and dealing with what happened. As predicted, her eyesight had adjusted and she no longer has to wear them, plus she is always told that she looks better with them off. Yet Irma never told Gill that she no longer needs them because she knows that it makes him happy when she wears them because he gave them to her. The lenses that she wears with them now are so weak that they are pretty much plain glass to look through.

The sweet far thing

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xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx` Pippa Washbrad
xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx__________________General, Pippa if you wish to die

xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx` Exorcist General
xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx__________________In case you haven't noticed, I am a female, why are your filthy eyes even looking?
xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx__________________I am forty out years old!
xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx__________________I am heterosexual but why would you want to know that?
xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx__________________Do not tell anybody, but I have a crush on nobody you basterd.
xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx__________________My voice: Romi Park
xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx__________________My song: Guilty Sky // Riyu Kosaka
xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx__________________I side with the Order

xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx` I can be a bit...
When people have the unfortuante luck of coming across, or even being trained by, Pippa she is often discribed as either two things. One, is that she is possibly the worst person that they have ever had the displeasure of meeting. The second is that maybe while she is cold, harsh, and sometimes cruel, that she is that way for a reason. Her looks always seem to trick people into thinking she is completely different though. With a pleasantly round face, wide gray eyes, and soft blonde hair, she looks almost like the kind of country bumpkin that would spend her morning milking cows and draming about one day getting married to a prince. Withen seconds though those thoughs are destroyed, often when she shoves someone aside or yells at them.

Despite her rough personality, deep inside of her soul is a woman bent on taking her revenge on the Earl for the death of her idendicle twin sister, Emma. Pippa sowre to herself that she will sacrifce whatever and whoever it takes for her revenge. She is often depicted as "terrible but treasured" by other generals of her rank. It is no secret that the only reason that the order has even put up with her for this long is because of the power she holds.

xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx` My past you ask?
Will come later as the RP progresses

xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx` Extra! Extra!
Having the ability to synchronize with her innocence, Atlas, at one hundred percent, Pippa carrues the title of general. To the naked eye, she would seem like a mad woman for constanly carrying the giant sword with her, on that is only inches shorter thanj her in hight and appears too heavy for any woman to hold. To activate it, she has to whisper the words "With the weight of the world". When she uses it Atlas is able to crush the akuma or her opponant.

The Sweet Far Thing


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PostPosted: Tue Jun 07, 2011 4:55 pm
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xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx` Marionette Aya Levine
xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx__________________but call me Marie-chan!

xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx` Noah
xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx__________________In case you haven't noticed, I am a beautiful female.
xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx__________________I am Seventeen years old!
xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx__________________I am straight but why would you want to know that?
xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx__________________Do not tell anybody, but I have a crush on a special someone.
xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx__________________My voice: Rocky Chack
xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx__________________My song: Still Doll // Kanon Wakeshima
xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx__________________I side with the Earl Millenium

xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx` I can be a bit...
Marionette is cold, playful, and flirtatious and is the woman every guy wants. Nicknamed Marie, she has no trouble getting guys to give into her every whim and loves to use that to her advantage. She is a controlling person and a seems to enjoy making people angry or aggressive, finding it amusing how easily upset people can get. Marie can be secretive and never really trusts in anyone besides the Earl and the occasional Noah member. Marie doesn't even seem to be capable of trusting in herself. She has a childish side however, and shows it on most occasions. Never having the ability to be a grownup, she never found the reason to act like one. Often, she likes to toy with others and play rather dark games. Marie is considered to be just a bit twisted - or maybe a lot. Having to live an empty life could do that to a person. She is violent and has a destructive personality although she will rarely show it, due to the fact that it is unladylike and does not suit her beautiful appearance. Despite everything though, there is a part of Marie that is waiting to be freed. A part of her that is kind and caring, although its almost impossible to show. Almost.

xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx` My past you ask?
Marie is one of the youngest Noah as of yet, her representation being the Wisdom of the Noah Memories. Before becoming a Noah, her name was Lizette Anderson. Lizette was born into a very wealthy family, a mother who was a famous singer and her father whom was a wealthy pianist. As the child of a family of musicians, Lizette was often pushed to be like her parents and make a prodigy of herself. Her father was a cold man who cared about no one but himself and her mother, while her mother was a very kindly woman. Often, when Lizette was feeling lonely or had gotten into a fight with her father, her mother would comb her long beautiful hair and whisper to her that everything would be okay in the end.

Then things started to become strange. Lizette would go off into her room to play strange little games on her own. She even began talking to herself, as if another person was there when in actually, there wasn't. Her parents brushed it off as a simple phase, believing that as a child, this was normal. Then, in the middle of a rainy night, Lizette awoke and screamed frighteningly. When a maid rushed into the room, followed by her parents shortly after, they were astonished to fine stigmata engraved into her forehead. It was bleeding and Lizette wouldn't stop screaming. Not sure if it was the pain from her forehead or if her fragile mind had broken, they called a doctor.

The doctor couldn't come up with a reasonable excuse as to why she was acting like this, unsure if the girl had caused this harm to herself or if it had appeared overnight. After that night, Lizette stopped speaking. Instead she lingered around the hallways eerily, muttering creepy songs under her breath as she skipped along hallway after hallway. Her mother had begun to get frightened of the child, her father ignored it on the other hand and told the woman to let the child be.

Nights went by and each night, Lizette would wake up in fits of sheer pain and agony, screaming for her life and grasping at the bed sheets. Maids began to whisper rumors about how the girl was possessed by a demon. Others said she was the devil herself. Her mother would purposefully avoid her in the hallways, but never seemed to escape the child's presence. Each Lizette seemed to get worse.

One day, Lizette stumbled upon her mother in the hallway. Just as the woman was about to walk away hastily, Lizette caught her hand. She looked at her with her empty doll-like eyes and an eerie smile and asked her, "Mommy, do you still love me?" The woman's eyes widened and she shuddered, but she just nodded her head and plastered a smile upon her face. Lizette then dragged her back to her room and made the woman brush her hair once again. Her mother tried her best to avoid her daughter's gaze in the mirror. Every few moments, Lizette would ask the same question: "Mommy, do you still love me?" And each time the woman would answer "Yes" and continue brushing. As Lizette asked her this one final time the woman answered "Yes" once again, though her thoughts uttered "No" again and again. At that moment Lizette stood up and turned to her mother, her skin now a dull gray and and her patterned stigmata now clear with an eye growing out of the center of her forehead. Her eyes looked frightening and her voice dark as she stated, "You're lying..."

The next morning, the Anderson family, including the occasional aid, were found severely murdered and their only daughter, Lizette, was missing. The search for her was discontinued after a few years and she was never heard of again. Meanwhile, a ballet dancer by the name of Marionette Aya Levine appeared and took over the stage. Also, a new member of the Noah Clan was found...

xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx` Extra! Extra!
Marie represents the "Wisdom" memories of the Noah. Like all Noah, Marie has absolute command over all the Akuma, as well as destroying Innocence by simply touching it. All of her abilities, like other Noah, are based on Dark Matter. As a Noah, she is immune to the Akuma blood virus, which is normally fatal to the human's touch. Her human appearance is a blonde-haired American Beauty in her late teens. In her Noah form, her skin darkens and an eye grows in the center of her forehead/stigmata. In her Noah form, her senses are greatly heightened, giving her the abilities of lie detection, memory manipulation and other unknown abilities that rely on the brain for power. She has the ability to read people's minds and crush their heads, though only under the exception that they are staring into the eye within her forehead. She can also project memories and other images into people for observation, a very useful skill that she takes advantage of. Because of her abilities, she is a Noah to be feared. She is even feared by a few of her fellow Noah, having the ability to creep into their head at any given moment.

ll Vintage Nerd ll
PostPosted: Tue Jun 07, 2011 8:00 pm
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xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx` Desiray Siren Zanderfell
xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx__________________but call me Dezy or Dez

xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx` exorcist
xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx__________________In case you haven't noticed, I am a female.
xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx__________________I am 21 spelled out years old!
xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx__________________I am straight but why would you want to know that?
xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx__________________Do not tell anybody, but I have a crush on no one.
xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx__________________My voice: Desiray's Voice
xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx__________________My song: Clap your hands-2NE1 // artist
xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx__________________I side with the Order

xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx` I can be a bit...
Desiray comes off at first,Cold,Rude,Bold,and Short-tempered.Those whom know her knows she does this to keep herself from getting attatched to others,she is very gentle and kind towards small children and animals.She loves the rain since it calms her when she mad.She can be crazy when you injure someone she cares about.She is very open-minded,funny,understanding,Desiray is also sarcastic,Strong,and Strong-willed,and will protect everyone with her life.Desiray is a loyal friend and betrayl is never in her vocabulary.

xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx` My past you ask?
Desiray's Family was the type of family everyone,wanted to have a Nice house great kids and white picket fence with a family dog.All was well until one day a jealous ex-lover of her mother decided to get revenge he met Earl in which he became an akuma and,he decided to burn the "whore" and her family to death.Her fahter being the hero,he was got them all out safe,but lost his life in return saving Desiray a peice of the roof was going to fall on her so he pushed her out hte way and was crushed instead.

THe Creature tried to attack what was left of her family and that's when she discoverd her Innocence and her ability to see people souls.After that day Desiray has anger mangement issues,along with trust issues.She is over-protective of her little twin brothers and her mother.They live in a two story house in a nice neighbor hood,and Desiray usually works in a bar as a bartender to help put food on the table,but wants to become a Exorcist to kill akumas and Earl to avenge her father.She also wears an eye patch to hide her blood red eye she can see out of it ,people usually just freak out about it and the tattoo around her eye.

xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx` Extra! Extra!
Desiray fears fires,She can see what people actually look like(Like allen),and letting someone protect her for she fears they might die,some hobbies include dancing and training.Her inoccence


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xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx` Miyako Dragon
xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx__________________yako or just his name is fine

xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx` Order Member
xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx__________________In case you haven't noticed, I am a male.
xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx__________________I am twenty years old!
xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx__________________I am Straight but why would you want to know that?
xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx__________________Do not tell anybody, but I have a crush on crush here if there is one.
xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx__________________My voice: Miyako's Voice
xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx__________________My song: Go! // Bing Bang
xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx__________________I side with the Order

xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx` I can be a bit...
Despite his past,Miyako is one of the most bubbly,happy-go-lucky people you will ever meet.He secretive with certain things,he is very calm and collected rarely anything gets him angery.Miyako is very gentle unlike his companioin,he over exagerates alot,and is a drama king.Miyako is easily intimidated by females since he doesn't have much luck with them,he always ends up being the 'best friend'.Miyako is independent and highly intelliget and skilled in waht he does and he boast about it.Miyako may act like and he has no intelligence at times despite being so, he is oblivious to many thigns,but his heart is always in the right place.

xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx` My past you ask?
For as long as he can remember he was the kid picked last,the kid everyone wanted to knock down until they pushed him close enough to the ledge.Miyako father and mother traveled alot and never had time for him,so he doesn't mind being on his own,but perfers company.Miyako as a child,had everything in the world,but was picked on because he didn't want to be friends with anyoen since they thought they only wanted to be his friend for his money.It was true,When he was 16 his Mother died and his father turned into a Akuma thanks to Earl.So he took this job up to help in anyway he can.

Miyako and Desiray are very close despite the fact that many people fear her because of her cold barrier,but he saw right through that.In return she showed him the ropes of fighting,which he hates doing.Miyako on his free-time paint and entertains little kids at an orphanage.

xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx` Extra! Extra!
painting,Making people happy,he fears water(can't swim) and a pet peeve of his is making messes and walking off like you didn't notice.



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PostPosted: Thu Jun 09, 2011 12:27 pm
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xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx` Cornelius Dakota Black
xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx__________________Cody, I hate my first and second names.

xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx` Regular person, as far as I know. (Exorcist)
xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx__________________In case you haven't noticed, I am a male.
xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx__________________I am twenty years old!
xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx__________________I am straight but why would you want to know that?
xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx__________________Do not tell anybody, but I have a crush on nobody, I just moved here.
xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx__________________My voice: Romi Paku
xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx__________________My song: Forgotten // Linkin' Park
xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx__________________I side with the Order.

xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx` I can be a bit...
Distrustful. I distrust anyone I don't know, which is everybody. However, I'm not afraid of walking alone or of the world. I'm content with not knowing anyone but... I always have the urge to help someone in trouble, even if it seems like the situation is not within my power to help. I also have a a curiosity streak a mile wide, so that helps in my urge to know what is going on. That's also how come I know most of towns that I just move to the third day. I like exploring. I will fiercely defend someone who I have deemed needing to save. Which is usually someone who looks helpless or is trapped and calling for help. Even if I don't know them. Once I get to know you, that courtesy extends to you, as I consider you someone I will have to protect. It seems like I'm always saving girls, although most of the time they don't say thank you and just go on like I don't even exist.

xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx` My past you ask?
Cornelius was born in a small town in England. The town hadn't seen a birth that hadn't died in a few minutes for years, so they figured he was a blessing from God. That was until the doctor noticed that one of my eyes was an odd color. My left eye was perfectly fine, it was blue, like the color of both of my parents eyes. The other eye however was more of a violet color. It seemed to shift between varying shades of purple. The doctor was a bit freaked out by the strange eye, shoved Cornelius into his mother's arms and left without a word. Not knowing what was wrong, Cornelius' mother looked into her baby's face. His dark curly hair clung to the top of his head stubbornly. The strange eyes stared up into it's mother's face with a quiet curiosity. The purple eye freaked his mother out so much that she just adverted her eyes, telling Cornelius' father, "Honey, it's not our baby. Get rid of it" She shoved it into Cornelius' father's hands and covered her face with her hands.

His father looked down into the baby's face and agreed with his mother. "You're right, I will get rid of him." Cornelius' father agreed, taking the baby outside. As he got to a corner, it started to rain heavily. Cornelius was crying. "Hush now." His father told him and the terrible eyes looked up at him with deep quiet as Cornelius stopped crying. Right around the corner was a box, a stone box that the actual reason for its creation lost over time. The top of the box was half covered with hay, protecting the dry spot inside. His father left him there, running and never looking back. The rain came down harder as Cornelius started to cry again. A day past and he was still crying.

A girl came by, about twenty years old, and heard Cornelius crying. She quickly found him. "You poor thing." She said, picking him up and taking him to her home. Her name was Natasha, Natasha Black. She raised Cornelius until he was nineteen. "Cornelius dear." She called from the living room. "Yes mother. I'm coming." Cornelius, his hair now straighter that he has grown older walked into the room. He was a skinny boy and he had a patch over his right eye. "It is now your time to wander this world. I have taught you all that I know." She said, smiling sadly at him. "But, mother, what will happen to you?" He asked, seriously saddened and surprised. "I will no longer be in your life, you are on your own now." She said as she got up and came over to him. Suddenly, things got very dark for Cornelius and he slipped to the floor, unconscious. Natasha caught him and gently laid him on the floor. Then she left, without looking back. When Cornelius came to, he found himself alone. He too got up and left, after packing a few of his things, never looking back. This is how he came to London and to live there for a while.

xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx` Extra! Extra!
His Innocence is his right eye. When it is activated, he gains the power to see all of the weak points on an enemies body. It also creates for him a shard, it appears to be a crystal of some kind, the same color as his right eye. He can use this to strike at the enemies weak point, hopefully. Cornelius is also deathly afraid of the dark, because of one incident where he had been separated from Natasha in the dark and he couldn't find her.

PostPosted: Sat Jun 11, 2011 10:16 am
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xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx` Lei Sandra Jacobson
xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx__________________but call me Lei

xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx` Noah
xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx__________________In case you haven't noticed, I am a female.
xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx__________________I am fourteen *coughcoughtwenty-fivecoughcough* years old!
xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx__________________I am interested in all but why would you want to know that?
xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx__________________Do not tell anybody, but I have a crush on no one at the moment.
xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx__________________My voice: Monica Rial
xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx__________________My song: 'Still Alive' // Jonathan Coulton
xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx__________________I side with the Earl

xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx` I can be a bit...
Lei is very childish. She was the first of the Noah to manifest but she also looks the youngest. For others to believe she is harmless and simpleminded, she acts very childish in public and also very naive. She carries a teddy bear with her at all times and sometimes she even speaks to it. With the act, she is also very emotional and will cry at a moments notice. Though most of this is just for show, she has been acting this way for so long that most of it has become apart of who she is.

The other side of her that most don't get the chance to see is a little genious. She is always planning at least three or four steps ahead. Very rarely do things ever suprise her, though there are always moments that humans do something unexpected. She is also very selfish and she will not share her glory (nor her candy) with anyone. Her favorite pass time is using exorcists as her 'playthings'. She does not like to fight, she prefers others to do her dirty work but that doesn't mean she can't fight. In a fight she is very vicious and she does not hold back.
Behind her innocent exterior lies a hellish interior.

xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx` My past you ask?
Lei always knew she was different and ment for something great in the world. She was born in China but she doesn't really look Chinese. She had multiple siblings growing up but she wasn't like them. They were boring and always doing what they were told while Lei was doing what she thought she should do and never really listening to what anyone else had to say. Her parents were scared of her most of the time because she had these "friends" that she talked about. "Friends" that would kill her parents if she wanted them to. Finally her parents sent her away to live with an aunt in England.

In England, she learned the basics of reading and writing. Her aunt was also a little crazy but Lei didn't mind. The woman was nice and always got Lei anything she wanted. But Lei still wasn't happy. There was always something missing in her life. She grew but still stayed small. She had no friends, not because they didn't want to be her friends (though that is one reason) but she never searched for any. She knew one day things would be better and she would be where she belonged. Then at the ripe age of fourteen the Earl came to visit her. She was a Noah and ever since she has been with her true family. The Earl doesn't like her to be on her own because she seems so young so usually she is with another Noah. She is always sneaking out on her own too, which makes the Earl mad sometimes. Her "Friends" have become one now. She carries a teddy around with her and it has the soul of one tourchered soul.

xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx` Extra! Extra!
Lei is left handed and the voices she talks to are really the souls of the dead. Teddy is actually one of those souls, cursed to forever inhabit the bear. Generally she is with another Noah. The Earl doesn't like her to be out on her own. Also she has power over illusions and she can create her own realms.

Krazy Michelle Ranak

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xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx` Valencia and Trinidad Santos
xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx__________________but call us Val and Trini

xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx` Exorcist
xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx__________________In case you haven't noticed, we are female.
xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx__________________We are ninteen years old!
xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx__________________We are straight but why would you want to know that?
xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx__________________Do not tell anybody, but we have a crush on no one.
xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx__________________My voice: Penelope Cruz
xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx__________________My song: Breath into Me // Red
xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx__________________We side with the Order.

xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx` We can be a bit...
Val is rather outgoing and friendly. She likes to be the center of attention. Those who don't know her thinks she is loud for no reason but she always has a reason for everything she does. Val will stand up for anything she believes in and will do everything in her power to right any wrong she sees. She isn't quick to anger but when she is angry, she is quick to throw the first punch. She has a strong will and very strong spirit and will stop at nothing to do things for her friends. She is loyal and very protective over the weak. She is also very protective of Trini though Val knows the girl can hold her own.

Trini is almost exactly opposite of Val. She is very formal and almost robotic in her actions. She tends to stay in the back ground and she is not quick to speak about anything. Rarely does she speak and when she does most of the times it is to her sister (though mostly they can "read" each others thoughts so she doesn't have to speak). Trini almost never gets angry and usually she only gets angry when Val is upset or hurt. Trini is friendly but not outgoing, she is more likely to listen in to the conversation than participate. She follows Val almost like a lost puppy but she is anything but weak. She only takes action when she thinks action should be taken and never a moment before.

Together the twins are beautiful and graceful. They act as one always. If one moves the other adjusts at the same moment. They are unaware of this and its unsettling effect it can have on others. Neither realize that Trini is just Innocence in human form. Trini believes she is human and therefore she is.

xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx` Our past you ask?
The sad truth is that Val and Trini were not supposed to be twins. They were supposed to be one child with a Parasitic Innocence. But God had other plans and the egg split in two, one grew to be the future excorcist the other grew to be the Innocence the other would weild. When they were born no one knew what they were. Val was born first and was found to be a normal healthy baby. Trini was born thirty seconds later. She did not cry when she was born, she made no noise at all. The doctors and the parents were concerned. Both were afraid that the child would end up mute and with out a voice. Still the loving parents took the twins home and nurtured them as parents do.

Trini spoke nothing as they grew but Val started speaking as soon as she was able. When she learned words it was hard to get her to stop talking. The only times Val was ever quiet was when she was sleeping, something was wrong or when she and her sister would stare at each other. This staring would go on for hours sometimes. Neither would move or make a sound (Trini never made any sound anyway). The parents grew to accept this as how the twins communicated. Anytime Trini would want something, she would tell her sister through this non verbal communication and Val would tell them. It became quite common and the parents did not mind too much.

Trini never spoke a word until the age of seven. Val was out playing in the yard as was her favorite thing to do while Trini was reading a book, as was her favorite thing to do. The parents were in the kitchen discussing family matters when Trini came rushing into the kitchen. They were startled when she spoke. "Val's in trouble!" and ran out the door. They followed and sure enough Val had fallen out of a tree and broke her leg. Val was unsupprised to find out that Trini had spoken, she had known the girl could speak all along.

Fast foward a few more years. The girls were shopping in the streets one day. Val, being her outgoing self, was talking to everyone they came across. In the alley was a man watching their every move. When their backs were turned to him, he grabbed out and caught Val by her dress. Trini, being ever watchful, was right by her side the instant the man pulled her into the alley. He spoke nonsense to them (Or it could have been another language) and said something about innocence. Val was ready to fight this guy once he put her down, but seeing as how her and Trini were cornered, she didn't see how she could get out with Trini as well. The girl would be almost useless in a fight. Everything after that happened so fast that it took Val years to realize exactly what happened. Angry, the man changed to his true form. He was an akuma. Terrified, the sisters grabbed hands. All at once Val felt Trini's calm, as the girl was never anything but calm. The two twins became one person. They knew each other even better than before. They opened their mouth and screamed. The sound waves shattered the akuma. With the threat gone, the two became two again. The swore never to speak of what happened but not long after it happened, a man knocked on their door and told them about the Order. They left home and have not been back since.

xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx` Extra! Extra!
Trini is acutally the embodiedment of the Innocence Val uses. The two twins become one person and their power is that over sound waves. Val is also very, very skilled in hand to hand combat. The twins are never apart. If they are apart for too long then Val will become really violent. Trini...welll just hope it never happens.

Krazy Michelle Ranak


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