okay, here we go.
hey, i live in california. it ain't all it's cracked up to be, and i mean it. i mean, california, people are always like "oooh califooornia, amazingggg" and i'm like "b***h please. no." and theyrre like "what" and im like "its so not cool." like other amazing places get SNOW. california ddoesnt get snow unless you drive up into the mountains, which sucks, when in ohio or something you can just walk out the front door and get lost in the amazing natural tunnels of snow and ice and cold. and the tempurature changes in other places too. in california, its 70 degrees rain or shine. i swear, it can be raining horses and pigs and its seventy degrees. i can go out in the rain in shorts. and plus, california's beaches arent that amazing. i mean, compared to montana, yeah theyre great, but really? whyre they as famous (if not more) as the Copa Cabana??????? yes, the waves are epic ((mavericks!!)) but it's not as cool at teaupoo(choh-poo) in Tahititititi. but then again, not everyone gets to go to tahiti... but whateve.
i really wanna move to connecticut. or maryland. one of the two. i have family in maryland (and close familial friends) and used to live in both. but i like connecticut too. but yeahso. and i like the ravens a HELLUVA lot more than the chargers. just sayin'.
but uhm yes. it's my birthday today >:3 and i want a few things...
1. to stop giraffe poaching. it's wrong and bloody and
I dont like it! stupid british.oh my god. san diego zoo. seriously.
biggrin dooby dooby doo doo doo... ohhh!