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Fate's Crimson Thread [Profiles]

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PostPosted: Sun Feb 05, 2012 9:05 pm
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PostPosted: Sun Feb 05, 2012 9:14 pm
XXXXXXXX"The Trouble with Girls" - Scotty McCreery

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Lance Legrande

Important Information

Goes By:Lance or Hammer

Role:Male #1

Occupation: Blacksmith

Thread Leads to: Female #6

Reflected in the Mirror

Gender: Male

Age: 23

Height: 6'

Build: Muscular, but still lithe

Scars and Markings: Has a scar over his left eye from an accident when he first started smithing at 16

Beneath the Surface

Personality: Lance is often known as the town flirt, since he has a tendency to chat a lot with the women that happen to stop by the forge. He is, after all, the one they come to when their gardening tools need repaired or replaced. Also, despite his young age, he is also considered wise beyond his years, but that could also be because of all the wise men he has talked to while working. He is also very proud of his work, since he always tests the quality of his work himself before passing it on to the customer. That way, he knows he got it right the first time. Otherwise, though, he is a very calm individual, and he maintains his focus on his work, even during conversations while working. He also has a tendency to hum or whistle as he works.

✔ Music (singing and percussive)
✔ Smithing (can forge almost anything he's asked)
✔ Strength (his years as a smith have built a lot of strength in his body)
✔ Hatchet and Knife Throwing (a hobby of his since he was a kid)
✔ Poetry (one of his hobbies when he has something on his mind)

✘ Trusting (can be too trusting for his own good)
✘ Women (has always been weak for the ladies)
✘ Alcohol (likes alcohol, but can at times drink too much)

Heart Races For: None, yet

Once Upon a Time

History: Lance was born and raised in Silverstone, where his father ran the forge. His mother was a seamstress and singer, often entertaining the patrons of the pub at night when they came in after a long day of work. Fortunately for Lance, he inherited the talents of both of his parents in the ways of music and smithing. His childhood was primarily spent either helping the local farmers with their crops, or assisting his father in the forge. His father started training him in the ways of the forge when he was 14, and he was helping him with projects at 16. During his first project, though, one of the coals in the forge chipped when he put a sword in them for tempering, sending the chipped coal piece right at one of his eyes. Luckily for him, his vision was unaffected, but it did leave a scar.

When he was 18, his parents both contracted a mysterious illness from which they never recovered. They passed away a couple weeks later. Lance was heartbroken, but he kept on going with what he knew he had to do. He continued his father's work with the same determination he always had, only now he was working alone. At that same time, though, he began to see mysterious red threads in different places, and they were all attached to people. He thought nothing of it, but he saw one on himself. He doesn't wish to follow it, yet, unless he finds reason to do so.

DM Draco Moondragon



PostPosted: Sun Feb 05, 2012 9:16 pm
XXXXXXXXGirls Make Boys Cry

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Sicily Bade

Important Information

Goes By: Leo

Role: Female #6

Occupation: Carpenter apprentice

Reflected in the Mirror

Gender: Female

Age: 20

Height: 5'3"

Build: Petite

Scars and Markings: Scar on top of wrist from an accident with tools.

Beneath the Surface

Personality: Due to her disguise, you can assume she's pretty shy, but only as a female. Otherwise, her boyish facade allow her some confidence and competitiveness. She takes her work seriously to be the best carpenter and disprove any of the female stereotypes.

Aside from carpentry,
she can mend basic car problems,
and archery.

Expressing herself,
Hot humid days,
and coffees.

Heart Races For: No one yet

Once Upon a Time

History: Her childhood was fairly normal with only a father and an older brother. Sicily's mother had died during childbirth so she isn't overly devastated about it. No...Instead she strives to be the perfect daughter...er son?

The constant influence of testosterone got her into wanting to being somewhat of a boy herself so, without anyone's permission nor opinion, she created a character for confidence. His name is Leo, an attempted boy that tries to pull off everything but an interest in girls. Her estrogen still gets the best of her there though no one boy has her full attention...yet. Even if she began crushing, she wasn't sure how to come out with her true identity.

PostPosted: Sun Feb 05, 2012 9:17 pm
Male #2



PostPosted: Sun Feb 05, 2012 9:18 pm
Female #4
PostPosted: Sun Feb 05, 2012 9:19 pm
Male #3



PostPosted: Sun Feb 05, 2012 9:24 pm
XXXXXXXXEverybodyˑs Fool

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Celeste Tucker

Important Information

Goes By: Celeste, or Celes by close friends

Role: Female #5

Occupation: Flower Shop Owner

Reflected in the Mirror

Gender: Female

Age: 20

Height: 5'4"

Build: Lithe

Scars and Markings: A scar on her upper right arm, about two and a half inches long. Three more scars on her back, all next to each other and about four inches long.

Beneath the Surface

Personality: Celeste tends to give off the impression of a polite, refined woman. Spending most her time calmly smiling as she works, never a complaint or ill-spoken word to be heard. However, inside, Celeste is not near as calm as she appears to be. In actuality she is a huge perfectionist, to the point that if she, for example, cooked a pie a few minutes too long; she would have to keep baking more until she got it just right. She acts the way she thinks people expect her to act, a way that is close to her concept of perfect.

Of course, there are many cracks in her mask. The most obvious being that she is terrified of men and will stumble, stammer, and sometimes downright freak out when confronted by them.

Celeste is a good person though, even if she doesn't believe so. She is gentle and kind, despite her awkwardness when it comes to displays of affection. And although she is critical and impatient with herself, she is just the opposite when it comes to others. If she could learn to give herself some slack, and not worry about minor things, Celeste would be a much happier person.

✔ Playing the pan flute
✔ Cleaning
✔ Sympathizing
✔ Hard worker
✔ Understanding

✘ Boys
✘ Stresses over small things
✘Eye-hand coordination
✘Stage Fright
✘Low self-esteem

Heart Races For: At the present, men scare her too much for her too see them as anything but a threat.

Once Upon a Time

History: Celeste's parents were very poor. Barely making it from week to week without starving. To say that her father was upset when he learned that his wife was pregnant, would be an understatement. He was furious. There was no way they could afford to feed another mouth. He blamed his wife as though she had chosen to have a child at such an inopportune time, and he made sure to let her know on a daily basis how displeased he was.

Growing up, Celeste always felt as if her father was sneering down at her. She sought comfort in her gentle and soft-spoken mother, whom she adored and admired, while avoiding her father as best she could. As she grew older and started to blossom into a woman, her father realized that with her looks she might be able to catch the interest of a wealthy man and save them from their poverty. He took it upon himself to make sure that this happened. He was not kind in his teaching, he drilled into Celeste the 'proper' ways for a woman to act, and whenever she failed in the least degree to live up to his standards, he was not lenient in his punishments.

It was after one of those said punishments, that Celeste's mother confronted her father; no longer able to sit back and watch what he was doing to their daughter. Her father did not take it well. He went on a rampage, injuring both Celeste and her mother as he tried to 'put them back into their place'. Later that same night, as soon as he had fallen asleep, Celeste and her mother packed their things and ran.

Life after that was much better. Although they both were constantly looking over their shoulders, expecting her father to show up at any moment, Celeste and her mother came to live relatively peaceful lives. Until Celeste reached an age that boys started to become more interested in her. Before that time she had unconsciously avoided boys, but as they actively tried to approach and talk to her, Celeste was forced to realize that she was afraid of them. Hearing her mother tell her tales of her father before they had gotten married, hearing her talk of how he had changed from the good man she once knew, Celeste unknowingly applied that to all men. No matter how kind that might have seemed, she couldn't stop thinking that it was all an act. That somewhere deep inside, they were all like her father.

Even now, after becoming an adult and moving out on her own, Celeste can't get that thought out of her head.

PostPosted: Sun Feb 05, 2012 9:27 pm
XXXXXXXXIf today was your last day

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Azuri Zantanna Azio

Important Information

Goes By: Azuri or Storm

Role: Female # 1

Occupation: Nun

Thread Leads to:Male # 4

Reflected in the Mirror

Gender: Female

Age: 21

Height: 5’8”

Build: lithe

Scars and Markings: one battle scar along her right hip going over her thigh. Small scar under her left eye. And small scar on left shoulder from arrowhead.

Beneath the Surface

Personality: Although she is a nun she has a free spirit. A flirt and self centered she always looks out for herself and doesn't take anyone else’s feeling into consideration, but she does find beauty in even the ugliest of things and is a sweet heart never one for violence although she will insult someone in a heartbeat. A true gossip she knows about rumors before they are even spread reason being she is usually the one spreading them. Quiet and timid whenever she is alone, But when around others he is quite cheerful and always has a smile though sarcastic and sadistic she enjoys the toils of others and even more love to make trouble for the other townfolk. A prankster him She has a dry sense of humor and is sarcastic.

✔ Painting
✔ Fighting
✔ Gardening
✔ lying/Stealing
✔ Horse back riding

✘ Water (lakes oceans rivers)
✘ Old people (Don’t ask)
✘ those who know her past
✘ Dogs
✘ Children(she can’t say no)

Heart Races For: The sexy nun in the mirror

Once Upon a Time

History: Azuri was born in Silverstone butwastaken away by her parents at the age of eight. Her parents settled near a castle and her father became a knight. When Azuri was ten her mother died giving birth to a younger brother who also died. With her father away and mother dead Azuri decided to become a knight herself, and began training when she became fourteen. Becoming skilled in the art of battle and learning any and everything to survive Azuri quickly became a Royal guard when she was sixteen. Still looking for where her father was deployed her and her men were ambushed by angry rebels and it was from there she got her various battle scars. Finding out her father had left the kings guard and went back to his homeland she traveled there, to Silverstone only to find an abandoned house in need of fixing and a grave stone.

Putting up her shield and sword she became a nun. It seemed the easiest and being lazy she like easy. She decided to stay in Silverstone and keep her past hidden and develop a new life in Silverstone. There are few she remembers from the town when she was younger and it was when she returned to Silverstone that she saw the red string guiding her. She followed it to its end seeing the man it led to. She doesn’t know what to do or if she should tell the man about the string and many times when she is alone she ponders about differnt case scenarios with the string.




PostPosted: Sun Feb 05, 2012 9:28 pm
Male #4
PostPosted: Sun Feb 05, 2012 9:29 pm
Female #2



PostPosted: Sun Feb 05, 2012 9:31 pm
Male #6
PostPosted: Sun Feb 05, 2012 9:32 pm
XXXXXXXXHolding Up The Sky

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Destiny Soartă

Important Information

Goes By: Des

Role: Female #3

Occupation: Field Hand

Thread Leads to: Male #5

Reflected in the Mirror

Gender: Female

Age: Nineteen

Height: 5'5"

Build: Athletic

Scars and Markings:
A blue butterfly marking on her back by her waist line.

Beneath the Surface

Personality: Destiny knows how to act like a woman, and she knows when is a good time to and when not to. She has a spit-fire personality, her sarcasm never fails. When you get her in a good mood, she can be out-going, caring, and spontaneous. Destiny loves to put others before herself. Sure, many people say that. But nothing warms her heart more than making others smile and just knowing that they are better off than her. Though on the other side of things, she can be rough, ill-tempered sometimes, and fights to win. Destiny was trained to defend herself under her father, she wont go down easily.

✔ Hand-to-Hand Combat
✔ Archery/Swords
✔ Being Proper
✔ Singing (but she wont share)
✔ Being Gentle

✘ Ill-tempered
✘ Being Challenged
✘ Can't Swim (is scared of water)
✘ Harsh to Judge
✘ Brutally Honest

Heart Races For: a real man.

Once Upon a Time

History: Destiny was born and raised by a loving mother and father. Both adored her. Her mother, would teach her vital things she needed to know to being a wonderful mother and housewife one day. But her father, taught her what to look for in a man. Her father happened to be a well-respected warrior in the town, and was one of the best. He taught Destiny everything about fighting, self-defense, and everything she would need to look for in a man. Since her father was her role model, she took everything he said to heart, making sure not to let any guys slip even slightly below her expectations. No matter how much her mother tried to tell her that men were merely human and couldn't possibly live up to high expectations, she persisted anyway.

Though at a young age, only one boy had really caught her attention (Male #5). His only problem was he wasn't man enough for her. So, to try and get him to want to be man enough for her, she would pick on him all the time for being weak and pathetic. Sure, a little harsh, but maybe it would work. Over time they began racing and fighting, just like two boys having fun. But when does the fun end? When it is no longer just fun and it becomes serious. She can't quite remember when it became so serious, but then they began to no longer smile at each other anymore, or even talk. Usually just exchange glances of rivalry.

By the time she was seventeen, her father went off to fight, and never came home. It was just her and her mother. Over time they were forced to find jobs and to be more than just housewives. Having no useful skills other than house work, they went to the fields. Destiny still believes she deserves a real man. Even though several men have come to her for marriage, she refused because they just weren't man enough. Recently, she woke up one morning to find a beautiful velvet string around her pinkie. For a while, she would just look to see if she could see how far the string went, but every time she can see nothing but distance. Her curiosity is growing of this little string. Just where does it lead, and why is it on her finger?




PostPosted: Sun Feb 05, 2012 9:33 pm
Male #5
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