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miss reku

Dangerous Lover

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PostPosted: Sat Dec 24, 2011 5:47 pm
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xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx ━ ━ ━ ━ F I E R C E
xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx A Fashion RolePlay
xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx Profile Thread
xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx Images from Photobucket

RP Thread
PostPosted: Sat Dec 24, 2011 10:09 pm
Revolution Designer
xxxxxCharolette Ann Hastings

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xxxxxxxxxxHm? Who the hell are you? Me? You don't know? I'm Charolette Ann Hastings you idiot!
xxxxxxxxxxYou, however, can call me Miss Hastings, or Charlie if we're friends.
xxxxxxxxxxI'm only twenty years old, and the best designer you'll ever meet.
xxxxxxxxxxSeriously!? What are you, blind? I'm a girl!
xxxxxxxxxxNot that this is any of your business, but I only like guys.
xxxxxxxxxxI'm already the best designer out there. I'm just waiting for everyone else to get the memo.
xxxxxxxxxxWhat are you staring at? Huh? What are you talking about!? Yes, it's black and yes it is completely natural!
xxxxxxxxxxNo, they aren't black. My eyes are just really, really dark brown okay? Now leave! You're creeping me out...


xxx• • •Charlie hasn't ever revealed where she actually comes from to anyone but her best friend. Most simply assume that, judging from her attitude and sense of fashion, she grew up in some upper class neighborhood with rich parents who likely have ties to the fashion world. However, just like the fashion world, what outsiders percieve to be the truth simply couldn't be further from it.

Charlie is the eldest child of Louis and Miranda Hastings. Her father worked for a large law firm, and made enough money to support the family. Therefore, her mother was a stay-at-home-mom, and took care of Charlie and her younger sister, Maggie. They were actually a very normal, very happy family. And though Charlie always loved dressing up and shopping for clothes, she didn't really ever consider a career in fashion. Until, of course, things started going down hill, as they generally do. Her father was on his way home from work one day when he was struck from the driver's side by a drunk driver who'd run a red light. He was killed on impact. The family's only comfort was that it was instant; he didn't suffer. Charlie was only ten at the time, Maggie six. The loss of their father hit the girls hard, especially since it meant their mother had to go back to work, too. Finding a job wasn't easy, and soon after financial troubles found them, as well. Their mother took on two jobs, and also a part-time job to support them. But it still didn't compare to her husband's large income. Soon, they started to fall behind on payments, and had to downsize. Charlie did what she could, but she was just a kid. The one thing she found herself good at, however, was sewing. Since there wasn't much spare cash, they couldn't replace torn clothes. So, she began to sew them back up. And then, she started making clothes. Her hidden talent was revealed in the clothes she sewed. By age fourteen, there wasn't a single piece of clothing in the Hastings' apartment that hadn't been sewn by Charlie. She'd even began selling clothes, to make some extra cash for the family.

She was sixteen at the time when her talents were finally discovered. She had walked to mother's second job to wait until she was done with her shift. It was a fancier resteruant, and sometimes high-end clientel would stop in. She was sixteen, and Maggie was twelve. It had been an accident, but Maggie had stepped on the train of a woman's dress, tearing it. The woman was outraged, and demanded to be compensated. Not wanting her mother to lose her job, or their family to lose any money, Charlie stepped in. She looked at the woman's dress, and decided that the dress looked horrible on her anyways. Right there, in the middle of the resteruant, she ripped up the woman's dress, taking out her travel sewing kit, and made what had been a long, floor length dress and chic knee-length one. The woman was so impressed and in love with the dress, she vowed to repay the Hastings. The next month, they got a call. The Headmaster of Fierce Academy wanted to offer Charlie a full scholarship to the school. They felt she had something special, a real gift.

So, that was that. She was off that year, and started designing. Her line, Revolution, was named after what her father used to say; "Don't join the revolution, be the revolution." It soon became clear just how talented she was. But, of course, she wasn't the only designer there. The only other person she considered competition was Deuce, WildKat's designer. It's well known the two couldn't stand the other's guts, but Charlie refuses to lose to someone like him. Any money she wins in school competitions goes home to her family, to support them. Maggie even got into a good private school thanks to her winnings. That's why, this year, Charlie knows she'll come out on top; she's got something she's fighting for.
• • •

xxx• • •Charlie has never been much of a charmer, even growing up. She's always kept to herself, for the most part, and been very picky about those she befriends. Without her sister, her parents were certain she would've grown up by herself. She doesn't like surrounding herself with people, simply because they don't think like she does. Charlie's father and mother always told her growin up the truth was the best thing to tell; so, if she has a thought on her mind, or an opinon to share, she isn't shy about it. Of course, there's a line that one crosses when truth become just plain old rude, but Charlie never pays it any mind. If people don't want to hear what she has to say, she's fine with that. She probably doesn't want their company anyway. Which is slightly odd, seeing as she hates being alone, as well. Though she doesn't enjoy trhongs of people, Charlie detests being completely on her own all the time, as well. She may be independent, sure, but she's not a loner by any means. She just prefers the company of one or two compared to that of five or six.

Which, isn't much of a problem considering her imfamous temper. When pushed too far, this girl of few but biting words is known to rain hellfire down upon who or whatever set her off, if only for a short while. Generally she doesn't have time to worry about what's made her mad, but don't think that gets you off the hook! Charlie has an excellent memory, and is known to hold a grudge. As far as she's concerned, you're either with her or against her. Though, rest assured, she takes this into consideration where her temper's concerned. She isn't as likely to blow up on a friend or hold something against them. Despite her outward appearance, she's actually very loyal, and very dedicated to her work. She protects her own, and takes on a 'big-sister'-like role for her younger friends. Though, she'd never ocnern herself with romantic dealings; she's got much bigger things to worry about than love.
• • •


xxxxxxxxxxHer little sister
xxxxxxxxxxHigh places
xxxxxxxxxxHot chocolate
xxxxxxxxxxShoe shopping
xxxxxxxxxxSewing (espiecally under pressure; she likes the adreniline rush)
xxxxxxxxxxCooking (it reminds her of her father)

xxxxxxxxxxThe rain
xxxxxxxxxxShallow people
xxxxxxxxxxSpicy food
xxxxxxxxxxLarge bodies of water (ei. lakes, oceans)
xxxxxxxxxxBeing late
xxxxxxxxxxSwimwear (she's never been good at making it...)

Excuse me? If you aren't Reku1495 then shut the hell up and get away from me!

miss reku

Dangerous Lover

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miss reku

Dangerous Lover

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PostPosted: Sun Dec 25, 2011 11:09 am
WildKat Designer
xxxxxAsmodeus December Sharpe

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xxxxxxxxxxIt's a pleasure to meet you~! I'm Asmodeus December Sharpe
xxxxxxxxxxBut my name's a mouthful, so everyone calls me Deuce/Deus, if we're close, or Ember/December usually~
xxxxxxxxxxDo I look old? I swear I'm only Twenty one years old~!
xxxxxxxxxxI thought it was obvious, but I suppose my looks are a bit misleading some times! I'm still a Guy ~!
xxxxxxxxxxI suppose you'd catch my fancy if you were either gender ~ I'm not very picky~!
xxxxxxxxxxI'm taking up the challenge to be the best Designer the world has ever seen~!
xxxxxxxxxxOh my hair? I haven't dyed it white with tinges of light purple , silly~ It's completely au natural~! And no, I'm not old just yet~
xxxxxxxxxxOf course I don't wear contacts~! My eyes are naturally pale lavander ~!


xxx• • •Contrary to popular belief that Asmodeus was born from the tragic romance of a Romeo and Juliet-esque coupling, the first few years of his life was...actually quite normal. In truth, Asmodeus hadn't even been born as Asmodeus December Sharpe. As a normal young boy, he had been named Zackary Erik Rovitto. He can almost remember the peacefulness...the quiet, happy, no-competition style life. But then again, who is he kidding? The world is built up solely on competition, and the illusion of his misfortune-less childhood is shattered. His mother was a designer, actually, and his father was her make-up artist. As a child, Zackary was always intrigued by the glittering, glamorous world that his parents were a part of. Of course, at that time he hadn't known that something that perfect, that captivating, was an illusion. He could only see that, that was what he wanted to be in the future. He was going to follow in his mother's footsteps and become a designer.

But of course, it wasn't always like that. Like many other children, he hadn't wanted to follow either of his parent's footsteps. He had been a rebellious young teenager who wanted to make his own way in the world. By the age of twelve, Zack had made a name for himself as the Fiore Bianco; a street artist who decorated run down buildings with graffiti to make them attractive again. His signature would always be a single white flower in some corner of his artwork. But he grew older and he realized that he couldn't be sneaking out every night and doing stuff like this anymore. He wasn't going to get paid, and as much as he loved this path that he had chosen for himself, it wasn't going to get him anywhere. Begrudgingly, he put down his graffiti, and started thinking about something that could let him keep his love of art, as well as get him paid. His eyes stumbled upon his mother's works when she was out and that's what got the ball rolling.

He decided to become a designer like his mother. At first, it was difficult for him to get used to all the glitz and glamour, but it became easier once her realized that it wasn't all real. It was just there to intimidate him. Then he realized that, in order to survive, he couldn't play fair. Which was just fine with him because he never played fair anyways. He started showing signs of genius at what he did at an early age, though at first when his mother brought him to runways, he was always known as "Izumi Rovitto's son". He started working harder and his parents quickly ushered him into Fierce Academy, where he made his first debut as "December", the new, young designer who could put the most seasoned designers to shame. Not wanting to be labeled as 'riding on the coat-tails of his mother', he changed his name to Asmodeus Sharpe. As a year passed, and he had gathered together a team he could trust, becoming the leader of the brand WildKat which had at first consisted only of four other people that he felt like he could trust...on a level. His fame had grown and his game wasn't dropping anytime soon; but he had quickly learned that he had only one competition to worry about: Revolution. They clashed at every competition and it went on so long that the school was finally split between the two brand-names. Years passed and WildKat and Revolution were still on equal ground. He's always been at odds with Charlotte, the Revolution designer, but he knows he'll be the one that pulls through this time and leave her in the dust. He's not going to be giving up the title of 'Best Designer' to her any time soon. Nor is he going to be giving up that chance for a magazine spread and cash prize, as well as the chance to show the world that he can be a better designer than anyone else. Not because he was Zackary Erik Rovitto, the son of a designer, but as Asmodeus December Sharpe, a genius who worked to be where he was right now with his own hands and brain.
• • •

xxx• • •Asmodeus is one of those people who you know you shouldn't look in the eyes, talk with, or even remotely be anywhere near a hundred mile radius of. But you can't help it. He's charming; so much so, he would be able to coax a cobra that is ready to strike to deflate and curl up in his lap. Maybe that doesn't count, because Asmodeus is like snake himself. His very presence gives you the chills, even though he's always smiling, and you know you just can't trust anything he says, but they seem so true that you can't help but believe him. And the worst thing? He knows this. His charm is what attracts so many people to him, and why so many girls [and guys] want him. He is a brilliant young actor who can hide his real emotions inside, locked in so deep, any normal person would be led to believe that he wouldn't even be able to feel anything. But deep, deep, deep down is a young man who is loyal to a fault and would do anything for the ones he cares about, which are few and it's hard to find people Asmodeus would even care about, really. He's just a misunderstood person who's afraid to open up his heart for fear of being laughed at. But give him time to warm up to you and you have yourself a powerful, and trustworthy, friend. • • •


xxxxxxxxxxMarshmallows, chocolates, candy, cake, and other sweet things
xxxxxxxxxxGraphics designing
xxxxxxxxxxGood music
xxxxxxxxxxA good challenge

xxxxxxxxxxMost of his past
xxxxxxxxxxArtist blocks
xxxxxxxxxxNo inspiration
xxxxxxxxxxBitter tasting things
xxxxxxxxxxGetting sick
xxxxxxxxxxFeeling threatened
xxxxxxxxxxOthers acting like the 'own' him
xxxxxxxxxxHaters, trolls, etc.

I don't take orders from just anyone and I listen to Hunter Crawl only~!
PostPosted: Sun Dec 25, 2011 4:41 pm
Revolution Model x1

xxxxxIanie Aria Suzuki

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xxxxxxxxxx If you didn't know already, my name is Ianie Aria Suzuki Where have you been? Living under a rock?
xxxxxxxxxx Never use my first name. Just call me Aria, Ari, or Ia That's what everyone else calls me!
xxxxxxxxxx Stop staring at my baby face! I'm twenty years old! Really!
xxxxxxxxxx You must be an idiot if you can't tell that I'm a cute little girl
xxxxxxxxxx I'm generally the busy one, but if you're seriously interested, I only like guys
xxxxxxxxxx I already achieved my dream of being a widely known music idol - but I want to help my dearest friend by becoming her best Revolution Model
xxxxxxxxxx My light blonde hair falls down to my ankles; no extensions used!
xxxxxxxxxx They say that eyes are windows to the soul, what do you see in my ocean blue eyes?


xxx• • • Biography - Being an only child, Ari grew up riding her parent's coattails to fame; her mother, Miyano, was a well known model and her father, Hayato, was quite the famous music idol himself. Once she was able to walk, she was introduced into the performing arts industry, and soon made a name for herself as she grew older - with much help from her parents; naturally. Ari first joined an all-female pop group before making a name for herself as a soloist. However, she refused to step out of her pop group, enjoying to perform with her friends instead of being alone on a huge stage.

Ari knew Char when they were crawling around in diapers; Hayato was a close friend to Louis - and it was only a matter of time before Miyano and Miranda became near inseparable. Char's father's death devastated the Suzuki family just as much as it did with her best friend. Miyano made a point of helping Miranda whenever possible, even offering a job to her dear friend - but there was only so much that Miyano could do without coming off as horribly overbearing.

So once news that Char was accepted into Fierce Academy, Ari was overjoyed for her friend, but due to her crammed concert and recording schedule; was unable to join as a model. Not that it mattered, because once news of the competition in the Academy reached Ari's ears; she made a point to show up as her friend's model, despite protests from her manager. Ari knew that there was no plans for her, since it was planned that she would take a few weeks off after all that touring. Ari simply wanted to aid her friend, since she understood what the cash prize really meant to Char.

However, news that the young pop diva was going to be at the competition leaked out - resulting in more people keeping their eyes on Fierce Academy's grand event...
• • •

xxx• • • Personality - Ari is a rather shy, naive girl, but very frank towards people she has opened up to. But either way, you won't be seeing her starting conversations with strangers. Rather mellow, there isn't much that irks her temper, making people think she's a pacifist. She's generally quite sweet and calm, wishing to be on everyone's good sides and tries to avoid petty conflicts whenever possible. Ari has a tendency to look on the bright side of things. She is very good at hiding her current emotions from others. But even then, it has a limit, as eventually her bottled up feelings would overflow. Little squabbles don't linger long in her mind, but she may take longer to let go the bigger arguments. But, despite her good traits, Ari isn't the sharpest crayon on the drawer... if you catch my drift. The word "focus" is not exactly in her dictionary. Not to mention the fact that she is clumsy to the point where it's probably not very funny. She can trip over anything and everything and has a tendency to crash into people more often then she would like. It's a mystery as to how she can perform so well.• • •


xxxxxxxxxx Her best friend; Char
xxxxxxxxxx Performing (dancing and/or singing)
xxxxxxxxxx Her Pop Group // Hanabira
xxxxxxxxxx New Choreography
xxxxxxxxxx Cakes
xxxxxxxxxx Birds
xxxxxxxxxx Crowds

xxxxxxxxxxWhite Chocolate
xxxxxxxxxxMessing Up
xxxxxxxxxxConceited People

I have an imaginary friend that I named ll Yuna-Chan ll I always follow her suggestions!

miss reku

Dangerous Lover

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miss reku

Dangerous Lover

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PostPosted: Mon Dec 26, 2011 5:14 pm
Revolution Model x2
xxxxxSebastian Grey

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xxxxxxxxxxThe honor is yours, I am known as Sebastian Grey
xxxxxxxxxxPlease, refer to me as Mr. Grey
xxxxxxxxxxI'm at least... 21 years of age...
xxxxxxxxxxI know it is difficult to believe that somebody as beautiful as I could be a Male
xxxxxxxxxxMy sexual preferences simply involve Females
xxxxxxxxxxMy simple dream is to become a wealthy Model for I'm already the greatest...
xxxxxxxxxxMy hair is obviously white as the snow
xxxxxxxxxxMy eyes? Why they are Pure White


xxx• • •Born into a family of aristocrats, wealthy business men, antique dealers, and crime lords, Sebastian was not as sheltered as most would assume. Instead, he is rather knowledgeable when it comes to understanding the world around him, including that which most do not know of. When it comes to the crime aspect of his life, I do not speak of petty criminals, bank robberies, or anything of such... Lowly standards. No, his family was much more upper class about everything they did. Crime involved illegal dealings of rare art mostly, and a bit on the diamond stealing side (in large quantities, of course).

Sebastian's mother did not want such a lifestyle for him, however. Although she had no choice in the matter of keeping him sheltered from the world of high end crime, she did have a choice in what he would be taught. She refused to allow his father introduce him into such a horrible world, she put him into an expensive academy owned and run by a close family friend. There, Sebastian proved his intelligence by easily placing himself at the top of his class (though his apathetic personality tends to support another belief). He graduated with all honors and top marks in every class he was enrolled in, as was expected of him by his prudent family. After this, his father approached him with the proposition of taking him as his apprentice.

Sebastian brusquely refused his father's offer. While the world of crime was indeed a prosperous one, Sebastian had no need of money. His family had more money than he could ever desire. Crime also held no face value to it, everything was done in the dark, the shadows, out of sight. Sebastian wanted his name known, he wanted to have fame, influence, power.

So he decided to enter the world of fashion...
• • •

xxx• • •Sebastian is a rather... Haughty individual... Due to his upbringing, he knows that he is above the majority of the population. In fact, the only people he considers his equals are those in his immediate family and of course, his Designer. He doesn't really pay much attention to most males unless they play a direct part in his life at the current moment. He values physical beauty a bit too much at times, but his heart is true when the time is necessary.

Apart from this, he is a rather apathetic individual. He hardly shows an honest emotional response to anything. He quite literally does not care. This plays out into his "relationships" as many women have fallen for him, and every time, he simply stops speaking to them for they've bored him. He often only thinks about his own gain, naturally disregarding others around him. There are times however, when his honest feelings do show. These are rare and far in between though, and only to those who are truly close to him.

Another trait Sebastian is known for is his ability to seduce. He enjoys getting what he wants, women are no exception.
• • •



xxxxxxxxxxUgly people
xxxxxxxxxxBeing pestered

I take my orders from Seraphiel The Forgiving so deal with it!
PostPosted: Mon Dec 26, 2011 5:39 pm
WildKat Model x1

xxxxxKatherina Harleen Moore

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xxxxxxxxxx*giggle* Hi there! Oh you're cute! My name is Katherina Harleen Moore
xxxxxxxxxxBut since you are so adorable you can call me Kitty, Kat, Harley
xxxxxxxxxxI'm older than I look! nineteen years old thank you very much!
xxxxxxxxxxNow you're just being silly! I'm obviously a girl
xxxxxxxxxxOh that's an easy one! I like them gorgeous guys
xxxxxxxxxxWhen you see me work it on the catwalk you'll know I'm the best WildKat model in the world!
xxxxxxxxxxI've never touched my hair color! All natural baby! A beautiful shade of chocolate brown
xxxxxxxxxxHmm come a little closer and you'll see for yourself that I have hazel eyes


xxx• • •Katherina was born to a couple of french aristocrats. She was raised with a silver spoon in her mouth in Paris yet she was not one to shove it in other people's faces. She was a well-mannered and well-liked child in her household. Because of their wealth, Kat's parents decided it would be best to home school their baby girl and did so with only the best of the best tudors and scholars the same as her brother. She had the best education anyone could have ever given her but because of her lack of exposure to other children her age and her parents' constant doting, she became very naive about the world. She didn't have the same maturity as other children her age would have in certain situations and so her parents began to worry if what they were doing to her was right for her. Halfway through the elementary school year she was enrolled in a private school for girls.

Those years were terrible for the poor girl. Since she had next to no proper child-like social skills, Kat didn't get along at all with the other children. Mainly because she was way too shy to actually talk or play with them. Well, like any little girl would think, they immediately jumped to the conclusion that she thought she was too good to be seen with the likes of them. They began to tease and bully the poor girl who had no idea of the reason behind it. As a child she was a little on the chubby side and so they began to pick on her for that more often than any other thing. She developed a very low self-esteem because of it and it was around this time that she began suffering from anorexia.

During her last year of elementary school something very bad happened that scarred her for her rest of her life...literally. It was just as classes were ending and most girls were getting ready to go out to the malls. By this time Kat had made one friend, Linette, who just happened to be a part of one of the more popular girls in the school but did not let it on to poor Kat. She thought she had found a friend. They were supposed to be going out together for ice cream after classes but instead the girl was taken to the back of the school were she was ambushed. The group of girls said they would make her a part of their little gang if she could handle just one little task for them. Thinking she would do anything just to be part of the crowd, Kat agreed. She was then held down and her arm extended while another lit a match. They held it close to her arm inching it closer despite her screams of pain against the raging heat. Just as the flame made contact with her skin, a teacher saw them and shooed the girls away. But it was too late. Kat had to be taken to the hospital and her arm was treated. She was left with a scar that is a constant reminder to her never to trust again.

Since the incident her parents moved to America and enrolled her in a high school there. As an act of rebellion against her parents putting her in school again instead of home schooling, Kat began to party and drink. During one of those parties she had met Dimitri. A bold guy who that night kissed Kat on a dare. When their lips met she had felt something that she had never experienced before. A sort of adrenaline rush from the moment their lips met and she felt all eyes on her. The feeling of having the attention all focused on her was exhilarating. Not to mention flirting made her feel confident in herself since she had this smile that could melt any guy's heart. She started getting into fashion and dressing as cute as possible to garner more of that attention. Because of her current small figure she was considered perfect for modeling. Before she was asked to attend the prestigious Fierce Academy she was offered jobs at different agencies but she figured she needed more schooling and experience to be the best that she could be. When she met the designer she was working with she immediately was won over by his mere presence. She has been on a mission ever since then to keep other girls as far away from him as possible hoping that one day he'll realize just how cute she is. Her brother though doesn't seem to approve of such behavior. Like she cares!
• • •

xxx• • •Katherina is a very energetic and happy go lucky person. She hates to see her brother down and is always jumping around hoping to spur thim into a smile or laugh. Her batteries never seem to run out even when it is obvious that she is on the brink of exhaustion. She is a cute little thing and loves girly items like dresses and bright colors. She loves to get all dressed up for no reason at all and has the cutest little giggle and smile of any other girl her age. She acts that way because she remembers how her father used to fawn all over her when she did so. In a way she can be very manipulative but she tries not to do that a lot. Her manipulative ways help her to get whatever she wants and when she doesn't get her way she tends to become very hot-tempered. She will scream and cry throwing a complete temper tantrum in which she must be calmed down before she goes into a complete blood lust where she kills any thing and every thing in her path. She is also very mischievous and likes to cause trouble for her brothers for a bit of a laugh on her part. She always apologizes afterwards though and they can't help but forgive her.

She has this side of her though that only her brother has ever seen. The times when everything from her past comes back to her and she is reminded once again that others are not to be trusted. She is constantly thinking that others are just out to use her for their own personal gain and doesn't see anything but conspiracies to bring her down. She's a great little actress though and can usually push it aside but there are the times when she'll cry uncontrollably for hours.
• • •


xxxxxxxxxxGirly things like bows and cute dresses
xxxxxxxxxxSweets, especially ones of the cold variety like smoothies
xxxxxxxxxxCute animals
xxxxxxxxxxAnime and Japanese dances

xxxxxxxxxxHer scar
xxxxxxxxxxBeing reminded of her past
xxxxxxxxxxMean/argumentative people
xxxxxxxxxxStrenuous activities
xxxxxxxxxxGirls getting too close to her designer

Hey now! Sorry the only one allowed into my thoughts is HatterHarleyQuinn and that's that!

miss reku

Dangerous Lover

8,050 Points
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miss reku

Dangerous Lover

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PostPosted: Mon Dec 26, 2011 5:41 pm
WildKat Model x2
xxxxxEzekiel Isaac Moore

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xxxxxxxxxxA pleasure to make your acquaintance. My name is Ezekiel Isaac Moore
xxxxxxxxxxBut let's not be so formal. Call me Zekes
xxxxxxxxxxI'm not old, I'm just Twenty one years old.
xxxxxxxxxxYes, my hair is long, but it's quite obvious I'm a guy
xxxxxxxxxxHmmm... Guy or girls it doesn't really matter all that much to me.
xxxxxxxxxxI wouldn't go as far as to say I'm the best but I'm certainly quite a good [Wildkat] Model
xxxxxxxxxxI dye my hair a lot, but right now it's naturally azure
xxxxxxxxxxMy eyes have always been a heterochromatic crimson and aqua


xxx• • •Zekes had been born to a pair of French aristocrats. But he has a different mother than his sister, Katherina, who would come later when his father remarried after Zekes' mother died. He was a gentlemanly little boy, and was very protective of his only little sister, despite being only half-related. Because of their wealth, their parents [or rather, Zekes' father and step-mother] could afford home tutoring, and so Zekes and Kat had to take lessons from scholars at home. But Zekes was different from Kat in that he would constantly sneak out and had more experience about the real world than his little sister ever could. His father wasn't really worried about him, seeing as he could hold his own and was very smart and quick for his age. Then Kat was enrolled into a private girl's school and, not wanting him to stay home alone, Zekes was sent to a private boy's school.

While Kat was suffering in her school, Zekes was having a bit of trouble at his as well. Because he came from a rich family, because he had heterochromatia, and because he was the new kid, he was constantly picked on. A lot. Because it was an all boys school, the bullying and harsh treatment was much worse, but the results were very different. Zekes actually fought back. He didn't just let them bully him, and he often got into a lot of fights with the other boys, which isolated him and gave him a rather bad reputation.

Zekes was withdrawn from elementary school after the incident with Kat, but they would no longer be home-schooled. Kat started falling into bad habits, and while Zekes was starting over with his own reputation as being a nice-guy, who he really is. He doesn't like partying very much; but because Kat went and he had to protect his only sister [who, in his mind, is still a naive, rebellious child], he followed her. In the same party Kat met Dimitri, Zekes met Jesse. She was a very popular girl, and he was drawn to her charisma immediately. She was who started him into acting first. It helped that he looked a lot like his father in his younger years, with a tall, lithe build that male models had, and his heterochromatia made him stand out, but this time in a good way. His talent for acting was found immediately, and bother movie and modelling companies wanted him. Even with the little experience he had, he accepted, and got to work learning and working at the same time. He became a hit as an actor and is quite famous. He met December on occasion when he went modelling, since he was usually modelling for WildKat anyways, and the two struck up a kind of a friendship. He was invited to join Fierce Academy at the same time she had, and in this way, he could also keep an eye on Kat. He knew it had to be trouble when she fell for the designer of WildKat. His brotherly intuition was right when she started chasing every other girl 'competition' away from him. Personally, Zekes likes Ember, when he's not being a douche, but he thinks it's completely inappropriate for Kat to act the way she does with him...and it's frustrating when Ember doesn't do anything to discourage her actions either, as if he likes the fact that girls [and guys, as Zekes has seen on occasion] are fighting over him. He's a little uncomfortable with the fact that so much attention is being focused onto this competition, but what can he do? The two famous lines Revolution and WildKat were going to be competing and while WildKat had him, the infamous rookie actor Ezekiel Isaac Moore, as a model, Revolution would be having her, Ianie Aria Suzuki, the young pop diva from the all girls pop band Hanabira. He's got a lot more than he's bargained for...
• • •

xxx• • •Zekes is incredibly nice and kind, but not as energetic and happy-go-lucky as his sister. He loves and cherishes his sister more than anything in the world and does his best to smile and be up-beat around her even when he's not quite so cheerful. But he's also very strict with her and knows that he shouldn't spoil her any more than she already is. He's very open and friendly, even with people he doesn't know, and does his best to help out even if he can't really do much. There's a part of him that is still quite childish and loves to have fun, and he's perfect for breaking up tension with his quips and light teasing.

He's stern when it comes to his sister's unreasonable temper tantrums, and is pretty much the only person who knows how to calm her down without spoiling her. He can get quite irritated with her from time to time, but because he loves her too much to be always angry with her, he cools down when she apologizes. He's also very gentle; usually when Kat gets into one of her 'breaking down' moods and starts crying uncontrollably. Because he's an actor himself, he knows when Kat is acting herself, or faking emotions in public. When he himself has an emotional break-down, he makes sure Kat never finds out, because he wishes to be strong for her.
• • •


xxxxxxxxxxHis sister
xxxxxxxxxxMocha frappe [It's the only coffee he likes]

xxxxxxxxxx'Holier-than-thou' people
xxxxxxxxxxAnyone hurting his sister, physically or emotionally
xxxxxxxxxxEmber, when he's being an arse
xxxxxxxxxxHis heterochromatia being made fun out
xxxxxxxxxxWhen he just can't get his role right
xxxxxxxxxxKat's temper tantrums

Please don't tell me what to do... Hunter Crawl does that enough already.
PostPosted: Mon Dec 26, 2011 5:45 pm
Revolution Makeup Artist
xxxxxEvangeline Ia D'Lorenzo

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xxxxxxxxxxH-hello...I'm Evangeline Ia D'Lorenzo ...
xxxxxxxxxxIf...it's too long you can call me Eva, or Ia but only Charlie is allowed to call me 'Angel'...
xxxxxxxxxxI may not look it...but I'm Nineteen years old...
xxxxxxxxxxI really am a girl !!
xxxxxxxxxxI suppose I like guys ...
xxxxxxxxxxI want to become the best [Revolution] Makeup Artist that Charlie can depend on...
xxxxxxxxxxI used to change the color a lot, but now my hair is chocolate brown
xxxxxxxxxxMy eyes are naturally dark brown


xxx• • •Angel was born into a very poor family, who could hardly get by. Her parents, deciding that it would be better for her, gave her away to a rich couple who weren't able to have any children. The woman, Anne, was a model and the man, Alexander, was a business man. The couple raised her up as their own, and Angel would never find out that she wasn't really their child until she was twelve. She really did love her adopted parents for taking car of her and raising her up, and she now understood why she was so different from them. She took it well, actually, but she began refusing expensive gifts and told her parents not to spoil her too much. She was just happy with being their child.

That's around the time she began taking an interest in make up. Her mother took her to one of her photo shoots one day when her father wasn't home, and Angel was immediately attracted to how pretty her mother looked when she put make up on. Since that day, Angel started to practice with the make up brush; on her mother, her nanny, and any of the female staff at home that would be willing, but never on herself. By the age of sixteen, Angel had gotten so good that her mother just had to get her into Fierce Academy.

When she did get in, however, she was always picked on for being such a meek and timid girl. Although never hurt physically, they would attack her verbally and emotionally, just for being 'different'. And just when Angel thought she couldn't take it anymore, Charlotte appeared and defended her. Since then, Angel saw the Revolution designer as her role model and wants to be tough just like her. Since Angel never had siblings, Charlie was like an older sister to her. Her talent was figured out by Charlie, who then asked her if she wanted to join Revolution. Angel didn't hesitate in agreeing. Now she's more fired up than ever to help Charlie win this year's competition.
• • •

xxx• • •As much as Angel is talent, she's also incredibly shy. She's meek and timid, even on her best days, and she can't help but start tripping over her words when she's spoken to [at least, by anyone who isn't Charlie]. She can't stand up for herself at all, and when she speaks, it's so soft that barely anyone can hear her. She would hate herself forever if she said something and it hurt someone, since she knows how it feels to have hateful words directed at her. She's actually quite nice, friendly, and helpful, but you just have to get past her shy shell. Although she doesn't have much bite to back up her words, sticking around Charlie has rubbed off on her somewhat, and she will stand up for her friends and that's when her personality is altered a little. The always meek Angel will suddenly become fierce and blunt with her words, although afterwards she might feel really bad about it. • • •


xxxxxxxxxxMake Up [But only when she's putting it one someone else. Personally, she'd never put on make up.]
xxxxxxxxxxCharlotte's designs

xxxxxxxxxx'Holier-than-thou' people
xxxxxxxxxxPeople who spread gossip about Revolution and Charlie
xxxxxxxxxxWearing make up, herself

Apart from Charlie, I only listen to Hunter Crawl so please don't take any offence...

miss reku

Dangerous Lover

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miss reku

Dangerous Lover

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PostPosted: Mon Dec 26, 2011 5:49 pm
WildKat Makeup Artist
xxxxxOlivier Rhyan Renard

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xxxxxxxxxxOh um..hi there...my name? Oh...it's Olivier Rhyan Renard . Pleased to make your acquaintance.
xxxxxxxxxxPlease just call me Ollie.
xxxxxxxxxxI'm only eighteen years old, but shh!
xxxxxxxxxxOh well I suppose that could be an easy mistake to make...*blush* I'm a boy
xxxxxxxxxxOh gosh *total red face* Well promise to keep it a secret? I like Guys
xxxxxxxxxxIt's my dream to be the best Makeup Artist in the world!
xxxxxxxxxxMy hair? Well yeah it's naturally silver
xxxxxxxxxx*looks away and blush* My eye color is natural too, it's stormy grey


xxx• • •It was late one december night. His mother and father, Leena and Marco Renard, had just lain down to get their beauty sleep when suddenly Leena abruptly sat up. She had felt a pain in her stomach but thought that maybe it was the baby kicking. Her eyes narrowed in confusion as she rubbed her tummy. Marco rose as well asking what was wrong then felt something warm on the bed. He looked down only to realize that Leena's water had broken. Quick as a rabbit he was out of bed and rushing around to get all her things ready to go to the hospital. Five hours and thirty one minutes later on December 15th, a pretty little baby boy was born. Olivier Rhyan Wood.

Things went along splendidly for a few years there. Marco was working a full time construction job and his mother worked in a daycare to make ends meet. Ollie went with his mom when she couldn't find a proper baby sitter so she could work. It was in that daycare center when his talent was discovered. His mother had been walking around interacting with the other children when she happened to come around to the art area to see her two year old drawing something. Thinking it was just some typical scribbles of a toddler, Leena made her way over to her child only to discover a beautiful blending of colors on the paper. She was awestruck and from then on bought him all the crayons, markers and pencil crayons he wanted.

It was around this time that his father started to get angry with his mother. While other little boys were outside playing sports and running around getting dirty, little Ollie sat around drawing and painting. He was getting teased at school for it but at the time he didn't care because he knew his parents were proud of him. At least his mother was. His mother saw nothing wrong with her son choosing to draw instead of being a tough manly man. True he was on the skinny, dainty side but little girls still swooned after him. He had the prettiest eyes they had ever seen and his cute demeanor only served to make them weak in the knees. But his father disapproved. His son had to be athletic not artsy. He tried to teach the boy how to play certain sports but Ollie just couldn't get it or if he got hurt he'd immediately sit down and cry. Marco blamed Leena and that led to fight after fight. Soon his mother couldn't stand it anymore and left with a thirteen year old Ollie. Ollie never saw his father ever again.

They suffered for the first year. Constantly being booted out of apartment after apartment because they couldn't make the bills. His mother retained her job at the daycare but it was iffy on whether or not she could keep it much longer. Her work ethic dropped drastically what with her current state of depression given her new situation. Ollie did what he could to cheer up his mother but even the smiles he procured out of her were fleeting at best.

Still there was a bit of light in this life. When his mother went out to work she had an older boy watch Ollie at their most recent apartment. His name was Justin and he was simply amazing to Ollie. So warm and caring. Ollie looked up to him like a big brother since he was eighteen years old. They literally spent a bit of everyday together even when Ollie turned fourteen, legally able to look after himself. One night though it took an odd turn. His mom had let her friends from work convince her to go out with them to have some fun so Justin came over to keep her son company. They were sitting on the couch watching a movie when suddenly Ollie felt Justin's arm around his shoulder pulling him close. Olivier looked up at Justin only to find his lips just a few mere centimeters from his own. Soon that distance closed and Ollie felt his eyes widen in complete and utter surprise. He tried to push Justin away but he was much too strong so he just gave in. It started out innocent enough. Just a kiss that night and a few sneaky ones when his mom wasn't looking. One night though Justin had a terrible fight with his parents, he got his hands on a few drinks and ended up stumbling into Ollie's house while his mom was conveniently not home. He attacked the smaller boy and left him naked and battered on the floor of his living room. Ollie never blamed him and still holds feelings for him to this day.

After that his mom took him far away from that town never to see Justin again. In the next town their luck changed. His mother met a really nice man. Kyle Renard, a wealthy business man who treated his mother like a princess. Soon they had a new house and a new life. That was when Ollie first picked up a make-up brush. He had watched his mother using them like he would use a paint brush so he asked if he could do it for her one morning. She looked a bit surprised and reluctant to let him but obliged anyway. When he was done and she looked in the mirror she was awestruck. It was beautiful. Every single stroke and color blended in just like his paintings/drawings. Kyle had waked in when he finished as well and instead of being angry like his father was, he accepted it completely. They decided to send Ollie to Fierce academy then and he has been there ever since. He was picked up immediately for WildKat designs and couldn't be happier with his position. After all...the designer is quite the looker.
• • •

xxx• • •Although Ollie is an artist at heart, his other passion lies in intellect. He has a goal of graduating and finding himself a good job like his step father, mostly out of spite for his father who earned a measly income having not went to a college or university. He knows almost everything about anything! Talking to him about a subject he is passionate about is like talking to an encyclopedia. That doesn't happen often though seeing as Ollie is naturally a very quiet and shy boy. He was basically alone all his life with no siblings or friends so he is comfortable in silence. He'd rather be left alone in the corner with a good book than with a crowd of friends laughing and hanging out.

Ollie is really a sweet heart. Super easy to get along with and nice to everyone he meets. He doesn't ever have anything bad to say about anyone and refuses to mix himself up in drama that doesn't immediately concern him. He has this issue though of being touched. Or anyone getting too close to him. He's afraid that they'll see him as a nothing because of his artsy side. Or that they will hurt him if he lets them get too close into his personal life.
• • •


xxxxxxxxxxHis mother because she worked so hard for him
xxxxxxxxxxBeautiful things
xxxxxxxxxxAny type of fashion

xxxxxxxxxxBland people and food
xxxxxxxxxxBeing mistaken for a girl
xxxxxxxxxxBroken things
xxxxxxxxxxShow offs

I humbly follow the careful direction of HatterHarleyQuinn she's so nice!
PostPosted: Mon Dec 26, 2011 5:55 pm
Revolution Hairdresser
xxxxxAllen Serius Laurence

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xxxxxxxxxxGood day. My name is Allen Serius Laurence
xxxxxxxxxxBut if you'd like, call me Al or Cereal. Yes, really, go ahead and call me that if you want to.
xxxxxxxxxxDespite looks, I'm actually twenty years old!
xxxxxxxxxxYou couldn't tell? I'm a male
xxxxxxxxxxThat's a delicate question, but I'm interested in both genders.
xxxxxxxxxxI'm aiming to be the best hairdresser [Revolution] in the world, but there's lots more to go.
xxxxxxxxxxI have pretty ordinary hair; it's black
xxxxxxxxxxAnd my eyes are blue


xxx• • •Allen was born into a rather dysfunctional family, and was never happy at home. To this day, he avoids going home as much as he can. His mother was a hardworking woman who was doing everything she could to raise Allen and his four sisters while his father was fooling off with other women and wasting the family's money in bars and brothels. Allen didn't see his father very often, and his mother was always rushing off to work, so he was mainly raised by his four older sisters. Now, I'm sure those girls meant well, but when you're a teenage girl and trying to raise a cute, adorable little five-year-old boy, things often don't turn out normally. For one thing, you don't put little boys in cute, fluffy dresses and expect them to turn out correctly when they go to school. Unfortunately for Allen, that was exactly what happened. To his horror, his sisters forced him to cross-dress for the first three years in school, and that experience has most definitely scarred him for life. To this day, Allen avoids shopping and abhors any sort of cross-dressing. Thankfully, his second grade teacher noticed something wrong with the little "girl" in her class and told Allen's mother (who was completely obvious to this whole thing) about it. Although Allen did dress in clothes suited for a boy after that, his classmates still teased him for it, and the only refuge Allen could find from them was to be alone completely. This trend of staying by himself continued on until his mother died and his sisters moved him to another school, where Allen finally started off on a clean slate.

Allen didn't stay long at his second elementary school, but he did manage to gain some of his confidence back there. He also found his talent for finding style, too, with the help of a friend there. Allen is still in contact with him even now. After elementary school, Allen moved again with his sisters to a bustling city, where he was exposed to the evolution of fashion. It was there that Allen's interest in hair-styling first began. Although he wasn't interested in clothing (due in part to his childhood experiences), he was intrigued by the many hairstyles that models had on with different outfits. With a help of a good friend, Allen enrolled in several classes for hair-dressing. When the fourteen-year-old showed talent in the area, a local hairdresser took pity on him and took him in as an apprentice. Unfortunately, Allen didn't stay under the hairdresser's wing for long due to her death just two years later, but by then, he had already mastered the basic tricks of the trade. With some convincing, Allen separated from his sisters and went off to find a high school and live on his own, something that he has been doing for the past four years. Although he still feels unstable, Allen has opened up much since his childhood days.
• • •

xxx• • •Allen has always been a little shy and unstable, but at the same time, he has an inner glow that gives him the edge needed for being a top-notch hairstylist. He's easily frightened and hates horror movies, but at the same time, he's not the type to back down when certain things are at stake (including friends or his job). He's not too outspoken outside of his close friends, and he strictly follows the advice of "if you don't have anything nice to say, then don't say it". But Allen almost never has anything negative to say, so that's usually not a problem. Because of his gentle nature, Allen is often covered up and overlapped by other, more outspoken individuals in classes, but his friends understands him well, and Allen doesn't need much more than that. He's able to keep his head in panicky situations and offers careful advice to those who need it. Allen almost never acts childishly, either, but at the same time, he still has many immature views and ideals up in that head of his. • • •


xxxxxxxxxxBobby pins
xxxxxxxxxxHair dryers
xxxxxxxxxxSpring rolls
xxxxxxxxxxGiving advice and being helpful in general
xxxxxxxxxxPeople who have self-confidence
xxxxxxxxxxHair styling
xxxxxxxxxxSpending time with friends

xxxxxxxxxxHis family
xxxxxxxxxxGirly clothing
xxxxxxxxxxSour foods
xxxxxxxxxxLoud people
xxxxxxxxxxGetting angry

I take reluctant orders from Pudding Earl , a sometimes hateful figure.

miss reku

Dangerous Lover

8,050 Points
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miss reku

Dangerous Lover

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PostPosted: Mon Dec 26, 2011 6:01 pm
WildKat Hairdresser
xxxxxTaraline Alis Mahaut

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xxxxxxxxxxMy! I love your hair! Oh I'm sorry, the name is Taraline Alis Mahaut
xxxxxxxxxxIf you like, call me Tara by most and Tam by my group
xxxxxxxxxxI'm only Twenty years old!
xxxxxxxxxxYou couldn't tell? I'm a Woman
xxxxxxxxxxI'm only interested in Men
xxxxxxxxxxIt's my dream to be the best WildKat Hairdresser in the world!
xxxxxxxxxxI like my hair! It's Maroon
xxxxxxxxxxAnd my eyes are Red


xxx• • •Oh where do I start. I mean you probably don't care. We did just meet a few minutes ago but I feel that I can trust you. So here it goes! So I was raised in a rather run down house by my aunt. You see my mother has never been of the best of health. And after my birth she got a little worse. She stays in the hospital a lot and when she is not then she goes to my aunts house and my aunt would have to stay home to help take care of my mother. Her job? Well she was nice enough to take me there a lot, that is when my mother was in the hospital. My aunt had a job at a very high class hair salon. She was the best of the best and even taught me a few tricks. I always looked up to her.

Later I ended up spending more of my time at her hair salon because my mother passed away. At this time my aunt started putting me to work around the salon. Going everyday after school was the only thing that got me through the day. I always felt welcome and most of all it comforted me and distracted me from the death of my mother. This way I managed not to fall into a depression like my aunt said I might if it were not for the salon. Though maybe I wouldn't have. After all I didnt see my mother much and so I didn't know her that well.

Because I grew up in the environment of a hair salon, its only natural that I would want to be a hairdresser like my aunt. Its like a family in there too you know! I loved going there. And pretty soon I came across some information about a new school. It was called the Fierce Academy. I saw my future and grasped it as soon as I could. My aunt was also a previous graduate from that school so she greatly enforced my decision. And so that is how I have come to be at this school! My studies came first then my friends and later my group came to me. Everything fell into place for me. I am very grateful to my aunt for what I've got.
• • •

xxx• • •I am as fierce as my wonderful maroon hair and red eyes. Though I can be quite competitive, I am not a sore loser. Of course I hate when I lose but I wont through a fit or get mad. Instead I get even in a rematch and beat their sorry butts! I don't have cat fights either. I just think that's ludicrous. Why fight like that when you can fight with your work and skills I'd say. Now in tight spots I've learned to keep my cool and think up something that will help.

Most of my friends like to see me as a mother figure, but I've asked them to not call my mom. However I did say they could call me Tam. Sound like a more mature nickname then Tara don't ya think. Where did I get Tam? Well from my initials of course.Now I know I can be over-bearing and a worry wort, but its all for a good cause. I care for my friends and don't want to see them hurt physically or mentally. That is also probably why I tend to stick my nose into something that I should not. Either because I'm concerned or just because I'm looking for some good gossip. I can't help it. I just absolutely love to hear new gossip.

Another thing about me that you will notice is that I can be a little eccentric sometimes. Mainly with how I dress. You'll see later on what I mean. Now I also dress and work my hardest not just because I want to be the best but because I wish to get a certain someone to look at me for once and to stop looking at the model he's got his eyes on. I only wish he will see me soon before anything happens between him and the one he has his eyes on.
• • •


xxxxxxxxxxHealthy hair
xxxxxxxxxxHigh class hair products
xxxxxxxxxxBeing the best
xxxxxxxxxxMy aunt
xxxxxxxxxxMy group
xxxxxxxxxxBonsai Trees
xxxxxxxxxxCaring for my friends

xxxxxxxxxxcat fights
xxxxxxxxxxDamaged hair
xxxxxxxxxxBeing shown up
xxxxxxxxxxHurting someone
xxxxxxxxxxCalled mom or mother
xxxxxxxxxxThe Cold

I take my orders from Little_Ms_Kerfuffle so deal with it!
PostPosted: Sun Jan 08, 2012 5:59 pm
xxxxxSophia Alexandira Smirnov

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xxxxxxxxxxGreetings! In case you weren't paying attention, I am: Sophia Alexanria Smirnov
xxxxxxxxxxI don't recommend it, but you could refer to me by a NickName: Sofie or..Alex.
xxxxxxxxxxI'm Fancifully Twenty years old!
xxxxxxxxxxOi!...I'm a Friggin' Female!
xxxxxxxxxx..But don't tell I'm Interested in Men, Not Boys.
xxxxxxxxxxI'm out to be the best (WildKat) Model You've seen yet!
xxxxxxxxxxIt's not perfect, but I love my Platinum Hair
xxxxxxxxxxMy Eyes see more than you assume. Their Grey


xxx• • •At first, Sophia didn't really fit in. She was a new student and as growing up, the language barrier surely did ruin her for a little while. Born and Raised in Russia, She was brought up by her Dancer Mother and Rugy Playing father. The Marriage happend quickly. When brought up to her mother, she had always made it sound like it was love that made them rush into it, but Sophia knew better. Knowing it was because she had been pregnant with her, that could have only been the sure explinantion.

Onto the present though.

They had made their home here, after some breif traveling arounds and as soon as she could acclimate herself with the English Language, the girls barriers soon dissipated. As she grew, her parents made sure she had a very well rounded education and was very versed in worldly things. Enrolling her in dance. Her parents made sure to keep her in the Arts and Sophia was soon discovering she had a talent with Dancing. With all the classes she took, Solos, and soon being able to perform for people, the Girl was quickly picked up with a modeling agency. They had offered to put her into an Academy. Some sort of.."Fashion School", to prepare her for what the world had to offer. "Fierce Academy" Soon had an experience of Sophia they would have never forgotten. Sometimes getting into trouble, the Woman was one of few models that likes to be a Pain in many people's bums. Trying to be at the top of her class, Sophia doesn't take "No" for an answer.
• • •

xxx• • •Being that she had grown up with many things normal children hadn't, it would be safe to say, Sophia has a.."High Class" Sort of superiority air on her. Sometimes she does not like to act like a "Snob", but she can't help it if she comes off that way. Never expecting anything less than the best, Sophia is quite complicated. With a never ending need to be the best, the girl spends most of her day's trying to figure the flashy world of Fashion, out. Sure, she has a good eye for things, but it does not excuse the fact that she just fell into this role instead of "Needing" it as much as others do.

Aside from those things, Sophia can be quite nice...Well, when she isn't wrecking things. Having a tough exterior to keep people out, was something she had developed over the years. From men breaking her heart, to dissapoint grads, It had just developed, naturally. Building a barrier to shut the rude ones out, It is a surprise people want to be her friend. Men, Men on the other hand, can be something Sophia has a hard time dealing with. She hates them. They always break her heart, so she's grown a rather big dislike for them. It would stem from her first love, seemingly so, he broke her heart so badly the woman is just negated from men. Doing her best to shove them away, but secretly needing one in her life to feel fullfilled. What is a girl to do? The Russian beauty doesn't like to be so.."Hoity-Toity", but it just happens. Deal with it?
• • •


xxxxxxxxxxWhite Chocolates
xxxxxxxxxxWhite Roses
xxxxxxxxxxBrand Name Jewelry
xxxxxxxxxxClassical Music

xxxxxxxxxxDark Chocolate
xxxxxxxxxxObnoxious Men
xxxxxxxxxxLooked down upon due to social Norm's of "Models"
xxxxxxxxxxHeavy Metal
xxxxxxxxxxCheap Jewelry

She Beats me, So I take orders from CandyCane831 ..Yes Mistress!

miss reku

Dangerous Lover

8,050 Points
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  • First step to fame 200

miss reku

Dangerous Lover

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PostPosted: Wed Jan 11, 2012 4:59 am
xxxxxMacus Hadrian Wallis

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xxxxxxxxxxIntroducing the great Macus Hadrian Wallis Prepare to be astounded.
xxxxxxxxxxBut that's Mister Mac to you.
xxxxxxxxxxHuh, has it really been 23 years?
xxxxxxxxxxLast time I checked I was a Guy
xxxxxxxxxxI wouldn't be caught with anyone other than a male. Women? They have yet to win me over...
xxxxxxxxxxI touch up the fabulousness as a Revolution Make-up Artist around here.
xxxxxxxxxxThe wind just can't stop running its hands through my auburn hair
xxxxxxxxxxOh, my darling, look deep within my azure eyes and seek solace there. Let their gaze embrace you fondly.


xxx• • •Mac lived in a loft with his older sister. They had ratty furniture and a dial-up connection, but that never got them down. Late into the night they would watch VHS chick flicks that the local movie store had tossed out. He would do his sister's manicure while she read out of month old fashion magazines. It was a life filled with girlish whims. His sister taught him the ways a man should act for a lady, always bringing him up to be a gentleman.

Mac learned to cook from her boyfriend, a sous chef to an instructor at a culinary school. He got along well with him. His sister raised the girly bar, pleading for him to help her beautify herself for her boyfriend. Kicking the computer into a mode which could access the dial-up connection, he would look up make-up tutorials and cheap DIYs to help his sister out. He began making his own make-up with petroleum jelly and broken eye shadow under the careful guidance of online tutorials he printed out for ten cents a sheet at the library. His sister showered him with thanks and adoration every time he helped her out. He posted about his experiments, successes and failures in blogs.

His sister once came to him crying. When he tried to comfort her in the same she had once instructed him, she pushed him away, lamenting her woes. She complained about trying so hard to impress her boyfriend. Mac interjected, reminding her to be herself. She cried harder, sobbing through an explanation of how stressed she was and she was trying so hard not to let it show.

This confused him because she had always told him she always told him to let others know how you feel. He tried to remind her again of the things she had told him before, but she shook his shoulders furiously, telling him girls were not merely handled with some guide. He asked why all the magazines they had talked about handling a guy, as if they could understood like that and she stormed away. She later came back, asking if he wanted to go to the ice cream parlor.

From that day on, Mac swore he would avoid being in a relationship with a woman unless she could willingly change his mind.. His shoulders still ached when he made the oath.

In time, his blogs garnered him with internet fame. This eventually got him into his new role at Fierce Academy.
• • •

xxx• • •Hopelessly romantic and always wears his heart on his sleeve. He can be incredibly blunt or excessively melodramatic. He thinks the idea of love is amazing and enjoys sharing the love in all of his various degrees. He is an overall sap, but he won't hesitate to fight for what he believes. He is currently trying to overcome his fear of women so he uses humor to cover up his nervousness around them. He has no problem working with them, but when they approach him, he tends to flee.• • •


xxxxxxxxxxTea time

xxxxxxxxxxApathetic people

This chick scares the shiitake outta me! L M Ritwock Shoo! Why won't she leave me alone?
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