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Strait Jacket Girl

PostPosted: Tue Aug 09, 2011 2:30 pm
If Your Name is Not Listed Below Please Do NOT Post in this Thread

Attendance Sheet
✔ Smerdle - Wes
✔ Grey Dragon - Jove
✔ nekoluch – Levi
✔ DarkHeartedSorrows – Nyyrikki’s
✔ Rabid Ice Weasel – Taryn
✔ Ice Queen – Roch
✔ Nio Love – Riley (Handle With Care)
✔ Amon Larethian – Sheridan
✔ Toshihiko Two – Barth
✔ Bloodlust Dante – Demi
✔ Dragain – Lizzy
✔ Kaiyumi – Xiu
✔ Drifter Jet Enduro – Mot
✔ Kruomeez – Ren
 Haliekins – Tsetsiliya
✔ Strait Jacket Girl – Seth
✔ iStoleYurVamps - Israfel

PostPosted: Tue Aug 09, 2011 2:40 pm
Some may recognize the Classroom because it is the same class that Botany Basics was taught in. Along the back of the classroom are the Botany Basic Books Still stack as they were the previous year.

The classroom is like your average science room with tables in rows sectioned off to seat one too two students easily. Off to the right side of a room glass walls extended the classrooms length to create a sort of in classroom green house, A glass panel separated the extended part from the rest of the classroom where the original wall had originally been. On the back wall of the room sat a counter that covered the whole back wall, odd markings label drawers, Nothing sat on the counters themselves but above them sat rows if shelves full of tools to the trade of potion making, as well as common ingredient's. The walls appeared a green moss covered colored, and plants grew and hung along the walls, At the head of the classroom was a large black board that often has mass amounts of writing on it detailing the class schedule, class room rules, regulations, policies, and a little welcoming note. Similar to the student's tables a black table was seated in front of the blackboard.  

Strait Jacket Girl

Strait Jacket Girl

PostPosted: Tue Aug 09, 2011 2:44 pm
Professor Cadmus or Mr. Cadmus

Classroom Rules/Procedures
(OOC)1. No outrageous post fonts, crazy hard to read colors or super tiny font please (Unless you're trying to whisper in hopes that the amazing Cadmus won't hear. Though I assure you he'll hear.)
(IC)2. No fighting, at all, as plants are universal, you as students must strive to do the same, all grudges are checked at the door. MY PLANTS DON'T NEED YOUR BAD ENERGY D l
(IC)3. Don't abuse your amazing freedom in class. Let's talk about things related to class, not your latest boyfriend.
(IC)4. Take Homework Seriously, Its a Living Creature not a toy.
(IC)5. Passing Notes >.> Don't get caught I won't stop other students from taking your note and reading it aloud to the class, and that can be embarrassing Though I'd personally lawl at it
(IC)6. You break something clean it up, I won't yell at you so long as you clean up your mess.
(IC)7. Did I mention no fighting
(IC)8. No magic, no tricks, and don't touch the greenery
(IC)9. Lets all get along * o*

PostPosted: Tue Aug 09, 2011 3:44 pm
Class Objective

Our Objective is to learn about Steve. Believe it or not he has been trained he just chooses to ignore and disobey. Now do not fret Steve himself will not be directly involved in class. He is a crucial part though.


You will be given a Seed to Raise
You will be required to Attend Malcolm's A joining Class that is directly involved with the seed you will be given.

Strait Jacket Girl

Strait Jacket Girl

PostPosted: Wed Aug 10, 2011 4:26 pm
xxxIt was odd really. Joint class sessions. Least he believed it to be so. Cadmus Sat in his chair behind his desk mulling over the black chest that was set in front of him. He knew he had no choice but to hand them out and he couldn't just hand them over in good conscious knowing they could very well get out of control. He scratched his chin thinking it over. This was the best option. Malcolm had agreed to partake so it would be possible. He had no more for more of the creatures in the greenhouse as dear to him as they were. It had to be done. A lit cigarette gingerly seated itself between his middle finger and index finger as he stared at the chest. He'd have to insure the student understood the matter at hand.

Soon the room would begin filling with students. He glanced at the attendance paper that sat next to the chest. Some of the students he recognized from the previous semester. The Mindflayer that had spoke to him in his head, the Wes fellow sounded familiar, then there was the syrin's name he recognized, and he vaguely remembered the dragon child. More of the names seemed to stick out though he couldn't quite put his finger on them. When his green house had been demolished. The green house was still a disaster but the little present that had been left for him had to be taken care of before he could set fully to fixing his greenhouse. Toward the bottom of the list he spotted a name that cause him to smirk. Seth. His dear brother would be joining in the fun. It would prove to be an interesting class.

Welcome You may post your student entering. The Class will likely start around 10-11 Central Tonight so long as majority of the class has entered. HOWEVER If a large part is still missing then tomorrow around Noon is when The class will start. (I do mean noon not 3pm >3> cause I will be working tomorrow Today was just an unexpected off day.
PostPosted: Wed Aug 10, 2011 4:42 pm
Ooh, how excited Xiu was! Since she had a great love for plants, she had been itching to attend one of the botany classes, and this was a joint class to boot! While she thought that the topic of the class sounded fascinating--plant care and taming? Yes please!--the Baku really didn't know what to expect. It sounded straightforward enough, but...

Well, the first class she had attended in this school--Sex Ed--had also seemed straightforward enough. Until a student got eaten and a pumpkin exploded, that was.

Shudder. Hopefully nothing like that would happen here.

As she entered the classroom, her notebook and pencil case clutched to her chest, the Baku ghoul noted that she was the first to arrive. The first student, at least--a man was seated at the front, and she assumed that he was one of the teachers. If memory served...Professor Cadmus, wasn't it? She offered him a quiet greeting, bowing her head politely before she turned to survey the seats with a bit of hesitation.

...Now, where to sit? And who else was in this class, she wondered? It would be nice if she could sit by a friend, but she wasn't entirely sure who had signed up.


Bloodlust Dante

Fortunate Hellraiser

PostPosted: Wed Aug 10, 2011 5:03 pm
New Professors to interact with. Demi was all a quiver with excitement over these new faces to see, even if one of them was professor Cadmus who generously gave him information about the campus. he didn't forget about the opportunity to sit in one of the Botanist's classes and it just seemed perfect.

The stars aligned when the flyer for Cadmus's class came fluttering through the space under his door, It even came with a bonus teacher, Professor Malcolm. The hellhound did hear about the instructor for problem minipets and his teachings.

It was a double whammy of awesomeness and he couldn't wait to get in. it wasn't as if things were going to be set of fire in here.


He bounced his way past the classroom door and took a look around at the mostly empty room, save for the baku that already beat him here. he gave her a friendly wave before he settled in at a table by his lonesome.
"Hey Xiu, didn't expect to see you here too!" he woofed out happily and looked in front at the gentleboil sitting at the table in the front.

The hounds exuberant expression quickly fell from his face as he gave a polite greeting to his new instructor, and his standard awkward bow to boot. The hound was surprised that he didn't notice the botany professor sooner as he went back into his seat and tried to control his shaking leg.

Oh sweet jack it was just so exciting!  
PostPosted: Wed Aug 10, 2011 5:06 pm
It was the same room as the last Botany class. Levi walked in slowly with a raised eyebrow. The class sounded like an interesting mix and she was eager to learn the subject matter. Plants; Levi would always try to have room to learn more about the various sorts and what to do when dealing with them.

First thing she did- take up one of the textbooks and held it to her along with a piece of rough paper and a bit of graphite. Just in case. It had been handy last class when Steve decided to manhandle a student and go on a bit of a rampage so- just in case. Peering about, the tatzel's tail swayed at actually recognizing another body in the room.

Aye Xiu! So yer in 'ere too! Sitting in a chair to the right of the Baku, Levi placed her items neatly on her desk and angled them all to her liking before smiling back again at Xiu. Who else would appear... and then there was the hellhound sitting infront of her.

Rex! Fancy seein' ya 'ere! kekeke~  


Tricky Pants


Sarcastic Hunter

PostPosted: Wed Aug 10, 2011 5:18 pm
When Mot heard about a joint class, he was all over it like a dirty shirt. This meant more credit with less effort, right?


Mot slipped into the room with a notebook held at his side. He scanned the room, immediately seeing three people he recognized. "Howdy, guys!" Mot piped up, slipping into the desk behind the ghouls. He sat down and slapped the notebook aside, propping his elbows up and cupping his head in his hands. "How goes it?"  
PostPosted: Wed Aug 10, 2011 5:25 pm
Roch stepped into the room, having followed Mot, one hand shoved into his pocket, the other holding the strap of the bag he had slung over his shoulder. There was Xiu, Demi, the cat ghoul, all faces he recognized. This was a hell of a lot better than going into a class where he hardly knew anybody.

He looked around, catching sight of the teacher-- was he smoking? In the classroom? Roch turned, his shoulders shaking with laughter before he shook it off and headed for the chair next to Mot.

"Hey guys," he said as he dropped his bag down next to his chair.  

Ice Queen

Dapper Lunatic


PostPosted: Wed Aug 10, 2011 5:46 pm
Xiu was absolutely beaming when the class began to fill up with very familiar faces. "Demi, Levi! Hi, Mot! Nice to see you here, Roch!" She made an effort to greet everyone, her tail waving happily behind her. It was comforting to know that she would have friends in this class! It would have been awfully awkward for her if she hadn't known anyone, that was more certain.

"What made you guys decide to sign up for this class?" The question wasn't directed to anyone in particular, but to all of her peers who were present at the time. "I always wanted to attend one of the botany classes here, so I jumped at the chance!" The Baku seemed to be a lot brighter than she usually was, excited at what they would possibly learn from this class. She could always use more tips on how to care for her plants!

Xiu really couldn't wait for class to start, that was obvious enough.
PostPosted: Wed Aug 10, 2011 6:04 pm
Mot smirked, and shrugged his shoulders. "I just figured it seemed like an easy way to kill a few birds with one stone. Two subjects in one shot. Easy peasy." Mot grinned. Yes, he believed this was a genius way to get more done with limited effort. Less time he spent doing school work, the more time he could hang out with his friends.

What? Is that bad?

"I guess Miss Tea-maker is excited to learn more remedies?" Mot asked with a grin.  


Sarcastic Hunter


Tricky Pants

PostPosted: Wed Aug 10, 2011 6:09 pm
Same, actually. Levi smiled again at the Baku when she mentioned her interest in botany.

Took the last class m'self. Plants 'er something I'm ready ta work on any ol' time. Fascinatin' things plants, yep. N' if there'sa trainin' going on too...well- that's certainly worth 'a lookin' into, I reckon. She didn't want to mention the Steve incident to the Baku and cause any chance for the ghoul to go bolting out of the room right now. This time things could be different? Professor Cadmus was already with them in the room and there was another Professor who was also going to be a part of the lesson as well so...

...they were all safe, she hoped.

Nodding a greeting to the cowboil and the other spunky-looking boil, Howdy, ya'll, Levi waited to hear what their reasons were for being in this class ...and she had the urge to facepalm at Mot's answer. But he did mention tea- huh. Xiu, ya make yer own tea? Git on outta here!!!  
PostPosted: Wed Aug 10, 2011 6:19 pm
Ren felt as if he had not been to class in a very long time. It seemed like only yesterday he had moved on to second year, and in the short amount of time that summer break and everything else accumulating occurring that he had, in fact, been using other things to occupy his time. But now he was back and ambling into a classroom that he had never been in before.

Ren had not taken a Botany Basics class before; he had heard of Professor Cadmus, but many of his other classes had taken his time, preventing him from attending any of Cadmus'. However, he had recognized Professor Malcom's name, and seeing as how he rather liked the Minipets teacher and his...rather unusual and unorthodox teaching methods, he found himself signing up for the dual taught class.

Hands slipped into his pockets as he entered, Ren recognized several of them right off - there was Xiu, the friend of Vaith's and the ghoul from the music club, whom by now Ren considered a friend; and of course Demi, the hellhound. And Roch, the FMC president.

"Yo!" said Ren, lifting a hand in greeting to the both of them, as well as the students around that he didn't know. He gave them all a friendly smile and slid into the seat beside Xiu. "How's everyone doing?"


Dramatic Marshmallow

Nio Love

Enthusiastic Lunatic

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PostPosted: Wed Aug 10, 2011 6:20 pm
Riley had gotten over it.

She'd skipped Cadmus' last class. It had been for her own good. And now she was sure she was ready to return to her studies. She was. She strode into the classroom confidently, found a seat that was as comfortably surrounded by other students as possible, and began giving her rounds of greetings.

Good morning Xiu, Mot, Roch, Levi, Demi. You all look well today. Excited for class? She knew them all, and nestled herself as much in the middle of their seating arrangements as possible - intending on engrossing herself in their light banter, and keep herself from looking over there.

Of course, by saying over there, her eyes had flickered to the professor, and by way of sheer manners, she knew that now she had to say something. So she nodded her head and greeted the professor, as any student should.

Good morning, Professor.


She wasn't over it.
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