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Original Heckler

PostPosted: Sun Jan 22, 2012 7:28 pm
Back to the rp
PostPosted: Sun Jan 22, 2012 8:24 pm
"Silence is Golden."
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They call me...... Hikaru Kou Kitakawa
But I also go by... Just Kou, thanks.
I am obviously a... Male
And I was born 19 years ago.
I'm Bi-Sexual, So I'm always looking at Whoever I find attractive.
Look what I can do! I don't really have any special skills, really....my mother taught me how to play the piano and violin when I was smaller, but other then that I'm pretty average.
I can be pretty... Blunt and honest, but not always in a good way; Kou is the sort of person who will tell you the facts exactly as they are, no sugar coating or caring about how the things he says might hurt another person. Regarded as a very antisocial and at times disturbing sort of being, Kou isn't much for conversation and as such, you're lucky to get more then two syllables out of him at any time, much less a smile instead of a dissapointed and irritated frown. His patience isn't that great and his temper, though quiet and subdued, can flare fast and burn long, so much so that if you make him angry, he might abandon you in your greatest hour of need without a second thought. Despite all of these obvious flaws however, it's important to remember that Kou actually is, and is capable of being a nice guy, when the mood suits him appropriatey (just don't expect a lot of comfort, because he doesn't really know how to go about executing that sort of thing). His itelligence is almost boundless, and even if he may not look it, Kou is always watching, paying attention to even the smallest of details. And he's quite reliable, when it counts; just don't give him any reasons to dislike you, and you'll surely have someone to help you out in even the darkest of times.
Hitting Rewind...I don't really enjoy spouting off my life story to random passersby, you know...but if you aren't going to leave it alone...I was born the only child of two very influencial parents, so I was pretty well off, had a good public education, lived in a nice house, all that crap. My mother, hailed as a musical prodigy from Spain, was by me quite often, filling in for my American CEO father, who was always busy, never at home. I thought maybe the reason my mother and father were never together, that they never went out anywhere and we never ate together at the dinner table was because my Dad just didn't have the time to come home. I thought he still loved us though, regardless. Turned out I was wrong; of course, I wasn't aware at first why my parents were always yelling at each other, why the distance between them continued to increase day by day. And then, Dad brought his work home with him on the night of my tenth birthday; as far as Persacoms go, she was very pretty...looked a lot like my Mom, too, minus the ears and the hair color. And even though I was still just a kid, I could tell that all the attenion Dad was giving his Persocom was the sort of attention he should have been giving to Mom. Still, I thought that maybe, just maybe, they could stay together; that Dad would realize Mom was much better, and we'd be able to put this whole thing behind us like none of it had ever happened. When I came back from school and saw Mom crying outside the door because the chain had already been locked, I finally realized how impossible that dream was. Dad had forgotten all about mother...and all about me. So the two of us just up and left, without anything we'd kept in our home; we moved to a different city, rented out an apartment, and somehow, the two of us survived. When old enough, I moved out into my own small apartment, and have been splitting all my work between college and my part time job ever since.

Of course, it's not like I haven't experienced some issues; now that Dad's been alone for a while he's been trying to contact me, to get me to move back in with him and his Persocom. Of course he's forgotten all about Mom, who I do my best to look after by sending at least half of my job funds to her every month. Another major problem is that recently all my friends ever talk about is Persocoms; how cool they are, how much they want one but how expensive they tend to be. Not that I care much, or particularly want one any time soon. Or ever, come to think of it; Persocoms are the reason my family, and my whole life, was ruined, and now the world thinks they can fix everything by giving Persocoms a better personality, a more human conceptualization. That's a load of crap; computers can't be anything more then what they are, which is a computer. And I'll be damned if I let one of those homewreckers into my life.

Tools of the Trade... Nothing fancy; my cellphone, wallet, house keys...usually a small pad of paper and a pen, for some doodles but that's about it.
I really enjoy... I like to draw, and paint...the music I learned from my mother is more of something I do to keep her happy and calm...I don't really pursue it in my spare time.
Love it! (Likes)
Eew, Nasty! (Dislikes)
Turn it up!
Don't turn Back // Colby O'donis
Come for You // Nickelback

Sssh, don't tell! Kou hates persocoms; not really a secret. He's also deathly avoidant of having his picture taken.
Am I forgetting something...? Though he may not look it, Kou has a serious weakness for cute things, like kittens. Kou's dream is to become a professional gallery artist, to make his mother proud of him and to ensure she'll never have to struggle again.
So I really like.. Go soak your head.
Where would I be Without you? (Persocom(s) Owned; the Persocoms get first pick)
My lord, god and master is Yoko_Matsubishi



Original Heckler


Original Heckler

PostPosted: Mon Jan 23, 2012 5:16 pm
"There's always someone out there who has it worse then you."
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Hey, there! What's up?
They call me...... Ayane Shiromi
But I also go by... Aya
I am obviously a... female
And I was born seventeen years ago.
I'm heterosexual, So I'm always looking at guys
Look what I can do! Ayane is musically talented; being capable of singing, playing the piano, violin, and bass guitar. She used to be very athletic and participated in martial arts, gymnastics (and a variety of other sports)
I can be pretty... Strong willed, Ayane sticks strongly to her morals and opinions, and has no qualms with arguing with others about it. She's an optimistic young lady and has the occasional tomboy tendency. She's kind to others, but has a habit of taking things a little too literally. But don't be fooled, behind her smiley facade, her world's on the brink of falling apart.
Hitting Rewind...Ayane is the cousin to Kou - their mothers were sisters. Growing up, Ayane had spent a lot of time with Kou and the two played together often. One of her few fond childhood memories being when the time they were playing "Princess and Knight," for the first time. Ayane got bored sitting around watching Kou slay imaginary dragons and evil sorcerers and joined in with her. The two bickered over it; and eventually a potted flower became the Princess instead while Ayane and Kou served as Knights, slaying evil undead and/or hypnotized minions and basically creating imaginary revengeful widows as they traveled across the world backyard. Eventually the potted flower wilted and died, so they gave the Princess role to a lemon tree sapling (which grew to a larger tree).

However, Ayane had to move away overseas to Japan when she was twelve because of her parent's work temporarily stationing them back. So Ayane fell out of contact with Kou (so she's unaware of the whole him and his mother moving out because of his father being with a Persocom). But then this year; the trio was able to move back to be close to Kou and his family.

Unfortunately, on the car ride out of the airport, Ayane and her family got into a huge accident with a cargo truck. Her parents were killed; if not instantly, then shortly after from their injuries. Ayane had been stuck in a coma for a little bit under a week and only recently woke up. They soon found out that her legs were paralyzed, and she would have to go to rehabilitation in order to regain the user of them. Kou's father had been the first person to come claim her - so she would be moving in with him soon.

Tools of the Trade... my wheelchair! Haha! Get it? My whee- okay, fine. It's not really funny. I also carry around my cellphone (which i have a tendency to use more as an mp3 player then an actual phone); and that's about it.
I really enjoy... sports, especially gymnastics, but I can only do swimming now... I'm not really sure... does bugging Kou, count?
Love it! J-pop, cake and cookies! I can't cook to save my life, though....
Eew, Nasty! Being pitied, white chocolate, carmel.
Turn it up! Rewrite - Asian Kung Fu Generation
Sssh, don't tell! Ayane hasn't fully accepted the fact that her parents are dead; and is pretty much avoiding the entire subject altogether despite the upcoming funeral.
Am I forgetting something...? Ayane's "goal" in life is to one day become a part of a famous Japanese band. However, it's easier said then done.
So I really like.. cake. Oh! You meant a person?!
Where would I be Without you? (Persocom(s) Owned; the Persocoms get first pick)
My lord, god and master is ll Yuna-Chan ll  
PostPosted: Sat Jan 28, 2012 11:54 am
"Why don't I miss you a lot, forever?"
User Image
[/stares emotionlessly at you through the shop window]
They call me...... Yuripa Kichida
But I also go by... Yupa-chan - but feel free to come up with your own nickname.
I am obviously a... female
And I was born fourteen years ago.
I'm heterosexual, So I'm always looking at cute guys with strong determination and courage!
Look what I can do! I have singing, dancing, Asian language, and fashion software installed.
Dated and Signed... INFINITY
I can be pretty... Yupa can be best described as "cute with an attitude," she has a huge tendency to refer to herself in the third person (which is actually the result of a glitch in the speaking department; but the Persocom creators chose to not correct that). But she has a rather short fuse; and is prone to throwing tantrums easily and some say that Yupa has the mentality of a child.
Hitting Rewind...I was one of the last few INFINITY models created. Once I finally finally got out of the factory and into a Persocom shop, the notice to cease the sale of INFINITY models rolled around. So, they had nothing to do with me, and I was propped up on the front window as a model display for new Persocom outfits. Nonetheless; it's boring indeed. I'm constantly seeing people walk past me, separated by a glass, and I still haven't seen my one and only. I mean really - I never knew it was gonna be this haaard!!
Tools of the Trade... just the clothes on my back (and the ones that come with me)
I really enjoy... singing, dancing - but I'm stuck having to stand still in a Persocom shop window. uuuuuughhhh
Love it! sweets, soft colors
Eew, Nasty! getting water in my circuits. most painful thing ever.
Turn it up! Gacha Gacha Cute & Marisa ha Taihen na Mono wo Nusunde Ikimashita by IoSyS
Sssh, don't tell! she hates being alone
Am I forgetting something...? Most likely.
My one and Only.. Don't know yet - I'll find him soon!
My lord, god and master is ll Yuna-Chan ll  


Original Heckler


Original Heckler

PostPosted: Sun Jan 29, 2012 1:52 pm
"There are too things in this world that are infinite; the universe and human stupidity. And I'm not sure about the universe."
User Image
"Huh? Who the hell are you?"
They call me...... Emery Ann Harris
But I also go by... Emy
I am obviously a... Female
And I was born Nineteen years ago.
I'm straigt, So I'm always looking at guys.
Look what I can do! Besides beatin' the crap outta people? I'm actually a pretty decent cook. Nothing fancy, of course, but I'm above average when it comes to baking. Not that I'd cook for just anyone...
I can be pretty... Emy likes to think she's a lot tougher than she actually is; that's not to say she hasn't won her fair share of brawls, but with the way she talks, you'd think Zeus would have a run for his money in a match against her! Proud as a little peacock, and competitive like no other, Emy will gladly take on any challenge that any one brings her way, as her stubborn and competitive natures won't allow her to ever back down. She's often a 'leap before you look' kind of girl, doing and saying things before she actually thinks them through. But she's lucky clever enough to get herself out of a tough spot when it arises. However, despite all that bravado, she's quite insecure, opting to push people away then let them get close and reject her later. For this reason, most people don't see the funny, loyal, and sometimes even sweet girl behind the facade. She's not the type to leave a man behind, and has a tendency to stick up and protect those she considers weaker or younger than her, which makes her a bit of a 'mother bear' around her friends.
Hitting Rewind... Emy was born to parents who either A) didn't care enough to stick around, or B) had no idea what to do with a kid. Despite that, however, her mother did keep her in her care for a while. That didn't mean she was a very good mom, though. Froma young age, Emy would come home to her mother, who would be passed out in their living room. It took her a few years to learn that when she saw that it was best to have pain killers, coffee, and something sweet, too, prepared for when she awoke. Her mother never laid her hands on her, though, to her credit. She never did a lot of things...

So it was no surprise that Emy was completely independent by the time she was twelve. She could cook her meals, do the laundry, and even forge her mother's signature. It was easy for her to take care of their small little apartment. But it was also easy for her to fall into the violencee that lingered around their neighborhood; gangs, drugs, theft, they had it all. And by the time she was a middle-schooler, Emy had found herself amongst their ranks. They called her Min-Pin, after the dog. She was so young and small that most people over looked her. But she was such a scapper that once they put her up against someone, she generally came out on top. It became her way of life for awhile, that gang. They became her family. She trusted them, mistakenly. When she was sixteen, they turned on her. It was some break-in tey wanted her a part of. They told her she'd be in charge of grabbing the goods, when in truth she was just their scape-goat. She was caught, and put in jail.

That was her mother's wake-up call. The woman finally realized that she couldn't let her daughter grow up this way, in that place. So she sent her off to live with her aunt in a nice house in a nice neighborhood. And though over the years Emy's grown a bit more civil, she's still the tough little girl she was back then.

Tools of the Trade... I travel light; just a Swiss Army knife and some cash is all I ever have on my person.
I really enjoy... Running, cooking, fighting (though not often)
Love it! Winning, sweets, kids, small animals, physical exertion
Eew, Nasty! Ignorance, people who rely too much on others, thunderstorms, fancy clothes, hot weather
Turn it up! Hand to Hold - Superchic[k]
Sssh, don't tell! Emy is terribly afraid of heights.
Am I forgetting something...? Surprisingly enough, Emy's quite good with little kids; she doesn't know why or how, she just knows she is.
So I really like.. You want me to beat your face in?
Where would I be Without you? (Persocom(s) Owned; the Persocoms get first pick)
My lord, god and master is Reku1495  
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