Posted: Mon Jul 11, 2011 12:59 pm
Posted: Tue Jul 12, 2011 10:22 am
•°o• Madison Maddy Linkon •°o• My parents call me ☮ ☆ ❤ Madison Marie Linkon But I like ☮ ☆ ❤ Maddy If you really can’t tell ☮ ☆ ❤ female I’m this many ☮ ☆ ❤ sixteen This is a special date ☮ ☆ ❤ November 27th I swear it’s natural ight brown/ dirty blonde My pearly gems light brown
Pєєk intσ mч lifє… ” D a n c e is t h e e a s i e s t w a y t o s p e a k y o u r s o u l” My book my be boring to you ☮ ☆ ❤ Maddy, was the youngest child or a wealthy family, her older sister had no movement, no rhythm, in Maddy’s eyes no soul. Her older brother was skilled in ballroom dance, and was often pushed over his limits. Maddy grew up with her brother being the most important thing in her parents’ life until she showed promising skills in Ballet, then she was continually pushed and often she exceeded her brother. She didn’t really mind, she loved dance and her life was always revolving around it. Maddy didn’t have very many friends but she really couldn’t she would go to private school, right after she would go to dance practice until eight, then do homework then sleep. She never had a free day and sometimes she did feel trapped but she knows it’s better to use her talents then waist them. When she was invited to the school for dance her parents were a little weary, they didn’t know if they would push her or not but eventually, after looking into the school, they decided it was best. My life made me this way ☮ ☆ ❤ Maddy is a little bit stuck up, but that’s only with people who have a lot less talent then her, that’s one of the reason she really no friends. Is it bad that her brother is her best friend? When she does talk to people she’s nice, and normally outgoing, not really hyper though, that’s her brother. She cares a lot about animals, and although she has none. Shes a vegetarian and a member of Peta. My dance is my life ☮ ☆ ❤ Ballet I dance to this everyday ☮ ☆ ❤ Mayday parade~ one man drinking gameIt’ll be our little secret ☮ ☆ ❤ ears pierced twice but that’s it sweetiepea123
Posted: Tue Jul 12, 2011 6:31 pm
•°o• Aiden Benny Linkon •°o• My parents call me ☮ ☆ ❤ Aiden Benjamin Linkon But I like ☮ ☆ ❤ Benny, or Ben-Jamin If you really can’t tell ☮ ☆ ❤ Male I’m this many ☮ ☆ ❤ seventeen This is a special date ☮ ☆ ❤ January 31th I swear it’s natural light brown/ dirty blonde My pearly gems sea blue
Pєєk intσ mч lifє… ”I c o u l d l i v e w i t h o u t y o u b u t w i t h o u t y o u I ‘ l l b e m i s e r a b l e a t b e s t” My book may be boring to you ☮ ☆ ❤ Aiden is the middle child of a wealthy family, he was the star child because his mother, a famous Broadway dancer and his father, a lawyer, first child was born without any real talent.Kari is nice but other than her looks nothing really stands out. Aiden, who prefers his middle name Benjamin, was showing skills at dance when he was little, he was put into dance classes when he was seven, and he was forced to stay in them until thirteen. Even before that his sister was showing talents too and well exceeded him although she was almost two years younger. He didn’t care though and didn’t let it worry him because as soon as he could he dropped dance class, what fifteen year old boy wants to say they do ballroom dancing. Not him. He wasn’t very good at school though, he honestly didn’t know what he was going to do with his life. When he was fifteen he began to do different drugs and got into the bad crowd, his mother became worried and when she found his weed stash he was put back into dance lessons just not pushed as much as before. He was forced to drop the drugs because his mother would do random searches, and with the workout involved with dance there was no way he would have gotten away with it. As he got older he began to like dance a little better though, very close dancing with girls in very short, and revealing dresses. What wouldn’t a teenage boy like about that, his friends still made fun of him for it though so he hardly talks about it with others. When he got the invitation along with his sister his parents had no second thoughts, he was going, it was the only thing he was good at right? My life made me this way ☮ ☆ ❤ Benny is a very friendly person, and will talk to anyone really. He loves making new friends. He always is surrounded by people because he gives off this energy that people love being by. He is like the opposite of his sister Maddy. He hates any snobby people so it’s a good thing his sister knows his talents or they wouldn’t get along. He hates reading… and he doesn’t really like anything that’s not real to him. He thinks it’s better to live life rather then read about other people’s life or watch it. He loves painting more than anything, but refuses to tell anyone because that’s another ‘girly’ thing. My dance is my life ☮ ☆ ❤ ballroom dance I dance to this everyday ☮ ☆ ❤ LMFAO~ Party rock anthem It’ll be our little secret ☮ ☆ ❤ He has Benny on his shoulder blade. sweetiepea123
Posted: Wed Jul 13, 2011 4:25 pm
•°o• Chloe Rose Elliott •°o• My parents call me ☮ ☆ ❤ Chloe Rose Elliott But I like ☮ ☆ ❤ Chloe If you really can’t tell ☮ ☆ ❤ Female I’m this many ☮ ☆ ❤ seventeen This is a special date ☮ ☆ ❤ April 15th I swear it’s natural Dark brown My pearly gems Brown
Pєєk intσ mч lifє… ” Dance first. Think later. It's the natural order.” My book my be boring to you ☮ ☆ ❤ Chloe was the only child who was born to a fairly wealthy family. Her mother, who adored the performing arts, decided to enroll Chloe in a dance class when she was still fairly young. She had started out with ballet but later went on to explore classical dance and excelled in it just as her mother had hoped. As she began to get a older she also developed an interest in singing and took chorus classes in school, her mother decided against voice lessons as she decided that her daughters gift of dance was more important and she began to fear that new lessons may distract Chloe.
Chloe had attended a public school though she didn't have much time to hang out with many of her friends except for the ones in her dance class. In high school her interest in dance seemed to have declined but her mother continued to push her to do it. It was over the summer that Chloe received a letter from the Brooklyn Academy of Dance. At first she wasn't sure whether or not she wanted to go but her mother had been thrilled with the news and so Chloe agreed to go. My life made me this way ☮ ☆ ❤ Chloe is a pretty friendly person overall, the thing about her moods is that they tend to be a little extreme. She's a bit sensitive and she tends to blow things out of proportion, you could call her a bit of a drama queen. Some find her actions and personality a bit annoying but overall she means well. She also has a huge soft spot for animals and has two cats and a quaker parrot back at home. She's been a vegetarian for a little over three years now and makes it known to the majority of people. My dance is my life ☮ ☆ ❤ Classical I dance to this everyday ☮ ☆ ❤ On My Own//Les MiserablesIt’ll be our little secret ☮ ☆ ❤ Pierced ears and nose usagi-chan93
Posted: Tue Jul 26, 2011 1:23 pm
•°o• Natalie Elizabeth Greyson •°o• My parents call me ☮ ☆ ❤ Natalie Elizabeth Greyson But I like ☮ ☆ ❤ Natalie If you really can’t tell ☮ ☆ ❤ Female I’m this many ☮ ☆ ❤ Seventeen This is a special date ☮ ☆ ❤ October 13th I swear it’s natural Brown My pearly gems Brown
Pєєk intσ mч lifє…"Y o u r x h e a r t x b e a t i n g x i s x t h e x o n l y x r h y t h m x y o u x n e e d x t o x d a n c e..."My book my be boring to you ☮ ☆ ❤ Natalie's family wasn't normal. They were very wealthy, high up into society types. She never liked it much, always being sent to fancy schools whose names she could never pronounce. Her brother was the lucky one. From the beginning he had established that he was going to do what he wanted, and got out of all the fancy schools, the only thing he had to do was make good grades, and show up for huge family events, such as balls and dinners. Natalie was never that lucky. She was a slave to her parents' expectations, having to work her butt off to be the top of her class, and only come home during holidays. She hated it. It was like no matter what she did, her parents controlled her.
This lead to Natalie having to sneak out when she was at home, to go to the thing she really loved, which New Your was full of, street dancing, or, as the people that aren't into call it, hip hop. Natalie loved it, and she was good. Of course, she was very skilled at the ballroom dancing she was forced to learn, but it wasn't her calling, no, this was. The pulsing movements, the acrobatics, all of it. Of course, she never got into the break dancing part, no, it wasn't her, but the hip hop side of it thrilled her. Then an invitation came, one she was grateful for. After a week of begging, she was in, she would go to the school of dance. My life made me this way ☮ ☆ ❤ Natalie is a little complex. On one side, she can be the sweet and friendly little girl. One who makes you laugh and want to always be with, no matter what. On the other side however, she can be a fierce and fiery soul that is sarcastic and sharp to all those who speak to her. On both sides though, she will protect her friends at any cost. When she dances, both sides collide, creating a passionate and beautiful thing.My dance is my life ☮ ☆ ❤ Hip HopI dance to this everyday ☮ ☆ ❤ Nothing Left To HideIt’ll be our little secret ☮ ☆ ❤ Pierced- belly button, ears, nose, and tongue. (Though she got the last two done just after she left New York) Tattooed- lower back, only place she could hide it, cherry blossomsxXHiddenXTearsXx