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Time Is The Enemy

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PostPosted: Sat Nov 26, 2011 10:00 pm
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Gaia Name: Yue_Shadow
Name: Rosary
Race: Vampire
Age: 7,083
Personality: An innocent little immortal-…who are we kidding. Rosary is a violent, blood-crazed, domineering queen of mood swings. Abrasive, overbearing, and a bit sadistic, Rosary has been around for a long time and it shows. She is a self-proclaimed goddess, even among her vampire comrades. That is, if she associated with other vampires. She keeps to herself except when her offerings aren't given on time…then one might as well kill the family to spare them the savagery of her killing spree. Rosary has been even more temperamental since the jeweled cross she wore around her neck was stolen by an unknown person The arrangement with the surrounding villages only boosts her ego. Rumors say she's faced gods who ended up at her feet.
Likes: Blood (O+ to be exact), Singing - it's a nice way to call for meals, a good challenge, her cross (if she knew where it was!)
Dislikes: Whoever stole her cross, being bored, taking about the past (it's done and over…)
Allegiance: Herself and no one else. Not even the gods...
Occupation: Self-appointed Queen of the Black Hel Mountains, overseeing several hundred acres of surrounding villages and land. In exchange for protecting them from any adversary, daily blood sacrifices are left on her citadel doorstep.
Family: All she cares to remember is her sister, Rosalia, who was killed by Rosary after being turned into the cuddly little fang bearer she is today. Her parents names were Kendil and Marah, both magic-users but more human than anything.
Bio: Rosary was born with magic in her blood but her parents Kendil and Marah were nomadic entertainers when the world was in the 4th Age, roughly seven thousands years prior to the current time. Rosary didn't really care for magic but she still liked the attention her angelic voice received so she stayed in the family business. But her older sister Rosalia, now SHE was a witch worth talking about. Rosary idolized her sister for her skill, ambition, and overall power. There wasn't any jealousy from Rosary over her lack of magic but strangely enough, Rosalia envied her younger sister's natural voice and beauty…something she could easily conjure with her spells. However, Rosalia, as great as she was, couldn't overcome her envy for her little sister. One fine summer evening, the family were honored to be entertaining in the court of King Saim, the most powerful king of the age. Vampire, nonetheless.

When Rosary stepped forward to sing a hymn in regards to the gods blessing across the lands, King Saim stopped her and proposed. Marriage, that is. Taken aback, having never met the man who was many times her age before, Rosary graciously declined the best she could. It wasn't until her parents were killed by a vampire execution technique known as 'banquet', where vampire after vampire bite and suck small amounts of blood from the victim until they eventually die. Rosary found herself sealed away in one of the kings many prisons, expecting to meet the same fate. It was another three years before she saw sunlight. Now in her early twenties, Rosary's appearance was worn by prison life and her voice dried up from no use. Once again, in this current state, she was brought before the king. Only to find that at the bride he took upon her refusal was none other than Rosalia. But at this point, she'd become an tyrannical sorceress known as Rosalia of the Dark. She scoffed at her younger sister's hideous appearance and had her cast out of the castle in nothing but prison rags and only an ounce of life left. Rosalia gave Rosary a beautiful silver cross with a red gemstone in its center, telling her she might as well have something pretty to die with.

Scorned by this deceit, Rosary cursed her sister's name and concocted a flawless revenge. Rosary may not be much of a spell caster but she wasn't without some knowledge. During the night when the vampires were most active and her still human sister slept, Rosary infiltrated the castle in secret, held a hand mirror over her sleeping sister's face, and muttered 'Vita Verto'. Life exchange…it was temporary but having captured her sister's reflection, Rosary looked into the mirror and assumed her sister's appearance. Under the guise of Rosalia, Rosary sought out the king and requested to be transformed into a vampire. The fool, who had been trying to convince his bride of such a change, sunk his fangs into the soft flesh of his 'wife'. It was an instant rejuvenation. And an instant mistake but Rosary had King Saim's spine in her hand outside his body before his teeth even left her neck. As far as any historical record goes, the king and his bride were killed along with the entire court of Saim by unknown assailants. Some believe this unsolved massacre was the turning point of the civilized world, leading to the separation of nations and races.

For just over seven thousand years, Rosary has made quite the name for herself. The Blood Rose. Queen of Malice. Rosary the Sinner. All quite correct. She settled in the Black Hel Mountains several hundreds years ago and made a deal with the surrounding people. Being that they were mostly isolated forest villages far from their nations cities, Rosary offered to slay their enemies. Anything from armies to bandit, she would topple for a price. Blood. The past few centuries had made hunting difficult. Werewolves were breeding too quick, humans were evolving their weapons…one just couldn't hunt like the old days. Needless to say, Rosary exemplified the rumors. She was a ruthlessly divine killer. Peace, more or less, spread across the land. Many tried to stop Rosary. So far, all have failed. Recently, Rosary has had little request for aid due particularly violent mood swing. She doesn't know who…she doesn't know when…and she doesn't know why…but someone had the gall, and skill, to steal the cross from around her very neck. Shrieks from the mountains have terrified many into escaping to the cities but Rosary's fury is only made worse with hunger.
Weapons: Just her bare hands…no need to waste blood on steel.
Abilities: Super enhanced physical strength, speed, hearing, vision, dexterity, empowered by blood, quick healing
Unique Abilities: Shade - The ability to enter and manipulate shadows.
Burning Blood - A primal state of mind where sheer strength is all that matters. Her strength is increased exponentially, accompanied by an increase in her body temperature. While vampires are usually cold, this trance (something she created through her limited knowledge of magic) causes her body and eyes to burn with fire. Magic users beware. In this state, Rosary is immune to any and all magic whether they be elemental, spiritual, or spells. However, not only does this temporarily stop her healing ability but an excessive amount of time in this trance starts to burn her from the inside.
Other: The reason Rosary is so angry about her cross being stolen is because she calls it her 'power'. What she means by this is unknown.
Theme Song(s): Iron by Within Temptation
The Escapist by Nightwish

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Gaia Name: Zephiur van Errenheit
Name: Zephiur van Errenheit
Race: Human
Age: 20
Personality: Zephiur is a laid-back type of person, if a little hasty at times. He can be your greatest friend and your deadliest enemy, and sometimes both at the same time. He tends to be a little odd at times, but that's to be expected of an Elemental Engineer. He tends to be a bit of a paragon at times, and sometimes will do things merely for the symbolic purpose of it. His mind is an enigma; if one were to peer into his brain they would find nothing of important use. His thoughts are all a mix and jumble that are only decipherable by Zephiur himself. He tends to be quick and calculating, and is able to perform complex arithmetic with the merest flash of thought.
Likes: Cool and dry weather, machinery, knowledge
Dislikes: Hot and humid weather, people fooling with his creations, being controlled or coerced
Allegiance: No particular allegiance. He does what he needs to further his creations and improve their use.
Occupation: Elemental Engineer
Family: Erik and Auriana van Errenheit are his parents. Seira van Errenheit is his older sister. All are alive, but their whereabouts are unknown to Zephiur, who left Mekapolis at a young stage in his life.
Bio: Zephiur (also known as Zeph) was born to a moderately wealthy family, and as such was given several things to tinker about with. His fascination with machines and their purposes in the world started at the young age of nine, and it wasn't helped by the fact that his father, Erik, ran a particularly well-known Mecharm factory called "Errenheit Engineering" in the most technologically-advanced Human city, Mekapolis. His father was an Elemental Engineer, fusing the ancient art of Magic with the modern art of Engineering to create powerful weapons and armor for the military. Zephiur's sister, Seira, didn't agree with the politics of the Mekapolian military and left Mekapolis when she was about eighteen years old. Zephiur, who was sixteen at the time, went out in search of her for a time before returning to Mekapolis. He continued his self-training in the ways of an Elemental Engineer, and his father helped him a great deal in this training, even offering him an apprenticeship. Zephiur became his father's apprentice and learned all the trade secrets, including using his innate Anima Reactor ability to empower his creations in a way that only he can use.

When Zephiur turned eighteen, he too realized the corruption of the Mekapolian military as they pressed Erik for more machinery. Unable to deliver, Erik was taken and cast into the prison system. Zephiur was then forced to continue his father's work, but he left at the first opportunity. He ran far from Mekapolis, using one of his creations, the Megaton Sabatons, to expedite his fleeing. These mechanized boots have flame jets that can also be tuned to sheer air force, allowing him to zip across the land without leaving marks. He fled for miles before encountering a somewhat populated town with its own Mecharm factory. He settled here and resumed his work, making weapons and armor for the defense force of the town, who had no grand ambition of their own and thus were safe with the power these weapons brought. However, this area had been ravaged for some time by a clan of vampires (some whispers claim it is just a single female vampire). He decided to take up arms in defense of the town that he had come to call home and began designing special weapons that capitalized on his Anima Reactor ability. He faced off against a particularly powerful female vampire who had been in those whispers: Rosary, or the Blood Rose, as these people had called her. In their fight, he learned that she had attacked the town because she was hired to do it. When asked why, she merely grinned wickedly and used a form of shadow magic to dismember the right half of his torso. His arm, shoulder, and a part of his side was cut clean off and he was left to die.

The town's most reputable Mecharm maker helped him out by crafting a prosthetic arm for him to wear. It was a painful process, and Zephiur had nearly passed out once, but in the end he had become the first known user of a Mecharm attached to his body. Zephiur was then given the title The Zephyr in an homage to his name, and the fact that the pain he had endured fazed him little more than a wind. Zephiur, being the tinker he is, played with the Mecharm armor and developed an attachment system that allowed him to replace his mechanical hand with one of a number of various mechanized weapons specifically crafted for his arm. In addition to his Mecharm, he crafted special metal armor plates that he dubbed Aeon Armor, which allows him to tap into his Anima Reactor abilities and use them in an Anti Magic Shell. Nearly all of the outside of his upper body is made of metal, with his left arm being the exception.

After sufficiently healing, Zephiur continued in his travels, this time determined to find the reason the Blood Rose attacked that town, and who had been her employer. Two years had passed between the day he settled into the town and the day he left it, and as a twenty-year-old young adult he was a lot tougher than he was as a kid. His searching soon led him to the Black Hel Mountains and the surrounding area, where he was horrified to learn that the townspeople made blood sacrifices to her to earn her protection. Being mostly made of metal, he wasn't a prime target, but he was watched with wary eyes anyway. He soon learned that Rosary held a singular item in great esteem: her cross. He decided that if he were to steal it, the symbolic meaning of it would spur the people into action against her. It worked, to an extent, as nobody has dared to hire her while she was in this violent mood. Zephiur promptly left the village and settled down in another village on the outskirts of the Black Hel region. Here, he watches and waits for news about the Blood Rose's movements, and continues to better his mechanical body.

Weapons: Dual Pistols and Mecharm attachments.
Abilities: Intelligent, quick thinker, agile, foresight (by logic), capable problem solver
Unique Abilities: Anima Reactor - He can supercharge his weapons with various elemental properties.
Anti Magic Shell - His protective armor plates can project an immunizing shell that defends completely against all attacks of a certain magic type. The downfall is that Zephiur is extremely vulnerable to the opposite type of magic when in this protective state. If he's protecting against Fire magic, he will be vulnerable to Water/Ice magic; If he protects against Shadow magic, he will be vulnerable to Light magic, and so on.
Other: Zephiur wears goggles that allow him to scan a person's magical capability and their physical vitality. He mostly wears these goggles on the top of his head, but will lower them when needed. Also, only the biological parts of his body can channel the Anima Reactor ability, but Zephiur has found a way to route the power through his mechanical arm.
Theme Song(s): Iron Man - Black Sabbath

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Gaia Name: if not sound
Name: Anito Shima
Race: An immortal
Age: looks 18 (real age unknown)
Personality: Cheerful but evil, slightly bipolar and very very rageful when angered
Likes: Fighting, eating, being wounded (yes likes being hit)
Dislikes: Guys that hurt/disrespect/or are rude to girls/woman, death of a friend, most other men
Allegiance: Fights for respect and for the fun of it.
Family: Mother: mortal and murdered dad immortal but over thrown by Anito
Bio: Born to a mortal being immortal made life growing up easy, until the murder of his mother he had a perfect life. Up until her death he had no idea who his father was. he came to steal him away and indoing so laid the house he and his mother lived. After being forced to train he grew to love it and in one of his rageful outbursts he overthrew his father and bound him to be eternally hungering and motionless.
Weapons: Pendent neckless, sword, fists
Abilities: Can not die. Very fast, small to large mastery of magical skills
Unique Abilities: To control sound and effects of sound
Other: Will sometimes act like a animal or bite himself
Theme Song(s): Shoot Me Again by Metallica

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Gaia Name: Yue_Shadow
Name: Aradan Mi'Ciar
Race: Human/Mage
Age: 25
Personality: Quiet for the most part but if someone is wrong about some fact he knows, Aradan is the type to correct them no matter the risk. He keeps to himself, maintaining the inn in the same routine every day even though its usually empty. He likes order, anything that disrupts his daily life can get on his nerves. Though he hasn't expressed it, Aradan is legitimately concerned about Rosary's recent mood swings.
Likes: Astronomy, Learning new forms of magic, Living in the countryside, an orderly system
Dislikes: Disorder, Traveling, Those who regard Rosary as solely a monster, The 'heroic' types
Allegiance: Samirel Village, the closest town to the Blood Rose's castle. And, in his own way, to Rosary herself.
Occupation: Innkeeper
Family: Aradan never knew his mother but his father, who passed away when Aradan was 6, went by the name of Arada and was one of the greatest sorcerers went of the Black Hel mountains. His nameless mother is also dead, having been murdered working as a prostitute in the slums of Cades.
Bio: Aradan was born in the city of Cades, the largest city of hybrid society of magic and science across the planet. His mother, victim of a less than reputable profession, dropped Aradan on Arada's doorstep in the rich part of town. Whether or not Aradan was the sorcerer's son or the result of a night of passion, Arada took the infant in and raised him. They lived in Cades, as Arada was a part of the king's court, until Aradan was 5.

The king of Cades, as well as his imperial allies, commanded Arada to slay the evil Blood Rose for her tyrannical rule over the citizens living in the shadows of the Black Hel Mountains. In other words, her presence was preventing other kingdoms from invading beyond the mountains. Arada, being as loyal as any other man of justice, followed this order and took Aradan with him. By this point, Aradan had started showing promise in the mystical arts. Vampire blood fetched quite a profit but its magical properties would increase their own magical prowess ten fold.

Aradan and Arada settled in the small village of Samirel at the base of the mountain Rosary's castle towered from, watching the land like a bird of prey looking for a victim to decimate. The morning Aradan's father left to kill Rosary was the last he saw him alive…and recognizable. A shrill laughter of victory echoed from the mountains before the sun set that day, indicating the death of the great sorcerer. Aradan, still just a child, climbed to Rosary's doorsteps despite the protests of the villagers. Upon his arrival, Aradan was traumatized to find his father's corpse hanging from the ankles in the archway of the castle's entrance with a shredded body and no head. In the midst of terror, Aradan saw the beautifully built silhouette and piercing orange eyes of his father's murderer.

Aradan ran. And ran. And ran. He ran as far as he could go. He eventually dropped from exhaustion about by dawn the next day a few towns over. The villagers were kind and sympathetic, taking him in as a sort of foster child to the whole town. However, their kindness turned to betrayal when he was about 16. Aradan was forced to go back to Rosary's castle but this time, as a blood sacrifice. He was prepared to let his heart give our from fear alone. The familiar leering shadow of the mountain…the familiar archway…and the familiar gothic damsel. Her hands around his neck were enough for all fading hope to disappear until she leaned in close and told him to leave.

Completely taken aback by confusion, Aradan's already broken demeanor broke down in tears. He wondered if this was sympathy but before he could ask, Rosary simply turned and walked away saying, "You're not my type."

Since his near death experience, Aradan has lived in Samirel running a small inn he converted from an abandoned barn. Its usually always empty, having the reputation as a rejected sacrifice. He still studies magic but no amount of knowledge would ever make him understand Rosary. He, for whatever reason, doesn't think she's really much of a monster. But that's all a matter of perspective…
Weapons: His staff & a short sword (usually charged with magic)
Abilities: Not a whole lot -- Aradan is faster than most humans and he's quite intelligent. It's quite easy to underestimate his skills as far as magic due to his reserved personality. But this is all a ruse...Aradan, even as a child, was far more powerful than his father. Arada was a man of legend and died that way so Aradan has no intention of being remembered for being strong then failing.
Unique Abilities: Depending on one's perspective, Aradan can pass through the Black Hel Mountains safely. Rosary doesn't disturb him.
Other: Most of the Samirel villagers think Rosary has some attraction to Aradan for sparing him but this entirely untrue. Also, in his studying of the stars, Aradan has come across strange 'words' as he likes to call them. Rumors out of Samirel are spreading that some crazy hermit of a mage is seeing messages from the gods in the heavens.
Theme Song(s): Let It Burn by Red

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Gaia Name: zeek123abc
Name: Zeek Zuzaku
Race: Vampire
Age: 19
Personality: Zeek generally is kind, fun and generous. But he can tend to be a little cold to people he doesn't know or like.
Likes: Fighting, relaxing and having fun.
Dislikes: Being bored, in trouble and his old village.
Allegiance: Himself
Occupation: Mercenary
Family: Zeek has nothing to say about his family since they aloud the village to sacrifice him. The only thing he would say would be that they made a wonderful face when he slaughtered them.
Bio: When Zeek was young his village was full of people and happy. He had lived a very happy childhood but all that ended when he had reached the age of fifteen. He started to notice that he could do special things like control the wind and lightning. He even found out he could create lightning from his body. The people started to fear him. Even his own parents feared him. Then people in the village started to become very sick and the ones that were healthy enough all left before they could get sick. After five years the village had become filled with no one but the sick and dying. That is at least except for Zeek. For some reason he was immune to the disease and that gave the villagers an idea. They decided to sacrifice him to Rosary since their blood was tainted. They also were fearful for their own lives so fearful that his own parents agreed without hesitation. His parents walked him bound all the way up to the front doors of Rosary's castle. That's where the ditched him unconscious on the marble flooring in front of the castle. When he came to he had a strange thirst for blood and found himself inside Rosary's castle. When he fed she explained everything that had happened and he immediately went out and destroyed his village torturing every last person who lived there. He went exceptionally slow when he started to torture his parents. Once he was done in the village he left without looking back and became a mercenary. He still goes back to visit Rosary every now and then since he says everyone has to have at least one person to talk to in their lives.
Weapons: Sword in pic, Dual Pistols, and another sword.
Abilities: Super speed, strength, sight, smell, and reflexes.
Unique Abilities: He can control air and lightning. He can also generate lightning from his own body.
Other: He sometimes dual wields his swords.
Theme Song(s): Monster- Skillet
Hero- Skillet

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Gaia Name: akiriko
Name: Euda Chronic
Race: Demigod
Age: The many years have corroded my memory I can no longer remember my own age anymore.
Personality: I believe my personality varies on certain situations, be it good or bad I do tend to be a joker. Though don't get me mixed up for only a joker I can and will be serious even if it comes off as 'just a joke'. When i'm not goofing around on or off the battle field I can be a bit of an anti-social. Not only this i'm naturally calm for any situation.
Likes: Primarily I enjoy alot of things. But if I were to choose just a few i'd have to say I like star gazing, large bodies of water and don't ever forget this for it'll be your undoing. I love-yes LOVE sweets. I can't get enough of them, baked goods, tiny treats, anything and everything. I don't care when-why or how I get it as long as I get it.
Dislikes: What I hate most is the abusive rotten core this world has turned into. Not only this I was once hunted and hated by this world myself, everyone everywhere tried killing me which is one of the many reasons why I hate it so. Many feared me, however much I hate this world I still need to take care of the innocent children. The bystanders of this forsaken place.
Allegiance: Mainly myself, but i'm willing to offer my time now and again.
Occupation: A laughable mercenary. Or in other words, Freelancer.
Family: The years of being alive for so long obscures my memory, I can't seem to picture my mothers face anymore. As for my father I have no clue who or where the man is. On top of all this I don't recall having siblings either. I can tell you this much, Chronic isn't really my last name.
Bio: Seeing how I don't recall the full details of my life lets just begin where my sword was stolen, by the way my sword is named, "Shin" He's quite deadly and pointy so lets not anger him too much ok? ok. Back to business. You see Shin was stolen from me by a King, many many years ago he had ruled over quite a bit of lands. This man, or vampire whichever you wish to call him was named Saim, or King Saim or how I called him, "KB" which was short for, "King b*****d." Anyways King bas-Saim was truely an evil man. He'd enslave humans and take gorgeous women as his wives, I lost count at how many beauties he had. Oh man I remember this one ti-... sorry went off track. Well anyways you see Saim had a thing for power and it was said that Shin could be one of the most powerful weapons any demon lord could handle. This went to Saim's head and he some how out smarted me and stole Shin from me, sealing it away in his chambers for only him to see, among other things and tossing me chained up in his dungeons. I'm unsure of what magic he was using against me but no matter how hard I tried I couldn't break free, that was until the day Saim died. Thats when the seal broke and I retrieved my sword once more. It was rather easy to escape as well but no one would believe who I saw fleeing the scene, of course she wasn't as formally known then as she is now. Nor does it matter to me, I do have a debt to pay to her however.

Oh did I mention her name yet? no? well it's Rosary, yes the queen of Black Hel mountain. We have met many times on and off the battle field. Needless to say that she's definetly unique, as many times as we've fought we have also worked together. You could also go as to boldly saying were friends, and possibly rivals. As much as she's a beauty of a vampire, she is deadly in her own right but without actually knowing her, or her past no one would understand her fully. Not even myself however i'm probably the closest "friend" she has. Anyways thats all i'm going to give you for now so take care and go back to sleep you fools.
Weapons: Shin is my only weapon, it's more powerful now then when it was nearly seven thousand years ago. The stories of this sword are far and many. However one of them is true and the fact is when it strikes and kills it's target it eats away at the persons soul consuming it to feed it's own power, enhancing it even, every bit of the soul it takes increases Shin's power. You wouldn't believe how many demons i've killed with this thing and when I say demons I mean DEMONS. The problem is I hate using this sword, it kinda makes my life too easy in a fight. Don't get me wrong I love not wasting time but I tend not to use it anymore unless it's necessary. I mean really.
Abilities: enhanced strenght, endurance, stamina, speed.
Unique Abilities: The only abilities unique to me are when i'm using Shin which is rare.
The first move I would have to say is Awaken, when this is in use all of my strenght is directed into repelling or enforcing sealing magic. However with this move alone it takes away from Shin's power, never to be restored except through killing beings.
Next up on the list would have to be Slayer, this is where Shin starts firing crescent beams with every swing I make with my sword. Pretty nifty trick yeah? it gives me an advantage from a short distance.
Other: Euda rarely ever touches his sword anymore. It's more like a decoration now more then anything.
Theme Song(s): Celldweller - Eon
PostPosted: Sat Nov 26, 2011 10:02 pm
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Gaia Name: RastkoB
Name: Scythia
Race: Something more then human
Age: 28
Personality: Overall she is a decent person who treats others as they treat her. Meaning respect is met with respect and so forth, its quite the simple concept to grasp. She is also quite straight forwards, preferring not to beat around the bush but can if the situation calls for it. When it comes to morality and right from wrong, its hard to define her. She often does actions that seem wrong to others but within her mind are right and the proper course. At other times, she sits in a grey middle area. Lastly she rarely speaks, unless she find a reason too. Other then that she remains silent if there is nothing say or can not contribute to the discussion in question.
Likes: Music, cold weather, night time
Dislikes: Spicy food, being woken from her slumber, Voidlings
Allegiance: Herself
Occupation: Traveler
Family: Her parents, have long since been dead as far as she is concerned. There is only person that sticks out in her memory and that was a mage that took her when she was still young and trained her to be what she is now.
Bio: In her infancy she was abducted by a mage known as Ravion. She was taken because of an inborn talent for the arcane arts. Life from that point forwards would become difficult. Magic was not an easy to task to learn, especially for a child of such a young age but she managed. Overall it was a dull period with only a few events sticking out as exciting or important. Her first summoning where she brought forth a little demon that turned into quite the terror. Escaping from Cades after breaching several laws related to the dark arts. By the time she reached twenty her master had died, attempting to obtain a new source of power. She took up his task and spent a number of years traveling and searching. Much of her time was devoted through searching ancient texts for small pieces of information related to a plain of existence known as The Void. By her twenty four year of her life she had found her standing in the ruins of Vela. A long since forgotten location lost in time.

As she stepped foot within the crumbling structures she had found what she desired. She stepped into The Void. But it was not empty, instead life thrived and sought to enter there world. Her mind became filled with horrors and knowledge that would drive mad many creatures. Instead she accept this into her body and lost her humanity, only to become something more then she was. Given from time to time voices still linger in her mind, telling her to set them free she resists them. Her goal as of this time is to prevent the vision that consumed her. She travels the world, seeking further knowledge and destroy those who tempt The Void.
Weapons: Nether: A form of energy that shifts between three shapes. A blade, pike and shield.
Abilities: Her on true ability is something that she refers to as the Essence of the Void. She has lost part of her humanity in exchange for forbidden knowledge and enhanced physical condition. She even requires less sustenance then other creatures, being able to go weeks without eating.
Unique Abilities: She has a number of spells at her disposal. They range in effect and size but she sticks to a few that have never done her wrong.
Other: The Void its self has been lost in modern history. Only few know of its existence and she is one of them. As to what she lost of her humanity its a closely guarded secret.
Theme Song(s):

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Gaia Name: Black 1c3
Name: Lynn Skaiie
Race: Werewolf
Age: 14
Personality: She's half sane, and hears voices. She's used to being referred to as 'crazy' or a 'schizo'. Normally she'll response to the voices with her own thoughts, or sometimes she'll speak under her breath. If there's too many at once, she may yell something. Around other beings, particularly ones she doesn't know, she's quite quiet and doesn't show much emotion around them. She carries around a teddy bear which she may sometimes speak to.
Likes: The moon, silence, animals, her teddy bear, silence, being calmed, hiding, the night, stars, and darkness/shadows.
Dislikes: Bright lights, loud sounds (particularly high pitched ones), obnoxious beings, being found, when people try to talk 'sense' into her, anger, vampires, and yelling.
Allegiance: Herself, 'the voices', and some of her own race. She's not very trusting.
Occupation: N/A at this current point in time.
Family: Her parents were killed, and her brother may or may not be alive somewhere.
Bio: Lynn was born into a small village where she began her childhood. Through the young years of her life, she was always excluded, ignored, and underestimated. The one friend she made had betrayed her. All she had were her parents, and she figured that was best anyway. She also always heard these strange, faint whispers, but thought everyone did.

The years she had her parents were good years in her life. Yes, 'had'. Past tense. She came home one day to find her parents dead, vampires at their necks. Her brother was gone. and at the young age of 6, what was she to do? Without realizing what she was doing, she turned into a wolf, and lunged at the nearest one. Yes, she was young, but the vampires looked like they were as well. The first ended up torn apart, but the other put up a bigger fight.

The second vampire ended up dead, and the now-injured werewolf realized she had to leave. She could make everything so much worse. After mourning her parents' death, she grabbed her teddy bear and ran away. Far away. Maybe she would eventually find her brother. Maybe that's what kept her going. She couldn't trust anyone. Not any more.

For the rest of her life -- until now, of course -- she raised herself within the depths of a dark forest. It was over this time that the whispers grew louder. She became fully aware of her powers, and learned how to use them well. Still to this day, she continues to become familiar with what she possesses, and to search for her brother.
Weapons: Hidden dagger, a pair of sais, and technically her ribbon.
Abilities: Ability to, on command, change to a werewolf, and change certain parts to the wolf form on their own. (Ex. Only her ears, her eyes, or multiple like the ears and tail.. o.o )) She also has enhanced senses, speed, and strength.
Unique Abilities: Telepathy, and ability to mimic exactly what others hear ( voices of others, sounds )
Other: Her eyes are like a mood ring. The shape and expression on her face may not show her true emotion, but her eye colour may show it if someone knows what to look for, or if she forgets to try and control them. She can also be extremely stealthy.
Theme Song(s): X or X

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Gaia Name: I_Hallucinogenic_I
Name: Phantom "Demon God"
Race: Techno-Demi God
Age: 16
Personality:A personality of which was now forced upon me would,be one of a kind nature a clam and gentle sea but in fact as their are two sides to me,so shall you know the other.I am cunning,a twisted child i am,despicable ,evil in a physical manifestation i am but a cold and heartless hell bringer.
Likes: The Moon,sweets,blood,fighting
Dislikes:Blood,fighting,being looked down on.
Allegiance: My allegiance in the times of my sanity is to anyone who would need my help,But in the times when my sanity is forced into hiding i only serve Errenheit.
Occupation: N/A
Family: This is a debatable manner as i know not my parents although i was not simply just brought into existence by some divine power but by humans under the name of Erreinheit Engineering .

Bio:When Phantom was born he was given his name,his one and only name,Phantom,no last name to go by as he was simply a project and if not successful would be trashed in the end so there was no need for him to be given that human right.
Phantom was not like any other child as he had a creator or creators like no other.From in the womb they turned a normal child into something more than normal something of a technological masterpiece and he was born as such,a mind to match the greats and knowledge to build a utopia.
Alas the child's fate was not to be the next leader of a new generation but simply a test,a hope,a business investment in wars to come.The Founder of Errenheit Engineering was approached by a council from the city of Cades on a project that would go down in history.It was to create a being to the likeness of a god,a great step that would take money,resources and power all of which when two parties combined they had and thus using Errenheit technology,providing a power source and a re-manifestation of cells and the Council from Cades science,and other worldly magic a Technological Demi God was made.
It was a compacted package hidden inside the skin of a seemingly normal child and now that they had created it they surely did put it to good use,but this is the time when Phantom started loosing himself.He was now being trained to fight wars and to become something he was not,a Demon among gods,with in-humane training he quickly developed a second personality,the personality in which his trainers so desired.With his training done and himself now a "we" instead of an "I" they announced him to the world as a God created by Humans and pushed for him to showcase his talents but alas this is were the Legacy of the "Demon God" started as his training was suited for warfare not for show.In a Cataclysmic event he lost control of his sanity and killed and destroyed many and at the end of his terror Mekapolis was forced to be cornered off from the world for a short time in order to repair all the damage that was done.
Now the only time in which the Demon God is called upon is to do a wide-scale destruction on the enemies of Errenheit Engineering or Mekapolis on a whole
Weapons: Duall Hellbringer swords.
Abilities:Cell regeneration,large surplus of energy.
Unique Abilities: Transformation,Fire conjuration and manipulation.
Other: This is what he looks like in Techno-Demon God
Theme Song(s): Fade-One Reason

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Gaia Name: ForgottenxProphet
Name: Rin Collistar
Race: Immortal
Age: Looks and claims to be 17
Personality: A generally happy girl, she tries to act more mature than she really is. Hopeless romantic and easily flustered. Sometimes Unable to control herself, having random excited outbursts or angering easily.
Likes: Cake, sunlight, Cats, Music.
Dislikes: Cold, seeing others hurt, dogs who randomly follow her.
Allegiance: Loyal to those she befriends
Occupation: Currently traveling
Family: Mortal Father, left when she was young, raised by her Immortal mother. No siblings that she knows of.
Bio: Rins Father left when she was young, Leaving her to be raised by her fiery tempered mother on the scorched wastelands. Distrustful of others Rin spent most of her life In the wastelands, someplace no other being would carelessly venture, Learning to fight and use magic from her mother. When injured Rins Wounds heal seamlessly, blood flowing back into it’s veins and the wound “reversing” leaving only a smudge of blood. Despite this ability, however, Rin has a scar on her arm that for some reason would not heal. No one was there when she obtained it, and she refuses to talk about it, claiming to not remember the event. She often despairs that she may be the only Immortal other than her own family.
Weapons: tooth and claw, Sword, occasional magic.
Abilities: Instantaneous healing, cannot die.
Unique Abilities: Has ability to control light to an extent, shooting off bursts of sun light to blind her enemy if she should want to flee.
Other: When angered, she prefers to inflict harm upon herself instead of others, biting her arms and digging her claws into her neck until further provoked, at which point she will ruthlessly slaughter the person.
Theme Song(s): runnaway or euro trance

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Gaia Name: Yue_Shadow
Name: Auradellia of the Gale (Just 'Dell' if you please)
Race: Elf (unknowingly transformed to one of Vicis Custodis' Hands)
Age: 428
Personality: Cheerful for the most part but can be annoyingly overbearing when something or someone perks her interest. Unlike most elves who have a more spiritual perspective and internal bond with nature, Dell is fascinated by machines and science. She doesn't let the dirty looks from other elves get to her, the evolution of knowledge is far too mesmerizing for her to hide what she loves.
Likes: Learning to build/operate/take apart machines, the busy city life, & flying (via machines of late)
Dislikes: Any 'dark creature' (vampires, demons, etc.), blood, the boring country living, & people stuck in an eternal cycle of preconceived tradition like religion or inheritance
Allegiance: Mostly to Mekapolis where she was able to explore her passion for machine but also for to the Gale, the land of her ancestors.
Occupation: Mechanical engineer assistant.
Family: Best to only mention Dell's immediate family, as there could be hundreds of distant relatives. Mothered and fathered by Ouradellia and Marullio of the Gale. Siblings include in order of oldest to youngest: Rarullio, twins Zarullio and Zuradellia, Kuradellia, Sarullio, Nuradellia, Tarullio, and Duradellia. Dell sits smack-dab in the middle as the fifth of the nine children. She's kind of been disowned by the family after leaving the Gale.
Bio: Auradellia was born the middle child of a family with nine kids. Like her parents and many ancestors before her, she was born in the Gale. The Gale is a large area in the southwestern part of the planet's largest continent, completely covered in marshlands and sections of dense trees. As an elf, Auradellia has a strong connection with nature but her interests were perked when travelers in mechanical flying machine crashed in the Gale. While the other elves avoided the pleas for help, Auradellia snuck away from the family to meet the strangers who fell from the sky. She learned they were residents of Mekapolis, testing the newest airship out of Errenheit Engineering. She learned a lot from the crew and helped the best she could to repair the ship. In doing so, they asked Auradellia if she wanted to come with them. Without even asking her family, she accepted. She rushed home to the underwater cavern she called home, packed a few odds and ends, then took off with little more than an explanation.

Auradellia, taking to the nickname Dell because her full name reminded her of the past, took an apprenticeship at Errenheit Engineering. Over four hundred years in the Gale, she didn't realize how much the world had evolved. She was fascinated by how science had progressed. Technology, machines, vehicles, even weapons…all of it fascinated her. She even had the honor of meeting Erik van Errenheit, the founder of the company, and even his son in passing. Even at the present, Dell blushes when she thinks about the prodigy. However, he left. And wherever he went, he didn't come back. There was a rumor for a while that Zephiur van Errenheit was dead but Dell couldn't believe that. Whether it was true or not, Dell continued to assist in several projects. Her current assignment includes watching over a 'project' named Phantom. Even though Dell had improved in her understanding of machines, even drafting prototypes for her own personal suggestions, she has been assigned to oversee as a sort of guardian to the young artificial life form when he wasn't out defending Mekapolis.

Dell, who more or less gets along fine with Phantom, hasn't been in the best mood ever since they were sent on a rumor to the Black Hel Mountains. Whether it's simply recon, Dell has been traveling with the young demigod to supposedly avenge an assault on Zeph from some monster in the mountains. However, something strange happened shortly after they left. Late one night, Dell was awake sketching down a new idea when the fire she was using for light stopped moving. Little did she knew, Dell was the the presence of the god of time himself: Vicis Custodis. It lasted only a second and little did the elf from the Gale know, she had been transformed into a Hand. Vicis Custodis' personal army. Something along the lines of 'sleeper agents', there is no telling when the god of time will take over Dell's mind and those like her to bring death upon the planet. Until then, Dell is completely unaware of the god's control and travels with Phantom toward the mowntains.
Weapons: She doesn't have one of her own but Dell is a master of the bow. She does, however, own a customized pistol that shoots small energy blasts versus bullet.
Abilities: Longevity, spiritual connection with nature, quickened healing.
Unique Abilities: Like all elves of the Gale, Dell can control water in many ways. Control its movement, temperature, form, and even merge with it. Even her blood is clear.
Other: Being an elf of the Gale, Dell needs water and a lot of it. She's always seen with at least a canteen on her belt. Her skin tends to dry and wrinkle when she hasn't had enough water.
Theme Song(s): Far From Home by Basshunter

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Gaia Name: xXShadow the Wolf ChildXx
Name: Shadow Void Nightwalker Aka Metal Angel
Race: Half Dark Wolf and half human along with another mysterious part
Personality: Silent, repressed personality, anger issues sometimes, can be extremely violent when pushed too far, tends to have a cold attitude, has a practical side when in a good mood. He's very ambitious when it comes to battle as if its his very nature. He also in denial of his true feelings due to certain circumstances involving what he is and his past. Deep down he has a gentle caring side that he rarely shows and he can be quite shy at times. Even so, he tries not to get too close to anyone. Best quality, he can he honorable and righteous with a will to never give up. Although he puts on a strong face, he actually is a sad little puppy inside that wants a friend.
Age: 15
Likes: Fighting, Making friends but never shows it, reading books
Dislikes: People that try to get into his business, when someone pulls his tail, nightmares from his past.
Allegiance: Works alone
Occupation: Lone wandering mercenary
Family: Posses the blood of the last Demon King of the Nightwalker Clan through the mark on his neck as proof. the other parent is unknown.
Bio: Shadow is a mysterious young boy who has no memory of his past and has no family. He woke up alone near a town on a river bank with a mysterious pendant around his neck. He notice he was different from others at his reflection. He had blood red eyes, might night black hair, wolf ears, a long fuzzy tail, fangs, and claws. The only thing he remembers is the name that was given to him and small fragment of a terrible event that has plagues his mind. He learned of his blood line through the remaining data files left in the remains of ancient libraries. It is said that the Dark Wolves were once a race of extremely brutal demon warriors who vowed to retain peace to the world in the shadows, although there are still mysteries that haven't been revealed about their bloodline. But due to a tragic event, Shadow may possibly be that last of his kind. He was found and taken in by a loving young half vampire named Lucy Lockhart who was peaceful and caring.His child-hood was very difficult, for every person he met gave him a look of disgust in their eyes. But Lucy was the only one who saw him as a true person and taught him to always believe in hope. But one night, two groups of arrogant races used the town as a battle field for their wars. Lucy tried to go the peaceful way and break up the fight. But blinded by fear and rage, Lucy was brutally murdered by two leaders of both races. Shadow could only watch as she was killed and died in his arms. And thats when his demon power surfaced the first time. By morning Shadow's rampage killed everyone in sight all expect for the two warlords who escaped. But he also ended up killing innocent people as well, which filled him with eternal regret and remorse. At that moment, he final accpet that the fact he was a monster. Since that tragic day, Shadow has locked away his heart and never trusted anyone again. Ever since he discovered his capabilities, he has been fighting the all sorts of distorted and demented nightmarish demons of the world all on his own. He spent his life traveling the lands as a wandering mercenary searching for his past and the truth behind the cause of these mad wars and the dying world. Strangely, he has been a targeted by a mysterious force for quite sometime. Through out every battle, Shadow learned all sorts of unique spells, fighting techniques, that eventually gave him a reputation in the underground known as the Metal Angel. He is adept in fighting and he can be quite cunning and resourceful due to his demon bloodline. In time, he gained powerful weapons with spiritual power that help contain his demon half. He tries to restrain his demon-side from taking over after the incident years ago. For a long time, Shadow has carried a long heavy burden feeling his demon blood is reaching its peak and is one day going to explode unless he learns how to control it. And the dark secret behind it is the mark on his neck that represents the mark of a legendary fallen angel called the Devil Beast. But everytime he gets close to giving in, the pendant he has kept around his neck has always reminded him to keep moving on and never giving up. Maybe one day, he will find the one who gave him the pendant he cherishes so much.
Weapons: Starting weapons will be Tiger Fang and Dragon Claw (twin katanas with spiritual abilities) Caliburn( A gun made with Magic technology to hone his spell casting into powerful deadly projectiles also equipped with custom bullets)
Abilities: Able to control shadows and uses dark spells with dark power which are a natural alignment for him. He has Wolf senses such as smell and hearing. And his demon blood gives him strength speed and can even grant him the power to sense auras and night vision. Exposure to too much dark power can cause his demon power to surface and can trigger a deadly transformation when his emotions reach their peak. The change goes into stages. There are side effects due to the intense demon power that make him sick. So he mostly relies on is combat abilities of his weapons.
Unique Abilities: Has an unknown ability to grow gray wings and has the intellectual power to inherit and learn other spells and powers from special training, battle and even magical weapons.
Other: There are some things yet to be discovered by Shadow through out his tale.
Theme Song(s): I will post different songs through out the rp depending on battles and other events

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Gaia Name: Rainbowed-Panda
Name: Nathaniel Rowan Templesmith
Race: Human
Age: 276 years (still young and spry thanks to his many acheivements in practical medical applied sciences and alchemy)
Personality: Inquisitive, Superior, Polite, Smart, Slightly Charitable, Does not like killing things himself but has no qualms with dead bodies
Likes: Comfort, Riches, Praise, and Kind Words
Dislikes: Rudeness, Uncomfortable Surroundings, People who mock Intelligence, and his Step-father
Allegiance: Cades but mostly himself.
Occupation: Former Research and Development in the field of magic and applied sciences. Now he is simply a wealthy traveller
Family: George Templesmith (Father-Deceased), Sandy Templesmith (Mother-Deceased), Samuel Vanguard (Step-father - Still living out of sheer spite and was one of the ones able to afford his Elixir), Candy Vanguard (Step-sister - Deceased)
Bio: Well, now, it should start out with some once upon a time when the world was young and some such crap; however Nathaniel's story is unfortunately not that unique. He was born to a lower middle class family in the city of Cades to a father and a mother that had not really planned for him, and they did not really want him. He grew up with the basic amenities, and his father was slightly abusive. It was not until he was nine that the beatings stopped. Well, mostly they stopped because his father was two timing his mother with another guy named Jimmy. His mother walked out, and she took Nathaniel with her for some reason.

She and he did not have much, but Nathaniel worked hard in school so that he would have to be with her much longer. It was not until she married a wealthy man thanks to a shot-gun pregnancy that she even began realizing she had a son. From the age he was twelve on, she began forcing her attention on him with creepy fervor, claiming to love him, but his trust in her was shattered not to mention his step-father was emotionally distant at best and downright abusive (verbally) at worst. Finally, Nathaniel graduated and began to look at colleges. Thanks to his mom, he got a full ride at one of the most prestigious Academies in the city, and he got a fine education in the field of Applied Science and Sorcery. He graduated valedictorian with Honors and several job offers. It is about here that he admits to his mother and step-father he is gay, and his mother goes ballistic not surprisingly. His step-father cuts off communication and funds, but it matters very little at this point because he now has his dream job in R&D which pays rather well.

He begins to make some of the great breakthroughs that allow Cades' citizens to have easier lives by introducing such inventions as the Holo Computer (a practically limitless storage device and computer that comes on your wrist and uses magic as a power source), the Rainbowed Flames (a series of crystals that when a flame is focused through them, it changes color and has a variety of effects), the Elixir of Life (yup, that old alchemy trick turns out is not so tricky), the Holo-Surgeon (a surgery table that allows for more accurate body mapping and more accurate surgical cuts with the use of a laser. Still requires a person to operate it.), and the Meals to go (a box that can actually transmute any type of matter including garbage and refuse into a bar of delicious flavor and nutrition which essentially solves a large pollution problem). However, he began to reach out to his family again. Little by little, their trust was restored, and he was able to have a happy family life with all except his step-father who seemed to tolerate his existence as opposed to openly accepting him as a son. They lived their lives, but Nathaniel chose to take the Elixir to extend his own so he could continue in his field. However, he was troubled when Matris Vita's warning came. He was never overly religious and was, in fact, simply losing faith in the Gods, but this warning intrigues him, and he decided to use his wealth that he has acquired over the years in order to travel and see if the warning is stirring things up elsewhere.
*Holo Computer: one of his very own inventions. Appears to be a stylish silver bracelet that is bound to his right wrist. Houses a lot of apps similar to an Ipod and can connect to the Interweb no matter where he is. This allows him to even hack machines that may be in his way assuming they are connected to a network or may be connected to a network either magically or because they were designed to.
* Goggles: not an invention of his, but these goggles allow the user to examine a person physically and tell things about them like specie, physical ability, and magical aura giving him a good indication of what to do and how to handle the situation. They also allow him to see different spectrums like infared, ultraviolet, and "past markings" (a special magical ability that allows him to see what happened to a given area within a set amount of time
*Clothing: His labcoat, trousers, boots, and gloves are a special weave of protective fabric that give him an enhanced Durability. Not only that, but they change color to one of 500 color choices and have a cleaning function in which they clean the user's body and themselves, allowing the user to wear them indefinately without the need to clean them
*Normal physical abilities for a human his size (4 feet tall with 140 lbs soaking wet) who engages in moderate exercise and is reasonably healthy. Due to his Elixir invention, he is still incredibly young and spry though he has always been really small
*Moderate Sorcery: due to his field, Nathaniel had to be an accomplished sorcerer and very skilled in the uses of magic. He was able to master a form of sorcery in which he need only speak a command backwards and it happens assuming he has the internal energy to pull it off.
*Magic and Sorcery Blend: due to his field, Nathaniel can often affect science with sorcery and vice versa though affecting science with sorcery is much easier.
Unique Abilities:
*Inquisitve and Experimental Nature: Due to his love of blending science and sorcery, Nathaniel has a penchant to instantly recognize certain spells or pieces of tech. As such, he often can come up with countermeasures to them pretty quickly.
*Large Sorcerous Energy: He can cast a lot of spells
Other: Due to him being a lab geek, he is rather blunt and may lack social skills
Theme Song(s): Awake and Alive ~Skillet

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Gaia Name: No_Superman_10
Name: Azaetan (Az-ay-tan)
Race: Angel
Age: 471
Personality: Seems to have two extreme sides of personality, he leans on borderline love towards those he pledges loyalty to and burning hatred to his foes. Can come across as patronising and cynical.
Likes: Being among friends, Music, the human food "Ice-Cream"
Dislikes: Demons, illusions of grandeur, tyrants.
Allegiance: Heaven
Occupation: Protector of Humanity.
Family: Iustita (Mother), Fortitudo (Father)
Bio: When Humankind began to grow larger and discovered their latent curiosity, which led them to create tools and machines. The Gods looked down and decided that Humanity needed guidance, since the Gods were wary of how Humanity would react to their presence on Earth the Protectors were created. A powerful group of Angels that were placed on Earth to act as Heaven's eyes and guide Humanity more directly.

Azaetan was one such Angel. He was found by a priest laid atop an altar of Fortitudo, the God of strength. The priest took this as a sign and took the baby Angel to the nearby monastery, where the child was brought up as part of their order. When Azaetan was 18 years old he found a suit of armour and a sword laying on his bed. Picking up the sword he received a vision from Iustita, Goddess of Justice, telling him of his true nature and of the duty he was destined to perform.

Several days later Azaetan waved a final goodbye to the monks and nuns of the monastery and has since spent his days wondering the Earth, quietly observing and protecting Humanity.

Weapons: Holy Rapier: The sword of Angels, blessed by the Virtue of Glory to help in the protection of Earth and Humanity against those that would do it harm.
Abilities: Flight (Wingspan 2.5m. Wings can be hidden and revealed at will so he can walk among Humans without causing alarm.) Holy magic.
Unique Abilities: Can cause a large blast of electricity around him. Useful if surrounded.
Other: N/A
Theme Song(s): The Greatest Jubilee

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Gaia Name: FoxgirlSaika
Name: Alicia Yoko Anderson
Race: Human
Age: 19
Personality: Yoko is an adventurous dare devil whose always up to try anything. Yoko is a free spirit who is usually happy but has her serious moments when it comes down to business. Although she is pretty tough and tom boyish she has her flirty girly side and likes to have connections that she can call on. Even though she dislikes having to depend on any other she will make acquaintances just to have others in reserve if she really needs something.
Likes: Guns (any type), Chocolate, and High Places
Dislikes: People who don’t’ dare to try, People telling her she can’t do something, and when Judicca causes trouble.
Allegiance: Herself, although it was previously the military of Shyadrak, which is a fairly decent sized country.
Occupation: Part of the Shyadrakian Military
Family: Alicia Nelson Anderson was her mother and Derek Rueben Anderson was her father. Since her mother died when she was born she had no siblings, although her father’s squad became part of her family and military teachers. Joey Winfield taught her the scout, Kyle Smith who taught her all the technical terms along with codes and proper knife uses, Katherine (Kat) Smith (Kyle’s twin sister) who taught her formations and hand signs and what the symbols on the maps meant, Kevin Matthews taught her how to use machine guns, Nicholas Henderson taught her how to use a sniper rifle, and Raymond (Ray) Williams taught her how to use the heavy artillery like grenade launchers.
Bio: Yoko’s mother had died when giving birth to her so she was solely raised by her father who was a military commander. Since he was a commander he didn’t let her get away with anything without being reprimanded. So she grew up being the perfect child. He also had taught her how to be a soldier and defend and take care of herself since he was gone a lot. When she was old enough he was allowed to take her to the base with him. She became skilled and familiar with anything that was military related. The guys on his squad that he led took a liking to her so they were basically her family. It hurt to see them come back wounded so she took up an interest in medical procedures making her an overall good military personnel to have on your team.

Although before she joined the military, unofficially obviously, she lived at home by herself where the neighbors would come by and check up on her. Ever since she was born she had been doing dangerous things and daring to defy anyone who told her she couldn’t do something. Everyone thought it was a phase she would eventually out grow, but she never did. Which is why she climbed a huge oak tree in her back yard when she was seven, she had made it up without a problem, but coming down was the problem. On her way down her foot slipped and she went crashing down through the branches before hitting the unforgiving ground. It was then as she sat there in semi shock trying to hold in her tears that Judicca appeared before her and licked the blood from her knee. It was then that Yoko knew she would never be alone again so she smiled at her new friend. As the years went by the bond between them grew even though Judicca never showed it, but Yoko knew and would never forget the day they met.
Weapons: Her large sniper rifle (looks remotely like it is a Barrett M82) that shoots about .50 caliber bullets and when the butt sits on the ground comes up to about her chin. She also has a Navy MK III Knife.
Abilities: Given her military background it’s a given that Yoko is highly skilled in military knowledge which explains her love for guns. She is also an amazing chemist which allows her to create her own bullets which she calls A.C.E (Accurate Controlled Extermination). She was only able to become a chemist thanks to being able to work in the production labs for military weaponry. Since she grew up military she can unassembled and reassemble a gun in about ten seconds flat. Even though her specialty is guns is does have some training in hand-to-hand combat thanks to her dad.
Unique Abilities: Yoko is ambidextrous, extremely flexible, and almost completely double jointed.
Other: Yoko loves to dance and knows a multitude of different dances.
Theme Song(s): What You Want by Evanescence

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Gaia Name: FoxgirlSaika
Name: Judicca
Race: Fox Spirit previously Fox Anthro
Age: Thousands possibly millions of years old
Personality: Judicca is a rather cold and can be quite demented. She is also pretty blunt and doesn’t care what anyone things about her. She will tell you what she’s thinking without a second thought and doesn’t care if it hurts someone feelings.
Likes: Blood and blood shed for that matter, causing trouble, and when she gets her way.
Dislikes: Peace, when she doesn’t get her way which is usually inflicted by Yoko, and sitting around waiting or doing something boring or repetitive.
Allegiance: Herself
Occupation: None
Family: (even if they don't have names, at least reference your character didn't spawn from nothing)
Bio: Judicca use to have her own body and use to be a true Kitsune Anthro before she was defeated by a horde of golems that saw her as a common threat before they would take out each other. When she was taken down by the golems a sorcerer was passing by and saw her spirit floating free in search of a new suitable body and captured her. He took her back across the world and studied her trying to understand what she was and how she operated. Judicca was constantly making trouble for him and eventually escaped but he was able to place a curse upon her before she got out of his reach.

The curse made it so she could no longer posses a new body and if she tasted blood of a individual she would become bound to them until their death. If she killed her host she would die within twelve hours. If another killed her host she was able to give them the choice to become her new host or not. If they chose not to she would be able to roam free again and find a new host within twenty-four hours.

Judicca has gone through multiple hosts careful not to kill them herself but would leave them on the brink of death to be killed by another easily if she disliked them. It was then when she was dismissed from her last possible host that she traveled and found the seven year old Yoko who had just fallen out of a tree and blooded her knee and scrapped her elbow. Judicca’s time to find a new host was almost up and the smell of blood was just too tempting and she licked the blood from Yoko’s knee. It was on that day she became linked to Yoko and would forever follow her around until her death.

Weapons: In her spirit form she has the sword on her back. In her true form she has the broad sword in the picture linked to Fox Anthro.
Abilities: Each Fox Anthro has fox fire which is a fire they can summon and use like fire. Although for each fox their fox fire is a different color based on their personality, blood line, and intentions. For Judicca her fox fire is black fire but works just as well as if not better than normal fire humans would see or use. She can also use her host’s blood if she gets hurt as an attack which is called Claws of Blood. Although normal Fox Anthros would just use their own blood Judicca does not have that lenience, because she is a mere fox spirit.
Unique Abilities: Judicca’s first ability is quite simple and kind of resembles a vampire. What she can do is feed from her blood bounded host and become her original full Fox Anthro self that stands at about 5’8’’ since, a foot tall isn’t very intimidating. This also makes her stronger and unbinds her powers restrictions. Her second ability is to merge with her host to become a large Kitsune. Although she can only remain in that form for a limited time without causing too much damage to her host.
Other: Judicca loves bending people to her will and causing trouble for anyone around herself except for Yoko since “she’s already weak enough as she is why cause her more trouble.”
Theme Song(s): Dangerzone by Vanilla Ninja


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