Tired of joining RP guilds only to find out that they are swarmed with one-liners and Mary Sues? Have you had the misfortune of meeting another Ebony Dark'ness Dementia Raven Way? (Extra points if you get the reference) Perhaps your one such a person and want to change, only to find that there is no one of higher skill to guide your path.
Or perhaps your an artist, sick of rules on how to set up your RP or how to post? You love competitive post styles and writing? Sick of character limits when you could be controlling an army?
If you've answered yes to any of these questions you may just enjoy The Writer's Trade - a guild to suit your need for a read.
We accept any and all, as we offer a training program to guide the less-lit until they can write with the best of them. We have different staff online (normally me, but when the others actually have internet) to set up specialized 1x1's and training courses that gently guide you through the ways of grammar and interesting writing. If Stephanie Meyer can do it, so can you!
your only required to be as active as the guild is and even then we'll PM you if we don't think you've noticed replies. We already have quite a few set up that need characters get started, and others that you can jump right into.
Come on and give it a shot! The pen is mightier than the sword so we'll sharpen your skills enough to take on any frightening blank page with confidence, rather than erecting a wall of "txt n wurds".
RP for Fantasy, Love, and Action
A fun place to role-play with Gaians of all ages and skill levels in a variety of genres