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The Princess trusts us. Why don't you?

This is who I am
Full Name: Aliella Chorster & Krissaadi Chorster
Nickname: Ali & Kriss
Age: 17
Gender: Female
Race: Human
Side: Serpent's Helm
Element: Lumomancer & Necromancer
My Life So Far:
Ali is the youngest of the Chorster quartet. Ali has three siblings: Her twin sister, Kriss, and her brothers (who are also twins) Travis and Jake. When Ali was seven years old, her house was bombed in a war in their home country of Althea. Both of her brothers were killed as well as her father. With the attack brought the insanity of her mother. Deciding that putting her in an asylum was the best thing to do, Ali said goodbye to her mother and ran off with her sister for New Fullheim for a clean start... Hopefully. & Kriss is the second youngest of the Chorster quartet. Kriss has three siblings, only one of which she will talk about freely: Ali. When Kriss was seven, her home was attacked during the Great War and was 'blessed' with the ability to take control of the dead. As her sister was blessed with the ability of healing. But after watching her mother loose her sanity when she saw Kriss take control one of her older brothers, Kriss let Ali choose her mother's fate and then they ran... As far away as possible, and wound up here New Fullheim. And Kriss ended up becoming the leader of Serpent's Helm.
Princess Yuna Of Hyrule

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"I'm not crazy. I'm just a free thinker."

This is who I am
Full Name: Natalie Candor
Nickname: Natty
Age: 19
Gender: Female
Race: Human
Side: Serpent's Helm
Element: Electromancer
My Life So Far:
Despite the fact that mancers aren't supposed to live, I do. My life began quietly, in a little backwoods town where people had more superstition than they had air to breath. Hmm, that was only a metaphor but maybe I should make that a reality for them, ah but another time. Anyway, well after I was about 6, I started to spark at times and I showed that I was an Electromancer. My parents were terrified, not of me mind you, but of how their neighbors would react. They packed everything up and we left quietly in the middle of the night. At the time I had no idea why but I couldn't be bothered to care. We settled deep in the forest away from others until I had grown up enough to control my powers. We moved back to civilization, where I was always careful to only use my powers when I was alone. When I turned 17 I decided that I wanted to travel and I said goodbye to my parents and made my way to New Fullheim.
Feory Firefox

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“Time is free, but it's priceless. You can't
own it, but you can use it. You can't keep
it, but you can spend it. Once you've lost it
you can never get it back.”


This is who I am
Full Name: Vergil Crystal Angelo
Nickname: Angelo, Verge, and Nelo
Age: 17
Gender: Male
Race: Human
Side: Serpent's Helm
Element: Chronomancer
My Life So Far:
Vergil was born from a small family that was obsessed with time. So naturally his parents had mixed feelings about him being a chronomancer. They were proud that he could control time and bend it to his will, but they were scared for Vergil because they know that if someone found out then he would be put to death. Vergil joined Serpent's Helm when he was 15 and has never regretted the decision and still doesn't to this day. Vergil will fight whatever get's thrown his way with time because of course time is everything.
Light Iori

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'All our dreams can come true, if we have the courage to pursue them. '

This is who I am
Full Name: Jason Grace
Nickname: N/A
Age: 17
Gender: Male
Race: Human
Side: Serpent's Helm
Element: Aeromancer
My Life So Far:
I was born to one of the servants in the castle, a maid, though she died giving birth to me, and I never knew my father. I was raised by my mother's sister, my aunt, and soon started helping her around the castle, though when I was old enough I went to work in the stables. I dreamed of joining the army, of helping protect the country and the people I loved, but I knew it would never happen because of what I was. When I discovered what I was I hid it, telling no one. Then Lady Krisnys summoned me, and told me that she knew what I was, and I became part of the Serpent's Helm. That was only a few months ago, and I still can't believe the change in my fortunes.
Faithfull Fire

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I have not felt fear towards anyone or anything. What makes you think you're the exception?

This is who I am
Full Name: Saen Kharzan
Nickname: Saen
Age: 21
Race: Human
Side: Serpent's Helm
Element: Pyromancer
My Life So Far:
Saen was born in Fullheim during when mancers were being executed. His parents left town and travelled a great distance to give him to the Flame Monks. As Saen grew up, the monks of the Temple of Flame taught him how to control the power and his emotion, Pyromancers tending to be emotional. When Saen turned 18, he mastered all the monks taught him, and was even thought to be even more powerful than the current master. Saen didn't care about petty power comparison, and left for Fullheim. He heard the news of the fight going on there, and offered to help the Serpent's Helm. He had bigger plans in mind than to serve their princess.

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"Stare into the face of the Grim Reaper, for he is the last face you shall see."

This is who I am
Full Name: Krow Desteur Hataka
Nickname: Krow, (combat wise he's known as 'Death's Plague'
Age: 19
Gender: male
Race: Rawthis (They have bird DNA in them, giving them the capability to fly. He has the blood of an Eagle)
Side: Adohorn's Army
Element: Necromancer
My Life So Far:
Death has always been near Krow. No matter how much he tried, anything he touched died within the week and afterwords the souls of the things that had died followed him, cursing him for their death. Immediately children stepped away from him, saying that Death was always walking beside him, his hand on Krow's shoulder. This continued until he was fifteen. When he was this age he talked to death for the first time. They discussed a large bargain. If Krow would be allowed to summon dead things back to from the grave, and use spirits, the Grim Reaper could use him as his puppet in the things to come. They both agreed and as the symbol that such a pack was made, he was given a chain around his arm that could never be broken. It never moved and could never be undone, no matter how hard people had tried. Soon Krow accepted it as a boon, as the chain did many things for him, the obvious of protecting his vital arm for combat. He soon joined Adrohorn's army for their cause, seeing it as a test for his new strength. He was trained into the precise military style that they had and four years later he was another soldier waiting for the bloodbath to come pouring down like rain.

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"Please,Stop I Dont want this"

This is who I am

Full Name: Phantom Surge

Age: 16
Gender: Male
Race: Human
Side: Adohorn's Army
Element: Carnomancer
My Life So Far:
Phantom was just a normal child unaware of any of his abilities but came to them in a horrifying manner.
He lived in the woods with his parents and often went shopping for them upon going to the trade district to get goods Phantom was cornered by thieves who not only stole his money but stabbed him and left him for dead,on the verge of death wallowing in his own blood he was visited by his brother in his subconsciousness the only thing was his brother had died at birth.
His brother saved him by unleashing his Carnomancer abilities which caused rapid healing of his wound but with saving his life he know gave way for his brother to enter his mind giving him split personalities.
The kind and caring Phantom and the Blood seeking Insane Brother Crimson who is most dominant of the two and so out of hate for the world and all the other Human beings in it he uses the Necromancers of Adohorn as meaning for his brutal killings.


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When you control A man's thinking, you do not need to worry about his actions.

This is who I am
Full Name: Zaeta Epsilon
Nickname: Little Terror
Age: 13
Gender: Female
Race: Mancer
Side: Adohorn's Army
Element: Telemancer
My Life So Far:
Although she lived in a small, poor fishing village, Zaeta lived a generally happy life until she was eight. She was popular, friendly, and unnaturally persuasive. She also had a tendency to know a little more about peoples' past than they would like. People had not realized that she was a telemancer until she had driven a group of village children insane with her constant threats. They planned on killing her, as just harboring a 'mancer was illegal. She managed to escape before being lynched, and traveled on her own until ten, using her young age and persuasive ability to swindle people into food and a place to stay. She joined Adohorn's army when one of the soldiers had found her and realized that she was a telemancer. is not necessarily against Serpent's Helm, just wishes for the anti-magic using law to be abolished, so that she may hopefully return home someday. Has learned one thing in life and that is to trust no one. Is faithful only to those who share the same goal as her. She uses her young age and appearance to throw people off during battle, and is very mature for her age.
I Be Athena

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"The art of life is avoiding pain."

This is who I am
Full Name: Lynn Elvira Skaiie
Nickname: None as of now.
Age: 16
Gender: Female
Race: Werewolf
Side: Adohorn's Army
Element: Carnomancer
My Life So Far:
The small village that she lived in through what some may call a childhood was destroyed. The soldiers hunted for her throughout the small village, demolishing everything in their path. Her so called 'home' was lit aflame, and her parents brought her outside to what they thought was safety. They were all captured. To make Lynn's death even more vile, cruel, heartless and inhumane, they decided to slaughter her parents before her own eyes. She yelled out and cried in anger. Her anger directed at the men caused their bones to shatter, skin to break, and blood to gush. It was at that moment she found how powerful she really was. But, her parents faded.

Since the age of six, she has fended for herself. Over her time alone, she ended up lost in thoughts, wondering how they knew of her. Perhaps the unnaturally sharp teeth and claws? Or it may have been merely pushing a bully and causing their arm to break. She ended up coming across the Adohorn's Army, and was invited to join.

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