▄▀▄ ✘This is what i look like✘▀▄▀
► This is what they call me Blood Dupre ◄
► Candles on my cake Unknown...Younger than Vivaldi though. Somewhere around twenty-one, or twenty five perhaps?◄
► They tell me i am A male of course.◄
I want more of
❶ Black Tea; the best drink in the world.
❷ Hatter Mansion; It's the only place I can be without being disturbed. Not that I'm there often. And Alice loves to come over because of the twins and Elliot.
❸ Roses; only because my sister would love them. Not that I have a sister.
Get Rid of them
❶ Mostly everyone in 'Wonderland' [Boris Airay, Mary Growland, Peter White, and Ace to name a few...]; they're mindless and annoying and they provide no entertainment.
❷ Alice; I'll show her not everyone is in love with her.
❸ Horrible tasting tea. Really, it spoils tea time.