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|xll Valkyrie Guthfrithllx|
Dragon Rider Original

llxxlDown to the veryxlb a s i c s

            xlN a m e ;; llValkyrie 。 Crudelita 。 Guthfrith
            xlN i c k n a m e s ;; llPrincess, Shock, Kyrie
            xlG e n d e r ;; llFemale
            xlS e x u a l i t y ;; ll Bisexual
            xlA g e ;; ll17
            xlD r a g o n ;; llSkrill

llxxlDigging a littlexld e e p

            xlH e i g h t ;; ll 5'6"
            xlW e i g h t ;; ll110 pounds
            xlM a r k i n g s ;; ll She has three diagonal scars on her back from the claws of an ancient that attacked the village and fled when out numbered.

llxxlA few things aboutxlm e

            xlB i o g r a p h y ;; llValkyrie is the daughter of the current chief of Berk. The island long as it has had its dragons can find little peace anymore however. Valkyrie along with her father are of the best dragon riders in Berk, she being the rider of a Skrill who is fast as lightning itself, intelligent, and has jaws with the strength to crush some of the strongest armor. The two work together as if they were twins. Valkyrie thanks to her father was introduced to dragons at an early age, and began riding dragons about two years earlier than most because of it, mainly because she found a Skrill egg and tended to it till it hatched. Inseparable the two trained an insane amount of hours, leading to them becoming the teachers of the current dragon riders who are trying to master the New Generation species. This is mainly because she has a feeling the sudden cross-breeding is because of the Ancients and a hunch. The breed of dragons that frequently send reconnaissance flyers out and raiding parties of dragons to the island. Her hunch being that the only way the originals will be able to defeat the Ancients that created them, will be with a new breed of dragons that have a new mix of unknown to the Ancients strengths and weaknesses.

            xlP e r s o n a l i t y ;; ll Valkyrie is capable of being easy-going, however when training with dragons or in combat she becomes extremely serious. Not liked by many for her 'fight or go home' nature that presses into her blunt nature when dealing with high-tension situations, no one will deny the fact she is the person you want to be following in to combat, and is possibly one of the most skilled riders known to date aside from the original trainers.

llxxlThis is what youxlk n o w

            xlL i k e s ;; ll


            xlD i s l i k e s ;; ll


llxxlwrapping thingsxlu p

            xlS o n g ;; ll

            HTTYD: Test Drive
            Iridescent: Linkin Park

            xlE x t r a s ;; ll
            ♥ Beneath her hard and rough exterior is an actually kind person that cares enough to sacrifice her life for others.
            ♥ Valkyrie is very close to her dragon, insulting it is an insult to her and vice verse.
            ♥ She is a rather hard to get along with girl, who acts way too old for her age. Its as if she has forgotten how to have fun.

llxxlat the veryxle n d

            xlU s e r n a m e ;; ChiyoYukikoll