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Lieutenant Shotgun

PostPosted: Sat Dec 31, 2011 4:49 pm
let's go back home.

please don't post here if you a) aren't lieutenant shotgun b) aren't in the roleplay. thanks(:  
PostPosted: Sat Dec 31, 2011 4:52 pm
Anaïs Lillian West

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o u t o n t h e e d g e o f g l o r y

What's your name again? Anaïs West. It's pronounced Ah-nah-ees, not ahnays or anything... the i makes its own noise.
What should I call you? Friday. Non-week people just call me Anaïs, though very rarely do they pronounce it right.
Can I ask how old you are? Yeah - seventeen. Sweetly seventeen.
When's your birthday? December first.
Height? 5' 7".
Weight...? around a hundred fifteen, I think?
Eyes? Just...brown.
Hair, dye, et cetera. Brown, with some faded lowlights.

What's your life like? Uh, decent, I guess. I dunno. I'll start from the beginning...

I was born on December first, 1993, to Mariah Percy and Phillip West. They knew they couldn't afford to have a kid - they were nineteen, both of them, when I was born - but mom refused to terminate the pregnancy. So, with the hope that they could both get jobs, mom gave birth to me. Named me, held me, fed me - for a few days. And then she left. She left me with my irresponsible dad, leaving just a note. My dad has never let me read it, and I don't know if I want to.

My dad was, understandably, devastated. The love of his life left him with a newborn baby, a dwindling trust fund, and four months of unpaid rent. He got a job at Wal-Mart, lived sparingly, and somehow managed to not kill himself or me, till he swallowed his pride and called my grandma. (He ran away with mom because their parents didn't approve...cliche, right?) She took us in, albeit begrudgingly. She paid the overdue rent, gave dad a few not-so-true referrals, and pretty much got him on his feet. (This was about when I, as a little peewee, got introduced to the rest of the week.) And things were good, till I turned five.

I remember it with odd clarity - it was the morning of January second, 1999. I was in the living room with dad, watching the news before dad drove me to school. Then this headline came up - WOMAN, 24, FOUND DEAD IN HOTEL. I didn't think anything of it, till they showed her picture. Since I was five, I didn't see any resemblance between me and her, till dad said, "You look just like her." And he was all shaking and crying, and then I realized. That was my mom.

I wasn't really fazed, and I never have been. I never knew my mom, (I really didn't think very good of her, anyway. She was pretty and gave me a cool name, but she left and hurt my dad, sooo...) and we got along pretty okay with out her. Of course, it hit my dad hard - especially when it was found that she committed suicide. That's when he started hitting the beer. My dad was, apparently, really attractive at age twenty-four, so he started hooking up with all these chicks and staying out really late, leaving me at grandma's house. It was like, every three weeks I'd have a 'potential step-mom.' And it was really annoying, because y'know. At six, I was supposed to marry my dad and stuff.

As he got older, and the pack a day smoking took its toll, dad started getting sadder and sadder and left the house less and less. He stopped going out all together (except for parents' nights and grocery shopping and such) when he was diagnosed with HIV. He manages it, and the doctor says he's still relatively healthy, and that he was lucky they detected it early on. Even so, my dad was pretty much devastated. Now he's vaguely afraid of the outdoors. He works from home - or, well, he does s**t with stocks. I don't get any of that. Otherwise, having loaded grandparents always helps. I can trust that me and my dad will always be in a comfortable financial situation. (I do have a job, but it's so I can have some extra cash and discounts on clothes.)

Eventually, when I was like thirteen, the temptation of having tons of six-packs in the house all the time go to me. So I drank a can. I decided I hated it. Of course, that didn't last long. When I was fifteen and got dumped by my boyfriend, I remembered how my dad once told me when he was drunk about how nice it felt - y'know, being drunk. So, in my angsty teenager rage, I took one of the six-packs, and chugged it all down. I got sicker than a dog, but I think that's when my mild alcoholism started. And the partying. And the sex. The drugs and smoking started later.

Sunday was the first to find out about my partying, when she stopped by my house to pick up her dress. She found me in my fancy nightclub garb, clutch purse in hand (fake ID. Drivers' license. Wallet.). She just told me to be careful. And I did not heed her warning. Since then, my drinking and partying and general whorishness has been a gray area in my friendship with the rest of the week. But, what can I say? Like father like son. Only, I'm a daughter. Not to mention, it's just fun.

So, I should probably explain my situation with Saturday, too. He asked me out last year. I said yes, but I told him like it is: I party, I have sex, I smoke and do drugs. I told him I want an open relationship. He agreed for whatever reason, and we've been going out since. But now he wants to be exclusive and, well, I don't know if I can stop myself.

And, last thing I'll cover. The car. With Sunday. I don't know what happened. We were driving, and we were having so much fun, singing along to Katy Perry songs - and then this guy ran a red light and...there was a lot of blood. Sunday was dead and broken and bleeding and her head was touching my shoulder - but I was fine. Perfectly fine. It should have been me. I don't care how cliche that is - it should've been me. The drinking, smoking, probably-gonna-get-an-STD one. Not the sweet, beautiful one. Not Sunday. Not Anna.

What are you like? I consider myself a decent human being. Maybe I'm not the nicest, or the sweetest, but I'm not a b***h. In fact, I pride myself in that. Sure, I have my moments - I'm something of a perfectionists, and I get angry or flustered easily - but overall I think I'm a good person. Or, maybe "good" isn't the ride word.

So, yes, if you were wondering: I am a slut. I'm not going to deny that, because it's true. Though, I'm not the steal-your-boyfriend-because-it's-funny type, because I have a heart and a brain. But, if I'm drunk and a guy comes on to me, and he's attractive enough, asking if he has a girlfriend is the farthest thing from my mind. And - heh - I just thought of this: I'm a lover, not a fighter. Funny, right? Okay, I know it wasn't. Shut up.

Otherwise. I like to have fun and all that. I'm a very social person - I'm almost always texting someone, my weekends are always busy. Almost always. I always shell out time to hang out with the week or to just relax by myself or with Tuesday or Wednesday or Sun - nevermind.

I'm something of a coward. I've grown up thinking talking = confrontation. Confrontation = bad. No talking = no confrontation. That's part of the reason why I'm hesitant to become serious with Saturday. I really do like him (in that way), but I don't know if I'm ready for that kind of thing. I just...hate the label girlfriend. I feel like it's just an excuse to be with someone on a more intimate level, but it also leads to fighting and overall bad times. Ugh, I'm rambling. So, anyway. I don't like being serious. I don't like getting in debates or arguments. I have a habit of running away from things like that.

And...that's me, I guess.

Name some things you love. Uh... well, for music, I like a wide variety. All the way from mainstream pop (Justin Bieber, Ke$ha, Lady Gaga, Katy Perry) to not-so-well known artists, like Dessa, Lissie, Alexandra Stan, and Eric Whitacre. I like pretty much all genres of music, but I'm not huge on country (except for Carrie Underwood), and I only like upbeat, happy classical, unless there's a choir in it. My favorite genres are techno and house music, and whatever the hell genre Amy Winehouse does. I love sweet foods, and s'mores are my favorite treat. I'm also obsessed with wheat and grain (I'd take a baguette over caviar or a wedding cake any day). I love hats, hair clips, and hair ties. I also like stylish, modern clothes, but at the same time I like 1920's flapper fashion. I obviously love guys, booze, and partying. But I also like to relax, curl up in my snuggie with my unicorn pillow pet and watch, like, Glee or a documentary or Monsters Inside Me. I absolutely adore my white corn snake Isolde and this stray cat that's not really mine but comes to my house all the time - I named it Hazel. I like the colors purple, green, orange, white, blue, yellow, and pink. I like white cars. I love shoes. I love to laugh and smile. I like blond guys. And... I like to go bike riding. Yeah. I also like playing sports - just for fun though. Bad minton, soccer, tennis - I always love a little friendly competition.
And some things you hate. Muscle cars, sour food, hangovers, pickles, people who diss snuggies, the fact that I can't dougie or jerk, the song Teach me how to dougie, getting nail polish or other stingy things in cuts, Owl City, and...being put on the spot.
Some hobbies? Bike riding, sports, painting my nails, doing my hair, meticulously choosing my outfits... I'm a girly girl - what can I say?
What are you famous for? Singing (I'll get back to you on an example), mostly, and... well, I'd tell you, but it's a little dirty. I'm not good at any other artsy things. But I'm damn good at makeovers. And nails. So I guess that's artsy? And, I'm not really famous for it yet, in fact I've yet to make a portfolio, but I'm pretty sure I'm a decent model. If...it requires any real talent. Whatever. I'm rather certain I've got a nice face, so...yeah. If I could make it as a model, I definitely want to be one.

Anything else? I cannot jerk. My name is French because my mom thought it was classy, apparently - not because I'm French. Also, I am not smart. Plain as that. I said something about watching documentaries, right? That's because my dad's obsessed with them, and it pretty much rubbed off on me too. That is why I often find myself flipping to the History channel or looking up documentaries on Netflix. (I am such a loser. Oh my god.) I've got a part time job at this vintage store called Rewind. My aunt owns it...so on top of getting a discount as family, I get an employee discount too ♥

Lieutenant Shotgun

Lieutenant Shotgun

PostPosted: Mon Jan 02, 2012 11:16 pm
Aika Nakagawa

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What's your name again? Nakagawa, Aika...
What should I call you? My friends in the week call me Wednesday. People and friends who are not part of the week call me Ai...
Can I ask how old you are? Sixteen
When's your birthday? December 17th
Height? 5' 5"
Weight...? 103 lbs.
Eyes? Black
Hair, dye, et cetera. Black

What's your life like? I was born and raised in Osaka, Japan, but I moved to the USA when I was five or six years old. Shortly after my arrival, I was introduced to the other days, but we had a huge language barrier as I knew literally no English at all. Since I wasn't able to understand everyone, I closed myself off from them and didn't participate in what they were doing and did what I do best - stay invisible; just sit in a corner and watch. It wasn't until when I was seven (when I had a little more then basic understanding of English) when I made an attempt to interact with everyone else. Shortly afterwards they gave me the nickname Wednesday, the only day that wasn't taken and no one wanted because "it was long and none of us knew how to spell it properly" I didn't complain, in fact I felt kind of.... welcomed.

Although I never managed to get rid of my Japanese accent, we all grew up together and it was safe to say that the weeks were my only friends I really willingly kept in contact with. Soon, Thursday asked me out, and surprisingly, my parents actually encouraged it. (I have a small suspicion that our mothers probably orchestrated it). But suffice to say - I was actually happy, and I started speaking up more often when my parents were not around and if Thursday was there. Admittedly, though I think the first few dates we had together were very awkward since I didn't speak much and he seemed to not know what to say or do.

Then Sunday died. Right out of the blue. I found it.... unbelievable. Truth be told, she was making an attempt to get to know me, but I kept shutting her out because she had a good relationship with the other people in the week - and if I feared that if I told her anything (like my abusive father - I've been keeping that a secret from everyone) then she might tell everyone else. I soon realized that I was constantly rejecting a girl that would have made a wonderful friend, and now that chance was gone, and there would probably be absolutely no one else there I could safely confide to if I had given her that chance.

In response to Sunday's death - I shut off all my relationships with everyone that I could. I broke it off with Thursday and remained aloof to the rest of the days. If I wasn't close to them, and if they didn't attempt to get to know me and stay as friends, then if something drastic happened I wouldn't feel this way.... sad, stunned, upset.... If I could return being invisible to everyone like I used to..... If I didn't attempt to befriend everyone when we were just kids....

My main problem would be Thursday, I've been trying to avoid him, but he refuses to let me go back into my shell....

What are you like? People on first glance think I'm a mute, lonely, very nondescript girl. Thanks to my refusal to speak, I'm a very invisible character and I generally use actions to express myself - that is, when I want to express myself. Although most of the time, not everyone knows what I'm trying to "say", that's where Sunday and Thursday came in. They had a strange uncanny ability to tell what I'm thinking, despite the fact that I rarely show feelings outside of a small smile or a weak shrug. However, when I'm sad, everyone knows it, since whenever the tears start coming, they'll keep coming and I have trouble holding them back.

Despite the fact that I know Kendo and the basics of Judo - I'm a pacifist. I don't like seeing conflict, verbal or physical. I'll do nearly anything and everything in my power to ensure that fights and other petty conflicts won't start. I sincerely wish that I could be on everyone's good sides, although I do understand the fact that there is always someone somewhere out there that does not like what I do. I can't say I'm very sensitive to other people's feelings (at least when compared to Sunday), but I do know enough to know when to do and not do certain things. Little squabbles don't linger long in my mind, although I'll admit that I have a harder time letting go bigger arguments. To cut things short, I like looking on the brighter side of things.

I like to think of myself as an obedient child, especially for my parents. They both expect for me to learn plenty of hobbies and to excel in them. If I even come in second place or come home with a B+ I know that I'll be getting a harsh beating. Sometimes the marks are too plain visible (like on my face or hands) so I have to feign that I was too clumsy and tripped over myself or something. I'm not allowed to skip classes or school - even if I'm sick.

Name some things you love. I listen to Japanese songs, I generally refuse to listen to anything else. I would list what artists I listen too, but that would take up too much of your time. I have a bit of a sweet tooth, and every now and then I'll have cravings for dark chocolate and cakes (Tiramisu, black forest). Might sound strange, but I love the sky and the clouds, and if allowed, I'll stare up at it all day and daydream about flying. I really love winter time and snow, although down here in Florida we don't really get snow. But I enjoy rain, sometimes I'll just stand outside (with or without an umbrella) and just let the rain fall on me. I get sick often thanks to that bad habit, but I can't help it. When the rain falls down all over me, it feels as if it's washing away something...
And some things you hate. I avoid fights and conflicts as much as I can. Despite my sweet tooth; I absolutely loathe caramel and white chocolate. I tend to steer clear of English songs, especially rap and hard rock. I'm not a big fan of cluttered messy spaces either. I don't like staying in rooms without windows for prolonged periods of time either.
Some hobbies? My parents expect me to be some sort of prodigy or some sort, so I'm forced play the violin and learn Judo. On my own spare time, I like to sit down with a good book or sit in a corner (or outside on a grass field) and stare up at the sky.
What are you famous for? My parents are proud of my ability on the piano and drawing. My grandfather owns a Kendo dojo in Japan that will go to my Uncle (my dad's elder brother). My dad has me learning Kendo so that I won't "shame the family name" On our next trip back to Japan, he expects me to be able to beat my cousins....

Anything else? I own a cat (white fur, blue eyes) named Yuki

Who are you really? ll Yuna-Chan ll  
PostPosted: Mon Jan 02, 2012 11:26 pm
Isabell "Tuesday" Murphy

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What's your name again? ...Are you deaf? It's Isabell Murphy! Or..if you must.."Tuesday"
What should I call you? Tuesday...Or, perhaps, if you aren't a days of the week, Izzy, Bell.
Can I ask how old you are? Severely Sixteen
When's your birthday? The 1st of October. On an Autumn Day..
Height? I stand Short at 5'6"....
Weight...? Hmm, Last I checked I weighed about,..115 Pounds...
Eyes? Well, as true to us Irish folk, I carry Olive Green Colored Eyes.
Hair, dye, et cetera. Psh. Fiery Red.

What's your life like? There isn't much to say. My Father is a member of the "Irish National Rugby Union Team". For those of you whom don't know what "Rugby" is, Rugby is a type of Football. Anywhoo, During one of their off seasons, My Father, Met my Mother, who was a Writer. She had visited Ireland on some sort of..Book Tour and had met him. She has had atleast 8 Books Published and is very well known in the Romance genre. But, that wasn't what made my father like her. I think it was her intelllect, or the fact that someone such as her could like a man whom is a professional in basically one's own physical beating.

So one day, they got hitched, had a baby and then, had me. I am the Youngest of two, My eldest brother lives in Ireland with my father and, no doubtedly following in his footsteps. My mother decided she would jump back and fourth between here and Ireland to have a better outlook on life and so on and so fourth. They aren't seperated or anything, they just, well, they want to round us both out well enough that we can have a rather larger out look on life instead of what Ireland has to offer. Though, I wouldn't mind going there. Until I graduate, I'm here. My mother decided She would continue writing. Seems this list on life works out pretty well for the both of them. I get raised in Florida and my Brother in Ireland. It's not so bad. They come and visit now and again.

Now, going on. Getting into school. I had made some friends, but not alot of friends whom I'd call my best. I only have a choice few friends. My bestest would have to be "Sunday". We were inseperable. From all of us, Sunday and me were joined at the hip. So, when I heard the tragic news, I guess I didn't take it too well. I'm quite sure, the first Three days consisted of me being in Denial. Texting her Cell phone on a constant basis, and geting angry at her like I used to when she didn't answer my messages. It was a way of coping for me.

Going to school is hard and if I can, I try my best to avoid it. I feel like I'm dragging my feet just to wake in the morning. As if the fast going life I saw before me, suddenly slowed down and took a pill to cool down..

What are you like? I'm sweet. Few can admit such things, but it is true. I am Sweet like Candy. Well, at times. I can have quite the Temper. Not like, "I want to punch you in the face" Kind of Temper, but the type of Temper that, well, if you cross the lines, will result in something very bad for you. Again, not physical. Maybe if you provoke me enough. I can't say much for my short stature, but I sure am Determined to get things done. I have big dreams, and I want nothing more than to acheive such things before I get to that point, or age, where I ask, "Where did the time go?" But, Yes. Get it? If you are a friend, also, I will fight to the end to help you out. Like Tooth and Nail fighting (Yes, kinda of going back on what I said earlier. ) But it all stands true.
Name some things you love. Well, I do rather enjoy music. Some of my favorite Genres would be Classical - I rather do enjoy Stringed Instruments. International - I'm a fan of Japanese Rock, Gackt seems to be at the Top of my list, I would stalk him if I could, Miyavi too! -Clears Throat-..and..I love to Bake. Most importantly, Cupcakes. I can bake other things too, but I love Cupcakes.
And some things you hate. I dislike Heavy Metal Music. It makes my ears hurt and sometimes, just sometimes, I'd prefer a relaxing tune over a head splitting one. I dilike tthe Mistreatment of Animals. Their hardly ever able to take care of themselves, so why would you hurt such things? Their innocents! I also, Dislike, Most importantly: Dark Chocolate. Ew, it's so Bland. I can't stand it.
Some hobbies? I mentioned it before, I do enjoy Baking. I spend most of my time doing so, even more now because, well, of how the events have transpired recently. I also Enjoy Writing Music, trying to come up with a new, interesting heartfelt tones to aid in my love of Classical Music.
What are you famous for? I can Draw...Not great, but, It's a work in process. I also spend my time Playing the Violin. No, I'm not your typical Irish, I don't know how to play the Bagpipes, I do enjoy the sound, but, I love to play the Violin. I try my best to practice here and there, maybe, just maybe, in the future, Making a life with it.

Anything else? Um...I speak Gaelic? Only because my father made sure I didn't loose my Heritage!

Who are you really? CandyCane831  

Lieutenant Shotgun

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